OS X Mavericks :: Select All Emails From One Sender With One Click To Be Able To Delete?
Jun 28, 2014
I just moved over from PC and in outlook I could click on a sender in mail and select all emails from that sender with one click to be able to delete, how do I do this in mail?, Â
In outlook I would open mail, select a sender, right click and one option was select all from sender...
Then I could see all the emails from that sender highlight and delete...Â
very fast way of removing junk...
I just spent 2 hours trying to find the way on mac mail to no avail!!! I have 30,000 emails to clean!!!
When launching in the Recovery HD mode, my click on the trackpad does not work and I am unable to select a Disk Utility. Product data: Macbook, Late 2008 running OS Mavericks 10.9.4.Â
I delete a large batch of emails from my inbox, empty the trash, and the deleted emails reappear in the inbox. This happens repeatedly. How do I get rid of these emails permanently?
I keep getting emails with no subject and no sender name. It will not go to junk and when I create a rule, it requires a sender address. How can I stop these emails?
I have 128 GB HDD and many emails syncing by Gmail IMAP. Thousands of emails are stored on my HDD and most of them I will never use in the future. Despite this I'd like to keep them in gmail server, just for case...Â
I was trying to reduce size of my Mail.app for very long time and nothing works correctly. Â
Ideal situation would be something like this:
E-mails older than 2 months will automatically delete from Mail.app but not from server. Or it doesn't have to be automatic, but I have to keep them on gmail.com. I'm not sure if it is possible with IMAP.Â
If my mail is in iCloud (so says my Mac Pro running Mavericks), can I safely go and delete all emails languishing in my older iMac running Snow Leopard? I have hundreds of thousands of emails.
I''m using Mac Mail for all my mail account (4 of them) and they all work perfectly except for one of my account that is connected through Exchange. The problem is that all the mails are showing my name instead of the sender's name. Every time is switch to another mailbox and comeback to this one (which is my professional mailbox), inbox shows sender's name for 2 minutes, until it refreshes itself. Then, it goes back to showing my name instead of sender's name. Â OS X Version 10.9.3 (13D65)Â
Mail Version 7.3 (1878.2)
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I normally export any email I wish to save as a PDF, for some reason a tax receipt I've just received, when exported as PDF, displays only as the sender's details, i.e. name, address, date sent etc.
I've tried saving as RTF and converting but when it converts to PDF it moves the formatting around so figures aren't in one column anymore.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I want to select pictures 1-15 to put in a different folder. I'd click pic1, hold shift, then click on pic15. That selects all the files in between as well. How do I go about doing this same thing in OS X? I've tried just about every combination of the shift, control, option, and apple key with clicking but nothing works.
For some reason I cannot click or double-click using any mouse device. I tried connecting a brand-new Apple Bluetooth mouse to my Mac desktop (new, running Lion 10.7) and it would not connect. So I took out my old USB apple mouse, and although it will move e cursor around the screen, it will not click anything. So I tried a Wacom Bamboo tablet and it won't click either. It will only do the equivalent of right-click, revealing menus and so forth. The Bamboo tablet is brand new but I can't go through the setup if I can't click anything. I tried restarting several times, and also restarting with Cmd-Option-P-R to reset the PRAM, and still nothing has changed.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Wacom bamboo, magic mouse
For myself and several others at our organization, Mail.app started crashing a couple of days ago whenever a message is opened and the sender's email address is in our Exchange Global Address Book. The question then is, how does Mail display or look up those addresses differently in the message reading window/pane rather than "external" email addresses?Â
Before I formatted and reinstalled Lion on my MBP, I could select a window by tapping on its top bar and drag it using single finger on my trackpad. After reinstalling it, I am unable to do so. I have investigated the trackpad features in System Preferences, but it shows only the three-finger drag option. How do I get to select + drag a windown using single tap.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7), MB intel Core2Duo,320GB HDD,4GB RAM
I want to delete a large number of old emails in my Mac Mail inbox. I have 4425 in inbox and want to delete all but current ones. How do I highlight the mails, as a group, from the oldest to mail to most current that I want to delete?
Went to set up a rule for a particular address as 'Any Recipient' but this does not work if the sent mail had me in the BCC list. How do I filter on this?Â
How do I select multiple pictures in a folder? I have tried shift + click, command + click etc but cannot find a way of selecting a large group without selecting individuallyÂ
Running 10.9.3 I have a 2 TB RAID I'm using for time Machine back up. When I enter Time Machine I can see the and move to the desktops, but nothing is selectable to restore.
I am aware and have been using the "command+drag" in order to select different texts in different areas; however, I am now unable to do so. When I hold down the command button, and drag over different texts in different places, the highlight instantly disappears. I am only thus, able to highlight one portion of texts at one time.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have just upgraded to Maverick (OSX 10.9.4) and have lost the ability to select alert repeat times. Previously I could choose 5/10/15 minutes or 1 hour/day/week. Now I can only snooze for 15 minutes. Where have the options gone? If I want to repeat the alert in 1 day it is difficult to have to click on snooze every 15 minutes.
I have a 21" iMac and a Mac Mini, both of which I upgraded to Maverick a week ago. Since then, I have not been able to get Time Machine to backup. I can connect to the disk through my network, but Time Machine does not recognize it exists. I have gone through User and Groups, I have checked everything I can think of through System Preferences, and nothing has worked, including Sharing. I have another computer and am able to backup it, after programming the mini.
Why is it that I can't delete emails in Mail? I'd delete an email on an account and it will go away but when I click on another account and click back to the old account, the "deleted" mail will reappear.
I have a problem deleting several emails from the Trash Folder in Mail. All of them are me.com emails. Around the time this happened I had a problem with my Apple Base Station so maybe it has to do with my losing the internet a short time but there are 7 emails greyed out that I simply cannot delete. I press delete and nothing happens. Any idea how I can get rid of these? Any other emails I get I can simply delete.
A few days ago I got about a dozen emails that won't delete. When I try to delete them they stay in place, and the button changes to "undelete." how I can delete them?
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G5, Dual core 2.3GHz, 4 gigs ram
I have emptied the Trash and set preferences for all my email accounts so that emails are permanently erased on quitting Mail.I also selected Rebuild from the Mailbox pull-down menu. I bought an email archiving program called MailSteward. When I run it, it pulls in many thousands of emails that I have already deleted from Mail. This is no good at all!The programmer of MailSteward
(By the way, MailSteward does not go online to find emails: it just looks on my computer. Also, these supposedly deleted emails were sent to my mac.com account and my gmail account, so it's not .Mac or gmail that's the problem.)
I have been using Mail for years with no problem but all of the sudden it will no longer delete emails. I have 3 email accounts gmail, comcast, icloudÂ
When I delete an email it disapears - BUT - then it magically reappears in Mail.Â
When I delete emails they also do not go into the trash folders.Â
I am having to log on individually to all three email accounts and delete messages from their interface. Total waste of my time.Â
I have looked at the settings in preferences - behaviors and I have checked "Move deleted messages to the trash mailbox" I did not check "Store deleted messages" I selected permanently erase deleted messages when "one week old".Â