MacBook Pro :: Moving My Data Onto New?
Dec 20, 2010
I currently have a 2006 white macbook that I have backed everything up onto an external HD with Time Machine. I have bought one of the new 13" Macbook Pros, but I can't just plug the external HD in and import everything, as the Pro has CS5 and the new Microsoft Office on it which I don't want to lose.
So I'm wondering, how can I get everything from my macbook onto my macbook pro, without losing CS5 and Office 2011.
Also, I've just realised, my macbook currently has Office 2008 on it, so I don't want to transfer that over in case it covers the newer copy of Office on the Pro.
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Jul 6, 2010
So I'm planning on getting a new MacBook here shortly and was wondering how the Time Machine transfer works. A few questions:
1. Can I select which Data I upload to the new computer?
2. Is data from Address Book saved?
3. When I want to backup my new computer, can I keep the prior back up from my old computer and have a separate one for the new computer?
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Jan 21, 2006
I have a PowerBook G4 running OS X. I'm trying to transfer a very large chunk of data (roughly 40 gigs or so) from my Mac to my PC (I need to sell my Mac, so I'm trying to empty it). Fortunately, most of the files can be read by both platforms, so I don't need to convert any data, just move it. Any suggestions on how this could be done? I've thought of burning everything on to DVDs and moving them that way, but I'm wondering if there's another way.
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Jun 25, 2009
I recently purchased a new Macbook Pro, which should be arriving in the mail shortly. I currently have a Macbook running Tiger which I bought in June 2006. I was wondering how it would be possible for me to easily move all of my data (iTunes library, applications, etc.) and settings to my new Macbook Pro.
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Dec 20, 2009
So I have a uMBP 5,4 and a bunch of externals. I am going to be moving over 500 gigs of data from one external to another. They both have about the same speed read/write, but with the uMBP I only have one FW800 port. So my question is how should I connect these drives (the way I understand it you only get one 800 Mbps link to the computer and connecting multiple drives only allows them to share this through-put) Will it be fast to connect one via USB and one via FW800 or just daisy chain them using FW800?
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Jul 19, 2010
I currently sync my iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch on the XP box. My goals are to move all my songs, apps, movies/TV shows etc. over to my new mac. I want to stop using the XP machine all together.
In terms of steps. I'm thinking I need to do this:Ensure both XP and Mac are running the most current version of iTunes - if not upgrade them Sync and back-up each device one last time on the XP machine Transfer the data (via the apple FAQ above) Sync each device with the mac? Will the Mac recognize the devices just like the XP machine did? Will I need to transfer purchases from each device?
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Apr 28, 2012
I wish to move many GB of data (docs, photos, etc.) from one user ID to another one on the same Mac. I know I can use Time Machine and run a back-up, I can also copy the folders to (8 GB) DVDs.
Are there other options I can use? What would these be and what would be the benefits of using one method rather than another. Eventually I want to remove one of the user IDs after everything has been moved to the other one. I wondered if sharing folders would benefit and how is this accomplished? If one ID is later removed, then what happens with the sharing of folders?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.4 GHz i7. 4 GB RAM, 1 GB Video
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Feb 17, 2012
I want to move everything from my current user account to another account. Both accounts are administrator accounts. As I am typing, I am copying over files from each of my home folders (cmd-A, cmd-C, go to new account's public folder, create folder of same name, cmd-V). The Migration Assistant won't aid because that is only for multiple Macs. I want to move my account to another account on the same Mac.
iMac 24, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 640 GB HD, 2.66 GHz C2Duo, 8 GB Ram
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Mar 6, 2008
I have been trying to move my old TimeMachine data to a new, larger hard drive. A very helpful member of another forum suggested I use the Disk Utility "Restore" utility, restoring my TimeMachine data from the old disk to a new disk. For some reason this will not work for me.
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Jul 25, 2009
Read the below quote from Mac Performance Guide. Is it a good idea? I know a bit of DOS, so I am used to command line commands but even after after Lloyd Chambers explanation, still not sure what is going to happen? ln -s /Volumes/Master/Mail Library/Mail
The reason I want to move my Mail folder out of the home directory is because I plan to have a SSD as my boot drive and the home directory is on the boot drive, correct? "Moving the Apple Mail folder to your data volume".
