OS X Mavericks :: Finder Freeze When Selecting Desktop Folder
Aug 20, 2014
When opening it shows "as icons" but if I select "as list" or if I select desktop folder, it freeze and doesn't show anything nor close the window. Following is my log:
Marcador - 20/08/2014 14:09:17
Aug 20 14:09:24 Macintosh.local Finder[1429]: -[__NSCFString hasPrefix:]: nil argument
Aug 20 14:09:24 Macintosh.local Finder[1429]: (
Finder crashes when using any option from the Go menu (or key combo) except Airdrop.
Once Finder window is open on Airdrop any navigation to home folder or any other folder using side bar causes Finder to crash.
Using Go To Folder causes crash, even on hidden folder like /var
Finder is OK when opening files on desktop
All other apps can browse file system and open/save OK
Google Drive is not present on system (this used to be an issue a long time a go that caused similar symptoms in other threads)
Drop Box is installed. But issue occurs even when dropbox is not running
Using spotlight to open applications still works normally.
Clicking the Finder icon in the Dock results in a non-functional blank window entitled "Window", all tool buttons are disabled.
Repeatedly opening the same folder over and over results in the message "The last time you open Finder, it unexpectedly quite while reopening windows. Do you want to try to reopen its windows again? If you choose not to reopen windows, you may have to open and position the windows yourself" Two options "Don't Reopen" and "Reopen". Both buttons have no effect except to dismiss the dialog.
Steps Taken to fix:
Booted into recovery mode and performed repair disk and Permissions - Finder Still Crashes
Removed finder preference files using terminal~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.sidebarlists.plistÂ
Recent changes to system:iTunes 11.4 Installed with normal Software Update.Â
Possible Cause of Problem
Found app in iTunes that has File Sharing enabled and has a shared folder. Curious as to what was in the folder i dragged it to my desktop and double clicked. Im not sure if iTunes would have had enough time to copy the contents of the folder before i tried to open the folder. Finder crashed. This was the first time it happened.
iPhone app in iTunes that I picked in was "Ubersense".
Finder freezes every time when switching to another tab or folder, or renaming a folder. I really don't know why Here two logs from the console.Â
1. LogÂ
Jun 1 16:26:21 B***s-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dynamic_pager[1607]): Exited with code: 1 Jun 1 16:26:21 B***s-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dynamic_pager): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds Jun 1 16:26:26 B***s-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: revoking trust for process 1594
2. LogÂ
Jun 1 16:30:45 B***s-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[105]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Finder" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them. Jun 1 16:30:51 B***s-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dynamic_pager[1660]): Exited with code: 1 Jun 1 16:30:51 B***s-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.dynamic_pager): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
I also have another Problem: Every time, I restart my mac, the process "installed" goes wild and uses over 100% of the CPU. After a few minutes also my disk is full. It seems to write Gigs of data in private/var/vm.
Under Leopard and prior, in List view you can highlight a line by selecting anywhere on the line. However, to actually select the file to drag it, etc, you had to select the file name itself, clicking the date etc wouldn't allow you to drag the file.
Well, in Snow Leopard, you can now select anywhere on the line and it will allow you to drag the file(s). Pretty nice.
However.....this causes a weird UI issue. If the window you are working in is small enough so that the items in list view fill it up completely (so there is a scroll bar), you can no longer right click on any empty space or the date/filesize etc to pull up the contextual menu for example to create a New Folder.
If there is empty space below the file list, then it still allows you to right click to get the menu.
New folders do not open empty but have contents from a subfolder of finder. I also had an empty folder on desktop so I renamed it & opened it only to find the same content.Â
Maybe this was discussed elsewhere; if so, I couldn't find it:
Often I need to select multiple separate items from a large folder of them; I use list view, and command-click on each item, and then drag the whole batch to the appropriate location. It appears that in Snow Leopard (unlike previous OS X versions), when if I scroll down the list to select further items, it jumps back to the top-most selected item after a couple seconds. This makes it completely impossible to select further items! Is there a preference to turn this "function" off? Why would anyone want such a thing? Even if it is what the Finder is meant to do, it seems implemented poorly, since if I grab the scrollbar slider and drag it down below my selected items, after the couple seconds the view jumps back to the topmost item, but the slider doesn't move. All it all, it feels like a glitch.
If I look at any file with QuickLook, and then immediately try to select any file after closing the QuickLook preview window, there's a 2 second lag between click and actual file selection (with an outline around the icon or list name).Â
Mac OS X 10.7.4 Macbook Air 1.8 GHz Intel Core i7 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
I have my documents folder in my dock. But I don't like the view choices that are provided. I want my documents folder to open in finder automatically. I would prefer not to scroll down to find that option and click on it. Is there any way for my docs folder to automatically open in the finder when located in the dock?
Info: OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 16 GB, 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5
The CPU process has snowballed to the point that selecting a finder window is unreasonable . Safari is slow to absurdity , after emptying caches . Firefox & Camino are usable , so wildly better . I have rebooted , rebooted fsck - fy , rebooted CMD r , executed permission and file checks , repairs with no stated repairs or issues
I am having a problem with System Preferences freezing up when selecting Desktop & Screen Saver. Everything else on the system works fine. I loaded a picture on the Macintosh HD Device (all other pictures are under a specific user account) to access it as a desktop background. The correct picture appears as the desktop background, but I want to change the picture. As soon as I select Desktop & Screen Saver under System Preferences the window freezes. The only way to unfreeze is to select something else on the Dock (which doesn't magnify as it normally does), then close that and go to back to System Preference and then close it. Or select something else from the dock and then Force Quit the Systems Preferences.
I will get an error message and the problem details (which I know VERY little about) show an Exception Type:
EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) and Exception Code: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS If that helps.
