MacBook Pro :: Overheating - How To Cool Down
Jan 5, 2008
I have a 2.0 macbook with 2g ram 80gb harddrive with 29gb free. My problem is that my macbook runs idle at around 130-140 degrees fahrenheit. When I go to Youtube it goes up to around 160 degrees and when I go to Google Books and open up a page my macbook reaches around 180 degrees I also do a lot of audio production and temperatures reach a steady 165-180 if I have a fair bit of processing going on.
What the hell is going on? I need to use google books for school and don't think it is safe to use my MB at such high temps. Also with all of the audio work I do I imagine that the lifespan of this computer will not last very long.
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Aug 30, 2010
so ive been hearing around the tubes that the macbook pro i7 and i5 have been over heating...
has the issue been fixed? if not does it overheat less on thev i5 then the i7? or are they about the same?
im thinking of getting a mbp 15" i7 as an alt comp to accompany me when i cant use my quad core pc. so ill mainly use the laptop on my lap and such and i dont want it over heating while on me.
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Oct 1, 2009
I have a new macbook, see stats below.
Up till last week everything was fine, I could run 'Second Life', photoshop, email, a browser, download stuff, play Itunes AND watch a movie all at once without any trouble.
But recently the computer has gone a bit weird.
It started getting very hot, much slower and turning itself off.
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Aug 12, 2009
Mine can get hot sometimes and then fans will kick in. Only way to get them to stop is to shut off the Mac for a while. Any other solutions you can do without turning off the Mac?
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Jul 9, 2008
I am a big-time gamer and I recently bought a MacBook where I am doing most of my gaming. I play World of Warcraft on my machine pretty much every day. This was causing my MacBook to get incredibly HOT and also caused the fan to spin like crazy. I looked around a bit and decided to buy the Zefyr from Moshi since I already had their MacBook case, the Codex, and have been really happy with it. I have to say I am really impressed with the Zefyr MacBook cooler. My fan doesn't spin any longer when I'm gaming and you can honestly feel the difference in temperature. Any other hard-core gamers or video / photo editors out there might want to take a look at this!
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Oct 14, 2010
I have spent the past two hours looking for a good review on a laptop cooling pad and haven't found much. I'm aware of where the MBP's vents are located and how that renders most options inefficient. However, I plan on doing some gaming on my 15" MBP and although not very effective I assume a cooling pad would have some effect if only in the 5-10 less degree category.
Any input on a device that is both ergonomically comfortable while lessening the temperature even moderately would be appreciated.
I plan on using 3rd party software to adjust my fan speeds before I begin gaming rather than waiting on the machine to notice the increased temps. SMC seems like the best option any input on this software or general manual adjustment of fan speeds would be appreciated.
I should note i'm not interested in the cooling crystal pads as it seems they only prodive cooling for 2-3 hours.
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Sep 6, 2009
I happen to have a Late 2007 MacBook Pro (The specs are in my signature). My model was also the one affected by the 8600Gt issue so I had taken to a nearby Apple Reseller in Dubai in 2008. It's been months since that happened.
However, I've been monitoring my CPU & GPU temperatures and I'm still confused about what is ideal and if I should be worried about anything.
(I took a screenshot of my iStat readings and there's a difference of atleast 11C between the GPU Diode and GPU Heatsink)
Is there anything alarming that I should be worried about?
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May 8, 2012
I have a late 2006 Macbook pro, it has problems turning on. If its cool it will turn on just fine. If its warm, you have to wait 15 minutes for the MBP to cool down. Is this a logic board issue? It seems so.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 4, 2009
So for no apparent reason my screen all of a sudden turned to this...
It should be the ribbon cable that connects to the screen since the screenshots turn out fine and if I let the mbp cool all the way down and opening it again it's fine for a while....
Can anyone tell me what I should do?? New MBP or get it fixed for who knows how much...
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Jun 13, 2010
This idea just came to my mind...
Do you think is better to let the machine to cool down some minutes before close the lid and pack the machine and go?.
Heat expand the materials and could cause loose elements?
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Oct 18, 2009
When I'm putting a heavy load on it (Compressor, Handbrake, etc), the fans crank up to 5000-6000rpms, and the temperature hovers around 97-98C (207-210F). I've never seen it go above's just shy of being able to boil water for me for a nice cup of tea.
Even when it's idle - just doing email/web/etc, it run's at 120-150F (49-66C), which is the temperature most people on the threads I've found say is the max for their portable.
Do you think this thing is built to handle those temperatures day in and day out? Is there any 3rd party hardware to make it run significantly cooler (I have smc fan control - but lately, since the last software update from Apple, it won't change the temperature anymore, so I can't keep the fans pegged at 6000 which does bring the temperature down under 200F.
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Nov 12, 2009
Does macbook skin look cool (carbon fiber)? [URL]
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May 25, 2010
In the recent glossy vs. AG discussions, I've not seen anyone else point out one of the coolest features of the silver anti-glare bezel: the laser drilled microholes for the camera light! IMHO, this is too-cool. A now-you-see-it, now-you-don't light which literally appears to come from solid aluminum. Incidentally, it's my opinion that the manufacture of this bezel - including the laser-drilling of these holes - explains a portion of the added $50 cost for the AG. It's a very-cool piece of manufacturing. This is similar to the power/sleep light on the main unibody, but if you look closely at the power light, you can see the holes when unlit. The camera light is absolutely invisible when off.
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Jun 3, 2010
For the MBP will putting it to sleep cool the hardware down?
