Every time I go into Keyboard and Mouse in System Preferences, the Keyboard Shortcuts window always warns me that two actions (Input Source ones and Spotlight ones) have the same shortcuts, so I change one of them and quit, but I just get the alert sound and nothing happens. Also, every time I restart, the shortcuts are immediately reverted, so that the two actions have the same shortcut again. I finally solved it by simply installing some updates with Software Update, the most recent ones being Migration and DVD/CD Sharing Update, QuickTime, and Security Updates 2008-005 and -007.
For some reason, the keyboard shortcuts on my computer don't work. Every one that I try just continue on to the login screen. I press them right after chime..
I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to this, but does anyone have experience with creating keyboard shortcuts? I would like to edit my o , u , and a keys to create ??d 䠨alt + u = ? + o = ?tc...) Is this possible? It's a bit annoying switching between the different keyboards when I would like to make an umlaut.
I have given up with the Apple remote on eyetv as I cant get the grip of turning the menu on and off, I keep turning front row on.
I have the small apple wireless keyboard and would rather use this for all my eyetv tasks but dont want to have to use the mouse to operate the remote controller on screen.
In an ideal world I would like to reassign the following keys
F6 - Eye TV menu F7 - Fast Rewind F8 - Play/Pause F9 - Fast Forward
However, I found a problem. I have 16 spaces. But the keyboard shortcuts only allow me to jump to Spaces 1 - 9 with (Ctrl or ^ - (Space No.)) For example, if I were to jump to Space 8 from any space I would press ^ - 8. However, how do I use the shortcut for 10 - 16? I tried pressing ^ - 10. But it simply brings me back to Space 1 as it recognizes the first digit only.
I know in Keyboard Prefs you can add keyboard shortcuts. But can you REMOVE standard keyboard shortcuts? Specifically, I want to get rid of cmd+m (minimize) and cmd+p (print).
I am learning the keyboard and navigation. I have been heavily keyboard-oriented and prefer a keyboard shortcut when they are available. I have looked around for some but am unable to find them. It seems that some things just require the mouse.
An example would be navigating the mailboxes in Mail. Seems there is no keystroke to move up and down to select a mailbox, nor to "expand all" in the mailboxes pane. Instead each flippy triangle has to be clicked, which is quite tedious during my mail conversion process.
I'm using Snow Leopard on an iMac 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo. Anyway, what I'm trying to do is go into Keyboard Shortcuts under System Prefs. and put in an 'All Applications" shortcut for the play/pause command. Is there any way to do this? It says put in the exact name of the command, and when I put in either Play, Pause, or Play/Pause, it did nothing in iTunes. Surely there's a way? I'd really like to be able to do this, as I'm considering switching to an old keyboard soon that doesn't have the play/pause button.
When I press control+shift+space it plays/pauses my files from my iTunes. I want to change this because it's interferring with another shortcut. How do I change it? I already tried looking for solutions online but I can't find anything.
Im pretty new to Cubase but i have mastered all of the features. The only problem im having is that i cant remember the keyboard shortcuts and when im mixing its so much easier to use these!
I am trying to figure out how to use keyboard shortcuts to move from one Space to another. Online, it says it's ctrl + arrows. But when I do that, either nothing happens, or something related to the particular window I am focusing on happens (if I'm in safari, ctrl + up will take me to the top of the page it is currently displaying).
I switched over to Mac last week (new Macbook with Leopard) and set up the Spaces keyboard shortcuts (control and arrow keys or number keys to switch between spaces), and they worked fine, but now for some reason they don't: when I do control-1, I go back to the 1st space, but it doesn't work for any of my other 3 spaces. Control-left arrow will get me from space 2 to space 1, but the rest of the control-arrow keys don't work. I'm in Firefox 3 now, and Control-2 brings me to the search window that I opened before I started this thread, while control-3 and control-4 just make my mouse disappear until I move it again. What happened to my Spaces shortcuts?
I've had my mac pro for 2y now. I still have this problem where my keyboard shortcuts for expose, spaces etc., is resetted/disabled if I turn my mac pro into Sleep mode. It does not happen every time and I've only had this on this particular computer. I have a G15 gaming keyboard, though I don't think it matters.
