OS X :: Set Break Point To Catch Errors As They Are Logged
Nov 5, 2010
I know that this error in the Console Log has been around for a while, but I've spent all day searching and I can't find the answer. It's the last, and only, error that I have in my log now. Here it is:
11/5/10 12:28:44 PMcom.apple.WindowServer[89]Fri Nov 5 12:28:44 Im-Purrcys-Mac-Pro.local WindowServer[89] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
I know there is something simple I�m overlooking, but I can�t figure out what it is. There is a website (subscription) that my wife likes to go to watch streaming movies and TV. When she logs into our iMac, goes to the website, and clicks on a movie to watch, the movie opens in the websites own movie player. When I�m logged into our iMac under my user name, go to the same website and click on the same movie, QuickTime launches and plays the video in a separate QT player. The QT and Safari preferences are set the same when either of us are logged in, so why when I log in do movies play in QT, and when my wife log in they play in the websites movie player? Is there something other than preferences that may be set different? What other settings should I be comparing? BTW, my account is the Administrator account.
I started up my Intel Core 2 Duo Mac Mini (10.7.3) this morning and software update told me I had 7 updates to install. When it got to the "installing 7 Items" stage, an installation alert popped up telling me to close iPhoto to continue with the installation. The problem is that iPhoto isn't open. Perhaps another family member has it open but if I try to log out it gets cancelled by software update.so, it is currently hung on "running package scripts" and won't move until I close iPhoto. I'm loath to force shut down and force quit isn't highlighted.
im new here and just bought a new macbook! so im new to mac as well.
i work for 24 hours, and i leave my macbook at home...now my roommate has people over all the time, and i know they try and use my macbook to play music. but they always deny it.
is there a program or way i can use the isight to take a pic, and see what password they are trying to type when they try and login?
I just heard about Flashback and wonder if my computer (or possibly iPhone) is infected. My iTunes account was recently hacked and I received over $70 in charges for purchases I did not make. I was told that Flashback can and does hijack usernames and passwords. I installed and ran iAntiVirus but it didn't pick up anything. I also have an iPhone and an iPad that I access my iTunes store from quite frequently.
All my 4 Email-Accounts are invisible. It's unable to click in th checkbox in iTunes 10.6 (Synchronize Mail-Accounts).I can synchronize my Mails in "Mail-Programm" and on my iPhone.
As I move my mouse, it will suddenly stop and then catch up again. I'm on 10.7.4 mac mini 2.3gb with 8gb ram, anda second monitor attached to the thunderbolt port.
I am trying to run a .app via crontab that will run even if I, or any user, is not logged into the Mac. It's a piece of software designed to transfer a specific dataset on a scheduled interval to another server in order to keep my client's data up to date. I can get the application to run just fine via cron if I am logged into the machine, but if I log out when the cronjob runs, I get this error in my log:Â
LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed for the application /Applications/ClientraxVixfer/ClientraxVixfer.app with error -10810Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
For some reason, I keep getting logged out of websites. I logged into a website today and clicked the "Remember me" option and the next time I went to the website (a few minutes later), I was logged out. This is happening on all websites, including this one, almost on a daily basis.
We experienced a power outage and upon restart of all the machines, the user who was logged on when the power outage hit, can no longer log into the system successfully - the only visible thing is the pinwheel of death which spins indefinitely. Strangely, even after the username has been deleted and recreated, the account experiences the same behaviour- the only recourse so far has been to copy the user's profile to a new account that has been created.
I have a mac book air and use safari as my web browser. How do I see what Time logged into a particular web site? I can see what day but not the time.Â
I just recently started using a Mac and I have a simple question I couldn't find over the net.How do I send the break key in Mac? For example in terminal, if I typed a long line but want to abort it, I used press Ctrl-C to cancel it in a different OS. Or if there is a console application, I press Ctrl-C to force the application to close.
I checked websites which told me to use the following: command key + C - doesn't work (I tried shift + command key + C, it also does not work) alt + F3 (I pressed shift, option [for alt] and f3) - all my windows spread apart from each other option + F3 - Expose & Spaces configuration window appears
I am looking to import cd's that do not have breaks between songs. Most electronica cd's are like this, but a live concert would be the same. When I pop a cd in my computer and import it into iTunes it turns it into individual tracks, with an abrupt break between songs instead of the continuous flow that the cd has.
We are a school and recently just added a few students so they can log in with their own user name. When the new students try to log in they get this message "You are unable to log in to the user account "user name". Logging in failed because an error occurred. The home folder for the user account is located on a AFP or a SMB server."I logged on Workgroup Manager and it shows every student and teacher has their home folder on the AFP server. And they all look set up the same. I do not know what the problem is or how to fix it!
