OS X Server :: DHCP Grab My New Addresses

Mar 8, 2007

The service shows running but will not give an IP address to Mac or PC. As the leases are running out on the machines they are not being renewed. I restarted the service and then the server. Then I reset the DHCP Client list.I turned on a computer lab so that they would all grab a new address.... none of them did. I logged on to a computer and told it to renew its DHCP address and nadda. If i assign a static ip they are fine

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OS X Server :: Unable To Use DHCP With Windows XP

Jun 29, 2005

I have a Mac OSX Server (10.4) connected to a switch with various Airport Express terminals around the place. Macs can connect to the network wirelessly (with 128 bit WEP) and WIRED totally fine... but when I try and connect a windows PC either using wireless or WIRED... an IP address isn't assigned. Windows just says "Limited or no connectivity"...

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Lion Server NAT Destroying DHCP

Mar 29, 2012

I have recently purchased a USB Ethernet adapter so I can setup NAT on lion server that runs on a MacBook. I was shocked when it blew away my DHCP Config after I set up NAT, but I stuck with the scope it chose and added the correct DNS and gateway settings.Whenever I start DHCP now, the logs tell me the Config cannot be found, and it blows away all of my modifications to DHCP. On top of that, it won't hand out any addresses.If I stop DHCP, the system logs start telling me that "natpmpd" has started, and then it begins to hand out addresses. The problem with this is, I can't make any changes to the DHCP settings it uses, which means my clients are now getting the incorrect settings for the gateway and DNS.Also, when I modify the Scope with DHCP stopped, the logs tell me it cant update the subnet because it was not found.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Get DHCP To Update DNS?

Apr 14, 2012

I have setup OS X Lion server to act as the DHCP and DNS server for my local network. DHCP provides gateway address and the local DNS server address.   DNS is set to forward to my ISP DNS servers. 'A' records and 'PTR' records have been created for the various servers on the network and I am able to resolve the servers via dig by name and address. I can also access the internet without issue. DHCP is handing out IP addresses to Windows clients on the network but I am unable to locate the machines with DHCP addresses in DNS either by IP address or FQDN. The windows clients are able to access the internet without issue. Looking at the DNS log there does not appear to be anything recorded when the DHCP address is allocated. Is there something special that needs to be setup either in DHCP or DNS that will allow DHCP to record the host and address details in DNS?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Get IP Address From DHCP Server

Jan 9, 2011

I've recently purchased my first Mac (the new 13.3 inch air model). I seem to be having a bit of a problem with wireless networking, though. It seems that my Mac will reconnect to my wireless network perfectly after resuming from sleep mode just fine for a few days, but after those few days, it will mysteriously stop being able to get an IP address from the DHCP server (my wireless router). My PC is able to connect to the network just fine and always seems to be able to get a new address, but the Mac just loses the ability. I have found that the only way I can get the Mac to start grabbing an IP address from the router is by going into the router settings and changing the RIP mode to a value other than what it currently shows. I generally try to stay in RIP_2B mode, but I change it to some other random value whenever it stops connecting.

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Intel Mac :: Recently Drag And Drop Function Is Erratic, It Will Grab For A While And Than It Will Not Grab

Jun 24, 2012

The software I am having the Drag and Drop issue with is Final Cut X and it began aabout a week ago...

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Multiple Email Addresses - One User?

Apr 6, 2012

Is it possible to create more than one email address for the same user? I want to be able to distinguish between emails originating from my website, or an email client as well as to identify different tasks for the same user - one for office administration, general information, etc... 

I'd prefer to avoid creating non-existant "users" to represent tasks, if possible.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: How To Create A Network Dhcp

Nov 26, 2010

When we share internet connection through ad-hoc wireless network, each individual connecting to our network will be assigned with an unique IP Address and other required fields will be filled with proper data(Gateway and ..).

I used this feature to access my iPad through wifi, and had no intention of sharing an internet connection.
Now that I don't have an internet connection to share, my computer doesn't give any IP to my device, therefore my computer is unable to see my iPad on the network.

I also tried "Create network" feature of mac, but again, since IP addresses have been assigned by self, I'm not able to see my iPad on the network.

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OS X :: Network Can't Locate IP/Router Using DHCP?

May 8, 2008

Having trouble on my mac while trying to connect to the internet using the built in Ethernet.

It says under network: Built in Ethernet is currently active. Built in ethernet has a self assigned IP address and may not be able to connect to the internet.

I hit the IPv6 and/or DHCP and it locates a IP just not a router number. Is this what is stopping it from connecting? Please help as I have an AP test I would like to study for....

