OS X :: Clean Install Followed By Partial Time Machine Restore Possible?
Dec 29, 2009
I need to do a clean install of Snow Leopard on my machine, but don't want to restore everything that is on my time machine. I have purchased much shareware software that I don't currently need and don't want hogging disk space.
Is it possible to do a partial restore of selected programs and their settings, or is it an all-or-nothing affair?
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Apr 27, 2010
Did a clean install the other day to see if that'd help out my system's performance. Seems like it might just have done that.
1. Since a clean install helped me out, I guess it wouldn't be a good idea to do a full Time Machine restore. Or can I safely do that (since that would kinda be the easiest thing to do)?
2. If not, how do I restore all my settings and stuff. What about the programs that aren't just DMG files but have installed some of their stuff in some other folders?
3. I'm especially concerned with my iTunes library - since I sync it with my iPhone. How do I easily and fully restore that?
4. After solving all of this, how do I get my Time Machine back up running - without it starting "all over", as if it was a new machine?
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Oct 31, 2009
I'm going to reinstall Snow Leopard from scratch for the 6th time since I bought my MBP, which is a little over a month. Why? Constant freezes, lockups, beach balls (OMG I HATE THOSE DAMN THINGS). So I just want to start fresh... again again again again again again.
My question: if I restore from my Time Machine backup after I install Snow Leopard, what will happen? My SL DVD is 10.6. If I restore, will it go to 10.6.1? How is all of this going to work? I could just start completely clean and manually transfer my files from the Time Machine drive to where they usually are and be happy.
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Oct 1, 2010
So my hard-drive died. Luckily I have a Time Machine backup of my system. I bought a new HD and tried to restore from the backup. No-go. It complains that it can't restore certain file, so it snorts the restore. I tried an older backup, no help.
So I decided to do a fresh install instead. But once I have OS up & running again, can I restore files from my old Time Machine backup? How does the process work? I'm afraid if I point Time Machone to my old backup, it will overwrite it.
I do have my files backed up manually as well, so I can always copy them by hand. Bit that backup is not as recent as the TM backup.
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Jul 4, 2010
I just got my new Seagate Momentus XT, which is going into a late 2007 MBP. I got it because I'm running out of hard drive space and wanted a performance boost. My question is: should I just restore from Time Machine, or would I get a bigger performance boost with a clean install of 10.6, and reinstalling only the apps I currently use?
I know back when I used XP a clean install was a big performance boost itself, but with a mac, is it necessary or worth the hassle?
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Jun 1, 2014
I decided to do a clean install of Mavericks to get rid of all the very old files hiding in my system folders. I made a start-up disk following online instructions, rebooted from the USB drive and wiped the drive and reinstalled Mavericks. Then I plugged in my Time machine backup drive and tried to recover particular folders from the latest backup. However, I am getting a permission error that prevents me from going into the old user folder from that backup. It has a red circle/line icon on the folder.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
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Aug 28, 2009
I ordered the $29 upgrade online. I was wondering if I could do a hard drive format and fresh install then restore my photos and documents and mp3s from my Time Capsule using Time Machine. This would probably free up even more HD space and make the OS cleaner and fresher, no? Would this be possible?
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Aug 25, 2009
I use a hotmail account for personal email. A few days ago Microsoft sent out an update that gave much better integration with Entourage, and I set up the required POP account and all was well. However, thinking I didn't need the previous account any longer I deleted it, and with it, all of my personal saved folders. I have a Time Capsule backup that dates prior to the change. How I might recover just the filed emails that were on my MacBook?
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Aug 29, 2009
I'd like to try a clean install, but i also don't want to reinstall all my apps and settings, etc. But if i recover from a TM backup, won't it bring over all the crap to? I guess my question is, what exactly is on my TM backup? How would i do this?
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Aug 30, 2009
am thinking about doing a clean install of Snow Leopard, but was wondering about the use of Time Machine in the Migration Assistant after it's re-installed. I have a lot of music, documents,apps etc (probably around 70-80gb) on my Time Machine backup that I would need to re-install. When you choose Time Machine in the migration assistant, does it let you choose what to pull off the Time Machine, or does it just take everything?
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Mar 26, 2010
I recently bought an intel x25 160gb for my uMPB. I have a time capsule backing up my system so I just swapped in the new SSD and hit "restore from time machine backup".
