I'm running into a odd issue in "preview." I'm currently looking at a long PDF document and I frequently use the "search" function to pinpoint specific sections of the doc. However, I noticed that the "search" function does not highlight (or find) any section that's highlighted in grey within the document. Does anyone know what I'm referring to and has anyone else run into this issue? I cannot find a setting for this. If anyone has any idea how to remedy this issue, please post the solution.
My computer is Mac Pro, 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 4GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM, running Mac OSX Version 10.5.6. I am a big time user of search (or spotlight) on my Macintosh and I have been using for years and through all the updates. I loved the recent updates to spotlight and I was able to search not only my HD but also the network drives where all of our files are located on an Mac Server.
I am the IT person of this small graphic design firm and everyone in our office work on files that are located on a Mac Server. We only keep the applications on our own client computers. Spotlight or (search) was function perfectly up to a few weeks ago but recently when I need to search something on our Signage A, Signage B, Signage C or Print A, Print B or Print C, drives where we keep our files. The search does not bring no result. This is a problem not only with my computer but there are a few computers in the office with the same problem.
What can I do to resolve this problem and be able to search again on my network drives where I keep all the files we are working on. If this function is no longer available with spotlight or search box of the finder window. Is there another software we can use to search for files and folders on our server. Since there are a few people working on the same files sometimes when the files are moved it makes it difficult for the next person to find them, in that kind of situation search was working wonderfully and I need for that to work again.
im on a mac pro running 10.5.6 and the search function doesnt seem to be working very well anymore. I am talking about the little search box in the top right corner of a finder window. I type text in and it just doesnt find the files I am looking for. I can browse to them and locate them but search wont find them.
Is there some way i need to be re-indexing my HD from time to time? I would expect this for spotlight but I thought the finder search was different...
Question about the Command+ F function. Is there a way to close the small area that pops for you to write the word you are searching for in the current webpage by using a shortcut? The only way I know of how to close that is by clicking done, but I would like to know if there is a shortcut or something.
When I search for certain words, it won't find any. When I type in a letter, it searches for the wrong letter or symbol. For example, if I type in "A" it searches for "C" and when I search for "C"it searches for "N". What's wrong?
Just moved to new iMac with OS Lion. The Mail function used to search the body of the email, but now it does not (apparently).[url]More importantly, the search function is not looking at my old emails in separate folders. And apparently it is not looking at emails not received by the new computer either. Thus I have no historic email search function, which is annoying.How can I force Mail to look at and search all the other old email folders?
The other thing is this light brown highlighting that jumps all over the place. Along with the twitcy mouse, it too appears suddenly, browning sometimes a whole page.Â
I'm in the middle of revision for exams and I'd like to be able to highlight certain portions of text in pages documents. Bold won't do, nor underline (they already have purposes). Can I highlight in Pages (say set a yellow text backgrond as I don't want to do print runs on my notes until I have to (and have reduced them down as much as possible).
I have noticed lately that as I am typing, the words will highlight and erase randomly. It makes it very hard and annoying to type when none of the words will stay. Do you know what the problem could be? This has never happened before to me.
How do I send email addresses in an email? I wanted to send my family some addresses so they could email more family in an evite invitation. I'm not using my mighty mouse anymore. I use a Targus one as I have arthritis and it's scrolls much easier. I don't think that makes a difference does it? I thought it was a right click and it would highlight the address, and the person who receives it can just click on it.
I use Hotmail and Roadrunner email. I have accounts in Gmail and Yahoo as well, but rarely use them, unless one of my main ones aren't working. What do I do, or what do I have to have in order to click and high light the address? I tried sending links as well and can't get them sent so others can click on them and open it as well. I've used the insert link box and it hasn't worked. I could do this on my pc I have sitting over there collecting dust but not on my IMac.
So I am running Firefox version 3.0.8 and when I go to highlight anything with my mouse (Like moving from left to right while holding down the button on my trackpad which should highlight the text) it highlights, but the whole window for Mozilla Firefox moves too, even if I have the text box in use, it does happen with other programs.
