Applications :: Geeky Code Screensaver - Finding Matrix Fail
Nov 26, 2009
I am really really dying inside since upgrading to Snow Leopard because my screensavers are....*sobs* DEAD! or at least the only one that I used to love, Fenetres Volants.
So since then I've been using some default screensavers and looking for a replacement.
What I want is a black background with scrolling text. Sadly, there are too many wunnabe 1337 kids that fell in love with escaping to the Matrix where the junior high bullies can't hurt them so all Google results yield ching-chonganese text falling. What I really want is a screensaver that looks like it's running a command line level operation.
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Mar 18, 2009
I have a MacBook I usually bring to work. My co-workers and michevious and always try to change my background, etc.
I leave on my screensaver password. I close the lid to my laptop to initiate the password protect.
So last night I came back from lunch, open up my MacBook and my co-worker comes next to me, it seems like she put a code, and then unlocked my MacBook.
It's either 1.) She know's my password or 2.) there's a bypass code because she typed something and it unlocked.
Anyone know how to hack it?
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May 21, 2010
Is anyone still using a dot matrix / impact printer on a current or recent-era Mac? I've a need to use one for some multi-part stationery and plan on attaching it to an Intel iMac with MacOS 10.6. As it's currently attached to a grey-box G3 (which had the old 8 pin MiniDin serial socket) I'd hope that the Keyspan USB adaptor would link the old to the new, but whether anyones recently gone down this route or now, I'd like to hear from you? ?Drivers concern me, but hope also that Imagewriter drivers or a generic printer driver will suffice?
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Mar 13, 2012
Is it possible to connect a dot matrix printer to MacBook Air? I need to print receipts in my textile showroom.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Jan 13, 2009
I want to find something cheap b/c I'm going to buy the new ACD in about a year. This is only to help me with some simple web development. (15" isn't to enough.)
I have some questions. Is the TFT active matrix and TN the same technology or not? Does it go like TFT < TN < IPS? What is in the early '08 MBP? I don't want the laptop display putting the monitor to shame. (At least not too badly.)I'm hoping to get out of it ~ $100-$130. If it has speakers, that would be a plus. Also, it needs to be 19"+.
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Jul 2, 2012
I find that after using my Early 2011 15" Macbook Pro w/ Lion 10.7.4 for a period of time, my applications do not load/open. I will be working in an application that was previously open, want to open another one (any application) and the application icon will bounce forever in the dock.The program will never open.
I am forced to Force Quit the application. I then try to restart the computer and I get the lovely beachball and the computer never restarts. I have to hold down the power button to turn off and restart the computer.
I have tried the following to resolve this issue:
1. Repaired Permissions (numerous times)
2. Reinstall the 10.7.4 Combo Pack
3. Used Onyx and run all maintenance tasks
I really don't want to have to do a fresh install of everything.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 3, 2012
which driver should i use for the epson LX300 matrix-dot printer??? I dowloaded all drivers for epson but i didn't find the driver for the LX300.
epson LX300 matrix printer, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 23, 2009
Recently, software update stopped responding after I hit the "Install" button, so I had to force quit. Now, none of my applications will open- they just bounce in the dock for a while and stay there, without the dot appearing- including disk utility and system preferences (I thought it might be a repair permissions problem after poking around forums). I do not have install discs with me and plan on going to the apple store tomorrow.
Finder still works, and I emptied the trash, but now clicking on the trash gives me the message that it "cannot be opened while trash is being emptied," which leads me to believe something is frozen. So, my question is: it is safe to turn off or try restarting the computer? Last time I had a problem similar to this and restarted, I got the flashing folder icon that signaled my hard drive was dead, so I am worried about letting it go to sleep or shutting down.
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Feb 23, 2010
All of a sudden every one of my browsers has problems browsing sites, particularly with web-apps. My primary browser has been chrome, with safari as secondary. The problem manifests in Chrome as pages that fail to load. Examples would be gmail and some torrent sites. Other times, I get onto the sites, but when I use a search function, it stops and fails. I've also tried safari (tries for a bit then crashes), firefox (refuses to start now) and Opera. Opera seems to work, somewhat at least.
