OS X :: Need To Reformat IMac - Which Folders Must Be Backed Up

Apr 4, 2009

I'm thinking of doing an erase and re-install of Tiger on iMac, to get back that clean, fresh feeling. I don't want to lose all my stuff though, iTunes library, Photo's, documents etc. What folders do I need to backup so I can reload them after re-install?

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IMac PPC :: When Go Into Time Machine It Will Only Show What Has Backed Up Today

Jun 12, 2012

I have a further problem with my "time capsule" - When I go in to the time machine it will only show me what has backed up today - nothing from yesterday at all??

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IMac :: How To Restore Failed External Hdd Backed Up With Time Machine

Jul 9, 2009

I have an external HDD that just failed. It was one of the HDDs that has been regularly backed up with a bigger HDD that backs several HDDs using TimeMachine. I can't seem to see the method for restoring the drive data to a new drive?

The computer is a 2.44 ghz iMac running 10.5.7

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IMac (Intel) :: Amount Being Backed Up By Time Machine Keeps Growing During Full Backup?

Dec 6, 2014

After some problems with Time Machine backup, I removed a bunch of stuff from my internal hard drive, reformatted my external HD used for backups, and started a new full backup.  Time Machine has been running for about 24 hours and gives me a status of Backing up: xx GB of yy GB.  Both xx and yy keep growing (apace) so that I don't believe xx will ever equal yy.   

To cryptic?  Here are real numbers.  My internal disk being backed up contains 469.39 GB.  Backup status now says Backing up: 685.78GB of 754.42 GB.  Both numbers just keep growing. I'm happy to let Time Machine overnight (again) but, really, this can't be normal.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Software :: OS X 10.2 IMac - Need To Reformat Without Disks

Feb 9, 2009

I have a 450 MHz, 20 GB, 256 Mb ram, OS X 10.2 iMac that I am trying to get connected to a cable modem. The problem stems from the fact that I cannot change the settings in internet connect because the person who originally set it up locked it and I do not have the password. If I can solve this problem without reformatting that would be great. However, I do not know how to pull this off.

I thought it might be easiest to reformat the hard drive and reinstall OS X, however there is a catch here too. I do not have the boot disks that came with the iMac, I have the boot disks for an older version OS X 10.03 (for an ibook). If I was to try and reformat the iMac with these disks so that I can change the internet connection info am I going to kill this computer?

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OS X Mavericks :: Reformat HDD Of Desktop IMac

Jun 24, 2014

How do I reformat the (startup) HDD of my iMac.

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IMac :: How To Reformat My External Hard Drive

Sep 28, 2010

I have 2 WD External Hard Drive Im trying to copy files from one to the other it wont let me because its read only..

If i Reformat the one with the files so i can copy it using my imac would i lose my files in there?

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Software :: Cannot Open Up Applications - Need To Reformat IMac

Sep 13, 2009

Dock's gone Dock disappeared, can't log out and when I went through the application to get to the firefox through the system icon on the desktop this popped up "the operation could not be completed. An unexpected error occurred (error code 0600)." Dictionary however, operates as normal. Itunes on the other hand, "you cannot open the application 'iTunes' beacuse it may be damaged or incomplete"- I've just installed the 9.0 version last night, but it says it has completed the installation and I chose to shut down as opposed to restart after (which is part of the option it offered). May be there's a virus/bug on the IMac? Would reformatting helps? If so, how do I do that?

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IMac PPC :: Clear Out Os X 10.5.8 And Reformat Without Install Discs

Feb 14, 2012

I would like to clean out my HD and reinstall OS X 10.5.8 Leopard, but I do not have the original install discs. My plan is to buy the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard universal retail disc from an outside dealer (going for $200+) and also buy additional memory (2GB 533MHz DDR2 SDRAM (PC2-4200)) to help with space. 

I am worried about not being able to run QuarkXPress 6.0, Extensis Suitcase X1, Microsoft Office 2008, and Adobe Creative Suite CS3 once I reformat. I do not want to upgrade to Lion because most of these programs do not work or in the case of CS3 very glitchy on Lion. 

is this the best route to go? I do not want to buy leopard and the ram, until I know for sure this is the right way of proceeding. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 512 MB

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IMac PPC :: Upgrade And Reformat It From Leopard To Lion?

May 28, 2012

i have an iMac on 10.5.? something.. and i want to get it back to factory setting and upgrade it to lion, as im half way to selling it to a friend. It needs reformatting asap really as he already managed to get that flash trojan on in within his first 2 days of having it, and its already had some mileage that could do with being reset anyway. i also what what i wanted to know how to upgrade to lion without having to get snow leopard as well. i know i need to install some more ram which im in the process of getting from Crucial.com. i just need to know about how to bypass snow leopard.