In safari for macbook pro, I can't seem to highlight text while scrolling down through to the end of a page. (Start at the top, click, hold, drag down). The highlighting stops at the bottom of what I see on the screen and can't go past to the bottom of the page. However, it works going upwards (start at the bottom, click, hold, drag up. I don't think it's a problem with the computer because, the highlighting works with all my other programs. It's just safari that's not doing it. I'm aware of the hold shift and click method, but I'm just used to the other way.
Lets say I'm writing a search into text field on google. I then want add some previously written text from elsewhere. So I find the text and highligh it and copy. Then I return to google, right click to paste and then the previous text in the google text field is highlighted.h
As much as I love the tight integration of Spotlight, I miss one feature: I want to immediately have a look at the document that is found and be able to locate the search terms within (going from one place to the next). I am using Copernic Desktop Search on my PC and it immediately provides a preview of the search term in the document. Is there a similar free program for the Mac? I found Foxtrot, but it is 29$ just for the Personal Edition [URL:..]
For a while I can highlight text and mark, etc but after I save the PDF it sometimes no longer allows me to highlight any text, even text I have already highlighted..
My perfectly wonderful Mini has started doing the following, in this order:
First, I could no longer double click on a word but the right button functions still worked (and yes, I did try another mouse and had the same problem, then I switched the mouse preference to double click with the right button, but had the same problem). This started two evenings ago.
Second, the next morning, I suddenly couldn't drag the cursor across a word, or a sentence, etc. Now it was really getting annoying, because in my work I paste and copy a lot, and this caused me much, much extra work, so it's not a minor gripe.
Then, by that afternoon, I had a complete system crash. The whole screen froze. I tried turning off my Mini with the power button (which I hated because I know you're not supposed to), but the screen remained frozen.
At that point, done disk repair thing from my original instal DVD. Well, it unfroze the screen, but did not fix the mouse/cursor problem. Clear the PRam. That still didn't work. The next morning (today), it crashed almost immediately. Again, totally frozen. This time, I reinstalled the entire system from the instal disk. No luck.
I came across an app I'd bought the last time I'd had bad Mini problems (and had forgotten), called Disk Warrior, so I tried that. Well, it did find three unfixable, corrupt .plist files that it said could cause system disruption. I thought I'd found the problems. So I deleted all of them AND their apps, downloaded fresh copies of the apps, and restarted. Still same problems.
So, I ran Disk Warrior again, and it reported those same three corrupt plist files. Then I realized it was reporting the ones in the trash, so I emptied the trash, ran Disk Warrior again, and it said NO problems. Restarted and tried to highlight some text, and it worked! But it still wouldn't double click.
Info: Mac mini (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac lover since the SE
in my calendar, I have a list of 'categories' with different coloring but I am wanting to remove the colors/highlighting but can't find how to do that.
I am unable to use the search window on the right to get results when Google is selected as the search engine.I type in a search term and I am directed to a blank google search page. I have to type in the search term again, then I see a list of "hits". But when
I click on one of these hits I am not directed to the URL displayed. I have quit out of Safari and relaunched. I have rebooted my Mac. Neither changes the problem... This is a Google problem: I have the same symptoms when I use Safari on Windows XP. When I switch the search engine to Bing, the problems go away, for both platforms Has Google been hacked? Is this a Google attack on Safari?  How can I enter GoGoDuck as a search engine choice? Â
On my macbook pro which is using mountain lion, by safari search engine preferences is set to google, but when i enter a search term it defaults to bing. Only noticed this problem after downloading adobe flash player for what it's worth.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for switching search engines in Safari's search box (I believe Chrome had this feature before they got rid of the search box in the latest version)? The arrow on the left-hand side is cumbersome.
Hum I dont know how or why this changed havent told Safari to change it. is there a way to set it back to safari? Only thing I have downloaded is Makethewebbetter for a plug in for facebook dont think that changed it (its a app for elfyourself)
Is Firefox crashing frequently for anyone else? I'm running 3.6 and it is crashing on me almost every day, and every time it is just after I start typing in the address bar or the search bar.
I have a 2000+ page PDF, and I need to search the PDF and print those pages that have a specific search term. The last search I did turned up 617 pages, I would not be economical to have to go through and manually input every page to print them. I've tried every method I could think of with preview. I've tried Adobe. I've tried PDF Reader, PDF Reader X,PDF Reader ++Â ...