OS X Mavericks :: When Paste Contacts Group Into Email Some Of Addresses Appear Multiple Times
Aug 20, 2014
I am trying to sending an email to one of my contacts groups. Some of the contacts duplicate themselves 10-15 times in the address filed whether I use to To: or BCC: field. Then, I can't delete them out of their. Only course of action is to delete the email totally. I have MAC OS X v.10.0.4
I would like to send emails to all email addressess in one contact. It automatically chooses the first email in the card. Is it possible to choose all email addresses in one contact?
I searched on this topic and just find old references to "Address Book" which i guess does not exist anymore.
I have an Excel worksheet of about 200 names, street addresses, and email addresses, one contact in each row. One column is the email addresses, which is all I want. If I could get the names too that would be nice.
I try the Contacts import command, but cannot import the section of the worksheet I want. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I highlight the contacts column in the worksheet and go to the file with the Contacts import command and find it is "dimmed" -- I cannot click on it.
when composing an email and trying to import group from address book, I cannot get emails addresses to appear in "TO" line when typing in name of group
How do I set up a group in my contacts for a large group that I use often, and then how to I use it. I tried setting up a group with everyone in the group, but then I tried typing in the name of the group but it will not work. I want to click on the group and have all the group email people drop into the message, and avoid clicking on each group member..
I have recently bought a Mac Book Pro with Max OS X on it. I use a web based outlook to recieve emails from wrok. When composing a new email, and selecting Contacts, my email addresses dont show up.
Is it possible to create more than one email address for the same user? I want to be able to distinguish between emails originating from my website, or an email client as well as to identify different tasks for the same user - one for office administration, general information, etc...
I'd prefer to avoid creating non-existant "users" to represent tasks, if possible.
Is there a way to copy all the e-mail addresses automatically, all at once, without having to highlight each one individually? For some reason LinkedIn cannot find my contacts, so I'm having to import them myself, and I'd like to avoid utter tedium.
I have one IMAP email account and setup various email aliases. I used for each alias also a sender name. I tried to setup different sender email addresses and names in Apple Mail but did not succeed.
I was only able to add a comma separate list o email addresses to one account but not different sender names for each email address.
BTW, I also can't setup different accounts for each email address because they share the same IMAP Mail Server with the same account username and password.
I'm trying to forward an email to multiple addresses. I want to be able to view my address book and click on the names I want to the email sent to. How can I do this. Have a MacBook Pro.
I have Time Machine backing up to a network drive at home, and have recently set up port forwarding so I can access this drive from outside the network.
This means I now have 2 addresses for the same disk.
How do I explain this to Time Machine?
-If I give it both addresses, will it figure out they're the same disk and write incrementally, or will it just back everything up twice?
-If I just give it the external address, it'll connect successfully but it'll be routing the backup through the internet even though I'm on a LAN (right?).
-I'm currently switching target disks manually as necessary, but this is obviously not ideal.
so i used to be able to copy a group of items or a folder and paste it and if it was a larger file, it would take a little while. well, while that was pasting in the new location i could then copy a new set of items and paste them in another location. it would then process the paste of both of these things at the same time. it no longer does this. when i paste the second group of items, it sits there "estimating" until the first group of items is done.
The app Store asks for me to install iTunes 11.2.2 and Pro Application Update 2010-02 multiple times. Each time it will install without errors. Here is a screen grab showing the multiples.
what is the term in mac mail or in address book for creating a list of four or five or ten people in order to address a mail to all at once so i don't have to find all their names every time i send something? i can't remember where this is or what it is called.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), Boot Camp of Windows 7 + Windows XP
Was forced to reload my OS. Now I am unable to open several apps whether I am on the OS or safe mode. Example; I can click on contacts and nothing happens. I can open my apple mail but can not view the email nor click on it to open. I can not open terminal. I can not open software update.