So I have a uMBP 5,4 and a bunch of externals. I am going to be moving over 500 gigs of data from one external to another. They both have about the same speed read/write, but with the uMBP I only have one FW800 port. So my question is how should I connect these drives (the way I understand it you only get one 800 Mbps link to the computer and connecting multiple drives only allows them to share this through-put) Will it be fast to connect one via USB and one via FW800 or just daisy chain them using FW800?
I need to move around 40 gigs of music from my MBP to a Toshiba laptop. I have no form of direct connection (firewire, ethernet cable etc) and only have my wireless network. I'm new to windows (can't stand it) and don't have a clue where to begin, but I need to get it done. Tried a search but didn't bring up much that I found helpful/could understand. Any assistance would be very much valued.
I transferred about 400 gigs of data from my MacBook Pro to my new iMac using Migration Assistant, but can't find any of my data on Finder. I'm thinking that the data got transferred but not cataloged. Finder shows about 400 gigs of my hard drive being used, but the files it shows don't come anywhere close to 400 gigs. How can I find out what is really on the hard drive and how can I access my MacBook files I transferred?
I'm looking into upgrading the RAM of a late 2006 MacBook Pro from 2 gigs to maximum of 3 gigs. Should I just get a 2 gig chip and replace one of the 1 gig chips with that, or would I be better off purchasing a pair of 2 gig chips and replacing both of the old 1 gig chips with them? So basicly I'm asking wether the RAM chips should be in identical pairs or does it matter?
I bought this in sept. of 08. The 24'' 2.8 ghz interl core 2 duoMy mac came with 2gig 800 hmz DDR2 SDRAM. what are good places to upgrade to 4 gigs. I have $200 in amazon gift cards, so that seem to be the front running. Do I need a certain brand or will any brand work as long as its ddr2 sdram?
Sorry if this has been asked recently, (searched but couldnt find it) but i am thinking about upgrading the RAM on my 1.5GHz PB G4 from 1.5 gigs to 2 gigs of RAM. What type of performance increase should i see? Is it worth the money?
I have a PowerBook G4 running OS X. I'm trying to transfer a very large chunk of data (roughly 40 gigs or so) from my Mac to my PC (I need to sell my Mac, so I'm trying to empty it). Fortunately, most of the files can be read by both platforms, so I don't need to convert any data, just move it. Any suggestions on how this could be done? I've thought of burning everything on to DVDs and moving them that way, but I'm wondering if there's another way.
I recently purchased a new Macbook Pro, which should be arriving in the mail shortly. I currently have a Macbook running Tiger which I bought in June 2006. I was wondering how it would be possible for me to easily move all of my data (iTunes library, applications, etc.) and settings to my new Macbook Pro.
I currently have a 2006 white macbook that I have backed everything up onto an external HD with Time Machine. I have bought one of the new 13" Macbook Pros, but I can't just plug the external HD in and import everything, as the Pro has CS5 and the new Microsoft Office on it which I don't want to lose.
So I'm wondering, how can I get everything from my macbook onto my macbook pro, without losing CS5 and Office 2011.
Also, I've just realised, my macbook currently has Office 2008 on it, so I don't want to transfer that over in case it covers the newer copy of Office on the Pro.
I currently sync my iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch on the XP box. My goals are to move all my songs, apps, movies/TV shows etc. over to my new mac. I want to stop using the XP machine all together.
In terms of steps. I'm thinking I need to do this:Ensure both XP and Mac are running the most current version of iTunes - if not upgrade them Sync and back-up each device one last time on the XP machine Transfer the data (via the apple FAQ above) Sync each device with the mac? Will the Mac recognize the devices just like the XP machine did? Will I need to transfer purchases from each device?
I wish to move many GB of data (docs, photos, etc.) from one user ID to another one on the same Mac. I know I can use Time Machine and run a back-up, I can also copy the folders to (8 GB) DVDs.
Are there other options I can use? What would these be and what would be the benefits of using one method rather than another. Eventually I want to remove one of the user IDs after everything has been moved to the other one. I wondered if sharing folders would benefit and how is this accomplished? If one ID is later removed, then what happens with the sharing of folders?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.4 GHz i7. 4 GB RAM, 1 GB Video
So I'm planning on getting a new MacBook here shortly and was wondering how the Time Machine transfer works. A few questions:
1. Can I select which Data I upload to the new computer? 2. Is data from Address Book saved? 3. When I want to backup my new computer, can I keep the prior back up from my old computer and have a separate one for the new computer?
I want to move everything from my current user account to another account. Both accounts are administrator accounts. As I am typing, I am copying over files from each of my home folders (cmd-A, cmd-C, go to new account's public folder, create folder of same name, cmd-V). The Migration Assistant won't aid because that is only for multiple Macs. I want to move my account to another account on the same Mac.
Info: iMac 24, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 640 GB HD, 2.66 GHz C2Duo, 8 GB Ram
I have been trying to move my old TimeMachine data to a new, larger hard drive. A very helpful member of another forum suggested I use the Disk Utility "Restore" utility, restoring my TimeMachine data from the old disk to a new disk. For some reason this will not work for me.