I have a Macbook Pro(2009) with Safari Version 5.1.2 and I can't stay logged into websites. For example.... If I'm logged into facebook, I then navigate to google and then back to facebook, I will then be logged out. Now before you say it, yes, I check the keep me logged in buttons on sites and this is not even close to being exclusive to facebook, just merely an example. This also occurs if I stay on the web page I'm signed in on then open up, lets say, itunes. When I then go back to the webpage, I'm signed out again. This is rediculously frustrating. It makes safari completely unusable with any application or with multiple webpages. I usually love safari and never wanted to switch to any other browser but I don't think I can hold out much longer with this.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari Version 5.1.2
My dad has a problem with the force-shutdown operation in that when prompted for an admin account's credentials, it does not recognise/accept his credentials, even 'tho they are correct. It also doesn't accept my credentials. Like the account my dad is using, I am also an admin user. To get around this problem, we have to log out the user who is logged in and then shutdown.Â
I have 2 Mac Minis (10.6.8) and a laser printer in my upstairs office, while my Cable Modem is downstairs. I use one of the upstairs Minis to connect via wireless (to a SonicWall TZ210) and then share the connection via the Ethernet port, which is connected to a gigabit switch, along with the printer and the other Mini.Â
As long as the host Mini is logged into a user, the other Mini can connect to the Internet just fine. I had to tweak the settings on the TZ210, to allow for the shared subnet on the upstairs network, but - as I said - it works just fine as long as someone is logged into the host Mini.Â
However, as soon as the user logs OUT of the host Mini, the client mini can't ping, nslookup, surf, or anything else. It's like Internet Sharing has been deactivated on the host Mini.Â
How can I get Internet Sharing to continue to function on the Host Mini when no users are logged in?Â
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), I actually have TWO of these!
I'm the admin on my Macbook and after I restarted it earlier am essentially locked out of everything on my HD save for the Applications folder. I keep getting the error "The folder "Documents" can't be opened because you don't have the permission to see its contents" and would like to regain access to it as I have not backed up my stuff in about a month because of a Time Machine issue.Â
I don't know if it's related to this but all the prefernces have been changed to default and cannot change them in system prefrences.Â
I'd just like to get my stuff back and am fine with a clean install. I have access to 3 external drives: a 1 TB FW400 which stores my backups, a 120GB FW400 other external, and a 2TB USB one. Could it be possible to install OS X on the 120, boot from there, copy everything on the Macbook's disk to the 2TB, and then restore from a much earlier Time Machine backup on the 1TB once OS X is sucessfully reinstalled?Â
Alternativly is there a simple terminal command I can use?Â
This is a neat one. I found out last night that I cannot restart or shut down either of my Macs if my wife's account is still logged in. In order to perform either function, I have to log onto my wife's account and log it out before it will allow me to either restart or power down the computer.
If I try to do so while both accounts are logged in, I will get the usual prompt for an Admin name and password, but then it just won't go past that screen. The prompt just keeps coming up to enter the Admin info. Anyone else experiencing this, or have any recommendations?
I did an update install on both machines. I updated our iMac with a full retail copy, and the MBP I updated with an UTD disc. Perhaps doing a full erase and install is the answer? Or do you guys think it's just something buggy in SL?
How does this work? If I have more than one user logged in, the power goes out and the computer decides (based on the settings I have selected for UPS) to shut down, will it be able to complete the shutdown? When I do it manually I have to log out the other users.
I have a column that has name / phone and i'm trying to break out the two into two separate columns. I can't figure out a way to do this? I'm trying to figure out to use the line break to trigger the column separation but no luck? Here is an example of what i have in a column:
i recently bought an MBP 15" (Late 2011), its really fast but of course i want it to be even faster and i was considering changing the old HDD to an SSD and was wondering if it ruins the warranty and if there is anyting else i should be aware of? how do i install the operating system when i dont have a CD, do i have to get ont or does apple have a magic sollution for that too?
I have a Macbook Pro, just for home use. I noticed this 'Shared' access in Finder recently. It could have appeared after linking a new GPS device I got via a USB cable although it still appears without this being connected and after re-booting.I'm concerned over the security of my machine - does it mean someone has access to my Macbook Pro? I can't find any way to break the connection.
My iChat is automatically opening up on startup when I turn on my computer. I do not have the "Open at Login" optiona checked so I know it isn't that. Every time I turn on my computer, iChat opens and logs on and says I'm logged in at 2 different locations even though I know that I am not. I hit 1 to log off the other locations anyways.
In a scenario where a machine is setup for multiple logins:Â If you attempt to log two network users in on that machine, the second user will not be allowed to log in until the first users logs out.
So, I'm still new to the whole Mac OS X happening, just got my MacBook about three of weeks ago (very happy with it ^__^). But, there's this little problem. I'm now using Microsoft Office 2008, and I often use Page Breaks. Previously, on the windows computer I used, I could simply press ctrl + return to insert a page break, but this is not a standard shortcut in the Mac version.
My solution - or at least, I hoped it would be a solution - was to use a custom shortcut for Microsoft Word via the System Preferences. I would like to set it to either ctrl + return or cmd + return, but it doesn't work.. However, when I try a shortcut like ctrl + cmd + down - or really anything without the return key - it works just fine. So, here comes the actual question; Is there any way to incorporate the return key within the shortcut?
Ohh, and now another problem comes in mind, I've got this Video_TS dir on my HD from a dvd which I tried to open, but when it's opened it simply 'plays' the menu. So I'm unable to actually select the option from it, and it simply goes to other part - like chapter selection - afterwards.It also plays little bits of the files, hangs for while, and skips a bit, then repeats the cycle.Anyone familiar with it? I use VLC Player Open Disk... with the Video_TS folder option.Ohh, and the files play fine on the windows pc next to me.. I realise this last question maybe should be in another topic, or has already been answered somewhere on the forum. But I did do a search for the first one, and couldn't find any information on it.