I tried sending the picture to the trash and then reloading it, but that didn't help either.
I'm looking at getting some good quality speakers for my new iMac. My budget is up to about $250. So far I've auditioned the following speakers;
1. Logitech Z2300. These sounded boomy and mushy to me. They are a good value though at around $150.
2. Bose Companion 3. I like the little hockey puck remote unit. They sounded very weak on mid-range. Surprisingly good low end output though.
3. Audio Engine A2. I really, really, really like these speakers. Until I play something with a lot of low end in them, then they just start farting because they can't handle anything under 100 hertz very well.
What I would really like to do is get the Audio Engine A2 and pair them up with a subwoofer at a later time, but in their short sightedness Audio Engine didn't put line outputs from the A2 so from what I can see there is no way to get them hooked up to a subwoofer.
I have a MBP 15" Retina (MacBookPro10,1)After update, the Finder freeze every time. I open a Finder Window and it FreezeThen, after some seconds I can access the folder on window.Â
03/06/14 16:27:33,084 WindowServer[98]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Finder" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them. 03/06/14 16:27:47,085 WindowServer[98]: disable_update_likely_unbalanced: UI updates still disabled by application "Finder" after 15.00 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds). Likely an unbalanced disableUpdate call. [code]....
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
how to make finder NOT to show files from a specific folder in "All My Files"? See the attach - I recently installed Civilization 5 from Steam and now I have a lot of unneeded files (*.log and *.ini) shown in All My Files colder in Finder.Â
I recentlyªposted a question describing a problem I was having when viewing files in column view in the finder: when I click on a file, which would usually cause a pane to the right to open showing a preview of the item and information on the file, the finder hangs and I see an spinning disc. Just now I tried using the finder's Get
While online in either Safari or Firefox my cursor as I am navigating a page will suddendly freeze on screen. I them am forced to relaunch finder, then unplug my mouse from the keyboard and once again, relaunch the finder.Then the cursor will move again. Any solutions to this problem guys? This is really driving me nuts. It happens about 5 times an hour!
I repaired permissions, and this still occurs. I have a new insall of OS 10.7 as I purcahsed a new HD for my MacBook.how to reover or force a reboot when it hangs? Right now I am just holding the power button until the MacBook powers off.
I've seen so many posts about this, but with the limited time I have between system freezes, in desperation I come here. I'm running Leopard 10.5.8 on desktop IMac. I have plenty of memory, but don't know how to check the hard disk space (I'm an ubernoob). I've run a couple of the mac maintenance programs still to no avail. I get intermittent SBBOD where NOTHING responds and have to do a hard reboot. Doesn't matter what applications are up, as even startup is very slow when in SBBOD mode. Rebooting, then, doesn't resolve the issue. It runs fine when the SBBOD is not present.
I can get Mavericks 10.9.3 working again now after freezing constantly but now it seems to freeze after being inactive or when I stop to go do something. This MacBook Pro worked fine before upgrade.
My macbook running mavericks froze earlier today with everything but the mouse becoming unresponsive, since then I have tried rebooting in safe mode (which has been fine) and then normally a number of times, but everytime I do I always end up with the same problem i started with. I managed to get activity monitor open before it froze the last time and found that mds_stores is running at 99.9% CPU.Â
I understand that it is in relation to spotlight but have spotlight set to look at nothing in system prefs.Â
is there any way I can start up without the system remembering to start the process that is causing mds_stores to run as I feel this is the problem. I have tried quitting the process in activity monitor to no avail.
I upgraded my MacBook Pro quad core 2.5 from Lion to Mavericks. Since then I get a LOT of beachballs when I'm using Finder. I repaired permissions, deleted com.apple.finder.plist (twice) and finally reinstalled Mavericks over the first one. Still painfully slow and lots of beachballs.
03/06/2014 18:10:13.994 launchservicesd[53]: Application App:"Finder" asn:0x0-1c01c pid:277 refs=8 @ 0x7fc8b870d950 tried to be brought forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontApps ( ( "LSApplication:0x0-0xeb0eb pid=12980 "SecurityAgent"")), so denying. : LASSession.cp #1481 SetFrontApplication() q=LSSession 100005/0x186a5 queue [code]....
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Quad core 2.5GHz
Anyway, one of my home folders for a user account has gone missing. when you are logged into the account it belongs to you can navigate to it via finder. However you cannot see the folder via finder from any other account. This account is NOT an admin. I had this problem when I was running tiger and it still remains now that I have leopard. 2Ghz INtel core 2 duo Aluminum iMac.
I am having very frequent system freezes (multiple per day) then when restart the restart is very slow. Activity Monitor shows TechToolsupportDaemon taking up 99-120% of CPU for extended periods. I have a MacBook Pro 15-iInch, Early 2011, with 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7; 8 GB 1333MHz DDR3; Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB; running OS X 10.9.3 (13D65). Â
I am also having episodes for sudden abnormal graphics with jagged lines, Screen split vertically with multiple horizontal lines. Screen becomes totally unreadable. Then sudden total screen freeze.Â
I made rescue system drives on flash drive when I first shifted to Maverick, so I could use Disk Utility to Verify and/or repair the main disk. When I upgraded to the next edition of Maverick, my flash drives no longer worked. I tried to upgrade the flash drives to the new system, but there was not enough room. I tried erasing the drives but now I have a flash drive with only a small amount of space, the rest is hidden and locked.Â
What do I need to do to correct the problem of frequent freezes, and then How can I free space on my flash drives?
This doesn't happen all the time, but frequently enough to create a thread about it to find out what's going on.
I usually keep my desktop empty and use it to store stuff I'm going to process in the next hour anyway. Sometimes my desktop is absolutely empty, but when I navigate to the following path: UserDesktop, the files do show up.