Mac Pro :: Adding Ethernet Card Compatible With Leopard 10.5.6
Feb 16, 2009
I want to add a single or dual 100/1000 ethernet card to my macpro 2008 Leopard for virtualisation using VM Fusion. The Apple Dual card retails for 147 here in the UK which seems rather expensive. Do you guys know of other cards that are known to work OK with Leopard 10.5.6?
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Nov 11, 2010
I'm looking to add a second ethernet port to my MacBook Pro using this product designed for the MacBook Air: [URL:...] Comments on the Apple site indicate that the device can be used with other computers, but I want to make completely sure it's going to do what I want it to do before I make the purchase. The reason I'm looking to do this is that I want to link my MB (via ethernet) to another laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate and use the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client to operate programs installed on the WIndows machine. The catch is that the internet at my current location (a university accommodation building) is also supplied by ethernet LAN and has some kind of detection system that prevents unauthorised routers from accessing the internet. So basically what I want to do is have the university LAN/internet running into the existing ethernet port on my Mac and then connect the ethernet port on the windows machine to the USB/Ethernet adapter plugged into one of the Mac's USB ports. The Windows machine does not have to have internet access. Is this possible? Will I be able to configure the two ethernet ports separately to operate two network connections? I understand the connections would require a different subnet mask and possibly a static IP for the computer-computer connection. That was a bit long-winded in the end.
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Aug 22, 2008
I've been looking at different websites (,, and I don't know which airport card will work for my Mac Pro. I have the first release of the Mac Pro:
Can any of you offer suggestions on which card will work? I'd probably prefer the OEM version, but if you recommend different ones, I'll be happy to consider them.
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Apr 17, 2012
I have a MacPro 1,1 2x2 GHz Dual Core Intel purchased in 2007. No airport card, no Bluetooth.Is there a compatible wifi card that will work with this machine to add wifi functionality?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 4, 2009
I've got a G5 quad with the pci-e slots. I've got an Nvidia GeForce 7800GT already in the machine, and just picked up an ATI Radeon x1900 Mac edition to run a couple more monitors. The problem I'm running into is how do I supply power to the second card since the only 6 pin pcie connector I can find on the mainboard is going to the 1st video card? Does a splitter exist, or if I spliced two cables together would enough amperage be supplied? Both cards run off of a mini 6 pin pcie to standard 6 pin pcie cable. This may be a crazy alternative, but I've got a pc I always run right alongside the mac that has a couple extra pcie power connections available. Could I run a power cable out of the pc and connect it to the Radeon card in the G5? I saw an older thread where about midway down someone mentions successfully adding a radeon 1900 as a second card in the G5, but it never mentions the power connections. [URL]
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Jun 21, 2012
i purchased my computer a while back though apple (FA356LL/A) and it never came with a dedicated sound board. I have some speakers just added through the audio jack in the back of the tower.I would like to enjoy a better sound and was wondering how I could upgrade this system part. What card could be added to get better sound?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 26, 2010
I've been given a PowerBook G3. I'm not sure which version it is or anything. But its a PowerBook G3 because it says on the screen. How do I find out exactly what machine I've been given and what wireless card to have a look for. I wouldn't mind spending a couple of quid on ebay for an old second hand airport card just for fun really. Its got os9 on atm. I've got an old osx10.1 disk somewhere I might try and update it a little.
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Dec 10, 2010
New to forums. Just purchased a first gen(2006) mac pro off ebay and found out it had a x1900 for a video card, I have a 8800gt in my old comp(hackintosh) but tried removing the ati card and installing 8800gt and no luck. Could anyone reccomend me a video card that would work maybe out of the box and that isnt too expensive, really wanna spend 100$-150$ max.
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Jan 13, 2011
I've recently got a refurbished Mac Pro from Apple, and once I'd set my system up and tried to connect to the internet, I soon learnt that there was no Airport Card installed, so I'm unable to get a wireless internet connection.
