Hardware :: Can Erase Pictures From My HD After Backed Up

Oct 14, 2009

Once my HD os backed up my an external hard drive, can I go head and erase the ones on my HD?

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OS X :: Restore Hdd Cause Erase Of All Files That Are Not Backed Up?

Mar 26, 2009

If I restore my Mac HD will it erase all my files that are not backed up?

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OS X :: How Can Be Achieved Disck Utility Erase, But Only Erase Free Space Was Highlighted

Jul 27, 2009

I bought an imac 2 years ago, and updated it to leopard when that was released.
I no longer have the discs i used for Leopard, only the original mac os x 10.4 discs.I am very soon going to be selling this machine and need to wipe everything so that all is left if the operating system in the form you would expect as if you had just bought a new mac.How can this be achieved, i tried disck utility> erase, but only erase free space was 'highlighted'.

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MacBook :: Hard Drive Gone, Pictures On Iphone, Get Pictures Back Onto It?

Apr 10, 2012

Is there a way to get pictures that are part of the library on my iphone on to my macbook.  I find it completely unbelievable that Apple has purposely made it impossible to be able to get 4 YEARS OF PICTURES off my Iphone and back onto my computer. 

MacBook (13-inch Early 2008)

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OS X :: Backed Up PC Files On NTFS HDD And Getting A Mac?

Apr 27, 2010

I sold my Sony Viao last week and copied all my important files on a 250 GB WD Mybook drive. Now the thing is formated in NTFS and I know that NTFS is a windows thing. I have some video/pictures/music and documents(excel/word) that I would like to move to my Macbook Pro which I will be buying next week. Whats the best way to do this? I think I have around 50-60 GBs that I need to move.

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Applications :: Were All My Files Backed Up Using CCC

Jul 31, 2010

erased my CCC External and used CCC to backup my whole computer. When it finished I looked at the size of my picture folder on my computer and compared it to the picture folder which was backed up and they were different sizes. They were very close but they were not the same. Does this mean that not all my files were backed up?

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Applications :: Sticky Widget - Can It B Backed Up

Oct 30, 2005

I have been using the stickies widget provided with OSX Tiger and I love it, but is there a way to back it up? I have quite a bit of info on the widget stickies. (currently 10 stickies)

This is what I read in the help on OSX

Sticky notes in your Dashboard remain available until you close them. You can copy and paste items in sticky notes, but you cannot save your notes.

This leads me to believe that I am living dangerously with all this info???

Is there a better widget that I can store short lists on? What I use the widgets for are questions I need to ask each one of my employees. I am a school principal and can't just call up a teacher and ask them something so I jot it down on the widget sticky and ask them when I get a chance. I like having an easy way to bring up the lists and getting rid of them without opening a document or anything. Is there a better way?

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OS X :: Need To Reformat IMac - Which Folders Must Be Backed Up

Apr 4, 2009

I'm thinking of doing an erase and re-install of Tiger on iMac, to get back that clean, fresh feeling. I don't want to lose all my stuff though, iTunes library, Photo's, documents etc. What folders do I need to backup so I can reload them after re-install?

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Applications :: How To Keep My ITunes Library Backed Up

May 8, 2009

I went out and bought a Drobo and threw 4, 500gb drives in it to host my media and Time Machine back ups for the house. I put that Drobo on my AEBS and share it over my network. It works very nicely.

However, when I go to work, I still want the same performance that I have at the house and afp is not giving me that performance. Choppy video and audio cut-outs are not gonna work. I have my entire iTunes library on the Drobo.

So with portability in mind, I went out and picked up a 500gb WD My Passport drive. Plugged it into my Mac and started copying my iTunes library to the WD. Call me an idiot because I didnt bother to format the drive, I left it at FAT32. I actually did this on purpose because I also want to be able to bring the WD to a friends house or work and share my iTunes library with anyone.

So, I successfully copy over all 200gbs of my iTunes library and change the drive location in iTunes to my new WD. All is well. iTunes is much more responsive as well.

Onto my question, how can I keep a copy of this drive? I buy and upload a lot of music so I can see this being an issue. I would love if Time Machine could somehow do it but it doesnt allow me to back up the drive. Should I just periodically copy and paste the entire drive to my Drobo? I still have a copy of the library on my Drobo for a backup, but I want to keep that copy as current as possible.

