OS X :: Put Back Option Not Available / Only Works On Certain Files Or Locations
Sep 1, 2009
I've noticed that when I delete a file from my Downloads Stack there isn't a "Put back" option when I go to the trash. If I delete that same file from the Downloads Folder in the Finder...the "Put back" option is there. Is this a known bug? Same goes for my podcasts I delete from iTunes, no "Put back" option is listed.
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Oct 18, 2010
I've just discovered something in my Library, and I don't know whether I have a problem, or if I should care . . . ;^)
I have 16 songs showing in iTunes 10.0.1 from a 2-disk release called "Cafe del Mar Vol 13" - all songs play fine, and I have song and CD numbers for all songs, and each song has the box "Part of a compilation" checked.
In my main file system (same level as "Applications") is a folder called "iTunes Music", and in that is "Compilations" - further down inside that is "Cafe del Mar Vol 13" but it only has 11 of the 16 songs.[/iTunes Music/Compilations/Cafe del Mar Vol 13]
At the same level as "Compilations" is "iTunes Song Files" and in that is "Music" and inside that is another "Compilations" folder, and another "Cafe del Mar Vol 13" folder. This only has 13 of the 16 songs, and one is a duplicate. [/iTunes Music/iTunes Song Files/Music/Compilations/Cafe del Mar Vol 13]
Which of these is the "correct" Compilations folder? If I compare the files in each folder, I have all 16 songs that are displayed in iTunes, just not all in one folder. Should I be worried?
And should I bother with trying to "fix" either of these folders so they have the correct collection of 16 songs? If I move files around, will iTunes get confused?
Other possibly useful bits of info: 1) I have almost 10,000 songs; 2) I use the iVolume app to set the same playback volume level; and 3) all songs have been synching fine with my iPod Touch.
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Aug 22, 2014
I wrongly assumed that when you go to system settings to select the scratch disks (root folder where all the audio and video render folders and files go, capture files, etc.) that Final Cut would save the folder locations within the FC project you are working in. Makes total sense, but for reasons I don't understand, FC does NOT save these folder locations and the result is that I have render files scattered all over the place on my hard drive and it is quite a mess! Fortunately, the project file remembers where it put the render files, so as long as you don't remove or rename any project folders, everything shows up rendered on the time line as it should. The problem is, if I'm working on several projects at once, I have to reset the scratch disks every time I reopen a project, otherwise the program will save it to the last scratch location selected and put all of the render files in another project's folder. I often forget to reset the scratch disks when I'm busy and now I have render files mixed up in various project folders.
Why can't you just set the scratch disks one time when you first set up the project and have the project always remember that location, instead of always having to reset them every time you reopen a project. I love Final Cut, but this is a product defect that should be addressed and corrected. If the project file can remember where it is putting all the render files, it should also be capable of remembering the scratch disk locations you originally selected when you first set up the project or better yet, save it to the project's root folder by default.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Oct 18, 2010
So sometimes when I change Icons they work and other items they don't it just shows up with this.
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Mar 13, 2010
how can i get the backup option in itunes? I have it for my iphone 3g but not for my 5th gen ipod nano. I fixed it for my iphone by tying a terminal command but no i can only backup my iphone and not my nano
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Mar 11, 2009
Is there an option for Time Capsule to back itself up to another disk? Is this automatic?It just seems dumb to store everything on Time Capsule if it has the same failure rate as a hard drive with no redundancy even though apple says its server grade.
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Apr 15, 2010
My 2.2GHz MacBook (3,1) has had an issue for some time now. At first the backlight would flicker as you moved the display from closed to open. The backlight stayed lit through most of the travel. It's gotten progressively worse lately where it will only stay lit at certain angles, and is otherwise black (you can still see the display in sunlight though). Right now it'll only stay lit if I open it very slowly and stop once it lights up.
As I don't have a ton on money to spend, I don't want to just throw parts at it. What could be the issue? Since when it lights up it lights up full brightness and stays lit, I don't think it's an inverter issue. Could it be the inverter board cable?
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Sep 18, 2008
is there any free option to convert swf files on mac to mov, avi, mp4, or basically any quicktime-compatible file format?
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Aug 13, 2009
this is would be useful to see/scan with antivirus before you mount and open. what do you think?