Having looked in the Apple Store online, I can't see any internal cards, just base stations. I looked up the Airport Extreme Card, which I thought would solve my problem, but from what I could see that is only compatible with older Macs.
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May 17, 2009
I have a first gen Mac Pro, I would like to add an Airport Extreme Card but don't know what the part number is. Does anyone know the part number that's compatible with the Mac Pro?
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Apr 22, 2012
so apparently my G5 needs a video card. I was not booting and wouldn't shut down. I reinstalled tiger but no difference. it will boot in safemode but I get lines across the display. they are in "groups of three" small squiggly lines.
Apple store says they think its video card but they will not support it because its "vintage"... I guess "computer years" are similar to dog years the card it came with is GeForce 6800 Ultra with 256mb ram. OWC has a Radeon 5770 with 1G of ram for 270.00 but this card is not compatible with my machine. it says it needs 10.6 or later... but I cannot upgrade the OS cuz leopard requires Intel processor.
so my question is, if a 1G card is 270.00... one that is compatible with my machine should be less I would think? also, even If I could find a compatible 1G card, I think it would be like having a Ferrari and only using 1st gear you know? cuz I would be bottle necked at the processors.. I would think? so what is compatible with the G5 but more ram than the current 256mb?
G5 Power Mac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2x 2.6Ghz DCPs, 8GB Ram, 4+TB storage Acer X243W
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Mar 5, 2008
I'm thinking of adding a second monitor and instead of using the second DVI port on my 8800GT I'd like to just add an ATI 2600XT and plug the second monitor into that, saving extra strain on the 8800GT.
My questions are:
1) Do the 8800GT and 2600XT play nice together in one box?
2) Can an application grab just one monitor without using windowed mode? (simple e.g. WoW running full screen on the 8800GT and the desktop showing on the 2600XT).
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Jun 22, 2008
When I first ordered my late 2007 Mac Pro, I didn't need an AirPort card because my router was set up right on my desk. However, I just moved into a new house and my current internet set up doesn't allow me to have my router next to my pro. So now I want to add and AirPort card.
I'm thinking of purchasing from here: [URL]
What I want to know is:
1. Will this work on my late 2007, 2.66ghz quadcore Mac Pro?
2. How difficult is it to install?
3. Can I even install it myself or will it have to require taking it to the Apple Store?
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May 17, 2012
old G5 (ver. 7,3) running 10.5.8 OS and want to add airport extreme card. purchased A1026 card, installed and attached attenae cable and external ant, but the profiler shows "no info" under aiport. am i missing something obvious?
Power Mac G5, 1.5 Gb Ram, Dual 1.8 GHz, superdrive
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Mar 24, 2009
video card would be the first place to start for better internet rendering--what's the most logical one i should install?
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Apr 26, 2008
As the title says, will the new airport extreme card with 802.11n work in an old iMac G3 capable of adding an airport card? I know I need the card adaptor, but does this new one work fine, or do I need to buy an older version? Also, which old macs would have compatible airport cards?
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Aug 30, 2009
So I'm looking to upgrade my video card for my 1,1 '06 Mac Pro, I do some light gaming (TF2, L4D, etc) but my bigger interest is Folding@home. So for this reason I'm thinking 8800GT would be a great card to move up to (I don't want to drop the cash for a 285GTX). The only problem is I'm not sure how to find one that will work in a Mac Pro 06. I know Apple store had one model for older Mac Pro's and one for newer ones. Is it possible to flash a PC model 8800GT into an old Mac Pro? I'm comfortable flashing cards and such, but I just want to make sure it can be done. Also, I'll need to find a BIOS for it.
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Nov 11, 2009
As title, i've searched (on here and on Asked at my local Apple store and I can't find the answer. Apologies if it's been answered before, I just cannot find it.