I've already tried some things - thought it was a plugin problem since it affected all of the browsers so I basically deleted every one I could find and got fresh versions. No dice. In fact, when I throw out the latest Flash plugin, it seems to improve things, then I run into sites requiring flash, so I get it and things stop working. Tried repairing permissions on the hard drive - brings up a bunch of corrections all concerning flash. Tried deleting every browser and installing a fresh copy - no dice either.
Finally tried installing Snow Leopard again - not completely fresh, did preserve my profiles and files and just set up the OS. Since this seems also to affect stuff like taking a time-machine backup. Tried 3x to take a backup, and it stops after 2-3 gigs and becomes really really slow. Also, the whole OS seems to slow down - freezing at times - when I have the browsers going.
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Dec 1, 2014
I'm using macbook pro 2009 15'' certain layers of display have a green black matrix sort of effect...
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Dec 27, 2009
I am looking for a simple screensaver for my mac. I need something transparent - so I can still see what is going on on my desktop, but have password lock active.
I found transparent 2.2 which does exactly what I want but there is no way I will give 10� for a screensaver.
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Jan 6, 2011
With all the excitement around the $79 price of Aperture on the new mac app store, I'm thinking about getting it, but wondering if I can then ditch iPhoto? I looked at Apple's website about Aperture and see that it seems to be iPhoto+ with all the features of iPhoto plus more. But I'm wondering about the integration of it with iOS devices, etc. If I move everything to Aperture, will I still be able to use photos in my mac's screensaver, or on my Apple TV, or sync to my iPhone....all of these seem to tie to iPhoto, but if you install Aperture, do they then work with it?
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Feb 6, 2007
Does anyone know if iCal can work in a screensaver mode? I am planning to connect a mac (Macmini) to a 20" LCD TV/monitor in the kitchen. I would like to have the "family calendar" loaded on for routine viewing but obviously do not want burn in.
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Sep 10, 2009
iTunes 9 in Snow Leopard breaks the built in iTunes art screensaver, pops up with a message saying your iTunes library doesn't have any artwork (which is bollocks). You would think apple would test these sorts of things.
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Dec 11, 2009
Does anyone know how, or if it is possible, to somehow get the background of the Holiday Sampler LP, and use it as a Screen Saver?
I'm sure it is flash, and it it could be separated how would i go about turning it into a OS X Screen Saver?
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Feb 21, 2009
for my desktop background I have the picture change every 5 seconds. I want to make this faster, but 5 seconds is the fastest on OS X. Is there any app which has more options for this?
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Jun 8, 2009
Is there any way (natively or by an application) for me to know if anyone has tried to gain access to my computer when I've been away and if so to find out what password attempts have been made?
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Sep 1, 2008
is there a way to show time code on the video in final cut express?
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Jan 19, 2010
i tried the "Create Ringtone" in the itunes, after the first time, i learnt I had to use something off the store. I went off and got a few songs, but now when I try and do it, i get this: *look at attachments* why its not working? I have the internet on, I can get to the store, i can download etc etc. Everything works, but that "Create Ringtone".
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Nov 7, 2010
I have recently put together a site in iWeb, hosted on .Mac. I realize there are other tools out there and other hosting options that are may have more features and be cheaper, but I really have been enjoying the ease of putting this thing together and changing it on the fly, so I'm happy to stick with the setup for now. That said, I would like to have certain .Mac features enabled, mostly the comments for podcast and photos. However, when I insert Google Analytics code, it seems to take away the comments feature.
I am using an Automator script to put the Google Analytics script in each of my iWeb pages after I publish to .Mac. I'm assuming that this might be overwriting or otherwise interfering with a script needed to activate the .Mac comments? Could anyone help me out, maybe tell me what I need to do with the Automator script so that it can insert the Analytics stuff without interfering with the .Mac stuff? By the way, I'm using the site as kind of a self-promotion while I'm looking for a job, which is why I want the Google Analytics stuff in there -- need to see who, if anyone, is checking the pages out!
