Camino is my favorite browser, but its one big problem is that is uses up way too much of my memory. Is there any way to make it use more virtual memory and less physical - i.e., a memory quota? What would be the repercussions of doing this be?
I support a Mac G5 computer lab in a campus setting. The lab is comprised of 30 stations and a G5 running OSX Server doing the back-end user authentication and file serving.
At this point, all of the stations direct IP print to the several printers in the lab. We charge users by the page, and at this point the charging is handled manually.
We have implemented a print quota program in our PC lab with much success (the software is called PaperCut). We have tried to implement the same in the computer lab, but without much luck.
We are looking for a native-Mac solution. The software must be able to:
* Utilize a pre-pay system, allowing users to store credits
* Be able to support multiple printers
* Authenticate users through our OSX server's accounts
i have mac pro with 10.6.2 running and the have a wi-fi router installed to the mac pro via cable ethernet. i also have 2 other computers running windows 7 and they both connect to the internet wirelessly. i want to know if there's a mac program i can installed that allows me to limit the amount of internet usage the other computers are using. the issue is i have a limit of 20GB per month, and would like to let the other computers running windows to each have a internet usage limit of 5GB per month - or if someone knows how to do it via mac os x
I have set up an Imap account using my Mac Mail (Version 3.6 (935/935.3)). It all works great, and so forth except that somewhere along the lines my mail is being deleted off the server. It's important to note that this is NOT deleted mail - which should be, and is being, deleted - but mail I wish to keep. I cannot decipher exactly how it decides what to delete, but I seem to have quota's enforced - but when I try to set quota's (under -> account info -> quota's ) I cannot set anything.
It tells me that "this account supports quota limits", but it won't let me adjust them? As best I can tell it's deleting mail older than 1 month or 200 messages or a size (indeterminable). I sync with my iPhone mail app, also using the Imap, and it has an option to "display" xxx messages. Currently this is set to 200 (the max option), I cannot deselect it and cannot select more than 200. I figure, however, that this refers to how many messages are displayed on my phone, not the limit stored on the server.
This account has exceeded the iCloud quota. Please contact customer support. How can I determine what data limits have been exceeded? And in what categories? I don't think I've exceeded any capacity limits.
How do I delete macbook pro osx 10.7 virtual partition on virtual box? I already deleted the virtual machine and the app but the partition is still there.
do I delete virtual partition on virtualbox? I'm using Mac OS X v10.7 Lion and installed Window7 through virtualbox. I decided to use boot camp instead so I deleted the virtual machine and the the app. However, the partition is still there. How can I remove/delete the virtual partition.
I'm planning to upgrade my 17" MPB soon (trying to hold on for Arrandale, but we'll see how the old one holds up). Not that it will make much difference in my decision, but does anyone know if the 8GB RAM limit in the current MBPs is due to the fact that the largest currently-available DIMMs that will fit in the MBP are 4GB each; or if it's due to a limitation in the way the computer/chipset addresses the memory? In other words, once someone develops an 8GB DIMM that will fit in the MBP's slots, will it be possible to upgrade to 12 or 16GB of RAM?
I'm curious as to how thick the iMac G5's are. From what I've found, they are 6.8" thick, but I find that hard to believe... Is that figure for the stand and all? What's the actually thickness of just the white part?
In OSX (Leopard), is there a way to allow the actual physical eject button on my external DVD drive to actually eject the disk? Obviously it is not a hardware limitation, seeing as I can do this just fine in Vista...
So is there a terminal command, a .plist to edit, or even some 3rd party plug-in that will allow this to happen? It is really frustrating when OSX is locking up due to a bad DVD or something, or if I am in a hurry and need the damn drive to spit out the disk PRONTO..
I have powerbook g4 with 2GB Kingston memory. So far I haven't experienced any hardware issues. However today I've noticed that all of a sudden 1GB has disappeared!! My Mac recognizes only 1GB! What might have happened?
I've studied the forums & there's lots of discussion about having to install SL, then download Lion (again) then other thread says to copy the downloaded Lion (in the Apps folder) to an 8gb thumb drive, etc, etc. I'm installing a new 512GB SSD in bay-4 so that's where I'd like to move Lion. Is RE-INSTALL really necessary to simply move it to another drive?
I have a 13-inch Macbook pro (Mid 2012) with 4GB memory. I was browsing around and discovered a table in the activity monitor stating the following;
- Physical Memory: 4.00GB
- Memory Used: 3.75GB
- Virtual Memory: 4.51GB
- Swap Use: 35.3 MB
From reading other questions and the responses to them I have realized that Maverick takes up a lot of memory but I'm not quite sure why my swap used isn't zero. I don't have much on this Macbook and have bought it recently. Why is the Swap use not zero? Is it a bad thing that it's 35.3MB?