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Apr 2, 2012
Microsoft files (e.g. excel) when forwarded as attachments and received by MacBook Winmail, get converted to winmail.dat files. However, MS Office products cannot open these winmail.dat files. Does anyone have a solution for this "bug"?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Dec 6, 2009
I just got an imac and I saw that the preview function in the folders have changed a bit from Tiger. I was wondering how you can fast forward mp3's and movies in the small preview function?
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Jun 13, 2010
I want to add a file to the Desktop, and I want to open it with a specific text editor (emacs) whenever I click on it. So far, I made that file, copied it into the Desktop directory, and I tried to set the application which opens it via a right-click "Open-with" menu item. But when I try to select executable for that file (again, emacs), that application is greyed out and I can't set that application to open it.
So, how can I do it. When I click on the file, I want a window to be opened with emacs running and editing that file.
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Nov 2, 2010
I cannot get the files to open with the latest OpenOffice or TextEdit. I've been doing some research into how to convert them and came across a product called MacLinkPlus from Data Viz, but I cannot find it on there site and assume that it may have been discontinued. My forum searches here have yielded no results. Hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction.
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May 8, 2012
I'm usuing a new mac mini with lion server as a file sharing server (smb) with multiple machines with both W7 and XP. My problem is accessing SolidWorks files from the PC. I can drag the files to the desktop and then they will open but if I try to open them from SolidWorks it doesn't work. It looks like other are having this problem with SolidWorks and office. It also looks like in the last update (10.7.3) they might have fixed the issues with office but I can't find anything about SolidWorks issues being solved. I didn't have this problem before when I was using an older mini server with snow leopard but ever since I have made the switch to a new machine with lion server I've had this problem.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mac Mini with Lion Server 10.7.3
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Jun 27, 2009
I just installed a Seagate 500gb, 7200rpm hard drive in my 13" MBP that was updated to EFI Firmware Update 1.7. Clean install of OS X and iLife '09 & iWork '09 went fast. It's quite and fast compared to my old Samsung 500gb, 5400rpm hard drive. It was worth the $120 I spent on it!
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Apr 5, 2012
Like two months ago, my MBP started to work really slow when not plugged to electricity, but as soon as I plug it in, my MBP works perfectly. I already sent it to apple for they to fix it, but they solved other issued except for that one. Please, any idea what could it be.
MacBook Pro
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Dec 12, 2014
After clicking System Preference how do I get SCAN option to appear so documents can be scanned? Currently only the Print option is visible and having no problems with printing. Printer is a HP Laser Jet 300.
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May 5, 2009
is there a way to switch network settings automatically because of whether or not I am connected to a certain (non-WiFi) LAN? I have to manually set the IP address and such when I am at work, but would like to have DHCP at all other times. The Location Managers I found can do this only on the basis on whether or not certain WiFi networks are found. However, there is no WiFi at work - so I am looking for a program that detects this specific LAN as soon as I plug in the ethernet cable and then sets a specific location. And vice versa: if I unplug the cable, I want to return to the other location...
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Feb 26, 2010
I've gotten into a bad habit of saving everything to the to the desktop for easy access and now I'm having screenshot overload !
i) when taking a screenshot is it possible to override the auto naming function i.e. open the shot to then save as? or
ii) is it possible to take a screenshot and auto-save it into a specific folder, rather than the desktop, even a single desktop folder would help me?
The desktop is a total mess and I've a 50 or so screenshots mixed in with everything else - each screenshot just seems to look for the next available space on the desktop !!!
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Sep 3, 2010
I just bought my mac and I have been googling and thread searching my heart out as best I know how and I can't seem to find and answer to this anywhere.
When you boot your Mac for the first time, OS X gives you the option of taking a picture for your account photo with your webcam. I am looking for the location of that file. I want to make it my profile picture on Facebook.
I am running 10.6.4 on a 6,2 Macbook Pro.
If anyone know the answer to this: Many internets unto you.
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Apr 19, 2009
I was curious if anyone could help me out on this.
I recently did a clean sweep of my system drive and am keeping most things external for easier plug-n-play and swap capabilities.