This trick lets you move your Mail folder out of your home directory onto your data volume. I've used this technique for years so that I can forget about having to back up my home directory (default location for Apple Mail) and simply back up my one data volume: Master. The same trick can be used for any similarly irritating program that insists on storing its data in your home directory, rather than giving you a choice (a few programs are too brain-dead for this to work). Programs like iTunes let you choose where to put your music; use that option.
Your Apple Mail folder is in the Library folder of your home directory. The trick requires starting Terminal. If that makes you uncomfortable, stop here! You are going to make a symbolic link.
0. Quit Apple Mail, and make a backup of your mail folder.
1. Copy the Mail folder to the top level of your data drive (or elsewhere, then modify step 3 appropriately).
2. Rename the original mail folder to Mail.old as an additional backup.
3. Start a Terminal window and type:
ln -s /Volumes/Master/Mail Library/Mail
This makes a symbolic link to the folder Mail on the volume Master (type the name of your volume, and use quotes around it if the volume name contains a space character). The resulting file Library/Mail is a tiny file that says "look over there on /Volumes/Master/Mail instead". From here on out Apple Mail won't know the difference! Launch Apple Mail and verify that it worked. If you encounter problems, simply copy your backup back into place."
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Nov 29, 2010
I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?
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May 27, 2010
i just got a new macbook pro 13" laptop and am trying to transfer my itunes music as well as some data i have compiled into a single folder from my (2005) Powerbook G4 12" laptop. Please help me out with this i have no idea how to do this and the Apple Store said they will do it for $100 and i just poured every penny i own into this computer and cannot sell me old computer to pay bills until i transfer this data.
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Dec 10, 2014
I have lost all my data from my harts drive. The laptop is under warranty. I have been told that they have replaced my hard drive but could not get any data off the old one. I have now lost all my data, photos, files, music etc. NO backups, only simply because i did not know how to do them. Is there any way of getting the files back? All my work spreadsheets and accounts were also lost.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)
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Sep 6, 2006
I have a EMac with Mac OS X vs 10.3.9 Prior user erased hard drive. Took to ADR data recovery and they scanned the hard drive and were unable to recover any data. Looking for input on other techniques to recover data from hard drive or other companies that specialize in Mac data recovery.
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Sep 26, 2010
So, I'm trying to recover some lost files. I put it on Data recovery 3. Everything went fine until the power in my house went out, stopping the entire process. NOW when I try to run the process, it just stalls at 33,3%, with no indication of how much time left...
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Nov 1, 2010
Need some help here. My friend is a DJ and had an external drive with tens of thousands of songs on it. The plug broke on it and I think that corrupted it since Eject was not used. I pulled the 3.5in HDD out of the case and hooked up up with some other external plugs I have.
When I run Data Rescue 3 on it, it shows that it sees almost all of these and the only two formats it counts up are mpeg and mp3s. Data Rescue then finishes the scan and has a bunch of crap files that are not needed, but none of the songs show up. What is going on here? Did I miss something in Data Rescue 3.
The drive is a 1TB drive and the backup drive we are using is 640GB, but there was only about 250GB of music on the drive to begin with.
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Feb 1, 2009
I am thinking of buying a new MacBook (Pro). I currently back up using Time Machine and wondered when restoring when I first turn on the Mac, do I have to restore EVERYTHING or can I select what I want? Such as music and photos.
Also, does the 7200RPM hard drive in the pro create lots of noise and heat compared to the 5400RPM version? If I bought a 7200 RPM model and put it in a MacBook (Apple don't let you do this yet) would it be safe? Which models do Apple use?
Is the Pro big when carrying to school? Portability basically?
Some of you might have seen my previous posts, but judging by what I will use the laptop for, do you recommend 2.4, 4GB MacBook or the stock 2.5 Pro with upgraded hard drive?...
1. I use light bits of Photoshop CS3 Extended for school that work well on my original 2.0 Core Duo MacBook.
2. Light video editing, such as iMovie, maybe Final Cut.
3. Most importantly, music creation. I'm only a beginner on all of this, and the laptop should last me about 3 years at the least. Everybody I have spoken to about the missing FireWire on the MacBook - including people at apple - has advised me that the gap between USB and FireWire is pretty half and half. As a beginner, recording voice, guitar, keyboard, maybe drums... will the lack of FireWire be too much of a problem?
