Mac Pro :: Contemplating Partial Return To Dark Side

Aug 14, 2010

With all the recent chatter around the 5870 cards, especially the availability and compatibility issues with older than 2009 Mac Pro's, I'm wondering whether OS X is still a viable platform for a 3D graphics artist.....Having only really acquired those credentials a short while ago. The 2 things that are really important for 3d graphics are a decent GPU and as much CPU rendering power as you can get. The 08 Mac Pro had both of these things and was great value but since then things have changed. It's not just the cost of upgrading a system although that's pretty damn high at the moment. It's other stuff like the 5870 having 2 MDP's instead of 1 and an HDMI port, which is in my opinion far more useful. It's all the hassle and limited choices when it comes to upgrading the GPU when you can slot anything into a decent PC rig and just get on with it. It's being able to build a decent core i7 system that can render away and chug out frames without costing as much or more than a decent car. And it's about forced obsolescence....Systems that are only 2 or 3 years old being left out of the loop and the sense that Apple took your extra money in exchange for upgrade potential, and then welshed on the deal.

Conversely, I love the OS X environment. It's stable, keeps out of the way, it's great for video and general digital life management. I don't need to be reminded of the pro's and I am in general an advocate of Macs. If I didn't do 3D graphics, I'd buy an iMac and be very happy but that just doesn't cut it in the 3D world. So I'm coming to the conclusion that my next big system purchase in a year or so is going to be a PC again. I envisage working on that during the day and having my Macbook open beside it for email and iTunes etc (ie, all the fun nice stuff) and then when the working day is done, firing up the MP or plugging in the MBP to the big screen for "everything else" like music, video etc....

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Software :: Return To Dark Castle

Nov 14, 2001

Old school gamers will remember Beyond Dark Castle. I still play it on my se/30 .And now a new version. The beta is pretty good.

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Intel Mac :: Screen Dark On One Side Of 27'?

May 5, 2012

My iMac Screen on my left side darker than my right side but it have been having this issue with my screen brighten up and down by itself from day one. Purchase my iMac about 13 months ago

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.1

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IMac (Intel) :: Mid 2011- Dark Curve On The Left Side?

Sep 10, 2014

Just noticed the left side of my screen has a dark curve. What to do. 

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MacBook Air :: LED Display Screen Goes To Completely Dark / Bottom Side Of Screen Is Brighter

Jun 16, 2008

I tried to use some software to test the display. I found when the screen goes to completely dark with the backlight on, the bottom side of my screen is brighter than other parts.... have u guys met any problem like that, or is this some problem with my MBA?

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Hardware :: IMac G3, CRT Monitor Doesn't Show Dark Colors Well - Dark Clors Appear Black

Jan 1, 2010

I can barely see digital pictures and the likes. But websites and such i can see fine so long as the colors are light and looking on this site... [URL]

the first image i absolutely cannot see, it is 100% pitch black.. the other bellow it shows up just fine. But the two left/lowest squares on the color table on the very bottom the page both appear the same shade of pitch black.

I can see light but not dark. I tried callibrating and adjusting brightness and contrast.

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Applications :: Safari Add Ons - Contemplating Switch From Firefox?

Feb 3, 2009

Here are the issues that I'm having with firefox:

- Some embedded videos don't play at all
- I get error messages before and after some embedded videos
- Flip 4 Mac doesn't work properly (buttons disappear - so frustrating!)
- Really slow start up (compared to other browsers)

I have none of these issues when I visit the exact same websites using Safari. Now, I have a few reasons why I'm hesitant to switch:

- Add-ons (Foxmarks, Ad-Block, Customize Google, WOT, etc.)
- Custom Search Bars (top right)
- Ease, simplicity, and control

With that said, are there any equivalent Add-Ons for Safari (I know there is an Ad-Block one)? What about custom search bars? And finally, is there a way to view pdf files in Safari without having to download the file first?

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IMac :: Contemplating To Get Intel - Decent Frames?

Aug 21, 2009

I was thinking of maybe finding a white 20" iMac Core 2 Duo but there are a couple things I would like to know. First how much do they go for. Second, how well they handle games, not a very picky gamer, but some CoD4 at the monitors native resolution and still being able to get decent frames would be nice. The reason I'm contemplating this is because if it can't run CoD4 or other recent games well my G5 works fine for everything.

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Applications :: Contemplating ILife Purchase - Additional Bells And Whistles

Oct 29, 2009

The big draw for me is iWeb. I'm a freelance designer and want an easy web site building application I can easily make updates with, post project pics, etc... iWeb is perfect - I've used it before. What I'm curious about is what sort of additional bells and whistles come with the other apps that aren't already available to me now. Do iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, etc. get a huge facelift or will I essentially be buying what I already have just to get my hands on one application?

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Hardware :: 2 Laptops Side By Side. AIRPORT. 1 Connects Great, 1 Barely At All. Any Thoughts?

