Windows On Mac :: Transferring Files Between HFS+ (OSX) And NTFS (Win XP) - Is Macdrive Or Other HD
May 28, 2009
So Ive been using Macdrive for transfering files between HFS+ (OSX) and NTFS (Win XP), whenever Iam in bootcamp. Each time I transfer something large from win partition to my OSX partition using Macdrive (files around 6-8 GB) I often get the disc error message "You disc need repair". So I was wondering, is the problem my HD or is it the program macdrive?
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May 18, 2009
I'm new to Mac so I'm sure its user error.
I recently bought a Macbook and I have a external USB hard drive that is formatted NTFS. I copied all of the files off of external HD and pasted them on my Macbook. I slicked the external hard drive and formatted it as FAT32 so I could read & write on both a PC and Mac if I need.
Anyways, once the external hard drive was formatted I tried moving all of the files back to the external but I keep getting and error code once I paste the files on the external drive. It says: "Sorry, the operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occurred. Error code 0"
Now I'm not sure if the files are locked or what but I need help. I want to move them back to the external drive. It actually copies a few files to the external but nowhere near what all I need. They are just some .doc files that are on there
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Mar 25, 2010
Basically, I have a USB drive (Seagate Free Agent) and a Seagate 200 gig HDD. Originally, these were formatted as OSX extended volumes. When I decided to donate them to another PC, I used MacDrive to access them.
I have since formatted them both as NTFS. After electing to reinstall Windows 7, I found to my surprise that neither drive could be read at all. It wasn't until I installed MacDrive 8 that I was able to read them once again.
Why would drives that have been formatted in a native Windows volume still require MacDrive to just to be able to access them?
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Aug 26, 2006
I really really need help here to recover my files from the NTFS partition on my machine from my windows installation suddenly won't boot. I switched to OSX to check the NTFS partiton labled "Untitled" and it doesn't display the files and folders inside like it normally does. I also checked the partition info:
I just need to recover my document files for I believe that they still exist in the ntfs partition.
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Apr 13, 2010
I have just acquired an external enclosure for my 160GB 2.5 HDD, and I have it formatted as NTFS on a MBR partition table. I use NTFS-3G on OSX, and it's, of course, natively supported by windows. Well, I am having problems with hidden files between them. In OSX, the .DS_Store files, .Trashes and ._*name* files are hidden, but I can see windows' hidden files (RECYCLER, RECYCLE BIN, and System Volume Information). In Windows, I can see .DS_Store, .Trashes and ._*name* files from OSX, but not Windows' hidden files. I am looking for a way to solve this, or not have the files created on the disks.
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Feb 6, 2010
Is there a way to create NT stream files ( ADA-Alternate Data Streams files ) using Mac on NTFS partition ?
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May 22, 2009
I have a Windows 98 laptop where I have a large amount of files (pictures, documents, etc.) that I have saved. I am wondering how I can transfer all of those files to my Mac OS X. The Windows 98 is not connected to the internet, so I am unable to do it that way (or it would require a considerable amount of time to e-mail files back to myself, much more time that I am willing to spend at this time) and I tried using a 3.5" floppy disks to transfer files to a Windows 98 computer that was connected to the internet, but the laptop could not read the disks. Additionally, the Windows 98 does not have an ethernet adapter but it does have a UBS connection.
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Aug 2, 2010
How do I go about moving files between my macbook pro to a windows based laptop, I am forced to do this because I cant transfer files bigger than 4.5gb on an external.
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Dec 4, 2014
Is it possible by any means to transfer mac files onto a windows “NTFS" formatted external hard drive...??
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Feb 19, 2009
I'm trying to be able to access my Windows HD (loaded with Win7) from when I'm booted in Mac. I can move files from my Windows HD partition and drag them into any folder on my mac, but I can't do the reverse. I'd love to be able to drag a powerpoint from a folder on my mac but it won't let me drag it to a windows folder (some of which have little lock icons on them) and says access denied. I thought I made sure I have read/write access so I don't really know what is wrong. I'm aware I can't access my mac partition from when I'm booted into WIndows but I'd be really appreciative if someone would let me know how to drag files to and from the windows partition while I'm booted into mac.