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Feb 19, 2009
so im thinking of getting a new hdd, but i dont want to lose any files. and after i get the new hdd id have to install Mac OSX but is there anyway to move files without an external hard drive, like time machine?
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Jun 21, 2010
I have my Macbook Pro and i have a lot of large 4gb+ files that i need to get onto my PC, i have a 16gb USB stick and want to just transfer them across a few at a time to my PC (running Win7) But either my PC wont recognise the format, or when it does i cant copy files to my usb stick because of a file size limit of 4gb.
So in short, how can i get files from my mac to my pc, is there a program i can download for my PC to read Mac formated drives or something like that?
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Mar 20, 2012
i have a macbook pro. i use it in my lap i have to use a "thermal " pad to keep it cool? do i have to fully shut it down before i move it?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 24, 2012
I've had my macbook pro for 4 years now & its just starting moving "VERY" slow what can i download or do to make it go fast again? OR do i need to bring it into the store to be cleaned out?
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Jul 10, 2010
i have the newest macbook pro and i ordered one on the day they were launched. I noticed that when i pick up and move the laptop while it is in use, i hear a noise, almost sounds like a fan is rubbing on something. Do others experience this same thing and is it something to worry about? the noise is feint but it's there.
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Jul 22, 2010
my 3 years old mbp is beginning to show its age, so I decided to purchase a new Macbook pro 15inch i7.The problem i'm facing now is how to move all my files, applicant, and settings to the yet to be my mbp.Currently, I have an 500g hard drive on my 2007 mbp, and will be buying a seagate momentus xt 500g for the new mbp.
When I upgraded the hard drive for my old mbp, I used super duper, which worked flawless. But would it also work flawless if I were to backup my current hard drive on to the seagate momentus xt 500g and put back in to the new mbp?And would that affect anything?Also, would time machine be a better option?
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Feb 5, 2012
I was wondering how come I can't move my videos to a new folder? For example in my 'Downloads' I have a few episodes of The Office and I can't move them altogether into a new folder...?
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Apr 30, 2012
i just find that my Usb port is moving. when there is Usb inserted.. is that normal?
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May 15, 2012
How do you take a PDF and move it completely into Key Note on a MacBook Pro?
MacBook Pro
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Jun 27, 2012
When my macbook is awoken from standby the trackpad moves the cursor around as normal but will not respond to a tap or a click. A restart won't get it working again, but a little later it will start working once more. At the moment I can't identify what gets it going, possibly by clicking using the magic mouse but can't be certain of that.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 28, 2010
So last December my laptop got smashed and everything works except for the backlit screen. In fact I can still use this laptop it is just extremely hard since the screen does not light up. The person that smashed it ended up buying me a new laptop so I have this beat up (and I mean the shell is destroyed) laptop with quite a lot of functioning parts.
Now a few weeks ago my girlfriends Grandad spilled a beer on his brand new 2010 Macbook. The logic board is shot so it is almost cheaper for him to buy a brand new laptop.
Would it be possible for me to take the logic board out of my 2008 Black Macbook and put it into his 2010 White Macbook?
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Oct 1, 2010
When I pick it up, or when I move is suddenly (even just slightly), I get a horrible sound from the back right hand side. It sounds like a someone is putting a piece of plastic into a spinning fan. It also kinda sounds like the hard drive head hitting the disk (scratching sound). I know that these things are meant to have a movement sensor which actually takes the head OFF the disk, but this sounds like its doing the opposite (scratching the moving disk). If I do it while watching a movie, the film freezes for a second at the same time the sound can be heard - so it's definately something to do with the hard drive.
I have done some research but everyone talking about the sudden movement sensor has described the sound as a "click", not a scratch. Can someone confirm this is normal, or abnormal? It's happening quite a lot - e.g. if I just pick it up it occurs. I've had loads of laptops and this is the first that seems to make a sound whenever I move it...
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Dec 24, 2010
As it stands I have a windows pc that I hate with about 25 gb of iTunes content that I want to transfer to the MBA. I was just wondering what would be the best way to do it? I was thinking of buying a 32gb flash drive and doin it that way but would I have issues with the format of the drive going from windows to mac?
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