Jul 24, 2009

We have two Mac Laptops, 1 is the little white Macbook, the other MBP. We have DSL coming in and then thru a 2wire modem then thru the Airport. The 2 wire modem is connected to a PC. All of this sits about 40 feet from the bar where we use the laptops and is a straight shot.

My problem is that the the newer MBP is stuck in the mud when it comes to connecting, and then holding any type of signal strength with the wireless signal.The older little white MB works great, every bar on the wireless icon is black, on the other (as I type this they are both on and side by side..) only has one.

When pressing Alt/Option and clicking on the wireless icon the good computer shows a transmit rate of somewhere between 20 and 26 when I have checked it several times this morning, the bad one has never been above one.It seems for the price I paid for the Airport Ex. BOTH of these units should be getting full strength signals.Ever had this problem? No of any possible solutions?The fact that the slow one is my wife's machine doesn't make life any easierI figure before I make an Apple reservation I could do a little research myself.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Edit 2 Separate Photos And Make Them Display Side By Side On Same Page?

May 6, 2012

I am attempting to edit two photos. My goal is to take the two photos and place the objects side by side so that both my daughters appear in the same photo.

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Merge Pictures Side By Side / Photo App For Merging Photos?

Mar 6, 2010

I need some sort of free program to take two pictures and put them side by side. It's a one time deal so I don't want to pay for it, I just have images of artwork and their respective placards that I'd like to be able to put side by side as one image so it's easier to follow. I know it sounds basic and probably dumb but I literally have zero experience with photo applications.

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MacBook Pro :: Find A Side By Side Comparison Of 2009 Vs 2010 Macs?

Jun 28, 2010

I got a macbook pro base model last year (2009 model) and my girlfriend just got a macbook base model last weekend (2010 model)Seems as though her macbook has better specs than mine... I'm also considering upgrading to Snow Leopard but don't really see the point.That inertia scroll thing hers does is pretty cool... other than that everything is pretty much the same to the naked eye after a few hours of use.

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IMac :: Good Side-by-side Processor Benchmark Comparisons Out There?

Dec 18, 2009

I'm looking for a comparison between all iMac processors. I believe that the only processors used for iMacs have been G5, Core Solo, Core duo, Core 2 Duo, Core i5 and Core i7. If I'm missing something let me know.

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MacBook Pro :: Monitor Sticking - Hinge Wiggles From Side To Side

Jul 25, 2010

When i try to close the monitor of my MPB 13' it clicks in the hinge area like its sticking when i close it, i also feel tention which is released. It sounds like I am breaking it and it does it several times when I close it. When it is closed and I go to the back the black part of the hinge wiggles from side to side.

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Mac Pro :: Apple Cinema Displays Will Not Plug Into Card Side By Side

Aug 25, 2014

This seems an odd problem so I may be missing something -- but the connectors on my two Apple Cinema Displays will not plug into the card side by side.  The plastic casing is just a tad too bulky, so you can't quite get the second connector in if the first plug is filled.   It's the card that originally came with the computer, a Mac Pro 1,1. 

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Software :: Can Two Different Versions Of Toast Exist Side By Side

Jul 14, 2008

I have Toast 6 Titanium from a LaCie drive I bought some time ago, and just got an EyeTV with Toast 8 basic. Is there anything in T8 that I might need, TT 6 seems to work fine. I keep reading that nothing much has changed after version as far as typical burning needs. I know that support for newer formats has been added with the later versions so I am asking is T8 even necessary having TT6?

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MacBook :: Speaker On Right Side Louder Than On Left Side?

Jan 10, 2009

It's only today that I noticed my MacBook's right speaker is considerably louder than the one on the left. I opened Sound panel in System Preferences to see if the balance was off, but it was set at dead center. Then, I dragged the balance slider all the way to the left to see if the sound coming from the left speaker was okay at all. Well, it sure isn't. Very muffled, muddy sound. No highs at all. Dragging the slider to the right side reveals a very different sound texture. Very crisp, as it should be. Really weird. Anybody else experiencing this odd speaker behaviour?

I googled for this problem and found this thread, right here on Mac Forums. It's a thread for the MacBook Pros, though. The people with a MacBook Pro think it's because there's a subwoofer on the right side. Well, the MacBook doesn't have a subwoofer, so it can't be that. Any ideas? Is it repair time?

By the way, I have a late 2008 unibody MacBook, the 2,4GHz model.

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OS X :: How To View Multiple Pictures Side By Side In Preview

Jun 24, 2009

When I open up more than one picture (e.g., JPEG) in preview, it displays one picture at a time, putting the other pictures in the sidebar. Normally this is ok, but sometimes I need to look at two (or more) pictures side-by-side to compare things. How can I do this in Preview?