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Mar 22, 2012
HWhat is the method for transferring files from Snow Leopard to windows XL through BootCamp
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 20, 2010
I have ~800 GB of data on an internal hard drive on the PC, but I have to get it all to an external hard drive (2 TB) formatted as HFS+ so it'll play nicely with OS X. CliffNotes: 800GB, NTFS internal to 2 TB external. HALP.
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Nov 23, 2009
I've been looking everywhere for an answer to this question and I'm really stumped. I've installed Bootcamp as I've realised Fusion is no good for gaming, however. I can't download all of my games again off steam due to a cap on my internet.
I've looked everywhere and is there anyway I can copy and paste the program files from my current virtual machine onto my new bootcamp machine?
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Dec 28, 2009
I have recently made the plunge into mac kingdom and very pleased so far.
I am going through the pain staking task of transferring music, photos etc.. from my windows laptop to my new macbook pro.
I started off by setting up file sharing and copying files but it is taking absolutely ages.
Ideally I would like to use my 500gb mybook external hard drive but given an experience I just had when putting a memory stick in my mac straight after loading it up from my pc am I likely to lose all my current external hard drive data?
Complete ball ache if thats the case as all my films are on there and burning it all to DVD would take forever.
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Jul 6, 2010
I figured it was the motherboard and that is way too costly to replace. So I just bought a Macbook and I'm waiting for it to arrive. I'm pretty sure that the hard drive on my pavillion is still ok, so what I've purchased a hard drive enclosure and plan to use that as an external hard drive as well as transfer my files to my new macbook. My question is whether I would be able to transfer my files from my PC hard drive to the macbook directly without formatting the hard drive because that will erase all my files.
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Aug 23, 2009
Does anyone know how can i install Vista home premium on my imac? ive been using boot camp to do all the steps but im stuck at where i should choose NTFS format partition had disk. Seems like mine is FAT32.
This is what ive done;
1.Open up bootcamp assistant
2.Partition, divide equally(116GB each)
3.Insert Vista disk and start installation
4.Install Vista and insert CD key
5.custom installation
6.Now this is where i stuck
I have 4 options, and i should choose the last one which says bootcamp 116gb, but i cant click it since it says the disk need to have NTFS format. How can i set so that i partiton it to NTFS?
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Apr 13, 2010
It installed fine and worked, so i then decided to install a game (L4D2) installed about half way then BSOD!
I didnt mind to much until i realised I could no longer boot into OSX, windows works perfectly.
I have booted into Single user mode and have successfully managed to find all the files they all seem to be fine. I just cant figure out a way to back them up, I am unable to mount a usb drive whenever I use the MKDIR command in /Volumes/ I get the message 'file exists' or something similar.
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Aug 15, 2009
I have a Lacie external hard disk that was originally formatted for PCs. I have some files there, but more importantly, my iTunes library is saved directly on the Lacie (I have everything on apple lossless, so they are some big files). I will keep using this PC while connected to the Lacie hard disk to syncro my iPod.
The problem is that I bought a mac now and I wanted the Lacie hard disk to be able to transfer files from mac to pc and vice versa. I have already read that I would have to copy the files that are on the Lacie, reformat the Lacie and then paste the files back. My only doubt is that if I do this reformatting, will I have any problems using the iTunes library while connected to my pc and iPod?
I just ask that because every time I changed any iTunes library folder on the computer, the iTunes would say that the music file couldn�t be found and ask me if I wanted to look for the file. I didn�t want to reformat the Lacie to later find out that I would have to �look for� every single music file, because that would be nearly impossible. I don�t know if I was able to make my question really clear�
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Feb 16, 2010
I'm banging my head against the wall with this problem. I have a new MBP 13", 4GB Ram, etc etc. When I transfer files across my network (or the office network), it will consistently fail to transfer a few of the files. For instance, I just tried to copy 50 photos to an SMB share on our server here at the office. The transfer window show the progress of 50 files, but when I look at the folder, there are only 48 files. Sometimes I get less, sometimes I get all 50. The same goes for my home network to an SMB share. I've confirmed this failure over N and G networks. The AP at home and the office are different models and I went as far as purchasing a new one for home since I thought it was the problem. Same results. Is there some hardware error going on here with my wifi card? Is there any way to test it? Are the SMB shares the problem?
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Apr 27, 2010
I sold my Sony Viao last week and copied all my important files on a 250 GB WD Mybook drive. Now the thing is formated in NTFS and I know that NTFS is a windows thing. I have some video/pictures/music and documents(excel/word) that I would like to move to my Macbook Pro which I will be buying next week. Whats the best way to do this? I think I have around 50-60 GBs that I need to move.
