OS X :: Partial Update Downloads Saved Somewhere?
Nov 10, 2010
I just tried downloading OS 10.6.5 and partially into the download, it disconnected and failed to complete. I was wondering if the partial download is saved somewhere. The last time this happened to me, it caused a big issue when I tried to finish downloading and install later and I ended up having to reinstall OS X. So... I would like to delete any partial downloads if they exist so that the next download is a fresh copy.
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Feb 9, 2009
Where does the podcast you downloaded from iTUNES save in on your mac?
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May 17, 2012
I updated my iMac with the 10.7.4...but after the download was completed, an error popped out -- 'UPDATE CAN'T BE SAVED'...when i again ran the software update, the download again started from 0%.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 20, 2012
I can't get around this error: None of the selected updates could be saved. Software Update can't connect to the update server. Make sure you're connected to the Internet, and then try again. Connection reset by peer.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 27, 2012
I am using lion server and when I try to edit the content on the default wiki and click save, the screen just stays in a loop stating "Checking the page status...".
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Apr 5, 2012
I recently purchased a new ipod touch. When I plug it into itunes, it says I need to update my itunes version to 10.6. If I update to this, will all my songs, playlists, etc. still be saved in itunes?
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Apr 1, 2010
Ever since I upgraded to snow leopard since it came out, I have been having problems with updates, such as iPhoto, iTunes everything and anything. Whenever there is a new update released by apple and I open up for example iTunes it tells me there is an update available, so I click on update. It downloads when it is done I click install, when it is installing I get an error saying:
The Update "Compressor Update" can't be saved. The update could not be expanded and verified. It may have been corrupted or tampered with during downloading. The update will be downloaded and checked again the next time that Software Update runs.
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Aug 28, 2014
I realized today that most of my saved documents were missing right after I've done my software update last week.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)
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May 21, 2012
When I try to update Mac OS X combined update 10.7.4 on MBP, it downloads but won't install. I get a message that says it couldn't expand and may be corrupted. This has happened multiple times now.I thought it might be due to lack of space on the hard drive so i cleared some space (there's now at least 49GB space) and it still won't work. I also have updates for Motion Supplemental Control and Final Cut Pro X supplemental that do the same. Tried doing it one by one, and tried downloading myself but the problem seems to be the expanding installing not the downloading.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 10, 2012
I have a mac book pro with leopard on it. Since quite a few days my software update is not working anymore, the progressbar just gets stuck without any progress. Same for downloads via FireFox and Chrome, but the odd thing is, Safari is still working fine. Already checked the system for flashback and checked the hosts file and a new com.apple.softwareupdate.plist got created... without success.
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May 21, 2012
can't update lion or snow from the updater nor from manual downloads.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Feb 16, 2012
I have experienced horrible software update download speeds for two weeks. www.speedtest.net and other test sites show good performance (usually about 10 mbps down and 1.5 mbps up). The software update download progress seems to be interrupting and then continuing. Its been grinding out 1.09 GB for the snow leopard combined update for over 6 hours this afternoon. Anyone else having problems with software update? I'm beginning to wonder if AT&T is throttling my internet traffic. Is there a tool to check this?
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Apr 26, 2012
This problem I've been having started when the latest version of Safari moved from a Downloads window to a Downloads pop-up pane. My expectation as to how the pane should work is this: the 20 most recent downloads are shown in the list, and when a new download begins, the oldest download is removed from the list, thereby keeping the new list updated with the 20 latest downloads. My problem is that while the pane still keeps 20 past downloads listed, they're not always recent downloads. For example, when I download a file, the file will typically remain in the list until I begin a new download, at which point the slightly earlier download will be removed from the list, while even older downloads remain listed. So at the moment, listed are five recent downloads and fifteen downloads from many months ago, while downloads from days or hours ago have been removed from the list.In Preferences I have (and always have) "Remove download list items" set to "Manually." Currently I am running the lasted versions of OSX (10.7.3) and Safari (5.1.5).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 8, 2012
I have a mac, and my mom has a PC. I have been on her account since I was pretty young, so It's a shared account. It's under my email and apple ID, but my mom is on the same account, on her own computer. I want to have automatic downloads so I can use it for my iphone and ipad, but I don't want her song to end up going to my devices or laptop when she downloads from her own computer. is there a way to either turn off automatic downloads for just one computer, or get her a new account, but letting her transfer all of her music onto the new one?
