OS X :: Screenshot Turn Out In A Green Pattern?
Apr 9, 2009no matter what kind of screenshot i take (shift+control+command+3, shift+command+3, shift+control+command+4 or shift+command+4)
it always results in this pattern
no matter what kind of screenshot i take (shift+control+command+3, shift+command+3, shift+control+command+4 or shift+command+4)
it always results in this pattern
I own a 17" g5 imac and today I was just browsing on Firefox and all of a sudden the screen became checkered with thin pink and white lines. It is most noticeable on the menu bar and anything that is grey or white in color. It is not checkered on the blue background behind my desktop photo. I have an external monitor plugged in as well and the same thing is happening to that monitor.
I have a powerPC imac G5
OSX 10.5.8
ATI Radeon 9600
Here is a screen shot:
Haven't reformatted it yet. Hope there is a better solution. Purchased it used about a year ago. No warranty.
My mac decided not to turn on. The light is green but it won't turn on.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm only posting this to continue my procrastination of starting homework which is due tomorrow. Ok, so recently I've been asking on these forums how to access my Macbook using my iPod Touch. Being able to fully access my Macbook when I'm 20 miles away at my University is a huge benefit when I realize I forgot an important essay or homework. I discovered I just have to open up port 5900, etc etc, to get into my Macbook from anywhere. It was too much trouble and now I just use [URL] which works as well, though don't think as fast. Well, this works wonders since I've already emailed myself 2 important Keynotes i've create and accessed them from my college and presented them without even having my computer on me.
Well, recently when I get home at night some times it smells strongly of marijuana. Odd since I don't smoke it but my cousin does. He has access to my place and I say he can head over, even if i'm not home and chill, but under any circumstances no smoking. Well, I wanted to use the iSight cam w/ Photo Booth while I'm at the college to see if he indeed was getting high in my living room but before I tested it, I need to get rid of the green light on my Macbook: Getting Rid of The Green Light. Ok, so we're not really turning off the green light here. I looked for hours on how to do this and instead ran into a lot of advice, especially on MacRumors forums, to just white out or tape a small white square over the dot when the green light comes through.
Don't attempt the white out. It'll just go through. As for the white small square...it's completely obvious so don't try that either. Instead, do this:
1. Get a thin card, like a debit card and gently remove the white frame from your macbook. Attached to the back of the frame will be a bunch of these little gray rectangles that hold that frame to the outer part of the macbook. You'll have to take these off gently from the frame and pop them back onto their corresponding places within the Macbook. Easy enough.
2. Then what you do it get a sheet of white paper, cut a super small piece and fold it many times over. Not too thick or the frame won't click back in that area normally.
3. Place it snuggly where the green light turns on and even suggest getting a piece of tape just as small to hold it in place.
4. Turn on Photo booth just to test out if the light goes through. It may but really test it by placing the frame over it, and then seeing if the light goes through.
5. If it doesn't great. Place the frame back on and you're set!
I did not use any program that would activate the camera, but the green light does not turn off. I tried restarted the computer and it is still on. I tried opening Photo Booth, and it said the camera is already in use by another application, but no other application is open.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy daughter said she left her mac pro on the charger before school. She came home and mac will not turn on and no green light on charger. Not sure if there is something that I can do to test it before buying new charger.
MacBook Pro
For days my green camera light has been on, despite closing ichat, blocking websites from using the camera in system preferences, and restarting.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Last week I spilt tea (english tea with soy milk) on it while it was CLOSED, but it got into the side plugs and etc. I turned it off, and put it immediately in rice to dry it out, and later took the battery out as well. I tried to turn it on, but nothing except for a very pale green light coming from the plug itself. After many attemps of turining it on still no success. A roommate opened it up and cleaned the rusty bits with pure alcohol, but still it won't turn on. The rust was only close to the part where the plug goes.Does anyone know if it's just a matter of replacing a piece or something more expensive? I'd like to find out before I go to a repair place.
MacBook, Black MacBook
I used my macbook charger to charge a mac book pro and now my macbook will not turn on. The green light shows on the charger but it will not turn on. I am not sure it is related but what should I do?
My Macbook Pro's charger when I plug it in turns on (green light then orange light) and after a few seconds it turns off and back on again. I tried unplugging it and plugging it back in after several seconds and I also tried different power outlets but it still doesn't work properly, I even tried restarting the SMC (Not sure if I did it right though). What could be the cause and I have a Macbook Pro 13" Late 2011 model running Intel Dual Core i5 Processor.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My macbook will not turn on and when i try to charge it the light stays green (faintly). I need it for my finals but i cant get it to turn on!
So, often than not my charger when I connect it to my mac will take forever to turn the little green/orange light on and so it won't charge I don't know what the issue is.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My macbook pro 13" Mid 2010 model will simply not turn on! I tried does SMC and PRAM but still no results. The Macbook gives me 3 green blinking lights on the battery indicator and nothing else. I already tried switching the ram for a dead or faulty ram but still nothing. Also the power adapter doesn't seem to want to work. When I plug it to the macbook, I can hear small sparks each time, looking at it, there are some black marks on both the charger and the mac. [URL]s
MacBook Pro
Out of nowhere the displays connected to my Mac Pro desktop have an even pattern covering their entire area. Anyone know what's causing this?
