OS X :: Skim PDF Reader - Making Annotations Of Selected Text Area

Jan 18, 2010

I'm a student and I have to go through massive amounts of text each day or at least I ought to do so. Printing everything out isn't really an alternative and time-consuming as well. With Skim I can highlight selected text areas and make annotations. Unfortunately, I can't switch efficiently between highlight colors and the saved changes are only legible with this specific app.

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OS X :: How To Save Picture Of A Selected Area As A File?

Jan 17, 2010

Is it possible to execute the keyboard shortcut, "Save picture of a selected area as a file" by clicking the track ball on the Mighty Mouse? I'm thinking that I just need to find the location of this action and set it up on the Mighty Mouse.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Format Text Box In Preview App Annotations?

Mar 22, 2012

I frequently use Preview to annotate PDFs and screen shots, and every time I add a text box annotation it is formatted to center the text in the box.  Is there any way to change that so that text is aligned with the left side of the box?

Info:Mac OS X (10.6)

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MacBook :: Unable To Print Annotations / Annotations Are Missing

Jun 10, 2009

I took notes on my computer for my classes and annotated on the side. When I print it just prints as the actual slides I am annotating from with no annotations. How do I print with the annotations as well?

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OS X :: Create New Mail / Note With Selected Text

Sep 3, 2009

At "Apple's Snow Leopard Refined" site, you can find shortly after the middle the paragraph "The right service at the right time" with an illustration: A contextual menu (Service) of a selected text in Safari, "New Note With Selection". This automatic instantly produces a brand new and screaming yellow mail note containing the selected text, neatly filled out with subject (beginning of the text), sender, date and time. You can access services with a right click of your mouse or Control-click of your trackpad. Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to have this very practical contextual menue entry that should work with any program where you can select text: Open the app "Automator" and choose "Service". Select in the left column "Library" (should be by default), then "Copy to Clipboard" in the right column and move it into the empty main space. Then put the list entry "Run AppleScript" below the first item in the space....

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Applications :: Copying Selected Text In Iworks?

Apr 6, 2010

When you select text that is not adjacent to each other using the command+drag method, in most mac applications you are able to copy and cut it, or delete it.
In iworks, it won't let you do anything with it! Is there any way around this? It's really annoying.

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Software :: Print ONLY Selected Text From Webpage?

Apr 14, 2008

I'm fairly new to iMac, but with Windows XP, if you wanted to print only a paragraph or two from a webpage, you just highlighted it and hit 'print'.
So far with my 17" flat screen G4, when ever I do that I get the whole webpage no matter what. As a workaround I highlight the text in the webpage, copy it to the clipboard and then open 'text edit', copy it to there and then 'print'. This is Mac ! There must be a better way to do this.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Selected Text Producing Special Characters?

May 4, 2012

When replacing pre-populated (untitled folder) or selected text in Finder, Safari, etc. a special character is added about 1/3 of the time. You can't see it in Finder, but it does show in file names viewed in Terminal, in URLs (only after you hit enter and Safari gets confused) in the file name at the top of certain apps, or on PCs.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Microsoft Word 2004 Changes Whole Document Instead Of Just Selected Text

Mar 13, 2012

I'm using MacBook Pro 10.5.8. I'm having trouble with microsoft 2004. When I select text from a portion of the document (like a paragraph) to change its property (like make it bold, or shift a block of text over by a tab), the whole document (everythiing else that i did not select) moves. This can happen to 200 pages! It's driving me nuts. It's also doing it to new documents. I have thrown away my preferences file: preferences/com.microsof.Word.plist; and restarted my computer but it keeps happening. I'm trying to finish a huge writing project with deadlines at the end of the week and it's making it really difficult to work.

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Why Won't Adobe Reader Show Text

Apr 3, 2012

I am working for my eagle scout rank and in order to do my service project, a form must be filled out on the computer as a pdf. I started the PDF on my old dell, and i downloaded Adobe reader for my mac to finish it. For preview, it takes the lines of the paragraph and overlaps the words, rendering it unreadable, and for adobe reader, the words are invisible unless editing those words. when the text box isn't selected the words disappear.

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Pages And Making Links Within Text / Sentences?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm a fairly new user of Macs and iWork Pages. I have an assignment for a college class I'm taking in which we have to put web links within text or sentences of an article. I'm having trouble figuring it out

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Applications :: Reading PDF Annotated With Skim?

Feb 3, 2010

I annotate PDF's with Skim. If I save an annotated file and open it later with Skim on the same Mac, I can read the annotations with no problem. However:
1. If I send the file to my other Mac (same OS, same Skim version) I can no longer read the notes. This works both ways and it's not due to setting "Hide notes".
2. I cannot read the notes with Preview, is this normal?

