OS X :: Reinstalling / Archive And Install - Dual Boot Installed To Windows For Gaming
Apr 12, 2009
A while back there was a thread on Archive and install " Cant find it on a search " but anyways. I'd like to do a clean install of the OS and bring over the applications needed, WHY? to me the system seems to be getting bogged down , mite be me also. Question is, is that I have dual boot installed to windows for gaming. Is the new install going to hose that? and would I have to reinstall bootcamp and the whole windows thing again? I was also thinking maybe some program that would go through and clean out old unnecessary files, but that's the old windows in me coming out from years past.
when I get my new MBP (when they release them *sigh*), I intend on doing some moderate gaming on it. Things like MW2, Starcraft, Sims 3, Battlefield BC2, and some others I can't think of right now.
My question is, if a game is available for both OSX and Windows, would it be better to get it for OSX, or Windows? I was wondering if I should have like all my games in the windows partition, or have ones that I can get for OSX separate.
So the other day I came home to find my powermac g5 frozen with the fans going crazy. After a hard reset the machine would no longer boot any further than the grey apple (kernel) stage. After pulling the video card the machine would boot up and I could log in using remote desktop from my laptop.
The machine ran that way for a couple of days until I got a new video card. When I put the new video card in the machine would not boot again.(The new card is exactly the same one as the old one)(ATI Radeon X800 XT mac edition).
After pulling the card the machine still wouldn't boot (exact same behavior as with the card) until I let it sit unplugged for 20 minutes or so. Also when it's not booting I can see that a little red light comes on on the logic board behind the cpu's.
Anyways I'm thinking it may be a power supply issue but if any experts wanna help me out with some advice I'd be very grateful.....
Well Today I tried using a pci video card from a g5 xserve and it exhibited the same behavior so now I know it's not the agp slot. When it has the cards in it won't do anything except make the bong and the fans come on and then after a minute or so a red light comes on behind the processor and the fans start revving up super loud.
At first it would display up till the grey apple stage of the boot sequence and then hang.Now the display does not come on at all. When it is doing this the machine will not respond to any keystrokes etc.
When I pull the cards out all is normal and I can boot into target disk ,safe boot,whatever except I need to connect to it via remote desktop to see anything. Like this the machine is stable and will run normally. I also tried disconnecting the optical drive and hard drives and swapping the ram to see if that helped but it didn't. Of course I have reset Pram and the pmu also. Is the logic board toast? I can't run any hardware test or asd's with no video to see if there are any errors...
I searched for a while trying to find the answer but did not find it. I just installed Vista Business via Bootcamp. I am not able to access the internet or anything. If I read the help stuff right I need to use the OSX install disk to install the drivers. The problem is, I don't have the install disk. Is there any other way to get the drivers? Or am I just missing something easier?
I am new to Mac. I bought a new MB Unibody. I have been learning little by little day by day. I wanted to see if I could install Ubuntu v8.10 on a partition and go dual boot with it. I only used a 5 gb partition. Now when I start up t goes right to Ubuntu. I have been hitting the C button to change back to OSX. My Question is, Did I screw up and not install it right? Can I go back to default settings? Is it just a button i am missing to go back to OSX? I would love to go back to OSX. I just wanted it as a dual boot.
I just installed boot camp and windows on my new imac. Everything seems to be working great. I noticed, however, that on the mac keyboard there is not an "insert" button or a "num lock" button. Is there a link or manual to figure out which buttons I can use for the windows apps?
I am willing to either dual boot windows 7 and mac os x on a computer i just built with i7 processor or just install mac os x on that computer. I have download iatkos v1.0 and snow leopold. the computer can boot on either one. My problem is after I selected the language I was asked where I wanted to install the program,I was stuck there.
I am happy with my MBP and I have an old laptop running XP . I want to know why one should dual boot . And waht methods can be adopted to dual boot Mac OS X snow leopard with windows 7 .