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Apr 30, 2008
I noticed after the Java update the other day that my Air no longer revs up to 6200RPM when using MLB Gameday. The temperature now stays cool and the fans at ~2500RPM.
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May 5, 2012
My MacBook is running very hot after working in it for 20 mins the fan runs but does not Cool off Please help
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 8, 2010
Not sure if anyone else has this problem or not, I noticed on my 2007 model MacBook Pro, that when I view videos through either Safari, Firefox or any other browser, my GPU temp goes up to around 81 degree celsius unless fans kick in OR I set them to kick in.
I observe temp using iStat Widget.
On the other hand, I just finished watching a movie on my very same laptop through VLC, that is through a media player and not through flash and noticed that temperature barely hit 63 degree celsius. I know flash still has issues and that this will not probably improve with my model ever in the future, but is it normal and should I live with it?
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Jul 14, 2009
So whenever i am done using my book, i close it up and leave. when i come back to it the fans are on full blast and my laptop is hot. i open it up and its a black screen and you have no control. i have to hard shut down the macbook and restart it. It also does this when i put it in sleep mode and then leave. anybody have any thoughts.
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Sep 18, 2010
I'm using my MacBook for a wedding slideshow that will run on continuous loop for about 4-5 hours. I am a little concerned about overheating from running so long. What can I do to prevent overheating? I thought of The SMC fan control app, but don't know what the settings should be..
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Oct 20, 2010
What could possibly make a macbook pro overheat before it is even booted? I have bootcamp installed so I can run solidworks and a few misc programs in XP. The machine always runs a bit toasty for my liking under windows so I use smc fan control to crank the fan and then reboot into XP pro. This works great as long as I dont need to sleep the computer and re-open later. In this situation the fans dont resume the higher speed I specified and I get temps in the 70-80C range.Thats not really the problem though. Today I started the machine (from a complete shutdown) and held option to bring up the bootcamp chooser. Meanwhile I was distracted with something at work so the computer sat like this for 15 minutes. No OS had booted, just the gray chooser screen. When I came back the fans were running full blast! The overheat protection had come on. I quickly booted into snowleopard and the temps were in the high 80-low 90's. After a minute it was back to normal 50's but I'm puzzled. All software is up to date.Nothing was even running?!? How is this possible? Nothing should have been straining the system.
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Apr 10, 2009
I heard it was normal for Mac's to overheat, but mine gets hot. I don't know if it is because I'm not used to it, but it's been on my lap for 30 mins. (on as well), and it has already burned my leg.
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Jun 29, 2009
I'm new here and was already looking for any answers for similar questions but I couldn't find anything solving...well I don't have a plastic thingy an my vent and am using smcFanControl but still my temperature is on 84?C/181?F and the fan runs constantly on 6k rpm.
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Jun 7, 2010
Since then, I feel like my Macbook is overheating when even it isn't using heavy apps.
Right now, using just Safari and the Mail on, CPU and Heat Sink A is nearly 60.
Can it be from the new components ? I upgraded the Memory and the Hard drive.
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Aug 17, 2010
My MacBook Pro gets hot. Right now I have Safari, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and text edit open but I'm not doing anything strenuous on any of them. My CPU temperature is 124 F. My fans are running at 4000rpm, but only because I'm using smcFanControl. When I use firefox it gets even hotter.
I bought my laptop in 2008. It's 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 2 GB 667 MHz SDRAM.My question is: this isn't normal, right? Is there anything I can do (other than getting it professionally looked at) to fix it?Also, on a probably unrelated note, the DVD player no longer burns or plays DVDs. Aside from buying a new one, is there anything I can do to fix it?
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Mar 9, 2012
my apple mac pro is overheating
Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.1
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Dec 1, 2014
When I play games (war thunder), my macbook pro heats up to 80*C-90*C and stays like this for as long as I keep playing.Is it safe? Or am I risking to burn something up, like processor or graphic card?
-2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
-4Gb 1067 Mhz DDR3
-Nvidia GeForece 9400M 256 MB
-OS X Maveriks 10.9.4
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Dec 6, 2014
Since i've installed Yosemite, I noticed that my fans are always running on high level (6000rpm) for no reason. As soon as I open it the cpu starts overheating (between 195 and 205 degrees) even if there's no apps using significant energy. I already tried to reset the SMC or the PRAM with no results.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10)
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Sep 7, 2010
over the past few weeks my blackbook has been shutting down more and more frequently from what I can only believe is overheating. I just checked my computer upon startup with SMC fan control - it starts up at about 70 C and at about 3500 RPM. Yet, after a few minutes, the fan immediately drops down to 1100 RPM or and fluctuates between 800-1400. I try to force the fans to spin with SMC Fan control, but nothing happens. I've looked all over the web and I can't find anything definitive. I know that macbooks tend to overheat. What can I do?
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Dec 11, 2010
they keep pointing me in the direction of overheating / something is wrong with the heat sink.
(Steam for Mac Thread -----> [URL]
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Jul 28, 2008
I'v just noticed, after installing iStat menus, two different CPU usage measurement graphs. Core 2 duo, so apparently one for each core or chipset, whatever . But the weird thing is, that sometimes, while watching movies, burning dvd etc. (sample "high usage" situation), when the CPU temp. goes around 60 celc. and fan spins at 6200 rpm, one of the "core graphs" shows nothing, like the core is shutting down (screen attached). It's annoying, because the whole system slows down, I can't do anything, and after like 5 mins it gets back to normal (after closing for example the movie). Any solution for this or should I just get used to it?
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