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Apr 7, 2012
I have a Dual 1.8ghz G5 with 6 gig of Ram and wish to upgrade the Graphics Card. Can anyone tell me a decent card that would improve my system and that would be compatible with the machine. I currently have a 64mb card installed.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Dec 23, 2009
My daughter has an older iMac (with Firewire, but probably about six years old, it runs 10.3.9) and is adding a new iMac to her home. The older one will be for her children's use, and she and her husband will use the new one. Now for the problem. The old iMac doesn't have an Airport card; one would have to be added in order for both iMacs to have internet access.
1. Where can they find an airport card for this iMac?
2. Where can I find instructions for adding this card to the iMac?
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Jan 6, 2008
Is there such a thing for Macs? Can the network card be upgraded? I just browsed over a 100 on NewEgg and not a single one mentions OSX support. Does this work like alot of accessories where you just plug in (via PCI heh) and it just works or im stuck with 10/100? (all equipment in the house is N with Gigabit so if I could turn the PowerMac G5 into a Gigabit Machine, I could network files SOO much faster, other wise, its just a bottle neck)
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Jan 28, 2009
Despite the prevalence of OS X in the Mac market place now, I've been unable to get OS X versions of some applications I use now and then, and a few games whose source-code no-one seems even willing to acknowledge ever existed, so I have an older blue and white G3 (300mhz) lying around. However, I no longer have any monitors I can really reliably use with it, so I was thinking I'd use VNC to remote-desktop into it instead. I got this all set-up, and it works okay-ish, but the main issue is speed. I'm connecting to it via a direct connection to my Mac Pro, which of course has gigabit ethernet, so I figured it might be possible to pick up a gigabit ethernet card somewhere, but with OS 9 being so old there is the issue of drivers. I'm hoping someone here might know where I can find a gigabit ethernet card for my G3? I may try firewire to see if that works at all, but I suspect that gigabit ethernet would be better overall if I can get that.
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Sep 17, 2009
Is the etherent port that's on the powermac g4 a gigabit or whatever port? Or should I buy a new faster ethernet card for it?
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May 1, 2012
My ethernet card just stopped working. I switched cables and locations on the modem with no response. I can't seem to determine what is wrong.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 3, 2012
After getting a new modem installed, the desktop mac does not recognize the ethernet anymore (it worked fine before!). When I plug the ethernet cable into my laptop mac, the ethernet is recognized. The Century Link tech said this means the ethernet card in the desktop is bad, and that I need to purchase a new one and install it. Problem is, I know nothing about technical stuff for computers, and am wondering the exact steps I should take.
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Feb 27, 2008
I need a wifi card for my MacBook Pro (preferably N, but G is OK), and an ExpressCard version seems the best choice, however I'm having a really hard time finding one in stores, much less one that I know is Mac compatible. It seems the PC-world's reluctance to move on from PCMCIA is slowing down progress in this area.
There must be an expressCard wifi card out there that works with a MBP running leopard. Does anyone know of one?
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May 5, 2012
I'm looking to upgrade my 400mhz PowerMac g4 Gigabyte Ethernet's video card but not quite sure what it's limited to or what should i use.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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May 11, 2012
I have just installed the update for 10.7.4 and now my ethenet port is not showing up in Network Preferences! Even when i go to add it back in it is not option. Also it does not show up under system profiler.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 19, 2012
I have a serious issue on one of my lion file servers. Somehow it seems to have removed itself from the network control panel and doesn't even show up under system information. I followed the directions of removing the networkinterfaces file but they just created two WIFI profiles one called Ethernet
Info:Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Oct 7, 2010
Looking for a good PCI (32 bit) esata controller card for my G5, im considering these two cards but dont wanna shell out the cash $110. I want a card that can handle more than 4 drives, RAID 0,1 and 5 compatible. [URL:...] The sonnett card is waaaaay to expensive... But, the Off brand card is more like what im looking for just needs to be $30 cheaper. PCI-X will work too, because its backward compatible with 32Bit PCI
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