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OS X :: Skim Command Not Found - Any Way To Create / Define?

Nov 2, 2010

I installed Skim to read PDF files in Mac, but if I write in the shell which skim or where is skim there is nothing. Then I guess there is no command called skim. My point is to create it, but I don't know how, can anyone help on this? How can I create a command? Then I'm using Kile and it gives me the following error:
/bin/bash skim command not found
I guess if I define the command this error wont appear.

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Applications :: Adobe Reader Not Working / Changing The Default PDF Reader To IArchiver

Aug 27, 2010

I'm running osx 10.6.4 and Adobe Reader is giving me fits. It doesn't play well. How do I change the default PDF reader from Adobe to Preview or iArchiver? Adobe Reader just grabs hold of the download and won't let go.

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MacBook :: How To Print Annotations

Feb 19, 2009

I took notes on my computer for my classes and annotated on the side. When I print it just prints as the actual slides I am annotating from with no annotations. How do I print with the annotations as well?

I have this and want it to print out like this:

but it will only print this:

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Applications :: Firefox Reader Beats Safari Reader?

Jul 14, 2010

I was looking for a Safari Reader-like add-on for Firefox and finally stumbled on Firefox Reader, which seems to have more customizations, and options. Has anyone else tried it? What are your impressions?


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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Fading Annotations In Preview 5.5.1

May 8, 2012

I use Preview to read pdf files for my study, and use the annotations because they are great and versatile. But I just noticed that some old ones have started to fade! Since I'm not interessted in them disappearing before the exam, how can I stop them from fading/changing color? Will they ever fade to the point where I can't read them anymore? 

I'm running Lion (10.7.3) and Preview (5.5.1) 

Preview 5.5.1, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Closed PDF Annotations Without Saving / Unable To Restore

Jan 9, 2009

I did a lot of annotations on a really long PDF file... accidentally closed it without saving... stupid slip of finger... i'm guessing it's impossible to recover??????? Btw it was on preview

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OS X Mavericks :: Delete Annotations On A Photo In Preview

Aug 28, 2014

Prior to learning how to use the 'watermark' tool in Aperture, I used the Annotations Option in Preview on Maverick OS. How to remove the annotation on my photos? I am finding information on removing them from PDF's but not from photos.  

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2013), iOS 7.1.1

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Applications :: Looking For A Mac RSS Reader Like An Offline Google Reader'!

Jun 2, 2010

I just tried NetNewsWire, and Vienna, NNW is nice but Google Reader has a great feature that these both are without.

In GReader, when I mouse over or scroll down it marks that one article as read. No pushing buttons, clicking next, nothing. Just read.

I want to be able to pre-download all of my current unread items, AND the pictures. Gears for GReader does NOT download the pictures. I have a lot of picture only feeds, like lolcats, that I would like to let build up for a week and then on my long plane ride home, check out.

In NNW I can smash the space bar and get this accomplished, but I'd rather just scroll through, or at least have the option to.

I don't really like the look of Vienna, it's too unpolished, NNW is a tad better and has better options for like the prefs.

It would also be interesting to be able to give specific instructions, or adjust certain settings on a per-feed basis. Such as filter out cartain keywords (Without using a service such as feedrinse).

I hat vienna because once I click on a feed, it marks everything as read. That's bad for me as I sometimes just open a mega feed and read one or two items. I have maby 20 or 30 feeds, but usually get 2-300 new items a day. Most are junk like Joystick, but I like to sit down and go through the important ones while im taking a break or eating lol.

I know you can't but it'd be interesting to allow some feeds to auto queue an embedded movie, let me view it offline (or off my VPN.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Preview: Showing Annotations Toolbar By Default

Apr 25, 2012

Is it possible to show annotations toolbar by default on preview?

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OS X Mavericks :: Changing Default Settings Of Preview Annotations

Aug 29, 2014

I would like to change the default text substitution settings for my annotations in Preview. Specifically, I want to disable smart quotation substitutions in my notes. I often copy-paste them into Word files, and I want them free of this reformatting. I know how to disable quotation mark substitution in a given pdf, but I would really like to disable this feature for all pdfs by default.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Early 2010, 13"

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MacBook Pro :: Making Making Cracking Sounds While Opening

Sep 27, 2009

Since about the 3rd day after I got my macbook pro the computer has been making cracking sounds when I open it. When it first started it just simply made one clicking sound when the hinge is halfway open. Now however, When it is open it makes cracking sounds that don't stop ( open 15 cracking sounds per open). Is this a serious issue that I need to address with my local (and very mean) genius or is this issue not going to continue to get progressively worse. If this does continue to get worse will the hinge crack open? what is this worst that could happen?