The reason I was looking around was to figure out if my Macbook would be good to run downloaded games and such on; this is a shared laptop and that's what my brothers are interested in doing for the most part. Yes, we have a huge age gap.
So I would like to know if there is an actual physical folder housing all my iPhoto Library pics or is it literally just in the application? And is there a way to make it so I have them in a folder but iPhoto can still access them without putting two copies of every pic on my computer?
I have a 250GB firewire drive. I have a G5 iMac and an Intel iMac. I'd like to make bootable clones (about 60GB each) of each for off site backup, so two logical partitions. As far as I can see, the partition table scheme is determined at the physical drive level. But I need the logical drives to be Apple for the G5 partition and GUID for the Intel partition (please correct me if I am wrong) in order for them to be bootable. Is there any way around this, or do I need two physical drives after all?
I've been running Fusion for quite a while and have a VMDK (XP) that is fully configured and running all the tools I need. My question is - is there a way to convert the VMDK over to a Boot Camp partition? I'm trying to avoid reinstalling all the tools I have on the VMDK.
Not being a professional mac user I was asked to provide my physical mac address by the IT person at my work to enable me to get wifi. I can't seem to be able to do this on my G4 15" powerbook. I'm also not sure if I need to as I get full signal from the wifi in the place and I should only need the password? He says this is the only way he can give me the he a bit behind the mac times!? I remember a 'run' command on the early iMacs.
This is what I was given;
'On the laptop press start, go to RUN, type in CMD, then type in IPCONFIG /all (there is a space between ipconfig and the / ) He should then see his physical address.'
Consider this my first ill informed, new to Mac OS question. Just received my new iMac today and while poking around it seems I do not already have iLife '11 installed, but a previous version of the suite. How do I go about updating? Should it be included? Do I have to actually wait to get a physical disc?
About 3 days ago I noticed that right clicking on items was becoming increasingly difficult to do. The system would only register about 75% of my right clicks. Later that day the left click stopped working almost entirely. When I go to drag items, I either get no response or the pointer will grab the item briefly and then let it go after moving a very short distance. It does seem to work when I put a significant amount of pressure on the trackpad when clicking but I've seen some horror threads about trackpads cracking so I'm attempting to avoid applying too much pressure.
I have a mbp purchased in late september and over the last few days the actual physical click on the trackpad is not working. If I apply a lot of pressure it will work but im afraid ill further damage the trackpad if i keep doing this. Anyone else have this problem and how did you solve it?
Does the Macbook Pro and the Mac Mini use the same type/size hard drive? (Looking to take a hard drive from a macbook pro and put it in the mac mini as a replacement)
(First of all for the people who will not read the thread, but just post away) I DO NOT MEAN LIKE THE iPad, BUT USING GESTURES ON A PHYSICAL KEYBOARD Okay, would you buy a keyboard where the keys are coated in the Apple Trackpads' glass and have touch sensors built-in. It would allow you to do things like swipe three fingers in the same row to start a new paragraph and automatically indent, Finger swipe up for select all, some undo commands, and a lot of other typing related gestures.
I was playing a trackpad button intensive game and everything was fine. I shut down my game, closed the computer, and went to bed.
The next day, I opened my MBA and the physical trackpad button doesn't seem to work properly. If I push it down, I feel the button engage, but unless I'm touching it in the lefthand corner, there is no response on the screen. I've enabled touch-to-click and I can still get the left side to work, but this is really annoying.
I can't see any warping in the surface of the trackpad and I don't own a Bluetooth mouse.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I bought Fusion and ran Windows 7 in a VM - within a few minutes my MBP (17" i7 4GB RAM) was wayyyyy hot (left side bottom/top). I mean, I am a little concerned with how hot it gets. I'll look into smcFancontrol but want to know if upgrading to 8GB RAM will do the trick as well?
I'm looking to install a Windows partition on my MB to revisit my Counter-Strike days. Does Boot Camp require a physical disk or can I use an ISO image for the install?
I just read a thread on Undercover and it reminded me of a question I wanted to ask earlier this week.
I'm going to college in september and it seems as if a Kingston lock is not a good choice. There are a number of things on youtube including yanking the notebook, pulling on the lock itself and using cardboard to open the lock. This makes physical locks look bad. Would software be a good alternative? How about lojack for laptops? Apparently they'll get your laptop back regardless of where it ended up. If not, they'll give you a grand. Seems like it would be hard to do if it was chopped up like when a thief brings a car to a chop shop.