MacBook Pro :: Strange Purple Lines In Pattern On Screen

May 3, 2010

i have had a Macbook Pro which I got in mid 2008 and it just yesterday began doing something strange. After working in Mac OS X for a while I saw that many of the white areas on my screen were filled with purple lines. Most of my pics in my background are outlined with varying colors and I cannot figure out what is going on.

I began to suspect the graphics chip at first, so to test this theory I plugged it into an external display and the problem did not exist there so I concluded that it was not due to the graphics chip. I have a friend who performed some tests and believes that it is a problem in the connection between the monitor and the graphics chip and that certain bits of data just aren't making it through. I thought that this was a feasible problem, but to get a second opinion I took it to the local apple store on my university campus and they looked at it and also concluded that it was not a graphics chip problem, but that I may have to replace the whole display assembly. This was fairly expensive and I cannot afford to do that since time got away from me and I forgot to purchase applecare. (How stupid of me. Aargh!) Anyway, so I was wondering what is believed by the macrumors community to be the best option. I discovered that this problem seemed to happen on a lot of this particular model of macbook pro and that apple offered to replace the graphics chip for free because of it, but since they do not think it is a graphics chip issue, it appears that I am stuck.

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MacBook Pro :: Will Not Start After Shutdown - Purple Vertical Lines Flickering On Screen

Jun 3, 2012

I was sitting with my MacBook Pro, when out of no where, purple vertical lines began flickering on the screen. I tried getting them to stop, then eventually just shut down my laptop. When I went to power it up again, it first popped up with the white apple screen and chime, then a gray screen dropped down with the message "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.".

I tried the Power button option first, but the computer does not come back on. When I press the Power button again, it does the same thing all over again. I do not know where the "Restart button" is, so I haven tried that. I have also tried pulling the battery and restarting, restarting in safe mode by holding the shift key at start up, and trying control-r and control-s functions. None of which worked.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac :: Strange Black Lines On Screen?

Apr 18, 2010

See the pictures. They look almost like ink but no ink has been near the screen.Tried cleaning the screen but with no luck. It lies on top of any open window.

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OS X :: Strange Black Lines Constantly On Screen?

Jun 15, 2010

recently i've been having problems on my mac as its begun to slow down drastically over the last few days and i've been seeing these strange outlines around some of my programs (see image).

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Hardware :: Strange Screen Artifacts - Red Vertical Lines

Oct 25, 2008

I was using Audacity on my mac running 10.4.11, on some seriously large files (85MB mp3s were exported from these original wav files!), when during this these red vertical lines started popping up on my screen; mainly where a window had been moved. These lines haven't gone away and I'm not sure how to fix this problem. I'm stumped! Having repaired permissions and run the Disk Utility from the Install disk, I'm at a total loss. The intro/gray screen, apple logo doesn't have the red lines, but every other screen does.

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Hardware :: Pattern Appeared In Horizontally Lines?

Oct 14, 2009

yesterday I received my 24" ACD and really is a work of art, it is beautiful in every aspect. Color balance, hue everything is very well reproduced. Anyways at night I used iklear to clean off some smudges that I had left on the screen due to the install and placing it in the right place on my desk. I used the iklear with the screen off and cleaned it with the microfibre cloth that it comes with and started noticing this pattern that started appearing of horizontally continuous lines. Also with this some very weird smudging appeared and was very hard to get rid of. So after 20 mins or so of polishing with the cloth it came with, they went away but they appear once you apply artificial light from a flash light. I called apple and they of course knew nothing of this, called the apple store genius and I believe some know and some dont. I called iKlear and they have received some calls about this and offered me a different cleaner and they sent it to me at no cost that they say will take the pattern and smudges off. They say it is something or some sort of residue from the paper cover that covers the display in the packaging, and if you look and compare this you will notice it does have the same pattern. I have read on couple of places including the apple support forums where they have experienced this same problem and hope to bring the solution to light here. I have read everywhere from using clear windex to using 70% isopropyl alcohol and I do not want to try this due to the harsh chemicals these contain unless of course this fails.

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Applications :: Purple Quicktime X Screen Recording - Why It Purple?

Sep 17, 2009


Apparently someone else has this issue, but unresolved: [URL]

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Software :: PDF With Strange Marks And Lines In Preview

Apr 24, 2009

Something has changed with Preview on my system running Leopard. For some reason, most PDFs opened in Preview have strange lines in them. But if I open the PDFs with other apps like Adobe Reader, there are no lines. Anyone know what these are, why Preview is displaying them, and how to get rid of them?

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OS X :: Strange Black Box And Lines Around Windows And Dashboard?

Mar 10, 2010

As you can see from the video there is a strange black area surrounding my windows, but only when there are "active," not when I click on the desktop. The iTunes window is unaffected. Additionally the Quicksilver command interface and the Dashboard have a discoloration which is very annoying. Do you know what could be causing this? This behavior goes away when I restart my computer but eventually comes back. I have not been able to tie it to a specific app yet.