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Intel Mac :: Printed Text Doesn't Match Size Of Onscreen Text

Jul 2, 2012

Mac screen resolution is getting higher and higher, which is nice, but the downside is that we seem to have lost "what you see is what you get." I have set the default document size of Text-Edit to about the size of an 8 1/2 x 11 document, which fits easily on the screen. I have what appears to be a single page of text. It all easily fits in the document window. The headline fits across the width of the page. But when I choose Print, the print preview shows that the text is going to spill out onto two sheets of paper.  I exit out of the print document and reduce the text size so that it all prints out on one sheet of paper. The problem is, the size of the text onscreen is now TINY! It looks like it's about 6 point while the printed text looks like it's about 12 point! No WYSIWYG!  When I revert the document to the way it was originally, where it was going to print out on two sheets of paper, and then hold my printed document up next to the screen, the printed size matches the onscreen size almost perfectly, even though, if printed out at this size, the text would spill out onto two pages and be huge. In other words, 18 point size text prints out at about 12 points and 12 pt text prints out at about 6pts, so there's about a 6pt difference in how text looks onscreen and how it prints out. Again, No WYSIWYG! My older Macs had much lower-resolution screens, but text printed out at about the same apparent size on screen. I know the original Macs had 72dpi screens so that they would closely match the printed size of text, and I like the fact that monitors keep getting better, but is there a way around this problem of printed text not matching the size of onscreen text?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Correcting Text In Project That Will Not Show Separate Text From Video

Dec 7, 2014

So I found the lost project in FCPX.  It has a music tract, text and video.  When I pulled the project down for editing, I am able to separate the music from the video, but the text bubbles do not appear above the video allowing me to change the misspelled words that need editing.I've searched all of my backup drives for the original footage in case I have to re-edit the whole thing, but I'm unable to find the original footage.  Every event in my libraries appears as a finished project.

Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)

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Hardware :: Set Up Network Area Storage?

Sep 24, 2009

I am looking to set up network area storage at home rather than have all my files jamming up my Mac Book hard drive. I'm considering one of two options but I am pretty new to network area storage and therefore after a bit of advise. My personal computer is a Mac although I use a PC laptop for work, both will need to access the networked hard drive. At this stage I just want to store files and itunes but may, in time, wish to stream video content to my TV. Option 1 is to purchase a network area hard drive such as buffalo link station. Option 2 is to purchase an air port extreme and attach a hard drive via USB. This option is slightly more expensive however I am wondering if the benefits of the airport will provide a faster connection?

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OS X :: Webclip Shifts To Wrong Area

Sep 15, 2010

Whenever turning on my computer, my webclip shifts to an area it's not supposed to be. It doesn't do this as long as it's on, even when I go out and into Dashboard. What I do:

1) Safari > Preferences > Advanced > "Check Never use font sizes smaller than (28)"
2) File > Open in Dashboard
3) Edit to smallest size
4) Safari > Preferences > Advanced > Uncheck "Never use font sizes smaller than (28)"

Should it be of any help:[URL:...]

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OS X :: Windows Stuck Outside Screen Area

Sep 14, 2007

I am a new MacBook user. I have a 20" cinema display, and often, once I have disconnected the display I find that application windows which sat in the left side of the 20" screen are now stuck partially or fully outside the MacBook screen. Is there an easy way to bring them back?

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MacBook :: Cracking Near The Palmrest Area

Mar 24, 2009

I've read some posts about macbooks cracking near the palmrest area. Since I bought my macbook in May 2008, my macbook has developed a number of random cracks and chips. Here are some examples:

- About 2 inches of the bezel on the top left of the screen has peeled off after cracking.
- Again, about 2 inches of plastic cracked and peeled off near where the optical drive is.
- Horizontal crack on the top of the little indent to open the macbook

Unfortunately, there isn't an apple store near me so I can't really take it in to have them check it out. Does apple typically fix these for free? I'm a bit worried because I am extremely careful with the macbook yet these cracks and chips continue to show up. Given that there isn't an apple store near me, how exactly would I resolve this problem?

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OS X :: How To Zoom Screen Then Stop At Certain Area

Aug 18, 2009

I am using OS X 10.5.7 on macbook pro 3.1. When I zoom my screen (by holding ctrl and scroll). I get a close look of a certain area. which is what I want. However, if I move my finger on touchpad, both cursor and desktop move. I would like the desktop stay unmoved, always show the particular region, only the cursor move. How can I do that?

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