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Dec 27, 2010
Can anyone recommend a good, free code/text editor for OSX? I am used to using either EditPlus or notepad++ on Windows, but i'm aware that neither of these programs have OSX equivalents.
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Jul 7, 2008
I have been using the Textmate demo for a few days and I like it's code folding and macros, but I wish it had an auto- autocomplete and tabs. I tried Komodo edit too and loved it's features; however it has the clunkiest Interface of any editor. I have never been a Dreamweaver fan, but if it has macros I will shut up and use it. I think I am, going to email the developer of Textmate later, because it really is a very nice editor, but it is lacking some needed features.
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Apr 15, 2009
I've been using Optiscan as a QR Code Reader on my iPhone. I'm looking for essentially the same type of program, except it will be on my MacBook Pro (or any other Mac desktop/notebook) that uses an iSight Camera. There are programs that generate QR Codes, but I am looking for one that does specifically reading. It can do both, or any combination, but the reading must be included. I preliminary Google search brings me close, a lot of possibilities (mostly in Japanese, which i do not read). But ultimately I have found nothing. I was hoping someone could direct me towards program.
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Aug 31, 2003
When ever I try to move a file from an FTP server to my desktop I always get an error saying some data cant be read or written. I have tried it with like five different FTP's and I get the same error. Here is a grap of the error.
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May 12, 2009
Does anyone know how I could have caffeine app activate on launch by editing some code for it? I can't see a preference for what I want.
I use quicksilver a lot and it would be much easier to open caffeine with 'caffeine activated' as default.
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Jan 27, 2010
I have my library on my iMac running Snow Leopard and iPhoto 09. I want to copy it to my MacBook Pro running the same. Whenever I try to copy it over, I get the following error after it copies a few MB worth:
The Finder can't complete the operation because some data in "iPhoto Library" can't be read or written. (Error code -36)
I have found a similar problem online that someone was having, but it was error code -30, and they didn't have a fix.
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Feb 23, 2009
I know that VisualHub is no more, but I still use it to transcode stuff for my Apple TV. I have an mkv file with embedded subtitles (not hard coded) which I can turn on or off in VLC, however I want to hard code them into the movie, so I go through the transcoding process and it ignores the subtitles. Does anyone know how I can get VisualHub to hard code the subs on the output movie? As I'm probably barking up the wrong tree now VisualHub is no longer, could someone point me in the right direction of an easy way to do this? I'd rather not use Handbrake as I don't get as good results (dropped frames, and choppy video) as I do when I use VH.
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Oct 28, 2010
I have a little problem with one of my applications. The application is very important for me and I need it nearly every day. But now it shows my an error message. 'JVM terminated. Exit code=-1' [...]
I'm using Mac OS X 10.6.4 and my system is up to date.
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Dec 7, 2008
I'm trying to make an iTunes Store account with my mother's MasterCard. Everything in the setup process goes well until I hit the part when I must enter in my three-digit security code. I do so, then proceed. iTunes won't proceed because it appears I have not entered a valid security code. But the problem is, it is in fact valid: I've used it before for other things and it works fine. I've triple-checked; it's kinda hard to incorrectly type a three-digit number.
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Jan 26, 2009
I use Toast to burn DVDs. But recently my MBP Superdrive has been refusing to play ball. Whenever I insert a DVD and set up Toast to start the burn, I get:
Sense Code = 0x73, 0x0x
I also own an external DVD/CD drive (USB2) which I use with my little ASUS. So, I plugged my external drive into my Mac and tried Toasting again. But:
Sense Code = 0x73, 0x03
So, either my Superdrive is fragged, or my external drive is fragged, or both. But the external works fine with my ASUS. And it sounds like a longshot both are fragged with the Mac. Maybe the DVDs I'm trying to burn to are fragged. Or it's a software glitch in Toast. Or....
my Superdrive is fragged for writing. Other posters have had problems with their Superdrives too. BUT my external is fine. So it must be either Toast or the DVDs, right?
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