OS X Server :: MacBook Localhost Cannot Display Webpage
Mar 12, 2009
I am trying to use the localhost server on my macbook for website development (instead of doing testing by ftp). I downloaded the files from my webserver to the Site folder on my macbook. The Apache is running. My site is flash and make use of the SWFAddress class. The AC_RunActiveContent.js file is in the same folder as the index.html file. When I try to open the page [URL] in firefox, the title and favicon loaded properly, but the embedded flash could not be displayed. However, the same set of files works alright on the remote web server. I thought it might be problem with the directory and I have tried ./swf/home.swf, swf/home.swf, /swf/home.swf in the index.html file but none work.
Directory structure ....
I'm wondering if anyone has had luck getting this extension to function with thunderbird. I get an eror when I try to use hotmail "Could not connect to server localhost; the connection was refused"
I'm running a server, where I share my calendar. This works fine so far, unfortunately only on apple devices, Android is not working, but I'm working on that.Now I was wondering if there is a way, to share my cal also as webpage. So users can see and edit the calendar. Is there a way to do so?
I know I can access the blog from the internet [URL]. I have a link on our web site set up for surfers to access this blog. I want to add a last updated line but the code [updated: <!--#flastmod virtual="http://mysever.com/users/username/" -->] obviously won't work because I need the actual web page name. Just what is this name? Where can I find it?
Info: XServer and more, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Trying to move to 10.6
I would like to know if there is a way to display all of the hot spots or Links on a Safari web page in OSX. In other words is there a possible key combination that will highlight all of the active spots on a page at one time. Â
Info: iMac i5/27/2.66GHz, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 8 Gb Ram, Internal 100Tb, External 250 Gb.
When I setup websharing, localhost points to instead of If this is correct then why do I recieve a Forbidden error when I attempt to access pages in my users/sites/ folder? I do get the "It Works" message when connecting toÂ
I am using Safari 5.1.5 behind a corporate firewall with a proxy server. I have proxy settings for http, https, ftp, and socks, that require me to login and authenticate. Everything works fine until I try to connect to my local development webserver running on Apache Tomcat on localhost port 8080. Whenever I try to connect Safari redirects to "localhost.corporatedomain.com." I have localhost*, localhost:8080*,*, all in my proxy bypass settings in Network Preferences yet Safari seems to ignore these? Chrome, Firefox, et. al, all work fine hitting localhost.
I have recently had a problem with one of our servers (running OsX 10.4.8 Server). Normally I connect remotely via Chicken of the VNC, as it doesn't have a graphics card and is in another room. Connecting works fine and the display is perfect (see [URL] until that is, I try to log in. Once logged in (doesn't matter as what user, even tried a completely new one) the display instantly becomes illegible, with each row seemingly shifted 10 or so pixels to the right as you go down the display (see [URL] All directory, file and web services function correctly and the remote VNC connection is responsive (for example if you can guess where the logout button is, it will return to the perfectly displayed login screen...), but I am at a loss as to what is causing this and/or how to fix it, short of a clean install, but since it is a heavily used production server, I am loath to take it offline for that long. Any advice, tips or even solutions would be fantastic, I have been googling around for a week or so and comparing System and Library directories file by file with one of our other servers to see if there's something obvious, but to no avail.
Im running a golden triangle setup.. a very basic and simple one..
-OD Master running 10.7.3
-clients running 10.7.3 as well..
-AD running windows 2008 server.
OD Master is bound to AD and i can see all the AD users and groups..the problem im facing is i cannot add AD users to OD groups under workgroup manager eveytime i add an AD user to the OD group, it shows as "NOT FOUND" and it shows aa weird ID "0433BF34-"
I have a problem with Unix Executable Files. When I access a file on our server using 10.4.x most files display as Unix Executable File. The same file accessed using 10.3.x displays the proper file creator icon and description. This seems to be a Tiger issue and it is causing a lot of grief. Many of the files are Quark and fonts. Adding extensions to the files is not an option.
Just got a MacBook Air, running 10.7.3 and noticing that on many web sites (firefox and safari are the same), the images just are not clear. They are a bit fuzzy, and some have some sort of weird border around them. I have attached a screen shot of the amazon home page. Notice the weird gray area around the letters and images? Is there a setting or something that can make this better?