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4/25/12 9:59:21.987 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper[3994]) posix_spawn("/Applications/MacKeeper.app/Contents/Resources/MacKeeper Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/MacKeeper Helper", ...): No such file or directory
4/25/12 9:59:21.988 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper[3994]) Exited with code: 1
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
yesterday I received my 24" ACD and really is a work of art, it is beautiful in every aspect. Color balance, hue everything is very well reproduced. Anyways at night I used iklear to clean off some smudges that I had left on the screen due to the install and placing it in the right place on my desk. I used the iklear with the screen off and cleaned it with the microfibre cloth that it comes with and started noticing this pattern that started appearing of horizontally continuous lines. Also with this some very weird smudging appeared and was very hard to get rid of. So after 20 mins or so of polishing with the cloth it came with, they went away but they appear once you apply artificial light from a flash light. I called apple and they of course knew nothing of this, called the apple store genius and I believe some know and some dont. I called iKlear and they have received some calls about this and offered me a different cleaner and they sent it to me at no cost that they say will take the pattern and smudges off. They say it is something or some sort of residue from the paper cover that covers the display in the packaging, and if you look and compare this you will notice it does have the same pattern. I have read on couple of places including the apple support forums where they have experienced this same problem and hope to bring the solution to light here. I have read everywhere from using clear windex to using 70% isopropyl alcohol and I do not want to try this due to the harsh chemicals these contain unless of course this fails.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter a power outage my computer was not quite right. When i restarted it there was a plaid like pattern in all shades of gray , black and white. When i put the pointer on it, the desktop came beck at each part I touched. i sort of was painting it back. I shut it down.
After updating 10.7.4 ihave pattern on my second display. Is there a new update this week?
Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i have had a Macbook Pro which I got in mid 2008 and it just yesterday began doing something strange. After working in Mac OS X for a while I saw that many of the white areas on my screen were filled with purple lines. Most of my pics in my background are outlined with varying colors and I cannot figure out what is going on.
I began to suspect the graphics chip at first, so to test this theory I plugged it into an external display and the problem did not exist there so I concluded that it was not due to the graphics chip. I have a friend who performed some tests and believes that it is a problem in the connection between the monitor and the graphics chip and that certain bits of data just aren't making it through. I thought that this was a feasible problem, but to get a second opinion I took it to the local apple store on my university campus and they looked at it and also concluded that it was not a graphics chip problem, but that I may have to replace the whole display assembly. This was fairly expensive and I cannot afford to do that since time got away from me and I forgot to purchase applecare. (How stupid of me. Aargh!) Anyway, so I was wondering what is believed by the macrumors community to be the best option. I discovered that this problem seemed to happen on a lot of this particular model of macbook pro and that apple offered to replace the graphics chip for free because of it, but since they do not think it is a graphics chip issue, it appears that I am stuck.
i have g5 with fresh leopard install . after restart my icons on desktop realigned to the right,not in my customized pattern. that happened from the first restart after the installation.
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View 10 Replies View Related2010 Mac Mini, 10.7.3, dual DVI displays. - Several times a day, it shows a yellow checkerboard pattern in some windows. So far, it's appeared in Chrome, Entourage and Excel 2008. The problem occurred both before an after we upgraded the RAM. These checks appear sometimes when scrolling, sometimes while waiting for a web page to load. They go away generally with the same actions... clicking, scrolling, etc.
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View 8 Replies View RelatedI have just bought an iMac G4 1GHz USB 2.0. When I run the system for more than about 15 mins the screen dies and goes a glorious multi coloured pattern that I cannot recover from. This is persistant from then on through reboots until I Zap the PRAM.
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View 24 Replies View RelatedI try the simple; Command, shift, 3 or 4 for sections. I was on the internet and I was looking for flights from my location to Boston, and I tried screens hotting and it redirected me to some page. To be more exact, commend shift 3 sends me to Facebook (3rd page on my bookmarks) and command shift 4 sends me to twitter (or the 4th one) ...
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I don't know how to take a screenshot, or I would. I just tried to register my AppleCare (which I bought from the Apple Store the same day I bought my MacBook) and when I click "submit" I get a message telling me the product I'm trying to use is unavailable in my location (which I know for a fact isn't the case - I live in NC, not on Mars). Has anyone else ever seen this happen? I printed the screen to a PDF so when I go to the Apple Store tomorrow they don't think I'm nuts. I know there's no problem with what I bought, and I know I'll get it taken care of in the morning, but it's a bit annoying and I was curious to see if others had had this happen. Also - hope I posted this in the right thread, or at least something close to correct.
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How can I change this default name to something less cumbersome?