MacBook :: Snow Leopard - Compressor Update Cannot Be Saved
Apr 1, 2010
Ever since I upgraded to snow leopard since it came out, I have been having problems with updates, such as iPhoto, iTunes everything and anything. Whenever there is a new update released by apple and I open up for example iTunes it tells me there is an update available, so I click on update. It downloads when it is done I click install, when it is installing I get an error saying:
The Update "Compressor Update" can't be saved. The update could not be expanded and verified. It may have been corrupted or tampered with during downloading. The update will be downloaded and checked again the next time that Software Update runs.
While I was creating a new signature, Mail locked up on me. After doing a Force Quit, I found that half of my signatures are blank. I'm running Time Machine, but haven't been able to find the location in my directory, so I don't know where to look for when I go back into my backups.Â
In three and a half years with my Macbook, this is the first time I've lost anything.Â
I have started having trouble with PDFs in Safari this week. I can see them on screen, but if I try to save them by Save As command, I get a message saying it cannot be exported as a xxx.pdf. If I try doing it through the Print command, saving it as a PDF, the preview window shows a blank document. Something has fundamentally changed in the last week.
Info: MacPro, iMac, MBPro 2.66 Intel Core i7, MackBook 2 G2, various G5's, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 1 TB Time Capsule (early 2009) & Airport Express
Whenever I need to restart my MacBook Pro, a bunch of my preferences are lost. For example, I have to drag Google Chrome back in the dock. I lose my Expose preferences, login items I've disabled still pop up. Keyboard shortcuts with Spotlight (which I keep disabled because of a program I use), get set to default. It's terrbily frustrating to have to reset all these things over and over again and I can't find the answer. Part of it is I'm not terribly saavy with computer language. I can find the Terminal and type in commands though.
why are my saved photoshop file icons pixelated? I have not changed any settings but suddenly my saved file icons have become pixelated. The file opens normally and seems fine.
My older model MacBook Pro has been crashing quite frequently (2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo runming OS X 10.6.8).I took it into the Apple store today and they said the culprit is my failing hard drive. It's not my original hard drive as I had a larger one installed some time ago. I did not have it installed at an Apple store but rather at an authorized third party store.The Genius Bar employtee today told me that if it's within a year of purchase, that third party store will most likely replace it under warranty. Unfortunately I am not currently in the city where this store is but I will call them today to see when it was that I purchased the drive. If it's been over a year, I want to tell them that these crashes did not start today but several months ago. we can go by the date of the first crashes as opposed to today's date as perhaps that will fall within the 12 month rule.However, when I look in the CrashReporter or DiagnosticReport folders in the Library and Logs folders, I'm only finding the most recent crashes. Are older crashed saved and accessable someplace else?
When I try to open either of these 3 apps the system tells me they can't open because they are currently being updated. Software Update shows my system as needing no update. The last update that it shows was for ProApps Codecs v1.0.5. I am running a macbook pro / OS 10.9.3.Â
The manual download for that update, (ProApps Codecs v1.0.5), is a dead link, (URL....). I have one of the new black mac desktops with the exact same setup as my laptop. It's software updates list shows an update for the 3 apps I am having trouble opening on my laptop as having successfully installed. All 3 apps are working fine on the desktop system. How to either:Â
- trash my preferences on the laptop to force system update to reinstall the ProApps Codecs v1.0.5 update?
- fix the broken link at so I can manually install the ProApps Codecs v1.0.5 update?
- or perform some kind of Voodoo that will get my FCP, Motion, and Compressor opening again?Â
When I try to open either of these 3 apps the system tells me they can't open because they are currently being updated. Software Update shows my system as needing no update. The last update that it shows was for ProApps Codecs v1.0.5. I am running a macbook pro / OS 10.9.3.Â
The manual download for that update, (ProApps Codecs v1.0.5), is a dead link,[URL].Â
I have one of the new black mac desktops with the exact same setup as my laptop. It's software updates list shows an update for the 3 apps I am having trouble opening on my laptop as having successfully installed. All 3 apps are working fine on the desktop system.Â
- trash my preferences on the laptop to force system update to reinstall the ProApps Codecs v1.0.5 update?
- fix the broken link at so I can manually install the ProApps Codecs v1.0.5 update?
- or perform some kind of Voodoo that will get my FCP, Motion, and Compressor opening again?Â
Today I performed a clean install of Snow Leopard on my late 2009 Mac Mini. After completing the installation, I began running software update to bring everything up-to-date.While software update did find and install a number of updates (10.6.8v1.1 Combo update, Security Update 2012-002, Apple Software Installer Update, iLife Support 9.0.4, Remote Desktop Client Update 3.5.3, Airport Utility, Java, Safari) it did not find an update for iTunes (which starts at version 9.x, I believe, in a SL clean install).I assumed that this was some sort of random glitch and manually downloaded and installed iTunes 10.6.3.After that, I re-installed iLife '11 (from a retail DVD, not the App Store).When I ran Software Update again, it found updates for Garage Band, iDVD, and iWeb, but it did not show the updates for iPhoto and iMovie.I found this to be unnerving, as I performed a clean install when I first obtained this Mini a few months ago and didn't experience any of these problems - all of my Apple software updated automatically through Software Update without a hitch.
