OS X Mavericks :: How To Search PDF And Print Only Pages With Said Search Term
Jun 19, 2014
I have a 2000+ page PDF, and I need to search the PDF and print those pages that have a specific search term. The last search I did turned up 617 pages, I would not be economical to have to go through and manually input every page to print them. I've tried every method I could think of with preview. I've tried Adobe. I've tried PDF Reader, PDF Reader X,PDF Reader ++ ...
I am unable to use the search window on the right to get results when Google is selected as the search engine.I type in a search term and I am directed to a blank google search page. I have to type in the search term again, then I see a list of "hits". But when
I click on one of these hits I am not directed to the URL displayed. I have quit out of Safari and relaunched. I have rebooted my Mac. Neither changes the problem... This is a Google problem: I have the same symptoms when I use Safari on Windows XP. When I switch the search engine to Bing, the problems go away, for both platforms Has Google been hacked? Is this a Google attack on Safari? How can I enter GoGoDuck as a search engine choice?
On my macbook pro which is using mountain lion, by safari search engine preferences is set to google, but when i enter a search term it defaults to bing. Only noticed this problem after downloading adobe flash player for what it's worth.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for switching search engines in Safari's search box (I believe Chrome had this feature before they got rid of the search box in the latest version)? The arrow on the left-hand side is cumbersome.
Hum I dont know how or why this changed havent told Safari to change it. is there a way to set it back to safari? Only thing I have downloaded is Makethewebbetter for a plug in for facebook dont think that changed it (its a app for elfyourself)
Is Firefox crashing frequently for anyone else? I'm running 3.6 and it is crashing on me almost every day, and every time it is just after I start typing in the address bar or the search bar.
my mac has a virus or settings have been changed, but every time i click on either a link or open a new page i get extra pages open with random spam stuff and the mac keeper pages keeps opening. my settings for the default search engine keep changing too.
Something I've done in the past few days has caused Safari to not change color for visited links "only" on Google search pages, which is where it's most needed. This is still working fine on FireFox. I tried creating another user account and it works fine with that. Just not with my primary account. I've done all the typical things. repaired permissions, repaired disk, completely reset Safari to default and made sure all caches, etc. were cleaned out. Both manually and with Onyx, reset associated .plist files, history, cookies, private browsing. Returning to a Google search page still shows all visited links as blue, as if they'd never been visited.
Another clue is if I log out of my Google account (which I have to be logged into 24/7 for Gmail, Google bookmarks, iGoogle, etc., it starts working, then stops working as soon as I log into my Google account again. I posted this on Google Groups but got no response. This also works fine on my wife's Mac, so it's definitely a problem just in my user account. I know I could just add a new account and use that, but it would mean re-installing all 70 applications I have now installed as they're not setup for use except with my account. I'd like to avoid that and find the actual culprit. BTW, this worked fine for a long time. Just quit working about a week ago, but it wasn't in conjunction with any new hardware or software.
Something I've done in the past few days has caused Safari to not change color for visited links "only" on Google search pages, which is where it's most needed. This is still working fine on FireFox. I tried creating another user account and it works fine with that...just not with my primary account.
I've done all the typical things...repaired permissions, repaired disk, completely reset Safari to default and made sure all caches, etc. were cleaned out...both manually and with Onyx, reset associated .plist files, history, cookies, private browsing...
Returning to a Google search page still shows all visited links as blue, as if they'd never been visited. Another clue is if I log out of my Google account (which I have to be logged into 24/7 for Gmail, Google bookmarks, iGoogle, etc., it starts working, then stops working as soon as I log into my Google account again. I posted this on Google Groups but got no response.
This also works fine on my wife's Mac, so it's definitely a problem just in my user account. I know I could just add a new account and use that, but it would mean re-installing all 70 applications I have now installed as they're not setup for use except with my account. I'd like to avoid that and find the actual culprit. BTW, this worked fine for a long time...just quit working about a week ago, but it wasn't in conjunction with any new hardware or software.
I have a number of Mac's (all running Mavericks), connecting to a shared folder on a Mac we use as a 'server' (it doesn't run server software though, just Snow Leopard client).
Does Mavericks Mac's use the 'spotlight index' of this shared, networked, Snow Leopard Mac, or when we search it, it's just searching the actual file structure?
I'm having issues with searching this networked Mac (some files not being found and then a on later search they appear), and I don't know whether a rebuilding of the spotlight index on the networked Mac is a relevant troubleshooting step.
I have often been amazed by the speed and accuracy of Searching for Files on my MacBookPro.
As powerful as this SEARCH facility is, recently I wanted to search for a file that I knew had a RED tag assigned to it.
I couldnt find how to do that, it sounds so simple, but, as far as I can see, it cannot be done !!!
I would have thought that it should be easy to do, it is quite an important and useful thing to do, to be able to add coloured TAGS to files, so why can't I search for them, by colour ?