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PowerPC :: Reformat IBook With IMac Boot Disks Possible?

Aug 8, 2007

The iMac forum is clogged with news of the new iMac, so I decided to post my problem here: I just bought a friends old iBook G3 for writing and surfing the web. It's slow and full of his junk. He doesn't have the original disks, so I was wondering, would the install disks from my Intel iMac work on it?

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IMac (Intel) :: Reformat Old And Restore Files On New System

Aug 27, 2014

I have an early 2008 iMac which I am about to sell and replace with a newer version. I regularly use Time Machine to do back ups. What's the best way to reformat my old machine before I sell and also restore all my files onto the new iMac?

IMac, Macbook Pro

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IMac :: Unable To Recognize External Hard Drive / After Reformat

Jul 7, 2010

Yesterday I reformatted my Macintosh hard drive, partitioned it, installed Snow Leopard on one partition and Windows 7 on the other. I installed all the drivers for Windows 7 from the Snow Leopard disc.

When I plug in my 1TB Seagate external hardrive it's not showing up in Snow Leopard or Windows 7. Not even in Disk Utility. I tried plugging the external drive into my Windows laptop and a pop-up comes up saying "USB Device Not Recognised. One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognise it." I think that this may just be because it's formatted to Mac OSX?

The hardrive had all of my photos, videos and music on so I hope it's salvageable. I find it hard to believe that the hard drive malfunctioned at the same time I reinstalled the software onto the iMac.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Reformat Hard Drive If IMac Locks Frequently?

Feb 19, 2012

My Mac OS X Version 10.5.8 is 3 years old. I am having major problems with it. For the past 3 weeks now, everytime I try to use the Creative Suite 4 applications, the computer locks up...spins and spins and spins. I force quit when I can and oftentimes I cannot. I ran the disk utility from the Installation Disk and ran disk repair. The message that I received was a minor one but the problem continues....Vol Bit Map has minor problems. Does reformatting the hard drive is a good idea? It seems that I can get online with no problems. I have backed up all important files and am ready to reformat but want to make sure first that this option is the only one I have.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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IMac :: Can't Share Folders On OS X 10.6.2

Jan 15, 2010

So the problem is.. I was using a MBP as my main computer and my husband had the imac 24". He ordered the imac 27" and gave me the imac 24" to use and the laptop is now in its bad where it belongs.

So we both ported over our stuff.. he ported the info from the 24" imac to the 27" and then did a clean swipe of it and I ported the laptop's stuff over to the 24" that was at the point cleaned and empty.

When I did that something weird happened with the users where, instead of making me (the user from the laptop) the main admin it added it under a default admin. I had to switch the priorities around (make me the admin and the default user a reg. user) and then delete the default user.

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IMac :: Rename Folders - Not Getting Option

Oct 17, 2009

I have a few folders on my desktop and would like to re-name them. I right clicked the mouse but get nothing that says re-name. How can I re-name those folders? Someone told me to click on the folder then hit "enter". I did that but nothing happened.

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OS X :: Backed Up PC Files On NTFS HDD And Getting A Mac?

Apr 27, 2010

I sold my Sony Viao last week and copied all my important files on a 250 GB WD Mybook drive. Now the thing is formated in NTFS and I know that NTFS is a windows thing. I have some video/pictures/music and documents(excel/word) that I would like to move to my Macbook Pro which I will be buying next week. Whats the best way to do this? I think I have around 50-60 GBs that I need to move.

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Applications :: Were All My Files Backed Up Using CCC

Jul 31, 2010

erased my CCC External and used CCC to backup my whole computer. When it finished I looked at the size of my picture folder on my computer and compared it to the picture folder which was backed up and they were different sizes. They were very close but they were not the same. Does this mean that not all my files were backed up?

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Software :: Sync IMac And Macbook Pro Folders?

Jan 28, 2008

I have an iMac at home and macbook pro for school. I have a folder with all my notes on my macbook pro. Is there anyway I can sync that folder on my imac?

IE: When I update the document on my macbook, it'll automatically update that file on my imac, either by syncing the computer or just joining the network. And when I update it on my imac, it'll update the one on my macbook as well? I've done some searching and is Chronosync or .Mac my only solution?

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Desktops :: Won't Imac Recognize All Folders On External?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a late 06 early 07 intel imac. My problem is I recently purchased a 1 tb Seagate external hd and the imac recognizes some folders and their contents, like pictures and a couple others but will not recognize the contents of my movies or music folders. Now I copied all of my files from a wd elements 500gig and that worked perfectly with my imac. just can't get to my music or movies. Now, I can plug the seagate back into a windows pc and it works perfectly, so i know my files are there, but love to use my mac exclusively. Also running 10.4.11

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IMac :: Keeping All Folders Arranged By Kind?

