OS X :: Setting Terminal Background Color / Size For Windows
Nov 18, 2009
Snow leopard terminal preferences seems to only change the first terminal window opened. For example I have new windows set to open with 'pro' theme, only the first window does this. If I hit cmd-n for a new window, it's the basic theme with the default size. If anyone knows the commands i can throw in .bash_profile to change the bg color and size of window, please let me know, I guess that's the workaround.
Every time I open my Applications folder the view setting that I set is back to default. The system does not remember the background color, icon size, or any other setting.
My mac was working awesome when one day my background changed to just a blue colour wallpaper. I tried everything to change it back but nothing worked.
I recently downloaded and installed Office 2011 and I was wondering if anybody knew of a way to change the background color from grey to anything you want. In 2008, there was a file in the Contents-->Resources folder called "Page Layout View Background Rest" that you could replace with any image and the background would change (by 'background', I mean the actual grey color on each side of the word document, not the background of the document itself).
I just set my background to rotate between the pictures in a folder and every time I restart the computer, I am stuck with a generic blue background (not in my pictures folder, mind you!).
I just have to right click/change destkop background, unselect the folder and then reselect and it comes back.
how do i fix my computer background. it looks like picture negatives. i have looked all in the settings and cant find anything. Does it have to do with calibrating
Is it possible to set the rather bright and empty/windows looking iTunes 9 background to black? If not, then I'm going back to version 8. However, I'd like to stick with the most up to date if possible.
I rent out a cabin and I would like the guest account that renters use to have a permanent background. Is this possible? What I am trying to do is allow renters to upload their photos to a shared folder (already set up). This shared folder would be a compendium of photos that renters have uploaded, and the background would change every 5 seconds to show off all the great pictures. Possible?
The next avenue I will explore is instead of using a guest account just creating a normal account for renters, but for obvious reasons I am wary of doing this
I'm using the "stationary" available to create an email of a birth announcement for a girl. However, the birth announcement is a blue background. Is there a way to change that to pink?
Is there any place in the Workgroup Manager where I can set the background image of the connected computers? I can't see any, but I'm thinking it must be possible.
In os 10.6 does anyone know a way of lowering the screen sharing color depth from full. When I connect with a vnc client, if I set it to anything other than full the screen never opens. Or maybe subject another good VNC server I could use.
I have been searching on Google on how to set a specific color label for certain extension like .docx, .pdf, .png, etc. I was only able to change the color label for a specific by using command-I and change the color label. I want a specific extension to have a specific color label. Is this possible? It would be pretty helpful for me to spot a certain file type extension.
Not familiar with the mac at all, as this post will demonstrate On the desktop, the background is now expanded and when you move the cursor, it navigates by an annoying combination moving the cursor and moving the background until an icon is under the arrow. I screwed around with the display and some other preferences, but i cant figure out which setting I need to modify to get it back to a static background (of normal size) and a cursor that moves to an icon.
Terminal Split Pane: Why does split pane it merely duplicate what I type in the second pane? Why can I only type within the second pane? Is there a way to change the orientation of the split panes? I'm either missing something or this feature is totally useless/broken.
Stack Icon Sizes: In the dock, when I view a folder stack in Grid, how do I change the icon size? They're like, goofy huge too me.
I have some PDF forms that I regularly need to fill out. Since they aren't "real" PDF forms and the document is locked, I need to print to PDF, save as TIFF and then use Preview's annotate feature to mark things up. It works well, but the default font color (red) and default font size (36) are not optimal. And each time I start a new annotation, I need to change back to black and a smaller font size. Is there any way to alter this default?
I partitioned my disk using Terminal's diskutil. I decided i didnt need the partition anymore, so i deleted it (using Disk Utility.app) and added the free space to my mac partition. Basically, Finder and Terminal dont show the free space added back, and Disk Utility shows the space added back to the disk. I tried restarting, repairing disk (which coincidentally had an unrelated problem), repairing permissions, but the problem is still happening
I heard from multiple Youtube videos and walkthroughs that said that Windows took 4gb, so I made a 24gb partition. After installation, I go to "Computer" (c: drive), and it says 9gbs free of 24gbs.
I'm using a MBP 2.53 w/ 9600, and installed Windows 7 RC 64bit. What happened? How can I see what's taking up all that space?