I am trying to save a homepage. I go into peferences and click on the button. But everytime I go back into safari it comes up with the last tab (or tabs) that were viewed. I am stuck with how to sort this out.Â
P.S When I am shutting down my macbook, everytime the box is checked for reopen windows when logging back in. How can I un check this and save it so I dont have to keep doing it.
So a web page asked for access to my computer, and though it had a certificate I've no idea how legit it is or what it wanted access to and tried to click 'no' but this trackpad is still a bit odd (getting used to it also being the click button) and accidentally clicked yes.Â
How do I revoke this access?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Just upgraded
Ever since the last security update, I have been having trouble with the text in part of a web page becoming garbled. It happens when I am scrolling through a page. I can fix it by highlighting the text and it will go away. It remains legible after I take the highlighting away. It does not happen every time I scroll, but it does happen randomly throughout the day. I have owned my Macbook for almost a year and this problem has only come up since the last security update.
I had a Unibody Macbook, the newest rev. I decided to upgrade to a 13" MB Pro today at Microcenter for $999. Biggest reason was honestly I hated the white and I decided to not get a iMac but instead pair a 30" HPZR30 to the MB so went with the Pro for aesthetics and small processor bump. I took the Kingston SSD out of my MacBook and put it in the MB Pro, reset the PRAM/NVRAM and it boots right up. Everything works but for some reason the scrolling through a webpage using the pad is a bit jerky. Comparing it to my Macbook which I put the 250gb drive from the MB Pro in its perfectly smooth. I can reload the system if I need to but how is the scrolling on others '10 MB Pro's? I can tell a huge difference in the keyboard, its much more solid on the MB than on the MB Pro, I assume because they left some gap/spacing for the LED back lights.
I'm using a Magic Mouse with my MBA because I much prefer a mouse pointer to the touch pad. However, I'm having problem with it that is driving me crazy. Every once in a while, my fingers do something that activates ZOOM in. What I'm doing to cause this is beyond me. What annoys me to no end is that I can't figure out how to cancel the zoom in other than to close the webpage I'm on and then reload it.
What is causing the zoom to activate?
Is there a simple method to cancel zoom other than reloading the webpage?
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), -iPad2 32G-IP 4 S 32G-Nano 16G-IP3G
how do I have the calculator on my Macbook Pro in the same window as a Safari webpage? I'm trying to do some calculations from a webpage and currently need to keep going back and forth to the dashboard.
My macbook is a late 2006 model (2 ghz intel 2 duo, 2 gb ram) It is running osx 10.7.4Â It dosent matter which browser I use at all. I've tried Safari, Firefox & Chrome and they all do the same thing. If I am logging into my email, facebook, bank, etc. When I enter my username then hit tab my mac will freeze for a good 30-45 seconds then it will be allow me to enter my password. then it will freeze up again.
I am having issues with my browsers. When ever I am in a web page and then click on something in that page a new tabs openings up with advertising on it. Mainly Mackeeper advertising.
i was using my macbook pro for more than a year now with no huge problem, but when i was going on the web yesterday, just the usual site that i go everyday, the whole screen just went blank for some reason. it wont responds to any keyboard command, it won't sleep even when the screen is closed, it seems like the whole come computer just froze.... never had that happened before and end up have to force shutdown the computer.
the force shutdown has now made my start up extremely slow... and the blank screen just occur again this morning....
i have no idea what caused the blank screen to happened. both times i was just regularly surfing on websites using safari, and while is loading the webpage, the screens goes blank.
i got this MBP about a week ago, and its awesome. except 2 days into having it i noticed that sometimes i will be on the internet, listening to music, and all the sudden the webpage will kind of freeze, than the little color wheel will pop up on the cursor and i cant do anything for about 30 seconds, and the music will stop playing too and than after 30 seconds everything resumes and works fine... this happens about 4 - 5 times aday.. anything i can do ? or should i take it to the apple store? MacBook Pro, 17 Inch, 2.8 GHz intel Core 2 Duo , 4GB 1067 Mhz DDR3 running Leopard 10.5.7
I had saved a webpage on the Safari Reading List. I pulled it up, read a little, and saw it disappeared from the Reading List. I had ot finished reading it, so I decided to re-save it to the list, but the Add Page button on the Reading List window was greyed out. Nothing I did would change the greyed out button to make it functional.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), Just upgraded to Lion