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Oct 5, 2009
I am running a MAC pro with OSX 5.8 and I'm trying to read/write files that are on a NTFS windows share point. Th eshare point is on an IBM AS400 machine. My problem is this, I can connect to the share point via the "connect to server" apple-K command and I can see the files and folders on the share point.
Recently another windows user has created a folder on the share point with some excel files in it. From my Mac I can't see this folder, it doesn't appear in the finder. I have Parallels 3 (windows XP) installed on the mac as well and when I connect to the same share point I can see and use the new folder.
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Jul 16, 2010
While coping a lot of files from the NTFS drive(to a MBP13" '09) it caused my computer to freeze up, and I had to force a shut down via the power button . Anyone else have problems like this copying a large quantity of files?
Is there a GB limit you can copy at one time, or maximum number of files? FYI, my MBP locked up while it was "preparing to copy." It was stuck on just over the 40,000th file (was the large number of files the problem?).
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Mar 9, 2012
are ntfs files compatable with mac os lion
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 30, 2010
So I have several external Harddisk that I formatted with NTFS-3G via the Disk Utility App on my Mac. I worked with the HDDs for weeks on my Mac without a problem. And now I brought the Harddisks to a friend and none of them can be read by Windows XP?!
We tried on several Machines, none seem to be able to read the NTFS-3G formatted HDDs. They're also not broken since they still work the second I plug them back into my MacBook.
So did I do something wrong? I also can't find a NTFS-3G driver for Windows.
It would kinda defeat the purpose that Windows can't read NTFS-3G...
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Nov 9, 2010
I pretty much made the switch to all MAC a few months ago. I have a few external drives that i use with Media players and they prefer and work better when formatted to NTFS problem is, MACs can only read and write to FAT32. I have Windows 7 on my macbook ( though my movie collection is on my iMac ) via bootcamp, so that isn't a option. I heard and read about some programs and what not.. but what is the fastest and easiest way to transfer files from my iMac to a NTFS formatted HD? I have movies ( some over 4gb in size ) on my iMac.
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Mar 8, 2009
I have an external hard drive that's been converted (not formatted) to NTFS. This drive has all my mp3 files on it. I'd like to copy the files to my new iMac, then reformat the external drive and use as the Mac's backup via Time Machine.
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Aug 14, 2009
I'm using NTFS-3G and have one of my Windows' installations partitions mounted in OSX. I like being able to write to it, but I'd like to prevent OSX from making its invisible files (like ._filename.txt for something I've edited with TextMate) on it because they show up in Windows and are generally of no use. Likewise there's no need to have things like .Trashes there since NTFS-3G can't delete to the trashcan anyway.
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Oct 5, 2009
So i'm getting my first Mac tomorrow, and i'm going to switch from using iTunes on Windows to using it on os x. will I be able to copy my library off of my ntfs formatted external hdd to mac os x.
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Nov 26, 2009
I recently backed up some DVD's via Toast using Toast own file format.They were backed up straight to the external HD itself.
I checked that they were all working after the process finished, they were working.
But I think my MBP went into standby whilst the External HD was still connected, and so it was never ejected properly.
Now that I've come to view the files again, they aren't there!!
There's just a Zero KB file, called 'photography', which was the name of the folder they were stored in.
I've tried viewing the folder under windows via VMware, but it says the folder is inaccessible due to being corrupt, or something.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for recovering those files?
The external HD is NTFS, I think I used a patch so that my MBP could read/write files to it.
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Dec 8, 2010
I have an MBP running OS X 10.6.5 and I have a 500GB external HDD with 2 partitions (NTFS & FAT32), which I mounted to my MBP using FSTAB. Some of the files in the NTFS partitions are greyed-out, and i can't copy/open them on my MBP.
1. Copying the file returns this error:
"one or more items in {file} can't be changed because they are in use"
2. double-clicking the file does nothing
3. Right-click > Open With, returns this error
"Item {file} is used by mac os x and can't be opened"
I've used Terminal to move the file to FAT 32 drive and my MBP Desktop, but steps #1, #2, #3 still don't work. I realized the files that are greyed out are those that I copied from my MBP to the NTFS drive. Existing files in the drive can be opened.
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