Info:Itunes, Mac OS X (10.3.x)
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Jun 24, 2009
Unfortunately I'm having to return my new Mac Pro, one month old. It has logic board problems. Kudos to Apple for their first suggestion. Anyway, I have 4 internal 1TB drives that I need to zero out. One zero pass on one drive takes 3+ hours. I would like to do a 7 pass on each drive, but that would take four days (90 hours) by my count before I could ship it back. And I want my new Mac asap!
Question? The most each drive contained was 500GB's. Can I do a zero pass on a drive and stop it approximately halfway through (hit Skip button) and then repeat the (half) process over again as often as I desire. Will my half used drives and/or data be zeroed out multiple times. If so this would save me many hours of zeroing out half empty drives! In short, what effect does a partial zero pass have on a hard drive?
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Aug 25, 2009
I use a hotmail account for personal email. A few days ago Microsoft sent out an update that gave much better integration with Entourage, and I set up the required POP account and all was well. However, thinking I didn't need the previous account any longer I deleted it, and with it, all of my personal saved folders. I have a Time Capsule backup that dates prior to the change. How I might recover just the filed emails that were on my MacBook?
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Feb 24, 2010
I'm having a serious issue here. It's very intermittent which makes it very difficult to "treat."
Every once and a while, I put my MacBook Pro (17" Unibody, 2009, 4GB RAM, 500GB HD 5400) to sleep and when I go to wake it up, you can hear the hard drive spinning up and you can feel the fans (not running fast at all; normal) if you put your hand by the vent... but no display. When I close the screen again, the pulsing light just stays steady. The hard drive and the fans continue to go. They never stop. It's happened ten times in the past month and it's driving me insane. I've found it in the Console, take a look here -- click for large version.
What are your thoughts? What does this mean?
The only way I can get back to my computer is if I force shut down my computer. I've damaged the hierarchy of files by doing that (spotlight has had to reindex, sometimes I've had to boot up off my Snow Leopard disk and run disk utility to get it back to working).
I have reset the SMC and PRAM. It didn't fix it. Again, it happens so intermittently that I can never point out what causes it, if anything in particular does.
I'm about to sell my computer and I really need to get this fixed. Thoughts, anybody?
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Apr 23, 2012
I cloned the HD using CCC, and TM then tried to do a full backup. This failed after 3 days of trying because the HD is failing. Now I cannot delete the partial backup (26Gb). Trash will not work, MacKeeper Shredder will not work.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 6, 2012
Safari is only loading partial images on various web sites. Oftentimes, it will load half an image and the rest will be gray blocks (almost like it's corrupt).
I've cleared safari plists. Chrome works fine. Restarted my Airport Extreme.
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Nov 3, 2010
I am planning to change my current HDD drive with new intel SSD, so I need to back up all the files on my current disk. The capacity of my current HDD is 320GB, so I made an equal partition, 160GB-160GB. Since there's just 120GB occupied in my HDD, I assume I can back up it with the alternative partial 160GB, sounds feasible? Another problem, after replacing it with SSD, should I just make the internal HDD external, and plug it to the macbook pro using USB to install all the OS and files?
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May 30, 2010
My Mac Book Pro has began with a problem. The screen goes partially gray with strips if it has been on without being use for some time. Even if it was in sleep. To fix it I have to either re-star or put it in sleep for few seconds. Please tell me what to do? Is it the beginning of the end? Is it probably the battery old? To much GB used?
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Aug 14, 2010
With all the recent chatter around the 5870 cards, especially the availability and compatibility issues with older than 2009 Mac Pro's, I'm wondering whether OS X is still a viable platform for a 3D graphics artist.....Having only really acquired those credentials a short while ago. The 2 things that are really important for 3d graphics are a decent GPU and as much CPU rendering power as you can get. The 08 Mac Pro had both of these things and was great value but since then things have changed. It's not just the cost of upgrading a system although that's pretty damn high at the moment. It's other stuff like the 5870 having 2 MDP's instead of 1 and an HDMI port, which is in my opinion far more useful. It's all the hassle and limited choices when it comes to upgrading the GPU when you can slot anything into a decent PC rig and just get on with it. It's being able to build a decent core i7 system that can render away and chug out frames without costing as much or more than a decent car. And it's about forced obsolescence....Systems that are only 2 or 3 years old being left out of the loop and the sense that Apple took your extra money in exchange for upgrade potential, and then welshed on the deal.
