I recently bought a 1GB RAM card from apple, I took out the 512KB card from Bank 1, and put in the 1GB. I then put the old card into Bank 0, but the computer wont recognize the memory in bank 0. I can get either card to work in bank 1 but neither in bank 0 . Is there some trick to activate bank 0?
Using a MacBook Pro (early 2008) 2.4Ghz 4Gb Ram running Snow Leopard 10.6.5. When I got this I never had the foresight that I would be editing videos. So its pretty easy to eat up lots of disk space. I was looking at a SATA Express 34, my question is - how do these Cards / drives perform I would want to use it for Videos, and Virtual Machines.
Looking for a good PCI (32 bit) esata controller card for my G5, im considering these two cards but dont wanna shell out the cash $110. I want a card that can handle more than 4 drives, RAID 0,1 and 5 compatible. [URL:...] The sonnett card is waaaaay to expensive... But, the Off brand card is more like what im looking for just needs to be $30 cheaper. PCI-X will work too, because its backward compatible with 32Bit PCI
I have a 13" MacBook Pro 2011, 2.3gHz, 320GB. What connector does it have? And would SATA still work with my laptop? One more question, what are the exact dimensions of the hard disk drive bay in my laptop, the manual only says 2.5".Â
Im considering purchasing a higher capacity internal hardrive around the 750Gb/1Tb mark. However my macbook is the early 2008 model, and it seems the majority of hardrives are SATA II, having speeds of 3Gbt, which my mother board may not be capable of (apparently only 1.5Gbt)Â From researching and reading some reviews of others who have purchased internal drives on Amazon UK, some have had difficulty due to this problem, but have been able to fix the issue with a firmware update reducing SATA II drive speeds to 1.5Gbt.Â
Questions I have: Do all SATA / SATA II internal hardrives need a firmware update if replacing on to a new computer?(If so, would I need to look for a specific firmware update for the specific drive I intend on buying? And if you're in the knowledge would you mind posting links to these updates?)What is the process of updating the firmware i.e. would I need to put firmware on external usb hardrive 1st, then upload it to macbook after installing new internal drive (if it boots up my OS that is) etc.    Would a 'hybrid' (disk+solid state) drive be compatible with a macbook as old as mine?Do I need to update my operating system to OS X Lion first, or can it be done after installing the drive? Â
my current laptop hardware:Â
Macbook Pro 15.4" (Early 2008 Model) Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4Ghz ProcessorGeForce 256Mb 8600M GT Graphical Processor Intel ICH8_M AHCI 1.5 Gbt MotherboardToshiba MK1655GSXF 160Gb 2.5" Hard DriveOperating System: OS X Leopard 10.5.8
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 15.4" 2.4Ghz (Early 2008 Model)
I'm looking for a new HD to replace the original, now failing Maxtor drive in my G5 tower (1.8 Ghz dual processor, purchased in Aug. 2004), and have just about settled on the Western Digital Caviar SE16 series. It seems there are two types -- SATA and SATA II -- and I'm not sure about how to make a decision on which particular WD model to buy.
Will either type work in my machine? Or would the SATA II have potential compatibility problems? I read somewhere in these forums that someone with a G5 had bought an SATA II drive, and it wouldn't run with his system. (He said he had to reset some jumper switches to reduce the transfer rate of the drive ??, but now I'm told elsewhere that SATA drives don't have jumper switches.
Information: 1.8 DP G5, 1.5 GB RAM w/ Superdrive Mac OS X (10.3.x)
I am now shopping for a new internal HD of MAC G5; previous HD died. I have decided on a Western Digital and was about to order one when I became alarmed by the SATA II listings. Is there a difference between SATA and SATAII that I should be concerned about the comptability? Don't want to get it and find out it doesn't work!
I just recently started using a Mac and I have a simple question I couldn't find over the net.How do I send the break key in Mac? For example in terminal, if I typed a long line but want to abort it, I used press Ctrl-C to cancel it in a different OS. Or if there is a console application, I press Ctrl-C to force the application to close.
I checked websites which told me to use the following: command key + C - doesn't work (I tried shift + command key + C, it also does not work) alt + F3 (I pressed shift, option [for alt] and f3) - all my windows spread apart from each other option + F3 - Expose & Spaces configuration window appears
I am looking to import cd's that do not have breaks between songs. Most electronica cd's are like this, but a live concert would be the same. When I pop a cd in my computer and import it into iTunes it turns it into individual tracks, with an abrupt break between songs instead of the continuous flow that the cd has.
