OS X :: Reverting To Safari 3 For Work On MBP

Sep 16, 2009

First, I've recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and do not have Time Machine. Secondly, I need to have Safari 3.X on my MBP for work yet I cannot revert back no matter what I have tried. I will admit however that I've only tried the suggestion as outlined at the following link:
The tip at the above link seems to only work for 10.5.X or lower.
MBP; V 10.6; 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; 2 GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM

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OS X :: Default Web Browser Keeps Reverting To Safari

Nov 30, 2009

I wonder if it has anything to do with enabling FileVault. Anyway, Everytime I logout, the default web browser keeps reverting to Safari, and the default Mail client reverts to Mail. I use Camino, Firefox and Thunderbird.

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Intel Mac :: Can Use An External Webcam In Safari, Keeps Reverting To Inbuilt?

Feb 11, 2012

can I use an external webcam in safari? keeps reverting to inbuilt and cannot seem to find the cam.Photobooth can see it so know it's working...


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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Reverting To Mail 4.5 From 5.2?

Jun 12, 2012

Is there any way I can revert to mail 4.5 from 5.2? Do I have to reinstalle Leopard all together?

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Keyboard Shortcuts Reverting On Restart

Aug 15, 2008

Every time I go into Keyboard and Mouse in System Preferences, the Keyboard Shortcuts window always warns me that two actions (Input Source ones and Spotlight ones) have the same shortcuts, so I change one of them and quit, but I just get the alert sound and nothing happens. Also, every time I restart, the shortcuts are immediately reverted, so that the two actions have the same shortcut again. I finally solved it by simply installing some updates with Software Update, the most recent ones being Migration and DVD/CD Sharing Update, QuickTime, and Security Updates 2008-005 and -007.

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OS X :: Mac Mini Wireless Setting Keeps On Reverting

Jan 12, 2010

Is there a reason why, when I change my wireless setting at my mac mini (I'm using it as a WiFi spot), it keeps reverting to making an unsecured network everytime I restart the computer? I'm trying to change it via network settings' "Create a network" choice from the networks drop down menu. Is there another settings I have to go through?
Using OSX 10.5.7

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: During Installations, Everything Is Reverting To French?

Mar 12, 2012

Basically during installations, everything is reverting to French, even after switching to English I still get French menus like below. I did at some point have a dual language/keyboard option for English and French but now all French options are entirely unselected in every menu, preference etc..

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 15", 2.66 GHz i7, 8 GB, Hi-Res 2010

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Mac Mini :: Reverting To 720p From 1080p?

Apr 19, 2012

I have recently purchased a brand new 2.3Ghz Mac Mini to act as a home theatre PC which is connected to my receiver via HDMI & running Plex.In the MAC OSX display settings I have the resolution set to 1080p & then launch Plex to watch my media & everything is fine. The issue is whenever I turn the receiver off (Mac Mini remains on) and then come back to watch my media, the Mac Mini has automatically reverted its resolution to 720p (Plex is still open). For the life of me I can't figure out why this is happening. Mac Mini is set to never sleep, no screen saver or other hibernation like settings are enabled, it's just got me perplexed as to why it's downscaling itself! 

Mac mini

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MacBook Pro :: Reverting To Factory Settings?

Sep 12, 2014

I have a macbook pro which I would like to set back to how it was when I bought it, however when I got to Disk Utility then erase the options to errase are blocked? How to get past this?

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Safari :: My HTML Page Doesn't Work On Safari

Feb 15, 2012

I'm trying to make an extremely simple HTML page using TextEdit (saving it as an .html file) and none of my code seems to be working. It simply displays the code i typed in without having any effect.

Info:Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Reverting To Generic Library On Boot Up

Oct 16, 2010

About every 10 days or so when I boot up ITunes, it reverts to a Generic Library. In other words, it boots up as a new copy of ITunes, with my library, settings, Genius settings, etc., gone. Fortunately, I backup my computer regularly and am able to restore my Itunes library from backup, but it is annoying to have to do this. I am running Windows 7, with ITunes version 10.

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Applications :: Reverting Back To New ITunes Icon?

Jan 10, 2011

I changed the icon to an image I found online and because of the app store icon. I think I want to change it back because it looks good with the it. So, how do I do this?