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OS X :: Need To Renew DHCP Lease After Restart

Oct 31, 2009

When I make connection with my router I do not have internet, but I go to my network options and I click TCP/IP and then "renew DHCP-lease". The "Router" number change from to, and then my internet works. But if I have to restart my mac for some reason, it jumps right back to, and i have to click "renew DHCP-lease" again. I have this on my both Macs (MacBook unibody allu, and MacBook white and also on my iPhone).

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OS X V10.7 :: Airport DHCP Don't Update Lion DNS

May 12, 2012

I own a MacMini Server in my home network with Lion Server installed. I configured the DNS Service with a primary zone, providing nameserver (MacMini) etc. Server Admin tool create also a reverse zone (my IP Range is 10.0.0.I own also an Airport Extreme Base Station (4th Gen) acting as DSL Modem, DHCP and NAT and creating 2 Wireless networks (private and public network) and it's correctly set up for internet access... In AEBS settings the DNS Servers are (MacMini) and these settings everyting works fine but all the devices (other Macs, windows PCs, etc.) cannot ping each other... The only machine they can ping is obviusly the MacMini because in the DNS settings i punt manually a machine (A) record...

My question is: is possible to setup Lion Server to dinamically update DNS records using AEBS DHCP entries and reservations ? If possibile i don't want to add all the record manually and I don't want use the AEBS only as an access point...

Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Media Center + TM Server

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Windows On Mac :: XP SP3 Stop DHCP To Work Properly

Jul 6, 2010

We have some Education iMacs that I am having some problems with. XP can be fully up to date (except SP3) without any problems, they are connected to the domain, get an IP address, correctly sync time and process group policy settings at a computer level prior to the logon screen. All this is using the ethernet port (not wireless). As soon as SP3 is applied, they don't get a DHCP address until after login, therefore they don't sync time, process policies etc. If I uninstall SP3, back to working. I have reproduced this several times on different Macs (we have about 90 that are exhibiting this). Tried different version of bootcamp drivers.

If I reserve the address in DHCP, it doesn't make a difference. I seem to only have 2 options:
1. Manually enter an IP address in Windows (this is too time consuming)
2. Leave SP3 off (this means WSUS 3.0 SP2 won't work)
Is there a newer ethernet driver outside the bootcamp package?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Set To Using Dhcp And To Configure Ipv6 Automatically?

Apr 6, 2012

I am trying to get an older Macbook Pro running 10.5.1 online and it is not working. I'm currently using 3 other Macs on the WiFi network all running Snow Leopard, so I know that network works.  I tried renewing the dhcp lease and I have it set to using dhcp and to configure ipv6 automatically, and there are 2 ip addresses under dns servers (I typed these in because they showed on my other MBP). I can't even upgrade the MBP because I have no ethernet cable and can't plug it in to update it. I can do to get it to work? 

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MacBook :: Using Wireless Shenanigans - Changing Back To Dhcp?

Jul 28, 2009

I recently got a white macbook while i am deployed in iraq, and our wireless signal here kinda blows, but at least it works. The only issue i have, seems to be that when i am connected to an access point, my macbook will randomly loose signal, and i end up having to go into the airport preferences, change from DHCP to BOOTp, and it will refresh, then come back on. If it looses signal again, i just change it back to DHCP, and then it works again.

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MacBook Pro :: Ethernet Dynamic DHCP Not Working On Mid-2010 With 10.7.3

May 14, 2012

Ever since I upgraded to 10.7.3, my mid-2010 cannot connect to to internet via Ethernet any more (wireless works fine). 

Basically, the Network utility GUI shows that a correct IP address has been assigned via DHCP, but I get no internet. 

If I now check the output of 'ifconfig', I see 'en0' having a local IP address assigned, i.e. or similar. 

Seems like a software bug of some sort. Is it getting fixed in 10.7.4?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Airport DHCP Fails To Get Address (Mac On Windows Network)?

Jun 7, 2006

I am a comitted Mac switcher trying to put my lovely new MacBook onto the office Windows network. I can connect to the office wireless network (WEP key etc) and the little radar Icon in the menu bar lights up. However, I cannot get the MacBook to obtain an IP address via DHCP. I just keep getting the default self assigned address (169.....).

However, when I connect to the network via a cable using the built in ethernet connector, I get the DHCP address just fine and everything works OK.Also, if I assign an IP address manually to the wireless card (checking it is a free address!) it accepts the settings but I cannot network, not even a basic ping of another machine on the local internal network (all our internal machines are using 10.0.0.x addresses and sub net)The DHCP server is not in the wirless router but is a Windows server machine.This is driving me crazy. I have called Apple care and they just dont want to know because there is a Windows machine in the mix. I expected better from them,

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OS X :: Piggy Backing Onto Wired Or Wireless Router - Setup Options - DHCP?