At the moment I have Windows 7 32 bit OS. I've always wanted either an iMac, or atleast the Mac OS. I've recently found out it's only £20.99, and i've always thought it was a lot more than that, which is a bargain! The only thing which is stopping me from buying it at the moment, is that certain programs which I use reguarlarly won't work on Mac, and I really need those programs. Is their anyway I could dual-boot it with Windows 7, so I give Windows 7 say only 8gb of my hard drive, and Mac the rest?
Is a usb keyboard needed to switch between OS X and Windows in bootcamp when holding down the option key, or should the Apple bluetooth wireless keyboard work as well?
I plan on purchasing a Mac Mini server in the upcoming months and I'd like to be able to dual boot Windows on it when I need to. However the Mac OS Server (as far as I can tell) doesn't come with the Boot camp utility. So here's my conundrum: Do I ignore the server version of Mac and install Snow Leopard client with boot camp assistant or do I just use Disc Utility to create a second partition on one of the Mini drives and install Windows like any other computer? and keep using the server version of Snow Leopard?
I guess what I;m asking is which of these is the better option?
Installing Client and using Boot Camp Utility?
Or Creating a Partition manually and installing Windows on that?
(would my second option even work and would installing boot camp drivers after that process do any good or would it just bunk the Windows install?)
I created a Boot Camp Partition (an entire drive, actually) and installed XP. The install went off without a hitch ... Except, having rebooted to Mac OS X (10.6.1) there is no way to boot Windows again. Going to Preferences->Boot Disk shows no Book Camp bootable drive.
By using boot camp, I finally managed to install XP on my Macbook Pro. I can extend the monitor but the problem is that the extended monitor is in Black&WHite and totally jagged/off centered. I tested the adater and the cable with other machine and they work fine, so definitely issue is not the cable and the adapter. I really need to use Dual monitor for some software that I use on XP, so this is really really important to me.... My MacbookPro is 2.16ghz with 2GB of RAM, and the video card is ATI Radeon X1600. Maybe I need to install different driver for the card? If anyone has done the same please please let me know exactly how you did it
I have an Intel Macbook with 10.4.11 running, and I wanted to upgrade to Snow Leopard. I've heard that the $29 upgrade disc will work with 10.4, and I have a couple questions. 1. I lost the original 10.4 install disc that came with my computer - would that be a problem? 2. I'm in a college CS program, and I'd like to be able to dual boot Windows onto the laptop. I think in order to do that, I have to do a clean install of OS X after installing Windows - can I do that with the upgrade disc?
I am a complete n00b when it comes to OSX just to warn you lol. Im just wondering, if one did a dual boot of windows alongside OSX, is it possible to access those files on the windows partition from OSX and likewise, is it possible to access those files on the OSX partition from wndows? Also, will Time Capsule only back up files from OSX or from across the whole mac? Sorry if this is a stupid question, as I am looking into buying a macbook and was wondering if this is possible.
It's time for me to look into serious back up solutions for a Mac Pro dual boot. I had good backup solutions in the past, but this set up is different. I now have two Mac drives (system and storage), the Windows partition on Mac system drive, and one Windows storage drive (total 3 physical, 4 virtual). Physical system drive is 240GB split down the middle. Mac storage drive is 1TB, and XP storage drive is 500MB. I keep reading about robotic backup systems like Drobo, but I'm wondering what the advantages are over simply getting matched drives and mirroring them. (Other than the fact that I don't have to worry about drive sizes I mean).
It seems to me the big selling point on these gadgets is the "set it and forget it" aspect. I've used mirrored drives in the past, and don't recall ever having to pay any attention to them, no extra software settings. Share them, don't share them, whatever. That, and they update on the fly. Every time I write to the primary drive, the redundant drive is instantly updated to match it. What am I not getting? These "robotic" backups just seem to me to be nothing more than SATA drive racks with a lot of blinking lights I don't really need (I pay attention to my storage capacity. I know when it's getting full long before the lights come on), and software that does stuff the system can already do.
