OS X Mavericks :: How To Import Excel Column Of Email Addresses Into Contacts
Aug 28, 2014
I searched on this topic and just find old references to "Address Book" which i guess does not exist anymore.Â
I have an Excel worksheet of about 200 names, street addresses, and email addresses, one contact in each row. One column is the email addresses, which is all I want. If I could get the names too that would be nice. Â
I try the Contacts import command, but cannot import the section of the worksheet I want. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I highlight the contacts column in the worksheet and go to the file with the Contacts import command and find it is "dimmed" -- I cannot click on it.
I am trying to sending an email to one of my contacts groups. Some of the contacts duplicate themselves 10-15 times in the address filed whether I use to To: or BCC: field. Then, I can't delete them out of their. Only course of action is to delete the email totally. I have MAC OS X v.10.0.4
I just got a MBP and I love it ! But how do I import all my email addresses? and is there a way to import all my favorite saved websites that I have stored on AOL? Also how do I get two screens open at once? I cant for the life of me figure it out...
I have recently bought a Mac Book Pro with Max OS X on it. I use a web based outlook to recieve emails from wrok. When composing a new email, and selecting Contacts, my email addresses dont show up.
I would like to send emails to all email addressess in one contact. It automatically chooses the first email in the card. Is it possible to choose all email addresses in one contact?Â
After upgrade software on iPhone (with iCloud) contacts on MAC (Snow Leopard) are no mre sync with iPhone....
As some time hase passed by and I did not notice it immediatly, now I have all updated contacts on iCloud and no moe on Mac; how can I import contacts from iCloud to Mac contacts in snow leopard?
Info:iMac - MacBook Pro - iPhone - Time Capsule - Airport Express, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
I need to export all my addresses to work on a email blast, something like constant contact or ewebber. Is there a easy way to do this without copy and pasting each one?
I have multiple email addresses for the same person in Contacts. When I delete the obsolete addresses in Contacts, they keep coming up in Mail when I type in the person's name in the "to" field.Â
when composing an email and trying to import group from address book, I cannot get emails addresses to appear in "TO" line when typing in name of group
It seems that the contacts app has suddenly become incapable of accessing my contacts in the cloud. Its fine on icloud.com, its fine on my phone, and its fine on my ipads. However, I'm getting an error message right now which I think must be to do with an update to Little Snitch which I did almost immediately before, and which necessitated a reboot. Since the reboot, I am seeing the following
Of course, this also means Messages doesnt work. LS is not blocking any icloud things, and calendars and mail are still working with no issues.Â
Really need to organize my contacts into groups for a data base using excel .Can anyone tell me where to start please?I have my contacts downloaded in address app and excel loaded .
I have spent the last few hours trying every solution that is supposedly available for converting VCF files to an xls file. WHY can't this be an option in the Contacts program? I need to upload some contacts to Constant Contact. Come on! Really! There must be an answer that doesn't require me to convert two - three times before I can use the files.Â
I have got an email with an attached zip file. When I downloaded it to my computer it became a text ed file. This file contacts lots of names and addresses that I would like to make mailing labels for. To do that, I must merge it to excel.
I tend to "save" email addresses by remembering the first few characters, and allowing Mail to fill in the rest, from some list of addresses it saves based on who I've sent mail to in the past.
WHERE is this list saved? I now want to move to a new Mac, and I don't want to lose all my "almost saved" email addresses.
I'm using mail 2.1.3 on a G4 powerbook running Mac os 10.4.11. I've switched mail servers today, and all my email addresses are now imap instead of pop. That meant I had to create new email accounts in mail, and as I did, I deleted the old ones, as I would no longer need them. Unfortunately, All of my email seems to have gone with all the old pop accounts. Did I just lose all my email??? I really need to get some of it back, its been a few months since I last backed up. I did have all of my accounts set to not delete trash for 30 days, so I'm hoping its still some where. Am I screwed? Why would Apple not warn me heavily before doing something BIG like deleting all of my email?
I want to change all my email addresses for the itunes store, the app store and icloud to one email account? Can I do it without losing any purchased items?Â
I would like to print out my email addresses. Is there a way to go to ,say, my address book and do something that would enable me to print the addresses? I'm using Mail 2.1.3.
Info: 20" alum iMac , 2.4 GHz, 2 GB; Parallels and XP Home, Mac OS X (10.4.11)