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OS X :: Bootcamp - Wireless Router Works On PC Side But Not On Mac Side

Sep 8, 2009

I have a Macbook Pro and I had AT&T help me with the settings in OS X so that I can surf the internet with my modem via ethernet. Everything worked fine. Then I installed Windows XP SP3 with Bootcamp and bought a Linksys Wireless N Router. I used the install disk on the PC side to get the router working, assuming that the Mac side would work just fine when it found the network. Now I can connect to the wireless router when I'm in my PC partition, but when I try using my Mac partition. It does not work. (Ethernet works with both) When using other people's wifi connection, I have no problem. Only at my house do I have this connectivity issue.

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IMac :: Side By Side Safari Sessions On 27"?

Apr 18, 2010

Supposedly, the new 27" iMac supports 2 side-by-side safari windows perfectly. However, on mine, they overlap by about 3 inches and if I drag the 2nd window to the right, it does not entirely fit without adjusting the width of one or both windows.

Is there a way I can optimize Safari (or the iMac display settings) for the 27" iMac display so that by default each window takes up exactly 50% of the screen width and a new window will sit perfectly side by side?

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OS X :: Organizing Finder - Side By Side / Tile Windows?

Jul 23, 2010

Is there a way to organize your finder windows automatically like Windows does? By this I mean, tile the windows and/or side by side? I know I can do it manually, but I just would rather have the functionality available.

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Software :: How To Make Mac Windows Align Side By Side

Nov 13, 2008

is there a way to make mac windows align side by side, like the funcion in windows where you can select some windows and align them side by side.

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MacBook Pro :: Side By Side Monitor Display Turned Off?

Jun 3, 2012

I have my laptop hooked to my TV so I can watch shows on the internet.  The screens were independent until my cat walked on the keyboard and now the two are showing the same screen.   How do I change it back?

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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OS X :: Text Bar From Side To Side Above The Dock?

Sep 8, 2010

I was in Safari (or maybe on the desktop because Safari wasn't on top, I can't remember) and I was trying to do a capital P. Than a text zone (like a white line from side to side show above my dock. I was able to close it with the red button. But I want to know what this text bar was all about and what is the other key a touch (Caps+?)

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OS X :: Partial Update Downloads Saved Somewhere?

Nov 10, 2010

I just tried downloading OS 10.6.5 and partially into the download, it disconnected and failed to complete. I was wondering if the partial download is saved somewhere. The last time this happened to me, it caused a big issue when I tried to finish downloading and install later and I ended up having to reinstall OS X. So... I would like to delete any partial downloads if they exist so that the next download is a fresh copy.

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OS X :: Partial Zero Pass On Hard Drive?

Jun 24, 2009

Unfortunately I'm having to return my new Mac Pro, one month old. It has logic board problems. Kudos to Apple for their first suggestion. Anyway, I have 4 internal 1TB drives that I need to zero out. One zero pass on one drive takes 3+ hours. I would like to do a 7 pass on each drive, but that would take four days (90 hours) by my count before I could ship it back. And I want my new Mac asap!

Question? The most each drive contained was 500GB's. Can I do a zero pass on a drive and stop it approximately halfway through (hit Skip button) and then repeat the (half) process over again as often as I desire. Will my half used drives and/or data be zeroed out multiple times. If so this would save me many hours of zeroing out half empty drives! In short, what effect does a partial zero pass have on a hard drive?

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OS X :: Need To Do Partial Restore From Time Capsule

Aug 25, 2009

I use a hotmail account for personal email. A few days ago Microsoft sent out an update that gave much better integration with Entourage, and I set up the required POP account and all was well. However, thinking I didn't need the previous account any longer I deleted it, and with it, all of my personal saved folders. I have a Time Capsule backup that dates prior to the change. How I might recover just the filed emails that were on my MacBook?

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MacBook Pro :: Partial Waking But No Display?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm having a serious issue here. It's very intermittent which makes it very difficult to "treat."

Every once and a while, I put my MacBook Pro (17" Unibody, 2009, 4GB RAM, 500GB HD 5400) to sleep and when I go to wake it up, you can hear the hard drive spinning up and you can feel the fans (not running fast at all; normal) if you put your hand by the vent... but no display. When I close the screen again, the pulsing light just stays steady. The hard drive and the fans continue to go. They never stop. It's happened ten times in the past month and it's driving me insane. I've found it in the Console, take a look here -- click for large version.

What are your thoughts? What does this mean?



The only way I can get back to my computer is if I force shut down my computer. I've damaged the hierarchy of files by doing that (spotlight has had to reindex, sometimes I've had to boot up off my Snow Leopard disk and run disk utility to get it back to working).

I have reset the SMC and PRAM. It didn't fix it. Again, it happens so intermittently that I can never point out what causes it, if anything in particular does.

I'm about to sell my computer and I really need to get this fixed. Thoughts, anybody?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Deleting Partial TM Backup?

Apr 23, 2012

I cloned the HD using CCC, and TM then tried to do a  full backup. This failed after 3 days of trying because the HD is failing. Now I cannot delete the partial backup (26Gb). Trash will not work, MacKeeper Shredder will not work.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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