OS X :: Sample Rate Of Microphone On MacBook Pro
Jul 1, 2010
I play a lot of video games on the internet but my connection is not great around 512kbs. I am trying to reduce the sample rate of the microphone from 44k to 22k to use less bandwith when I talk to other players. I always break up when I talk. There is no option to do that in the sound settings. Is there a way to do it? I have a macbook pro 15' 2.5 ghz intel 2 core duo. With 3gb of Ram.
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Jun 23, 2012
I'm importing CDs using bit rate 320kbps do I choose a sample rate of auto or 44.1 kHz? I'm looking for better quality not space saving.
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Apr 25, 2010
so i bought an imic since i heard it was suppose to work.i plug in my microphone jac into the IN, switch the imic thing to mic, and my microphone still doesn't work.
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Jul 5, 2010
I want to know if anyone can point out the advantages and disadvantages of using a line-in microphone (for the 1/8" analog jack) compared to a USB microphone for a Mac Pro. Do I need some kind of amplification for a head-set microphone with a 1/8 analog jack? I can't get mine to work, but I wonder if there's something I haven't selected correctly in my Preferences.
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Feb 19, 2008
well i transfered some .mp4 videos from my Samsung X820 phone hrough bluetooth. They played fine on the phone itself.
I tried playing them through quicktime, but returned "Invalid Sample Description", so it didnt open the file.
I then installed VLC, the video played, but there was no audio.
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Jun 15, 2009
Was playing around with Quicktime X's new screen recording feature for a few days now and thought I'd share a sample video with you guys. Surprisingly good quality I think. Take a look over at
http://michaelflux.com/other/videos/sr4.mov (40MB file)
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Nov 10, 2009
I'm going to be teaching a number of staff at the local high school (which is going over to the Apple platform from Novell) how to use iPhoto but, I don't want to use any of my personal photos as examples. I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me where I could find the sample photos that are loaded onto macs in the Apple store.
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Jun 22, 2012
I am trying to play the sample of songs and they are cutting out after 42 seconds instead of 90 seconds.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
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Sep 19, 2009
I just received my Logitech QuickCam Vision Pro the other day, so I thought I should upload some sample footage of the camera, filmed BY the camera, in a mirror: [URL] More of my sample footage (HD only): [URL]
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Apr 12, 2009
I'm looking for the green bird sample image on the Aperture home page. Anyone with a copy of Aperture that would care to share in it's original size?
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Feb 27, 2012
A couple of nights ago I realized my five year old iMac was making a sound I have never heard it make before. It is a scratching noise that I assume is coming from my internal hard drive (hard drive is stock, has never been replaced). It isn't a super loud noise, but it sounds like the noise some hard drives make when they are "searching" or "thinking". I'm wondering if my hard drive is beginning to fail, or if the problem could be something as simple as dust or dirt caught in the drive. An audio sample is in the link below, [URL]
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 3, 2010
I've been following this forum for quite some time after I first got an iPod touch and, recently, an MBP "17.Now, after I did some searches on the internet and couldn't find the answer, Im asking here:My MBP comes with a built-in draft-n wireless card. I bought a draft-n wireless router just for the purpose of utilizing greater wi-fi speeds, but there is one thing I noticed:when I boot MacOS and connect to the wireless network it shows me, tat the transmit rate of the network is 130 (Mbps I presume), on the other hand, when I boot to Windows (via Bootcamp) and connect to the same network - it shows a network speed of 280 Mbps. In both cases the transfer speed are relatively close and go up to 8-9 Megabytes per second.
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Oct 25, 2009
For the last few days I've been worrying about my battery, I know it's silly and everything, but it's supposed to have 7 hours. It will go for a good 5 hours, sometimes more than that. But the percentage rate seems to be going down quite quickly. e.g half an hour ago it was at 73%, now at 62%. The battery time also changes quickly, from 6 hours 42, to 2hrs 32, back up to 4hours, etc. I have checked the condition on Coconut Battery and it's at 100%.