About an hour later, the install was finished and everything looked exactly how I left it.
I can't understate how impressive that feature is by the way. However, I wonder if it might be better to do a clean install to really get best performance here.
I say that because I also installed a clean copy of win7 via bootcamp and it actually seems faster than OSX. For example, every common app; firefox, chrome, microsoft office, etc. launches faster in win7 than it does in OSX.
My OSX installation is about 18 months old without any clean installs, and I'm wondering if anyone here has noticed significantly better system performance with a clean install rather than a time machine backup.
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Apr 5, 2012
I had the hard drive replaced in in my mid 2009 17" MacBook pro. After the clean install of lion I migrated my data from time machine (lion) to the new clean partition.. Upon completion the machine is unresponsive. The progress wheel turning for 10 minutes. I force quit and restart to kernel panic. I have been through this 3 times same sequence of events same results.
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May 1, 2008
Is it possible to use Time Machine to restore everything onto a newly installed hard drive on a MacBook. What would be the steps?
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Oct 19, 2010
I just did a clean install of Snow Leopard on my older macbook. I did not specifically back up my itunes purchases, however, I did do several Time Machine back ups as well as manually moving data via Finder (copy "Macintosh HD" and paste to folder on external), and finally a clone using CarbonCopyCloner. I wanted to start fresh, but I failed to think of my iTunes purchases, as well as iPhone app purchases/downloads. Is there some way I can specifically restore iTunes from the back up without having to restore from a TimeMachine backup?
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Jun 5, 2014
I have been using a 1 TB Iomega portable HD as my external HD for Time Machine backups of my early 2011 17" MacBook Pro with a 750GB Internal HD with only 190GB utilized. I just got a Time Machine message:
1) that backup couldn't be performed because of HD problem, and
2) to repair the HD with Disk Utility.
I ran DU Repair Disk and got the following Red Type messages interspersed between normal lines of DU activity reports:
"Invalid Sibling link"The volume Iomega_HDD could not be repaired."Error: Disk Utility can't repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files."
Can I recover the original and older time machine backups from my ext. HD in a procedure that would allow me to continue backing up with TM but restarting with the most recent recovered "uncorrupted" TM backup as the base, thus allowing me access to older backups?
Or is my ONLY alternative to start Time Machine afresh with a full backup today (on a new ext. HD!), and just deem all those valuable Time Machine backups as lost forever?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS 8.6 or Earlier
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Jul 28, 2009
I have a 15" MacBook Pro 2.0 GHz from a couple of years ago. It has a 75 GB harddrive which I am upgrading to 500 GB. My plan has been to simply clone the drive using the enclosure I purchased. But after reading some posts here, I see I have a few options.
1. I could clone. This sounds the least risky since theoretically I should end up with everything exactly the same. I do wonder about how it clones the files the operating system is using at the time, but I guess I'll just trust it knows what its doing.
2. A fresh install sounds ideal. I have had my laptop for a couple of years, so I imagine a fresh install would do it some good. But what does that mean exactly? Is it basically starting from scratch? Would I have to reinstall everything, not just the OS but also all of my programs, individually? And then transfer all of my data (music, photos, etc) given that I can find it all? That sounds a bit laborious and what if I missed something? Or am I misunderstanding the process?
3. A few months ago I purchased a Time Machine and I have been using it to back up my laptop and my external harddrive. Can I really restore my entire internal harddrive from Time Machine? I'm pretty sure I would have set my Time Machine to back up everything especially since it's a 1 TB drive. Any drawbacks to doing it this way?
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Jun 19, 2012
I got SMART warning about my hard disk, I got it replaced by a shop, but said I would do OS restore myself. (cant afford cost )Thought it would be simple - but it is anything but. It appears my install DVD is damaged, so was not able to boot with Grey OS install disk - holding the C key.I managed to get iMac to boot up using the old disk - using firewire dock. However I was not able to restore old disk and OS to new disk, Due to IO read error.(this is why I had the SMART warning). So I am unable to get the OS on the new HD using the old disk or the DVD as these are both damaged. The computer is running, so I thought I would try buying and downloading LION - then using the migration tool . The download is still running after 2 days.I went to apple store, and was told that they cannot replace DVD , so I should bring in the iMac = and pay for the restore. Dont wish to do this. As I have the computer and OS running, is there anything I can do to get a time machine restore from another backup disk (USB).