So my dad decided to upgrade the ram on his Powerbook G4 to 2GB. Initially everything went smoothly and the ram was detected and working. Within a week though, the computer only recognized 1 of the memory slots. Switching the ram cards around proved that the ram itself was fine but that the one memory bank was not working. Is this at all a common problem with the Powerbook G4? Our concern is that a repair may cost more than it is worth considering this is an old machine.
I am suddenly unable to log in to First Direct - I put in my user name and it simply refreshes the page asking me to input it again. It was fine earlier today before I updated. I phoned and they said there was no problem. I used my partner's Mac (with 10.5.5) and, sure enough, it's fine on there. Yet again, a software update solves a bunch of problems and then creates a few more.
I have a problem with logging into Chase Bank website using Safari 4. When I connect to [URl] everything loads fine. However, the problem comes as soon as I log in. After entering my username and password and pressing "Log On" button, Safari 4 redirects to (it appears on the address bar) [URL] and the browser window only shows a line of text saying 404: File Not Found. Could not find file.
I just received my new 2009 Mac Pro Quad 2.66 and I noticed istat does not show a temp for memory bank a1. It just shows banks A2 and A3. I was wondering if this normal or if I have a problem. BTW I have 3gb of ram. I also have the power supply grinding sound, but that another story.
I have a column that has name / phone and i'm trying to break out the two into two separate columns. I can't figure out a way to do this? I'm trying to figure out to use the line break to trigger the column separation but no luck? Here is an example of what i have in a column:
I know that this error in the Console Log has been around for a while, but I've spent all day searching and I can't find the answer. It's the last, and only, error that I have in my log now. Here it is: 11/5/10 12:28:44 PMcom.apple.WindowServer[89]Fri Nov 5 12:28:44 Im-Purrcys-Mac-Pro.local WindowServer[89] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
i recently bought an MBP 15" (Late 2011), its really fast but of course i want it to be even faster and i was considering changing the old HDD to an SSD and was wondering if it ruins the warranty and if there is anyting else i should be aware of? how do i install the operating system when i dont have a CD, do i have to get ont or does apple have a magic sollution for that too?
I have a Macbook Pro, just for home use. I noticed this 'Shared' access in Finder recently. It could have appeared after linking a new GPS device I got via a USB cable although it still appears without this being connected and after re-booting.I'm concerned over the security of my machine - does it mean someone has access to my Macbook Pro? I can't find any way to break the connection.
When attempting to transfer money between accounts at my bank I click the Submit button and get the error: "The page must be fully loaded before this form is submitted." There is no error number or code given. The message is apparently generated by my bank's web server. The page is fully loaded. I don't get this error when I use IE on my XP PC unless the page is really not fully loaded.
Since the Safari 5.1.5 update, one function of my bank's bill pay can not be accessed and defaults to a different page. I checked with the bank this morning and it seems the latest update of Safari blocks entry into the Medivante bill pay function which operates within the shell of the bank web page. The browser gives no indication that that page is actually from Medivante. Essentially, Safari sees this as a third party and blocks the browser from even getting information, not just cookies!
Bill pay can be accessed from the main page to set up a payment since that is a flow though using the bank information or setup, but is blocked if doing any editing which requires the site communicating directly with Medivante within the bank site. This can only be gotten around by changing to NEVER blocking cookies. Having the setting of blocking 3rd party and advertiser cookies no longer can be used with the bank site if I need to access the bill pay function. This doesn't even seem to be an issue of cookies, but is blocking access to bank/Medivante information.
Because the never setting is a risky one that only a fool would allow, I have to change the setting while I am in the bank site, change back cookie preferences when done with the bank, then close Safari before I do further browsing (seems the new settings don't always take effect until the browser restarts). This might be for our protection, but Apple has broken convenient use of the bank site that had worked prior to the update. I do not know who else might be affected. My bank is not one of the "big name" financial institutions but is certainly not a minor institution.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.8 GHz Quad core, 6 GB ram
How do I use another browser besides Safari? I have not been able to access my online bank account and the bank tells me that it is a Safari issue that the Mac people have been working on. I recently upgraded to Lion.