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Nov 6, 2010
I have a Rev B, 1.86 128GB SS. It is good except a little weak on battery and heat is still there for anything remotely intensive so my question is: How do you rate battery life of new 13 MBA? My Rev B gets roughly 2 hours watching a HD show from CBS, or 4.5 hours (best case) doing non flash surfing or anything non intensive work, watching photos, writing in word etc. Heat is there if I watch videos, like the example above, routinely around 70-74 watching a video show over the internet. RPM for fan 2500-3000 at that temp. How is the heat of the new one? (I tried one in the Apple store and it bare felt warm underneath while watching an episode on [URL]). My other finding is that the new one felt a little more "solid", cant point to anything specific but a general feel when closing and opening it. Btw, I still run Leopard since I felt that I lost battery time under snow leopard and that it was also slightly warmer under Snow Leopard. Any other difference you have noticed in the new MBA?
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Mar 6, 2008
'm using my MBA to watch movies on my fullhd TV.
I use the dvi interface to connect to it at 1920 x 1080.
The problem is about the frame rate that after 10 / 15 minutes of flawless palying, drops consistently. I've tried VLC and QT with Perian but the problem is the same.
The only way I can use it, is activate the mirroring function and keep the resolution to 1280 x 800.
The strange fact is that the cpu is quite free and the temperature never goes more than 62 celsius.
I think that the problem could be an overheting of the video adapter. The fan, while I watch movies, is stick to 6200 rpm.
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Apr 20, 2009
I will be running MS Excel, preview, firefox, and activity monitor. All of a sudden my Activity monitor says that there is about % User of 50% and the fan will start running. I cannot find what program is making it run this high. I quit every program and it gets stuck on this until I restart the computer. I have done this about 3 times and it always comes back. None of the programs are registering high CPU usage. My last computer had an overheating problem where the fan was always on and that was part of the reason I switched to Macs - really hoping that issues doesn't follow me from Windows to Mac.
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Jun 18, 2012
Macbook Air won't shut down and often the fan runs at a very high rate without stopping. I do notice it seems to get hot on the bottom more than in the past. Any suggestions as to what I should do, I can't keep holding the power button down to shut off the computer.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 30, 2014
Is there a way to find an Ethernet Transmit Rate? I'm running a Mid 2010 Macbook Pro. For example, to find the wifi transmit rate, I know I can hold down OPTION and click on the wifi icon in the menu bar and view various wifi specs in the pane that drops down. I also know how to look up LINK SPEED via Network Utility > info > ethernet/wifi, etc....Â
Is there even such a thing as an ethernet transmit rate, or am I creating my own vocabulary?
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Dec 29, 2010
I really thought apple would have a much lower rate. My friend thinks this can be attributed to the white macbook line. They are apple's best seller and they are plagued with issues of cracking, and screen issues. what do you think?
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Mar 11, 2010
So I have a late 2008 MBP and the battery is draining way faster than it should. Coconut battery says that my battery capacity is at 93% and it only has 73 cycles but the battery has only been lasting 3 hours at best with a full charge, but most typically, it only lasts 2 hours while using the 9400m GPU and at idle. I have reset the battery per apple's instructions 2 times now and I have reset the SMC multiple times. this is what the system profiler says about my power capacity and consumption:
Model Information:
Serial Number:6N839TV313EB
Device name:bq20z951
Pack Lot Code:0000
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:002a
Hardware Revision:000a
Cell Revision:0100
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):3522
Fully charged:No
Full charge capacity (mAh):4226
Health Information:
Cycle count:72
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):-1449
Voltage (mV):11830
This all happened out of nowhere one day, I used to get a solid 5 hours on each charge a month ago and now this.