Read the below quote from Mac Performance Guide. Is it a good idea? I know a bit of DOS, so I am used to command line commands but even after after Lloyd Chambers explanation, still not sure what is going to happen? ln -s /Volumes/Master/Mail Library/Mail The reason I want to move my Mail folder out of the home directory is because I plan to have a SSD as my boot drive and the home directory is on the boot drive, correct? "Moving the Apple Mail folder to your data volume".
This trick lets you move your Mail folder out of your home directory onto your data volume. I've used this technique for years so that I can forget about having to back up my home directory (default location for Apple Mail) and simply back up my one data volume: Master. The same trick can be used for any similarly irritating program that insists on storing its data in your home directory, rather than giving you a choice (a few programs are too brain-dead for this to work). Programs like iTunes let you choose where to put your music; use that option.
Your Apple Mail folder is in the Library folder of your home directory. The trick requires starting Terminal. If that makes you uncomfortable, stop here! You are going to make a symbolic link. 0. Quit Apple Mail, and make a backup of your mail folder. 1. Copy the Mail folder to the top level of your data drive (or elsewhere, then modify step 3 appropriately). 2. Rename the original mail folder to Mail.old as an additional backup. 3. Start a Terminal window and type: ln -s /Volumes/Master/Mail Library/Mail
This makes a symbolic link to the folder Mail on the volume Master (type the name of your volume, and use quotes around it if the volume name contains a space character). The resulting file Library/Mail is a tiny file that says "look over there on /Volumes/Master/Mail instead". From here on out Apple Mail won't know the difference! Launch Apple Mail and verify that it worked. If you encounter problems, simply copy your backup back into place."
I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?
I want to upgrade to 8 gigs, but Im wondering if I just get a single 4gig stick & have 6 gigs if my system would run just as well...I have 13inch macbook pro 2010.
Would 6 gigs be stable or unstable for use? If so whats best brand to get?
he wants to give me his PS cs4, im prolly not even going to use it, should i take it anyway? itll prolly just take a couple gigs of my hd and i wont use it
I'm wanting to install 4 gigs of RAM to my MBP to get better gaming FPS and to play games I will be using Windows Vista 32-bit.I know 32-bit operating systems only recognize up to 3 gigs of ram so I'm not sure if I'll be fine and Windows Vista 32-bit will still work Will it still work under 4 gigs or will I have to get a 64-bit version of Vista?
I have the Alum 2.4 Ghz MBP and I want to max out the amount of ram it holds. It already has 2gigs and I've heard that it can hold a max of 4gigs () And was wondering is it worth upgrading just 2gigs? Will there be a difference is speeds? I also plan on buying SL while I am at it. Yes I am in the upgrade performance mood for my MBP. And unlike a PC you can't really improve the performance to much other than the ram. Also, can I buy some ram on newegg or does it have to be the overpriced Apple ram? Also can I mix ram types? Since it already has 2gigs can I just buy 2 more gigs of a diff brand but same type?
I have a Mini (mid July 2010) that has worked flawlessly, yet I decided to install 8gigs of ram. At times I can have lots of things going on and with the original 4 gigs it seemed to bog down. Thinking more ram is the answer, of which it's apparently not, the Mini still can bog down even with the 8 gigs.
When checking Utilities and system memory it always has at least 3.5 gigs in a FREE status. No matter if I open almost everything. The system does recognize all 8 gigs it just does not use it all.
Is there some settings I need to tweak? All updates are installed. I'm not sure what to do to get the Mini to utilize all of its available ram. Or am I applying PC logic here?
Mac Mini mid July 2010 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 8 gigs of ram Lion 10.7.4 Xfinity Extreme DOCIS 3 modem Airport Extreme
Info: Mac mini (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Awesome MACHINE!
My fan has been running all day pretty much.When i received this computer (this was a replacement.) it was very quiet.I added 8 gigs of RAM (from OWC) on top of the stock 4 gigs that came with it.
I have a 27" imac and mostly use it for music. I got on today to put some music on my iphone 4 and to my surprise I have like 12 songs in my itunes library. These songs are a free sampler cd download which I downloaded the other day from Austin City Limits Music Festival. Where did all my music go? Please tell me I haven't lost 35 gigs of music!! I do have an external hard drive that is supposedly used for backing up. Is it possible the music is on there, if so how do I go about getting back into my itunes?
i recently decided to install Windows XP on my macbook. I was wondering though how many gigs should i allot to windows using bootcamp? Also can i run ALL windows programs on it? because i was thinking of installing battlefield 2 on the windows os.
I look inside and it's just a bunch of other folders of companies, like HP, xerox, epson, canon lexmark. etc. I only have an HP printer. How come I have all those other stuff?
20 gigs of my HDD is missing. I had a 20 gig torrent, but I deleted that (it wasn't fully downloaded), and the only other thing I have downloaded was (accidently) the 1.1 gig Garageband extra sounds etc and the Safari 4 update. Any ideas?
I'm trying out Aperture 2 for the first time, I always used Iphoto. I have imported my large library into Aperture. Activity Monitor says that Aperture takes up 1.3 gb of memory when being used and 600 mb when It's not being using it.
Is it normal for Aperture 2 to being using this much memory? Iphoto uses 350 mb of memory. My 2.66 Ghz Quad Core has 6 gig's of memory. I run aperture alongside Iphoto, Firefox, Itunes, New York Times reader, Rhapsody's flash player, etc.