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Sep 4, 2009
If I do a clean install and restore from TM, will I have to enter all my apps' serial numbers?
This is the only thing holding me back from doing a clean install on my 3 year old iMac. Does it even matter? I didn't do a clean install from Tiger to Leopard and it worked perfectly.
I just thought that starting from scratch would make the computer zoom like it used to.
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Sep 3, 2010
I've just bought a new Seagate 500Gb hybrid HDD (the hybrid has 4Gb of SSD attached ) . So the question is:
OPTION ONE - back up my old drive and then restore it onto the new one, and save all my settings
OPTION TWO - reinstall all OS and programmes from OS discs and have a fresh start
On my old desktop Windows PC (sorry!) it was always worth starting from a clean install when Windows died, to get rid of any bugs ..BUT WITH A MAC?
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Aug 31, 2009
I have my "mail" folder from Time machine. I tried to copy one email from the prev folder; but it's clearly not that simple as it doesn't show in mail.
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Oct 24, 2009
I was thinking of doing a clean install of Snow Leopard. I back up via Time Machine to a Time Capsule. If I do a clean install, do I then just open Time Machine and then choose restore from the last backup or is not that simple.
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Jun 26, 2012
I had a problem with my Macbook pro for some unknown reason my HDD crashed and stopped working, so I had to replace it, with a new one. Fortunately I have a 1TB My Passport Time Machine Backup that contains all my data. I had spent hours to reintsall Snow leopard, update the machine and then upgrade to Lion. The only thing now I need to do is to restore all my data. can I restore my Apps, Music, Video, my sketch up drawings and projects? or am I forced to repurchase my Apps and media?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Magic Mouse, Airport express
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Jun 19, 2009
How long should I be stuck on the screen "calculating space required to restore data"? I've been on this screen for about 20, 30 minutes. The "hash mark wheel" is spinning, but just not seeing anything new. Is this normal? My backed up data is ~100 GB.
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Oct 16, 2010
I've got a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard installed, but it has been going sort of sluggish lately so I've decided to do a clean reinstall of Snow Leopard to try and improve things. I've got an up-to-date backup with Time Machine to my Time Capsule. When I do a clean install of Snow Leopard, will I be able to easily restore the files that I want to keep and the applications that I want to put back on my system (with their settings)?
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Oct 8, 2009
Is it possible to wipe my umbp (already running 10.6.1) and clean install SL? I have the up-to-date install disk.
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Jun 14, 2010
I have a 1TB external but it's almost full. I have so many backups of Time Machine I made along the way, but I don't need all the Applications folders that have been copied a million times.
What I want to do is consolidate my Movies, Music, Documents, and Photos folders from each partition and that's all I really need. The rest I can wipe so I can clear up half this drive for future backups and such.
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Sep 17, 2008
I have a desktop G5 that I'm in the process of selling. I have been using Time Machine for my backups and am picking up a MacBook Pro to replace it as my requirements are now much more mobile.
My question is simply this; can I restore my system, backed up from my G5, to my new MacBook?
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Jan 23, 2009
I just received my refurb 1.8/SSD Air and I'm excited about getting it up and running. I'm confused about one thing. If I do a reinstall to delete printer drivers and languages, and then do a time machine migration from my MBP, would all of the drivers and languages reappear from the migration?
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May 24, 2009
i've got a niggling problem that i'd like to get sorted. I've searched the forums, but can't find anything that relates exactly to my problem.
I restored my pro from a time machine machine backup and now it displays the time incorrectly (-1hr). 'Set date & time automatically' is checked in system prefs which makes the problem even weirder. I'm using the Apple Europe sever too.
I've read somewhere about deleting a hidden file to solve the problem, but there isn't enough information to execute.
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Mar 10, 2012
I have wiped my hard disk clean and reinstalled Lion. I don't want to restore the whole shebang from my Time Machine backup because I want my apps to be installed clean. So my first question is about restoring my mail. I understand that I should make Mail my current application, then click on "Enter Time Machine."When I do that, I see "Today" which is my current setup - nothing much on my computer. I try to go back in time, but I can't because Time Machine thinks "Today" is the only existing backup. How can I get Time Machine to restore Mail from my hard drive before it was wiped clean?
iMac (24-inch), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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