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Software :: Reverting Back To Original Icons

Jun 25, 2008

Lately I've been messing around with changing a lot of the standard Mac OS X icons like the "Macintosh HD", "iPod", and "Downloads" icons. If, for some reason, I decide to revert back to the original icons.

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ITunes :: Cannot Save Tag Edits / Files Reverting

Mar 31, 2012

I have used iTunes to organize my media files for years and have never had any issues until recently. I'm currently using iTunes 10.6.1 (7) and have 98,000 music files (over 600 GB). My iTunes library is set to my local disk but the large majority of my media files are stored on an external hard drive. In iTunes, when I click on "Get Info" and attempt to change the tag info on a file stored on the external hard drive, it reverts back to the original track info as soon as the track is played and doesn't save any of the changes I made to the tag. However, if I change the tag info on a file stored on the local disk, the changes are saved with no problem. I am not interested in storing my iTunes library on my local disk and need to be able to edit the files on the external drive without having to move them back and forth.

MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Date Is Reverting To Year 2000

Jun 19, 2012

Date is revert to the year 2000 when turned back on after battery drains to no power. 

iPod nano

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MacBook Pro :: Retina Mac Reverting To Blue Wallpaper

Jun 26, 2012

I've Google to no end and the bottom line turns out to be reformat. I've tried editing the symbolic link, renaming the wallpaper in the system folder, etc. but upon reboot no matter what wallpaper I change it to, it reverts to just plain blue. The last thing I did on it before this problem occured was full screen iTunes and set my own wallpaper from within safari (right click Use as desktop Picture). The full screen iTunes bit may be the culprit upon a google result I found. Does anyone know a definiative solution to this issue? Just google '10.7.4 wallpaper' to see the countless others with this issue.

iOS 5

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MacBook Air :: Keeps Locking And Reverting To Login Screen?

Jun 21, 2014

I have an 11"air running 10.9.3. I want it to stay on all the time until I switch it off. BUT it keeps 'going to sleep' reverting to the password login screen after a few hours unused.

I have unchecked the 'password after x hours' box in 'Security'
I have set the power/battery sliders to 'Never go to sleep'
I have 'Zap Pramed'
I have 'repaired disk permissions' 

....Nothing has worked.

HOW to I stop my air from 'switching off' like this? 

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PowerPC :: Reverting Back To One Partition From 3 - No Options To Apply

Jan 11, 2011

I have a G5 with 10.4.11. There is 3 partitioned drives that I want gone and set back to the original 1 drive. I just cant seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. I don't need anything on the Mac as I have already backed up all info I wanted saved. When I go into the disk utilities/partitions/volume scheme it shows 3 drives. When I switch the volume scheme to 1 partition their are no options to "apply" for me to revert to 1 partition only.

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Applications :: Machine Hanging Up So Reverting Back To Tiger

Sep 19, 2009

Like many here I am a reasonably 'savvy' user but have got very grey over the past week or so. I run an aged and trusted G4 and took a number of decisions recently - to add a second HD, to upgrade to Leopard from Tiger, to upgrade to the 2008 Mac Office and to install CS4 (all legal).

I am getting major problems with the machine hanging up and believe that it is to do with Leopard and CS4 (the latter of which I wish to remove). So, the nub of my question is whether I can revert the machine to Tiger and if so, how!

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OS X :: Uninstalling Windows And Reverting Back To Single Partition?

Oct 28, 2009

I would like to uninstall windows from my i-Mac and revert back to a single partition hardrive. Unfortunately I installed Windows about three years ago (never to use it really) and now when I go to uninstall in Mac OS X it says my Boot Camp beta has expired.

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IMac :: Reverting Back To Tiger - Software Not Compatible

May 16, 2010

My iMac is fairly old. It's one of the white ones that has the isight and mic. I don't remember the generation. For basic typing and internet needs it's still runs great! However since I updated to snow leopard I've found alot of my software isn't compatible, thus I want to revert to tiger. Atleast with Tiger my software works.

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Stop Apple Mail Reverting To New Messages At Bottom

Jun 4, 2014

Have been having this problem ever since installing Mavericks. AppleCare keeps telling me they will tell me how to stop this and have my new messages at the top again, but still haven't told me. Every day I have to re-set this because it reverts back. 