Info: OS X Mavericks (10.9), iPhone 5S, wife has iPad2 and my 4S
I had some spotlight issues and the index was successfully rebuilt. Mail however, still has a disabled search functionality. If I enter a term in the upper right search field no results appear. Rebooting and restoring Mail don't work. Mail is not excluded in the system prefs spotlight settings.
I had an issue recently where I completely filled up my internal hard drive on my MacMini. I have take the time to clean it out using HD Cleaner and I now have 69.24GB of free space. Just to make sure there isn't any other junk I can get rid of I am attempting to go to "Files over 100MB" and I get a popup window that states "The operation can't be completed" with only an OK button to dismiss this. I am running OSX 10.9.3
Sometimes titles do not match the content. If I have a bunch of files with similar title, i.e. Chapter 1, 2, etc., but I want to find the chapter with the jabberwock in it, I used to be able to type "jabberwock" and it would come up in my search window. Now it's only finding titles. I have so many files on my puter that it's taking me forever to find important documents. Where did they hide this feature??? Tearing my hair out.
I'm using Finder to search for files on a server connected to my computer at work. The search results I am getting do not include all the files that meet my search criteria. For example, I am looking through photo files for any files with "34" in the name. Some files show up, but not all of them. See screenshot. I am searching in the "Branded Photoshoot" folder, and I am getting some results (Branded Photoshoot/Hilton Universal/IMG_1434), but another file that is in folder, though a different subfolder, (Branded Photoshoot/Architectural Center/IMG_1534) is NOT showing up. What is causing that subfolder and its files to not be included in the search results?
I have had problems recently getting new folders to list alphabetically and went: Library>Mail>V2> removed envelope folders > and re-opened Mail and the listing worked properly.
Then I updated: OS X Mavericks 10.9.3 (Update (Combo) [URL] ... This sorted out what was, after installing Mavericks, a slower computer. Very happy. However now, when I do a search in the Mail App. and then drag one email to a folder and then click on others and choose move to 'the same folder as one before' it does this but the search replenishes the same email and around and around we go. Before updating this was working fine. How to rectify the search to folder problem descibed above
Since the latest upgrade of 10.9.3 my and other office computers have problems with searches using spotlight and Finder search on internal, external and networked volumes. This is a big roadblock to our office workflow. Reindexing doesn't fix the issue and we can see clearly that the files we are searching for are there.
Running Preview 7.0, upon opening a PDF I am able to perfectly use the built-in search feature to search text made readable by OCR. After adding a text-box/annotating within the document, however, the search feature is messed up: the document will return matching hits for my term, but they aren't highlighted within the document body and I get the "funk" alert noise when clicking on results in left-hand results column.
Attempted fix: Printed the document as PDF. Searching this document only will return results if text that I search was typed in one of the text boxes I added.
How can I preform a more advanced email search by two or three criteria. For example search for an email from x@y.com containing X within the email, with the subject containing Y?
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), BudiSalim
I work everyday with my 21.5' iMac and it had OS Lion before I updated to Mavericks last month. As I work with lots of files, I have also a 1TB Lacie external drive pluged into it via firewire and I constantly access these files. After I updated though, I'm experiencing a strange problem. Everytime I search for a file on Finder, all the results that come up can't be edited or even selected. This is driving me crazy because I must open another tab and go all the way through the file I want as I can't select any file from the searches. All the search results come up written in gray color and with a empty circle on its left side. I can't even click on them! For better explanation, here is a picture of what happens:
Before the update, I used to normally access every result the search came up to.
I have another iMac here in the network with Mavericks too and all the searches returns with selectable and editable results.
I recently got a new iMac and backed up from Time Machine. Everything is fine apart from Apple Mail, which no longer searches my Gmail archive. The archive is still there, all 33,000 messages, but just not searchable.
So, for example, if I got an email from a guy called George a month ago, when I search 'George' nothing comes up. I can manually go to the Archive and find the email but obviously that takes a lot of time.
Is this an Apple issue or a Gmail issue? Given that I run the same account on my laptop and it's all working fine, plus it was working fine before, I would assume it;s an Apple fault.
I was doing a search tonight and noticed that it bounced over to Google. I have Bing as my default search engine in my Safari preferences. As a test, I changed my default to Yahoo and the same thing happened. I closed out Safari and started it up again. When I entered some search criteria in the field, it showed the words "--Bing Search" just like before, but Google then took over. How can I fix this?
I have an external HD full of music and whenever I want to play one, I just search for it in finder and drag&drop it to iTunes. However, I'm having issues with it on my new MacBook Air. Whenever I search the drive for files, they appear normally, but I can't drag them! Highlighing works OK, so does double-clicking or cmd+O, but I can't move them to a playlist. It's the same with any files, not just .mp3s - they cannot be dragged out of the finder window. Scrolling is also wonky, but moving between files using arrows works fine.
note that this works perfectly fine when searching the computer's HD.
Is this a glitch of some sort, or is the computer preventing me from doing it for some reason? I'm running 10.9.3 with all the updates; the HD is a 1TB Transcend, ExFAT formatted.