Nov 2, 2010

I am having a problem with keeping all of my folders arranged by Kind. I have gone into the tasks toolbar in finder. From there I go to Show View Options, then I click choose Arrange by Kind, and then click use as defaults. This does not work, because when I go into a different folder or if I create a folder inside a different folder (that I made), the folder is not arranged by Kind. I have also tried using alt and going to the task toolbar to Keep Arranged By. However both options are only arranging the folder that I am in. I want every folder to be arranged this way.

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IMac :: .dbx Files In Outlook Express Folders

Dec 30, 2010

I am a new Imac owner running Mac OS 10.6.5. I recovered .dbx files from my Outlook Express folder from my old Windows XP system. Right now I can't seem to open them. Can I open-save these emails that were stored in this Outlook Express folder.

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IMac :: How Can Assign A Password To A Couple Of Folders?

Mar 11, 2010

I want to know how I can assign a password to a couple of folders that I don't anyone opening. I saw this done in a movie but since its a movie I don't know if its possible...it was done on an Macbook

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IMac :: How To Deleting Folders That Keep Popping Up In Finder

May 12, 2010

When ever I start up my computer there are like a 100 or so windows that open up... They are all "my computer" The same folder opens like 100 or so times.. They are all in the finder.. I can Hide them but how do I delete these so they don't show up everytime

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Applications :: Sticky Widget - Can It B Backed Up

Oct 30, 2005

I have been using the stickies widget provided with OSX Tiger and I love it, but is there a way to back it up? I have quite a bit of info on the widget stickies. (currently 10 stickies)

This is what I read in the help on OSX

Sticky notes in your Dashboard remain available until you close them. You can copy and paste items in sticky notes, but you cannot save your notes.

This leads me to believe that I am living dangerously with all this info???

Is there a better widget that I can store short lists on? What I use the widgets for are questions I need to ask each one of my employees. I am a school principal and can't just call up a teacher and ask them something so I jot it down on the widget sticky and ask them when I get a chance. I like having an easy way to bring up the lists and getting rid of them without opening a document or anything. Is there a better way?

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OS X :: Restore Hdd Cause Erase Of All Files That Are Not Backed Up?

Mar 26, 2009

If I restore my Mac HD will it erase all my files that are not backed up?

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Applications :: How To Keep My ITunes Library Backed Up

May 8, 2009

I went out and bought a Drobo and threw 4, 500gb drives in it to host my media and Time Machine back ups for the house. I put that Drobo on my AEBS and share it over my network. It works very nicely.

However, when I go to work, I still want the same performance that I have at the house and afp is not giving me that performance. Choppy video and audio cut-outs are not gonna work. I have my entire iTunes library on the Drobo.

So with portability in mind, I went out and picked up a 500gb WD My Passport drive. Plugged it into my Mac and started copying my iTunes library to the WD. Call me an idiot because I didnt bother to format the drive, I left it at FAT32. I actually did this on purpose because I also want to be able to bring the WD to a friends house or work and share my iTunes library with anyone.

So, I successfully copy over all 200gbs of my iTunes library and change the drive location in iTunes to my new WD. All is well. iTunes is much more responsive as well.

Onto my question, how can I keep a copy of this drive? I buy and upload a lot of music so I can see this being an issue. I would love if Time Machine could somehow do it but it doesnt allow me to back up the drive. Should I just periodically copy and paste the entire drive to my Drobo? I still have a copy of the library on my Drobo for a backup, but I want to keep that copy as current as possible.

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Hardware :: Can Erase Pictures From My HD After Backed Up

Oct 14, 2009

Once my HD os backed up my an external hard drive, can I go head and erase the ones on my HD?

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OS X :: How To View Photos Backed Up On External HD

Dec 21, 2009

I want to know if there is a way to view photos on an external hard drive that is hooked up to my mac. I backed up all my photos to an external hard drive but don't necessarily want to transfer all of them to my mac. I can't seem to figure out how to view those photos. It's so easy with a PC.

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Software :: How To Restore My Backed Up Files

Jan 27, 2009

I used LaCie's backup software that came with my LaCie d2(?) 300GB external drive. I then proceeded to erase my internal hard drive after trying to unsuccessfully partition it. I also wanted to use Boot Camp and it kept saying that it couldn't move some files. Anyways, I erased the drive and reinstalled Leopard from the install DVD so I now have a fresh OS. Lacie's software only backed up my old files as files and not as a disk image. I want to restore my old files from my Lacie drive (apps, preference files, music, etc) back to the new fresh install. The LaCie software backed up the files, but did not produce a disk image. When I try and drag the backed up files to the new fresh internal hard drive, for example my old apps folder, it keeps saying "Applications" can't be modified or deleted because it is required by Mac OS X. So, how do I get my old files back from my external drive?

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