Conversely, I love the OS X environment. It's stable, keeps out of the way, it's great for video and general digital life management. I don't need to be reminded of the pro's and I am in general an advocate of Macs. If I didn't do 3D graphics, I'd buy an iMac and be very happy but that just doesn't cut it in the 3D world. So I'm coming to the conclusion that my next big system purchase in a year or so is going to be a PC again. I envisage working on that during the day and having my Macbook open beside it for email and iTunes etc (ie, all the fun nice stuff) and then when the working day is done, firing up the MP or plugging in the MBP to the big screen for "everything else" like music, video etc....
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Nov 4, 2009
This appears to affect only one of several calendars I maintain in iCal. When I search for a keyword, I get results only up through June 09. Have tried deleting iCal-related prefs in home library. Have run Disk Utility thrice.
OS 10.5.8
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Oct 20, 2009
A colleague of mine's MacBook Air (rev b) has suddenly started having an issue with its keyboard - the middle row of keys doesn't response. She has tried rebooting, etc, and the problem continues. No liquid has spilled on the keyboard, and there's no aesthetic reason.
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Dec 29, 2009
I need to do a clean install of Snow Leopard on my machine, but don't want to restore everything that is on my time machine. I have purchased much shareware software that I don't currently need and don't want hogging disk space.
Is it possible to do a partial restore of selected programs and their settings, or is it an all-or-nothing affair?
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Apr 27, 2010
Did a clean install the other day to see if that'd help out my system's performance. Seems like it might just have done that.
1. Since a clean install helped me out, I guess it wouldn't be a good idea to do a full Time Machine restore. Or can I safely do that (since that would kinda be the easiest thing to do)?
2. If not, how do I restore all my settings and stuff. What about the programs that aren't just DMG files but have installed some of their stuff in some other folders?
3. I'm especially concerned with my iTunes library - since I sync it with my iPhone. How do I easily and fully restore that?
4. After solving all of this, how do I get my Time Machine back up running - without it starting "all over", as if it was a new machine?
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Jun 5, 2014
I have been using a 1 TB Iomega portable HD as my external HD for Time Machine backups of my early 2011 17" MacBook Pro with a 750GB Internal HD with only 190GB utilized. I just got a Time Machine message:
1) that backup couldn't be performed because of HD problem, and
2) to repair the HD with Disk Utility.
I ran DU Repair Disk and got the following Red Type messages interspersed between normal lines of DU activity reports:
"Invalid Sibling link"The volume Iomega_HDD could not be repaired."Error: Disk Utility can't repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files."
Can I recover the original and older time machine backups from my ext. HD in a procedure that would allow me to continue backing up with TM but restarting with the most recent recovered "uncorrupted" TM backup as the base, thus allowing me access to older backups?
Or is my ONLY alternative to start Time Machine afresh with a full backup today (on a new ext. HD!), and just deem all those valuable Time Machine backups as lost forever?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS 8.6 or Earlier
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Aug 28, 2010
I got a copy of Win7 from school and started installing it on my wife's computer (I have my own Win7 copy). I need to uninstall it...don't ask. I just need to know how to get a partially installed copy of Windows uninstalled. Each time I put the disc in and launch Parallels it wants to continue the install, which I can't do (faulty product key). Anyone know how to uninstall at this point??
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Mar 2, 2010
I got a copy of Win7 from school and started installing it on my wife's computer (I have my own Win7 copy). I need to uninstall it...don't ask. I just need to know how to get a partially installed copy of Windows uninstalled. Each time I put the disc in and launch Parallels it wants to continue the install, which I can't do (faulty product key). Anyone know how to uninstall at this point?
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May 12, 2009
For the first time, my screen shots [command + control + shift + 3] and [command + control + shift + 4] are not saving to my desktop. I don't recall changing this setting (or how to). Where are they going? I haven't installed any software that should conflict with this macro (haven't installed anything at all except Sim City 4 since last using the screenshot feature. The desktop folder is empty and a search for "Picture 1" finds nothing.
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