Having many other AppleMail problems: For one thing, am not receiving some important emails which do show up in Web Mail.

iMac, Mac OS 9.2.x, Comcast broadband, TM, HP printer

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MacBook Pro :: Stop Automatic Graphics Switching Setting Automatically Reverting

Jun 25, 2012

Macbook Pro 15" Mid 2010

OS X 10.7.4 

I have a recurring problem where my screen (built in or external monitor/projector) will just go blank at random times. It is an unrecoverable situation and I have to do a hard power reset to get working again.

After testing several theories without success I struck upon one that showed promise. The blanking tended to occur when I was in Lion Fullscreen mode, or using a gesture to start expose - so I figured maybe it was a graphics switching issue.

So I went into System Preferences and disabled 'Automatic graphics switching'. I then ran trouble free for several days (I was typically crashing 1-2 times a day)

Then several days later it happened again and I thought I was back to square one. However, a colleague suggested I check the graphic switching setting to see if something had changed it back, and sure enough it was re-enabled.

Now I find myself in a constant battle with the system to keep disabling the 'Automatic graphics switrhing' in System Preferences.

I have tried setting it and locking it, but sooner or later it reverts. I need to know if it is possible to force it to stay disabled.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Aperture :: Reverting Slideshow One Step Back After Converting To Black And White

Sep 8, 2014

Created a slide show, Then  a request for Black and white,   No problem.   Now I need to take the slide show back to colour, And the only way i can find is to go back to original un doing all the work I done in raw format. I saved everything in k peg. But the works had gone in the raw files, We need a way to step back after the presses on raw. From black and white back to colour, without having to revert to originals.

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1, Lion 8 gb ram Custom HD screen. 750

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OS X :: 10.3.9 New Safari 4 Will Not Work?

Nov 12, 2009

Just opened my Safari (Yahoo browser) to be told that I need to up grade. I have Safari 1.3.2 (v312.6) and the new Safari 4 will not work with my OSX 10.3.9...... is there a later version of Safari that will work with the "new yahoo" damn them..... and Panther... if so where can I download it.

Ok I've just checked it out and found that I can't, as the next version up from 1.3.2 needs Tiger

So ! what is the best/ fastest/simplest/ up to date browser for Panther ( Camino 1.6.8 ?) also, How do i throw out my obsolete Safari so it wont take up space for nothing.

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Software :: Safari 4 Does All Work For NSA

Jun 24, 2009

"Safari 4 beta leaves data, privacy trail in its wake"
There are gigabytes of hidden files accumulating on your Mac. In fact, there are individual jpeg and png thumbnails for every Web page you've visited since downloading Safari 4 beta, including images of that "transgender swine in heels" (i.e. the other white meat), Website you seem so fond of. It froze my Mac just once too often already too. Safari 4 is out the door!

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OS X :: Why Safari Not Work On MacBook Pro?

Aug 6, 2009

I've had major problems with Safari 4 on my macbook pro. I first downloaded the beta and it just wouldn't work. I'd open the browser and the home page would load up fine, after that is when the problems would come. If I opened any other tabs and loaded a page, any page the browser would freeze. I couldn't close a tab and the tab I was on was completely unresponsive, if I tried to scroll, the bar would move but nothing would happen. Tabs would freeze half loaded and in general it was pretty annoying.

I thought this was just a beta problem, but safari 4 ran fine on my mac pro. I was still on 3 and pretty happy. But 10.5.8 has now upgraded my safari to 4 and it has the exact same problems. I've found an old dmg for 3, and I'm going to reinstall it after I take this MBP to the apple store (I also have a problem with writing DVD's so I figure I can have safari looked at then too). I'm pretty sure it's some sort of software program, as the white macbook I had before this MBP did the exact thing too (I used migration assistant to transition between the two).

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Don't Work Well

Mar 23, 2012

My safari (latest version) not go well with my MBP (lion OSX). I don't know why everytime i open a web, it become just words without image or colour.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Safari Does Not Work?

Mar 31, 2012

My Safari is buggy. When I open the Safari AP no windows open. When I go to File>New Window the following window opens and then Safari crashes every time. Anyone have any suggestions on how to make Safari work again?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Safari :: Can't Get Bookmarks To Work

Apr 21, 2012

I'm using Mac OS 10.7.3 on 2.8 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo. I can't get bookmarks to work in Safari.  I try to bookmark things and nothing is saved in the bookmarks window.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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