Someone spilled something on my delete key and it was pretty sticky so I decided to take it out and clean it. After a few minutes of picking the key to get it out, it relinquished itself and I wiped it off. I then put it back on and now it simply doesn't work when I press it. Am I going to have to go to the professionals to fix it? I later did the same to my Volume Up key to see how I may have screwed up the delete key and it inevitably messed up as well. For a short time my trackpad wouldn't tap when I tapped it so I had to go into the system preferences and turn off the function of the trackpad ignoring accidental taps on the keyboard or something for it to work, so my delete key must currently be pushed down but not functioning correctly (I don't know). Then I somehow crewed up my keyboard shortcuts and now some functions work while others do nothing. On word I can use the shortcuts to save and underline, but can't use them to bold and undo. I use the latter more than the former and I don't have a clue as to why this has happened.
Is the following possible, and if so which keys do I need to press at start up?
1) Install SSD drive into mac 2) Put the original HDD in my external USB drive dock 3) Boot from the original HDD which is in the USB dock 4) Go to disk utilities and format the SSD 5) Clone the HDD to SSD (carboncopycloner) 6) Reboot and d/c the HDD, leaving SSD in mac
I don't know if its possible to boot from the HDD if its in a USB dock. If it fails, I will hold C to boot from install DVD.
When I bought my first Mac (macbook) a couple of years ago, I read on this or on another forum about a link where I could print a nice, compact, fold-up, page of keyboard shortcuts. It printed out into 8 small sections on 1 page and was designed to be folded up very compactly and portable. Does anyone remember where I might have got this? I've lost one and the other got wet. I've tried googling with no luck.
I have one of the new Macbook Pros. The F4 key has a little picture of the dashboard on it, hit that key and the dashboard pops up. I don't use dashboard enough to have it warrant its own key. So I don't want that, I want what I had on my iBook - I hit one of the function keys and Expose shows me the open windows for the application I'm in. I think fine, I'll just repurpose the F4 key. So into keyboard>keyboard shortcuts in system preferences, double click the Expose shortcut for Application Windows and make it F4.
The Dashboard still pops up for F4. Go into the keyboard tab and check the box that reads: "use all F1 F2 etc keys as standard function keys" and tada, the F4 key now does what I want. But obviously the volume keys etc now don't. So I thought I'd just go into keyboard shortcuts and set all the shortcuts to match the pictures on the keys. But I can't find most of them. I've got to be missing a trick - I know if I uncheck that function keys box again I can make expose pop up by holding fn and F4 but I don't want that, I just want F4 to bring up expose instead of the dashboard while the rest of the function keys do what Apple designed them to.
How do I make this work with a wireless keyboard? Apparently, if it is possible, I don't know how. I had to use a wired keyboard to get it boot to CD and I wanted to enable 64-bit, but holding those buttons down on the included wireless bluetooth keyboard do not work. Is there a way to make it work or should I just use a wired keyboard?
one thing im miss from windows are they keyboard shortcuts. i used to love using 'end' to reach the end of a sentence than the crtl and the right arrow key.
I have just added a new, larger internal hard drive and carbon copy cloned everything on my old HD to this new one. It seemed like everything was ok, but at some point ALL my key commands stopped working: com-q, com-i, all the keyboard shortcuts in my applications and in finder.
I'm taking notes in stats and I'm always having to use the ^ to represent a squared number, and writing out "sub" before everything that is subscript. Any way to just type in super/subscript?
My Macbook wont copy and paste anymore using the keyboard shortcuts or the menu options. When I go to copy something that is fine but when I paste it no matter how many characters I have pasted I get a one star character. For example if I copied this text. This is what I get below when I paste it. I don't think that i changed anything in my settings. My Macbook is only a little over a month old 2.4ghz 4 gigs ram OS 10.5.4.
Very strange- all my trusty default keyboard shortcuts, i.e cmd-shift-3, cmd-tab, F12, etc. No longer work! I've fiddled around in various system pref's but no luck. White MacBook, OS X v10.5.7.
I'm trying to do some math/biology study notes for school in pages, but I can't seem to figure out how to assign keyboard shortcuts to symbols. I could easily do it MS Office 08, where I would assign such keystrokes as Alt + Right for the "⇒" symbol but in pages it's not that simple. Right now, I essentially have to goto edit/special characters and insert each symbol in manually when I need it (Which is obviously time consuming for no reason)
when i click on desktop and press command-shift-a to open applications folder, the first finder windows gets switched to the app folder and not opening a new finder window.
how can i set the default to open new window when i use shortcuts like that?