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OS X :: How To View Photos Backed Up On External HD

Dec 21, 2009

I want to know if there is a way to view photos on an external hard drive that is hooked up to my mac. I backed up all my photos to an external hard drive but don't necessarily want to transfer all of them to my mac. I can't seem to figure out how to view those photos. It's so easy with a PC.

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Software :: How To Restore My Backed Up Files

Jan 27, 2009

I used LaCie's backup software that came with my LaCie d2(?) 300GB external drive. I then proceeded to erase my internal hard drive after trying to unsuccessfully partition it. I also wanted to use Boot Camp and it kept saying that it couldn't move some files. Anyways, I erased the drive and reinstalled Leopard from the install DVD so I now have a fresh OS. Lacie's software only backed up my old files as files and not as a disk image. I want to restore my old files from my Lacie drive (apps, preference files, music, etc) back to the new fresh install. The LaCie software backed up the files, but did not produce a disk image. When I try and drag the backed up files to the new fresh internal hard drive, for example my old apps folder, it keeps saying "Applications" can't be modified or deleted because it is required by Mac OS X. So, how do I get my old files back from my external drive?

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: PostgreSQL Not Being Backed Up?

Mar 27, 2012

I'm running Lion Server 10.7.2 with TimeMachine enabled and noticed that the only file in /Library/Server/PostgreSQL/Backup is "dumpall.psql.gz" and it's several months old. 

1) How come there is no new file written? 

2) How would I manually backup the whole PostgreSQl cluster?

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Mac Pro :: Install A Backed Up Hard Drive?

Apr 10, 2012

I recently had my hard drive expire on my G5 I have a back up of all data and applications that is on an external hard drive.

How do I now install this back on to my G5 and its new hard drive? Is it as simple as drag and drop? Do I have to reinstall all the applications?

I have wondered with all this talk about back ups, how it actually works.

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4)

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ICloud On Mac :: How To Get Access To Backed Up Data

Dec 7, 2014

How do I get access to my backed up data on the cloud?

MacBook Pro, iOS 8, Hard drive died unexpectedly

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OS X :: Backed Up With Carbon Copy Cloner - Size Of Ext HD Different

Aug 1, 2010

I have two external drives I use. One as a primary, and one as a back up. I back up with Carbon Copy Cloner now (super duper was soooo slow) and it works like a charm. Except when I right click and get info on both drives, they are different sizes (by 6GB), yet when I do list view and see the calculated sizes, they are the same! And yes, the trash is empty!

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ITunes :: Personal Videos Backed Up To ICloud

Mar 10, 2012

I had some awsome personal videos from my iphone backed up to icloud. I found all my photos, but I can't find my videos?

MacBookPro, iOS 5.1

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Cannot Find Backed Up Files

Mar 31, 2012

I was one of the unlucky ones to get this Trojan bug so decided to erase my disk and reload the system. In doing so, I did a lot of dragging from the backup to the new system not knowing how to restore and I did not want to bring this bug with the restore.  So, here are my issues so far I am unable to resolve.   

Address Book and Calendar are empty and I am unable to find the back up files to re-load them. 

Also in Safari I am unable to find my bookmarks.  Is there a way to find these files or am I out of luck? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5,owc 500 GB ex

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Mac Pro :: Restore Mail Files If Backed Up Not Using Timemachine?

Apr 11, 2012

My macbookpro was stolen while travelling, I had copied everything to an external hardrive but without using time machine. I desperately need to recover my entourage mail for my tax return. I found the files but can't restore them.

Entourage for Mac

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ICloud :: How To Access Backed Up Phone Contacts

Jun 23, 2012

Im trying to check my contacts and photos recently backed up from my mobile and wanted to know how to access them on the web?

For some reason they don't show up in icloud online.

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Recover Mail Files That Must Have Been Backed Up

Jun 25, 2014

I have MacBook Air that I had to recover document from a week old back-up files from the Time Machine backup disk.  All the documents are copied back to the clean slate MacBook, but mails that are archived in the old hard disk is lost.  Is there a way to recover them? 