I've bought my 13" MBP (love it) but need to dual boot to run some programs, so I bought the Windows 7 Prof 64bit Upgrade. Now... because it's the upgrade version do I need to have a previous version of a Windows OS installed before I can upgrade or can I install straight away? Another question, at some point I'm tempted to upgrade to the 500gb Momentus XT. Will my Windows 7 disk be okay for multiple installs?
Ok so if you were to play Wow on osx with dual monitor... do you play on one screen while the other screen is still under osx?? Or does the 2nd monitor become part of the game??
I presently have a 13" MacBook Pro (First-Gen Unibody from Late 2008) running Windows XP in Boot Camp and Snow Leopard. I'm about to buy a new 13" MacBook Air to replace my MBP and will need to install Windows in Boot Camp (for work and for gaming).Which version(s) of Windows can I install in Boot Camp on a new MBA? I heard that only Windows 7 can be installed but would like to verify if this is correct.
I have just finished installing Vista Ultimate (64 bit) on my new Mac Pro, and the screen is really dark, and I can't seem to get it any brighter.
My graphics card is the Nvidia 8800gt, I am using an old 23" ACD through the ADC/DVI adaptor.
The screen was nice and bright all throughout the installation, but after I installed the boot camp drivers from the Apple install disc, the screen became really dim. If I open the Nvidia control panel and try and change the brightness from there, the screen stays dim, but just gets really washed out.
The weird thing is, it translates back onto the OS X side. When I restart after being in Vista, the display is still very dim - I have to go in the Displays system preferences and manually change the brightness back up from minimum. Conversely, when I boot into Vista having been in OS X, the screen is initially bright through all the login screens, but then switches back to being dark as soon as I have logged in.
There is probably a really simple solution to this, but as I am completely unfamiliar with Vista, I'm stuffed if I can work it out. Any advice is gratefully received.
I have installed VMFusion Ware and then Windows XP. When I insert the CD to install Microsoft Office, nothing happens... I'm a very new MacBook Pro user and LOVE it but I need to use some Microsoft products for work.
I installed Windows 7 to my macbook pro simply using the boot camp assistant, then again simply I deleted the windows partition. I cannot access to windows but every time I open my mac, it tries to open windows and a black screen comes, saying that I need to insert a disc or something like that.
I'm curious if you can install windows 7 or any windows for that matter on the hdd installed in the optibay and boot via bootcamp?
Has anyone tried this and if so does it work well?
I decided to keep my 15" mbp as today is the last day for the exchange so I'm going to go ahead and install the optibay and stick my 500gb hitachi drive in there.
I have been trying to install Windows 7 (yes, legit copy) to my Macbook Pro the whole day, but I keep on getting this error message saying "Press any key to boot from cd or dvd . . . ."
When I press any key on the keyboard, nothing happens. I know this copy works because I've tried this on VMWare 3. (I'm going to Boot Camp of BIOSHOCK!)
What I've Tried:
Deleted partition, recreate partition and choose the Windows 7 disk as startup disk.
Well I installed Vista Ultimate using boot camp on my 27 inch iMac using 10.6.2 and now I can't get it to boot in OSX. I tried holding the command key when rebooting but it just goes into the windows part. Looks like windows took over. Does anybody know how I can get it to boot in Leopard?
Running a 2010 MBP Core i5 2.4GHz. I had Windows 7 originally installed. Gave me wireless problems and I gave up. Erased the partition. Installed Windows XP and everything was fine.
I got a new copy of W7 Professional x64. I installed it "over" the existing XP, though it erased the partition anyways (I don't care about that).The new 7 install has been giving me the same wireless problems. I downloaded and installed the Broadcom driver. Gave me a BSOD and restarted the computer. Now I have a BSOD on start up, too. On the OSX side of things, it no longer shows any Boot Camp hard drive. It doesn't recognize it at all. Though when I hold the option key on boot, it still shows the Windows install.
1. How do I fix the BSOD problem? (All caused by installing the driver)
2. Where the heck is the Boot Camp hard drive/partition?