May 4, 2010

I have an additional question about the Airport Express. I am interested in buying one but don't want to commit until I get a few questions answered.

1. I own a D-link wired router and a d-link wireless router. I have been tempted to buy the express, hook it into my wired router and run wireless off of the apple. I want the express so I can run itunes on my stereo from anywhere in the house.

Would there be any advantages to me using the wireless router in conjunction with the airport express instead?2. I am interested in the DHCP comments from above. If I turn off DHCP on the airport express then any friends who come over to use the wireless internet will need to be personally configured. Could I just assign the Airport Express a static IP address on the wired router, keep a DHCP on on the express for my friends and turn off DHCP on the wired router?

3. I have a PS3. I don't want to slow my gaming speed down. I intend on plugging the PS3 into my existing router (wired or wireless router, I will have it wired though) Will daisy chaining the express off of the router slow down my PS3 connection when other users are not using it?

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OS X :: Only Grab Through Preview

Sep 28, 2006

I use grab quite a lot on my ibook g4, but to get to it i have to open up preview and go through file>grab which is annoying. I would do it through the application menu by going Safari>Services>Grab but on all the programs, this option is greyed out and i can't access grab through that menu.

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OS X :: Screen Grab On New IMacs?

Mar 6, 2009

Im having problems executing a successful screen grab on my iMac.Ive always used Shift+Cloverleaf+4 to select a portion of the screen and then get a snapshot, and that still seems to work because im hearing the photosnap sound.The problem occurs when i go to paste this captured selection, nothing happens. I cant paste it in photoshop, email, or anywhere for that matter.

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OS X :: How To Grab And Move Windows ?

Nov 29, 2009

Is there a way to "grab" and move a window without having to move the cursor to the borders? On linux you can hold down "alt" then click anywhere on a window and the cursor becomes a "hand" so you can grab and move a window around. It makes it easier especially on a laptop so you don't have to move the cursor up to the border.

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MacBook Pro :: My Cursor Grab Everything

Feb 25, 2012

My cursor on my MacBook Pro (OSX 10.6.8) grabs and launches everything it touches.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), cursor grabs/launches everything

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OS X :: Saving Grab Shots In A Different Format ?

Feb 22, 2009

Is this possible as they seem to only save as pdf format ?

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OS X :: Obliterating A Part Of Screen Grab

May 27, 2009

when I do a screen grab - how do I obliterate part of the image? Example, a serial number etc, that I wish to not show in the image

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OS X :: Grab Settings - .PNG File Is Too Big To Post On The Web ?

Jul 9, 2009

When I take a screen shot, it automatically makes it save as a .PNG file with is too big to post on the web in most cases. I was wondering if there's a setting I can adjust to make it default save as a .JPEG image. Thank you!Edit; I thought I remembered being able to do such a thing in Tiger somewhere but now I am running Leopard and can't find anything.

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MacBook Pro :: Should I Grab An External Or Internal Hdd?

Jul 13, 2009

I am able to buy a bigger hard drive, but I'm wondering if it should be external or internal.If I bought an internal, what is the best kind to get, and how would I install it?If I got an external, which is the best one to get?

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OS X :: Change Format Of Screen Grab?

Sep 25, 2009

I could have sworn that, somewhere, it's possible to select whether screen grab saves as PNG, JPEG etc. I can't find that option anywhere now. I know you can convert it in Preview, but that's no good. Am I losing my mind??

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Applications :: Grab Appliactions - Latest MBP With 10.6.x?

Jul 31, 2010

It's not included in my latest MBP with 10.6.x.Can I download it from somewhere. If not, how can I do screen prints?

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OS X :: Grab In Utilities - Gab Icon Was Back In The Dock ?

Nov 19, 2009

After having a mac for many years I never knew what grab did. So I opened it up and now I know whatit does. I don't think I will ever have a chance to use it. So I quit it. After I shut the computer down and later opened it up the gab icon was back in the dock. I again quit the application and again it is back in
the dock. I don't know what else to do. Can anybody help?

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OS X :: Way To Change The Default File Format For Grab ?

Jan 23, 2007

Is there a way to change the default file format for Grab? Who uses .tiff anyway!?

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Intel Mac :: Won't Grab Flagged Mails In MacBook Pro

May 29, 2012

I buy the new iMac with i7 and I'm running a migration using the assistant from MacBook Pro to the new one. I have my doubt in how to grab all the messages I have in my mails in this migration. I have like 2000 mails from several years that I store in the mail of my MacBook. I can't imagine if the Migration assistant just pass my documents and won't grab my flagged mails in the MacBook Pro . The migration didn't still runnig so I'm not sure what is going to be after all end. By the way I do this with a USB connection frim one to the other. Is any body know about my inquirie of the mails?

iMac, iOS 5.1.1

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