This is on a white macbook that I've had for almost two years, but this only about one month old. It didn't use to happen very often but nowadays it happens almost every day.


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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Strange Vertical Lines Of Squares?

Nov 2, 2008

I have a problem with the display of an iMac G5 20". It shows up as vertical lines of small squares.

If I change screen resolution, the display will look ok for about half a second, and then it comes back again. Anyone had seen this before? (This is does not look like the usual problem with iMac and thin vertical lines.)

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MacBook Pro :: Pattern Showing On Mate Screen Randomly

May 31, 2010

I have a Macbook Pro 17" 2.16 dual core with a mate screen and now all of the sudden I get this weird pattern. Sometimes it goes and comes back and sometimes it disappears for a month. Is my screen up for a change or is it just something loose.

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MacBook :: Screen Colors Faded (bluish Purple)

May 31, 2009

1. Today, I turned on my MacBook running 10.5.7 bought in the Summer of 2006 and the colors were washed out/faded. They were noticeably more bluish-purple. This is the third time it happened over the past year, so it is incredibly hard to replicate for a genius. A restart fixed the issue. I did not mess with the color schemes (I actually don't even know how to use them), nor have I dropped my laptop in the past three years I have owned it. Anyone know what is the issue here? I'm pretty sure it's hardware-related. I am concerned because my AppleCare is expiring this coming September, and I don't know how to replicate the problem.

2. Also, after a good period of nonuse, one-fourth of my screen (the lower left corner) is noticeably "darker" after I turn it on. The area goes back to its correct brightness after 10-15 minutes, like the screen has to warm up first. I've had this problem since I first purchased the unit but this dark spot has definitely gotten bigger. Is this normal for a laptop?

3. Coconut battery says that I have only gone through 4 battery cycles. I've calibrated the battery and the program still says the same thing. The battery I replaced quite a while ago did not have this problem.

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Software :: All Over Plaid Pattern On Screen When Restarted?

Nov 25, 2008

After a power outage my computer was not quite right. When i restarted it there was a plaid like pattern in all shades of gray , black and white. When i put the pointer on it, the desktop came beck at each part I touched. i sort of was painting it back. I shut it down.

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Hardware :: Green And Purple Blotches Appearing On Screen ... Macbook Pro

May 5, 2008

I have a first generation macbook pro, recently i have been getting neon green and purple blotches appearing on my screen. I was also having a hard drive problem so i swapped that out and installed a fresh copy of OSX 10.4 on there and was still having the green and purple show up so I know that it is hardware related. I also have hooked up an external monitor and they show up on that monitor too so I konw the problem is not related to my monitor.. I downloaded fan control and have found that if I keep my macbook under 53 degrees C then They wont show up nearly as often but they still do. The only problem with this is that to keep it under 53 degrees C then I need to have the fans running extremely fast the entire time which is not really solving the problem...any suggestions?

It kinda looks to me like I need to get the logic board replaced, what does that entail.. can I do it myself? im pretty good with computers and electronics. I don't have apple care and the warrenty has definelty been voided or is expired..what kind of $$ am I looking at?

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Displaying Blue / Purple Tint - OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

Sep 9, 2014

My macbook screen has turned blue/purple as picture depicts. Any solution to this?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), mid 2012 release

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MacBook Pro :: Purple Haze On Screen - Mini Displayport Connected To VGA Adapter?

Jan 27, 2010

I just hooked the cable up, and I get the standard Purple Haze in space desktop that I have on my Macbook, but nothing else. No icons, no toolbars, nothing. The only time I was able to get anything to come up on my larger screen was when I went into Preferences, and Desktop and Screensaver. When I click on that, I did get a box to show up on my larger screen, listed as the Secondary Desktop.

How exactly do I get the larger screen to serve as my main screen? When I close up my laptop,the larger screen goes blank. I have no idea what to do, please help!

Another question I have is how the screen will look once I do actually get it to work. The reason why I ask that is because my larger screen is an old 17" Dell, the old 4:3 box kind. I plan on upgrading to a 20" plus HD display in the near future, but cannot at the moment, so the current 17" will have to do.

Anyhow, just curious if the screen is going to be completely wonky looking given the resolution that my Macbook will be feeding it?

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IMac :: Pink / White And Green Checked Pattern On Screen

Mar 15, 2010

I own a 17" g5 imac and today I was just browsing on Firefox and all of a sudden the screen became checkered with thin pink and white lines. It is most noticeable on the menu bar and anything that is grey or white in color. It is not checkered on the blue background behind my desktop photo. I have an external monitor plugged in as well and the same thing is happening to that monitor.

I have a powerPC imac G5
OSX 10.5.8
ATI Radeon 9600

Here is a screen shot:
Haven't reformatted it yet. Hope there is a better solution. Purchased it used about a year ago. No warranty.

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OS X Mountain Lion :: A Gray Snowflake Pattern On Display Screen?