I began researching this problem online and found that other people have been experiencing this same problem (or some variation of it), and it seems like it began appearing around the time Apple updated some of its security certificates in March.In particular, I've found several references to the missing iPhoto update.This one is especially noticeable because an iPhoto library created in iPhoto 9.2.3 will not open in iPhoto 9.0, and this generates an error upon opening the program (i.e., a user backs up their iPhoto library created in 9.2.3, performs a SL clean install, reinstalls iLife, goes through the Software Update process until it shows that no more updates are available, and are shocked to find that they are unable to open their backed up iPhoto library because they have an out of date version of iPhoto).The most common (and admittedly logical) solution proposed in the threads I've read is to download any necessary updates directly from the Apple website. However, I am curious as to why this previously functional feature now appears to be broken.Has anyone else been struggling with this? Does it indeed have something to do with the new security certificates? Is Apple aware of the problem?
I have updated my MB to Snow Leopard 10.6.3 - I know this means I am a little behind the times but the problems I am now having seem to justify my reluctance. Now am unable to connect to the internet! I use a time capsule connected via a router. Everything is still OK with every other device (PC, I phone, Ipod) in the house so I know the "Network" is still enabled and there is no problem with the ISP. Strangley whenever I boot up the MB it appears to freeze the network such that the other devices also will then not access the internet. To regain access I have to turn off the MB and reset the router.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I tried update and clran installation from install DVD, USB and each time I got afet a few minuts error message.
This is a last log file:Â
Jun 4 03:56:26 localhost LCA[84]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (cach) while running as uid 0 Jun 4 03:56:46 localhost LCA[84]: Using keyboard layout 0
Had a bit of trouble with my MacBook recently. Did not want to start. Had to do restart from disk. Anyway, thought I had it all solved. It has been running pretty much like normal for the last weeks. But it won't update. If i try I get the message; None of the selected updates could be installed. An unexpected error occurred. Went searching here for answers and did the reset permissions on Disk Utility. Which since the initial trouble comes up with lots, 20-25, of incorrect permissions, but it recons every time it has successfully repaired them.
I recently updated my MBP 3,1 to Snow Leopard.Because I have recently purchased the unit I decided to make sure all the firmware etc was up to date.I discovered that the Battery UpdateBundle 1.3 was not installed. Uopn trying to install the update I receive an error stating that the update requires 10.4.10 or newer to run.I am pretty sure that 10.6 comes after 10.4..Is there are reason as to why whis is occuring?
Info: iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8), iPhone4, MacBook Pro 3,1
My Laptop is MacBook white. I am trying to update my MAC system to OX lion, but every time I download it. It stack in the middle of downloading then it stops.
I have a white MacBook. I tried to update my 10.5.8 Leopard installation to Snow Leopard with the upgrade DVD I just got. Unfortunately, update failed on me. After being noticed by the installer that the update failed, I ended up with a NON-BOOTABLE MacBook, that whenever I try to boot from hard drive, after showing me 30 seconds of the "spinning ball" that indicates activity, shuts down. I tried it like 10 times, same result. What happens if I boot from DVD and try an installation that way? Will it try to upgrade? Will it wipe my hard drive content?
Before some days I noticed that Snow Leopard installed its update 10.6.4.
Well no big problem but I have a sense that the time remaining without using AC adapter has slightly fell. Before, using only firefox for example I could see about 6 hours remaining (some minutes after powering on my mac). Now it hardly shows about 4+.
While installing software update MacBook pro froze,I could see a white screen without progress bar.the external hard drive was plugged in at the time. It has been 3 hours already.I just unplugged external hard drive and don't know what to do next..
Interesting... at the same time as Magic mouse comes into stock (well, in UK Apple stores, anyhow), Apple release the "Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 for Leopard" & "Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 for Snow Leopard".
Here are direct links to the installer disk images, to save you time - even if you don't yet have a Magic mouse, you can install the software now to save time later:
Snow Leopard:
I also found it interesting, how the mouse icon has changed into a Magic mouse in System Preferences:
I updated my iMac with the 10.7.4...but after the download was completed, an error popped out -- 'UPDATE CAN'T BE SAVED'...when i again ran the software update, the download again started from 0%.
I just tried downloading OS 10.6.5 and partially into the download, it disconnected and failed to complete. I was wondering if the partial download is saved somewhere. The last time this happened to me, it caused a big issue when I tried to finish downloading and install later and I ended up having to reinstall OS X. So... I would like to delete any partial downloads if they exist so that the next download is a fresh copy.