Currently by default Firefox saves downloads to: MacHD > Users > AppleNewton > Downloads
So i changed that to point to my external drive: Volume > Downloads (folder on drive) > Firefox
so when i say goto apple.com and download programs or utilities it prompts the Okay to download and it saves it to that destination. (since it does not auto-launch)
So my problem is those files that auto-launch another application say..iTunes, VLC or uTorrent.
I download torrent file, it saves the package to the Downloads section but within uTorrent I can send it to a different completed folder.
So i just need to find out a way to get the auto-launch files to be saved to the Firefox downloads folder on the external drive, isntead of defaulting to the MacHD>User>AppleNewton>Downloads folder
it seems to only do it when the item is selected as Open With when using Firefox.
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Jul 29, 2009
I was wondering if anyone knew where to find a map of the world where Apple is located... this would be great help for my research paper!
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Aug 15, 2009
is it possible to get two hard drives, (lets just say FW400 750gb for the sake of the discussion).
Put one of them at home and set up time machine, then put the second at work and 'change disk' in time machine prefs to the new one, and everytime you change locations just tell it to change disks to the one matching your location - and have both disks being full Time Machine backups without having to 'do a full from scratch backup' every time?
Then it seems like you could use something like MarcoPolo to have it automatically change those preferences based on which networks it sees or something, so that it is just time machining automatically and properly no matter which location you are at.....would this work?
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Aug 1, 2008
I am sure other people have had this question, but I have tried searching the web and macosx.com with no luck.
I have Mac OS X 10.4.11. When working a particular project I like having a number of windows from various programs up in a particular arrangement & size -- e.g. Firefox on the left, BBEdit in the middle, terminal on the right, etc., each with a particular file open.
It is not a huge deal to set it up, but it is tiresome to do it again and again after being forced to do an auto-restart after some stupid software update, switching to another series of programs for another task, etc.
There has got to be an easy way to do this either with the standard OS or with a downloadable app.
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Nov 26, 2009
Specific example of a very common general scenario: I'm searching for an instruction manual on my computer.
I have a lot of product brochures and one manual from the same company, all with similar names. No idea which is the manual, but I do know that when I run a Spotlight search, the manual will be the one with the large file size.
Except for some inexplicable reason, Spotlight won't show you the file sizes of all the results! This is absolutely bizarre OS behavior. I have to Get Info of each one, which is laborious. And it's hard to compare them, as you have to match each Info window with each file name back in the Spotlight results.
This process is next to impossible when trying to compare a very large number of documents or video clips, etc.
Similar usability issue when you need to easily and quickly compare where a bunch of files you've searched for are all located. Can't do it on a Mac. (This is sadly one of those areas where Windows has long been easier and simpler than Mac.)
I understand the $39 "Path Finder" application can add these functions, but it introduces other limitations that matter to me. So, is there ANY way to sort by size and location in OSX (10.6.2)?
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Mar 8, 2012
My Bluetooth will not find any available locations, how do I fix this?
iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G
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Dec 5, 2009
I was trying to delete one file , so i dragged to trash, then all of a sudden I realize my entire Drobo (3TB Huge) was highlighted and deleting to my trash! So now I have a trash folder full all my Drobo's content and I can't figure out how to get it all back to "put back"! I'm afraid that I am going to inadvertently empty trash and lose my entire Drobo's contents! I need to figure out how to undo or put back ... come on Apple. Why'd you make this so difficult?
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Oct 8, 2009
I have downloaded and saved several garage ban lessons onto my macbook pro... which I use mainly at work. I would like to copy the lessons onto my Mac Mini which I use at home...
I cannot seem to find the locations of the lesson files? any ideas how I can acheive this?
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Jan 20, 2010
Since Apple has started putting these water sensors on almost all of their devices now, I am pretty sure that the unibody MBPs have them too (on portions exposed to the external environment; not just on the logic board and internal chasis).
I was wondering if anyone knew where they were located out of curiosity.
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May 13, 2010
I've got a 500gb internal drive for my iMac (250gb to XP and OSX), but my iTunes library takes up 300gb. 50gb of that is music. What I'd like to do is have my music on my internal drive and keep my videos on the external, which would be powered off (it's rather noisy and doesn't have an auto-power down like my other, smaller HDD's).
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