Dec 7, 2014

Am getting a gray snowflake pattern on display screen (using older Mac pro). Did something fail in computer or is this a hacking job? Right now I'm using another MAC to send this.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Shot Not Working Fine / Pre-dominantly Purple Color Appears

Sep 14, 2010

I am taking screen shots using both Apple+Shift+3, Apple+Shift+4, and SnapNDrag, and the same results turn up each time.


The pre-dominantly purple color is the same purple as my wallpaper. The rest of the stuff (the white lines, the gray on the left)-- I have no idea.

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MacBook Pro :: Video Controller Error - Screen Going Purple / Magenta Color Intermittently

Apr 15, 2012

After a series of events with my MBPro's screen going weird purple/magenta color intermittently and making text all but illegible, I ran the AHT (Apple Hardware Test).

This returned an error stating there was a problem with the video controller:
"4VDC/1/40000003:Video Controller"

The machine's about 3 years old.

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Mac :: Macbook Pro Shows Strange Screen?

Apr 23, 2009

Happened suddenly yesterday. The screen appeared and stopped working. No reason. No movement of the machine. And today again after two hours of heavy Lightroom editing. A bit of cooling worked momentarily. (used a 12 pack of cold beer placed under the computer :-) Now, starts and freezes after a couple seconds.Apple Service checked to see if it was one of the "defect" graphic cards. It is not. It is an ATI (that is what they told me) they propose a "full motherboard" change

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MacBook Air :: Strange Noise When The Screen Is On?

Aug 23, 2010

Since I plugged my Cinema Display (20" alu) to my MacBook Air... I hear a strange sound inside the computer.

It comes as I guess from the graphic card, or the power, because when I turn off the screen (by putting down the brightness at its maximum), this time there is no sound anymore. When I turn it on, the sound restarts (by being high when the brightness is down, and down when the brightness is at its maximum).

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MacBook Pro :: Grey Screen No Apple Followed By Blue Screen With Vertical Lines?

Nov 30, 2014

grey screen no apple followed by blue screen with vertical lines. Graphics and logic board replaced <6 months ago. What to do? I held down shift, it gets HOT HOT and makes noises. (for safety mode) followed by a blank grey screen and blue screen. Then tried the other way (I think  it's command alt delete? I don't remember) and it turned from grey (no apple symbol) to blue blank. Then third time, grey followed by blue with vertical lines, not blocky clear lines that you can see if you are close to it. 

MacBook Pro, OS Lion

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EMac :: Screen Went Purple And Was Shaking And Then It Just Died

Apr 19, 2012

I came home and found an eMac on my back porch, came from my moms friend apparently. so i plugged it in and turned it on and i was playing on it for a while but safari would just repeatedly crash after loading the home page, so i restarted it and it seemed to fix the problem, me and my friend then took the casing off and replaced the cd drive because it was jammed. it started up just fine after that but after the next restart the screen seemed to be "shaking". it was jumping left to right. so i powered it off and started it up again. this time it did the same thing but it was more vigorous and the screen was flashing from normal to a dark purple tint. then it went really dark purple, the screen shut off, then the whole computer shut itself off. now only after leaving it unplugged for at least 30 seconds the first or second push of the power button will "twitch" the fan and the CRT sounds like its trying to come on, but i only get the CRT sound and the fan maybe doing at most a quarter turn before it stops. the only changes made was a new cd drive and a second RAM card. i tried it by pulling out the added ram card and still nothing. then tried with the cd drive IDE cable removed and still nothing.

eMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x)

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Comes Out With White Fuzzy Lines Going Across The Screen?

May 9, 2012

My mac screen is frozen with white fuzzy lines going across the screen. I shut it off and turn it back on but it still remains white fish lines on the start up screen. I've tried revolting it, it works sometimes but now its stuck at the starting screen. I have been at this for 2 hours to try and fix it but nothing has changed about the screen.

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MacBook Pro :: Its Screen Is White With Strange Black Marks

Apr 8, 2012

My 2008 MacBook Pro (17in) has just started up with a white screen and strange black marks - almost like ink spilled on white paper. I cannot get anything else.

Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.1

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OS X Mavericks :: Computer Starts With White Screen Having 5 Purple Stripes

Aug 30, 2014

When I turn on computer it starts with a white screen with 5 purple stripes. These turn to a full screen of purple squares.

27, Other OS, iMac11,1 Intel Core i5 2.66GHz

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Remove Vertical Purple Line On Screen

Dec 8, 2014

I've had this iMac for about 5 years and cannot upgrade to IOS Yosemite. I am on OS X 10.6.8 and have 1 GB of RAM. 

Two days ago I found a vertical purple/pink line on the left side on my screen.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 1 GB of RAM

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MacBook Pro :: Mid 09 Screen Blue - Dark / Deep Blue Always Look Like Purple Colour

Jan 1, 2010

I just got a new mid 09 macbook pro no matter how I calibrate the screen. the dark/deep blue will always look like purple colour.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Get Rid Of Lines On Screen

May 3, 2012

I am having multipe lines showing up on my screen, about a inch thick.


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