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Jan 8, 2008
So the other day I booted up into OS X and was going to make a short video in Photo Booth with my friend. I recorded a video, but when I tried to play it back there was no sound. I tried recording another video, this time yelling at the top of my lungs. This time when I played it back, I could hear my yelling very faintly. I decided to open up the System Preferences to see if the microphone was picking up any sound. The input level showed that there was a little bit of static, but the bar barely moved when I yelled. I opened up Skype and called "echo123" to see if Skype was picking up and sound. After the call recorded my sound, it played it back and to my surprise it sounded perfect.
It was like my microphone didn't have a single problem. I then opened up Photo Booth again and the System Preferences to see if it would pick up and sound from my microphone. And once again it would only barely pick up sound when I was yelling. After a few minutes, I finally decided I'd take my MacBook to the Apple Store. But before that, I decided I'd just try a little trick that worked on my iPod earbuds when one of them wasn't working correctly. I flicked my finger against the plastic right next to where the microphone is above the screen. I opened up System Preferences and to my amazement my microphone was now working perfectly!
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Jan 22, 2009
I plugged in my microphone into the mic port on the left side of the computer. I am trying to use it for my Ustream feed but it is not recognizing it.
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May 26, 2009
I opened up Photo Booth to record a video for YouTube today and realized that I had recorded my self for 7 minutes for almost no reason.
Photo Booth doesn't seem to be detecting my microphone at all, because when I play the clip i recorded, there is no sound. My speakers are on, trust me.
Also, other audio recording applications, such as Screenflow and Audacity are able to pick up the microphone easily.
I've ran the application with nothing else running and get the same result.
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May 19, 2010
Has anyone come across any Firewire memory keys? (Similar to the USB Keys we have now days). Firewire has a much higher transfer rate than USB 2.0, so I was wondering if any company made the firewire memory keys. I did a quick google search but didn't come up with anything recent. All the articles I read were from years ago.
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Dec 7, 2010
I have a stereo microphone with a jack of ~6 mm and I bought a converter to 3.5mm but.. it does not seem to fit into the socket, I dont want to push harder to break anything there. Even if it fitted I still dont know if it would need additional software. Does anyone know how to connect it?
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Feb 10, 2010
When running windows 7 x64 my microphone does not work. I have tried on both Skype and AIM. I can hear my friends but they cannot hear me. When I log into OSX it works fine.
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Apr 24, 2010
I have an unibody aluminium MacBook. (The 13 inch model - before Apple changed the specs and re-released it as a "MacBook Pro").
I've been trying to narrate a voiceover in iMovie today, and the sound quality from the internal microphone is terrible! Muffled and ringing machine noise in the background. I've tried changing settings. I've tried running it off the battery instead of the power supply - in case it was related in interference from the power supply. I've tried different software. GarageBand and Audacity. Oh - and the fan wasn't running when I tried to record stuff.
The thing is - I remember the internal Microphone working much better before. I've made a couple of things for YouTube, and I didn't have a problem then.
Is it plausible that the Microphone has gone wrong now? Is this a known issue with the aluminium MacBook (Pro)?
- If an external Microphone would solve things - is there anything I should know about what kind to buy? I don't want to invest in anything expensive - I don't use it enough. I know that Apple's sound-out jack is designed for specialised headphones. (Although normal headphones sometimes work if you wiggle them a bit). Is there anything unusual about the sound input jack?
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Mar 3, 2012
I bought a MacBook Pro I'm happy with the purchase.
But, I am having trouble using the microphone integrated into the Facebook chat.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 23, 2012
How do I connect a headset-with-microphone set to my late 2010 MacBook Pro to take advantage of Mountain Lion's (OS X 10.8) dictation feature?Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 4G RAM, 500G HD, AEBS-N
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Jun 26, 2012
I have a 17" Macbook Pro from Jan 2012 and I can't get an external microphone to work. Initially I tried a cheap Sony microphone with no luck. So purchased logitech headphones. They have 2 jacks, one headphones, one microphone. I've tried it with Word for Mac and Quicktime (selecting line-in)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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