In a current hard disk, /Users/me/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Data/Library...I see Mail Downloads folder.  I don't know where the mail messages are stored.  I don't see anything like this in the backup volume.  Where can I look for?

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ICloud On Mac :: Is Data Backed Up With Time Machine

Jun 20, 2014

I use a shared Mac, on which I would like to have also some of my personal iCloud data (reminders, calendars, etc.).A Time Machine backup of this Mac is made on a regular basis, and I want to know if my iCloud data would be saved into the backup drive via Time Machine. 

In other words, when I set up an iCloud account on a Mac, does the iCloud data remain on Apple's servers or is it actually downloaded, updated, and saved somewhere locally, and therefore is subject to a Time Machine backup unless it is specifically excluded?

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OS X :: Can Mail Import Backed Up Archive Inbox From Thunderbird?

Nov 14, 2008

I used Thunderbird in Windows, and want to carry over my inbox archive to my new iMac. Can OS X's Mail program import that inbox archive so that my 100+ past email messages are included as Mail's inbox?

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OS X :: Carbon Copy Cloner Backed Up To A Drive Can't Find?

Oct 8, 2009

CCC kinda went on the fritz for me tonight. About 80% of the way through my scheduled backup task, I noticed my backup drive wasn't even connected. Also, about 40 GB had been copied, whereas a typical backup usually backs up only a few MBs.
After halting the backup I noticed that the Macintosh HD had grown by about 40 GB.I'd like to erase the duplicate data before running another backup, but I can't locate the extra data. I checked the size of the Users, System, Library, Developer, and Applications folder and they add up to the approx. 60 GB I had before the backup.

My iStat shows another drive called "backup1", but a search for that in finder yields no results. Also, Disk Utility doesn't show another drive besides Macintosh HD (I have the actual backup disk disconnected at the moment).

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Hardware :: Address Book Backed Up Alright - How To Restore

Nov 1, 2008

I am running OS 10.3.9 on a G3 iBook 600MHz. I've backed up my entire HD to a 80GB Fantom external drive. Since then, I've managed to lose my Address Book in its entirety. I'm 86 years old, senile, and to save my life I can't figure out how to transfer my saved Address Book from my external drive to my computer's HD. I've read the Fantom User's Guide until my eyeballs were ready to fall out, but I still can't make head or tail of what I'm reading. I have Carbon Copy Cloner installed on my machine. If there is one soul out there who can restore me to peace and harmony, I'd love to hear from him or her.

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IMac PPC :: When Go Into Time Machine It Will Only Show What Has Backed Up Today

Jun 12, 2012

I have a further problem with my "time capsule" - When I go in to the time machine it will only show me what has backed up today - nothing from yesterday at all??

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Restore Backed Up Information From Desktop File

Dec 5, 2014

I had my computer worked on and the tech had to back up all my information and he stored it in a file and put it on my desktop. I now would like to reinstall all the pics, and other information. How do I do that?

mac, Other OS

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OS X Mountain Lion :: How To Retrieve A Deleted IMessage That Was Not Backed Up

Dec 5, 2014

hhow do I find a number I didn't save but sent a iMessage to?

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OS X Yosemite :: Cannot Access Backed Up Data On Time Machine

Dec 3, 2014

I recently upgraded to Yosemite on my iMac and now I can not access backed up data on my time machine.  Time Machine will open normal, but does not allow me to click on different favorites to the left in Finder.  I tried my other iMac which was also upgraded to Yosemite and even though this Mac is connected to the time machine via cable, I still can not access favorites in Finder.  Seems like Time Machine is frozen.

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IMac :: How To Restore Failed External Hdd Backed Up With Time Machine

Jul 9, 2009

I have an external HDD that just failed. It was one of the HDDs that has been regularly backed up with a bigger HDD that backs several HDDs using TimeMachine. I can't seem to see the method for restoring the drive data to a new drive?

The computer is a 2.44 ghz iMac running 10.5.7

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can Include External Drives To Be Backed Up Using Time Machine

Feb 22, 2012

Can I include external drives to be backed up using Time Machine?  Not only do I want to back up my IMac, but I have several extenal drives for one iPhoto, one iTunes and one for other files & documents. How do I know if they are included in the backup process?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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