OS X V10.7 Lion :: MacBook Freeze After Desktop Loads
Feb 8, 2012
I repaired permissions, and this still occurs. I have a new insall of OS 10.7 as I purcahsed a new HD for my MacBook.how to reover or force a reboot when it hangs? Right now I am just holding the power button until the MacBook powers off.
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Mar 18, 2012
My imac freezes as the desktop loads - dock icons don't respond. Safemode OK (ish) - disk verify checks out.
Info:iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Feb 15, 2008
Since .2, it seems at random my desktop icons will freeze and can't be moved, clicked, or selected.
a killall Dock fixes this, but it's quite annoying. Anyone else?
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Aug 20, 2014
When opening it shows "as icons" but if I select "as list" or if I select desktop folder, it freeze and doesn't show anything nor close the window. Following is my log:
Marcador - 20/08/2014 14:09:17
Aug 20 14:09:24 Macintosh.local Finder[1429]: -[__NSCFString hasPrefix:]: nil argument
Aug 20 14:09:24 Macintosh.local Finder[1429]: (
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Nov 7, 2009
I've seen so many posts about this, but with the limited time I have between system freezes, in desperation I come here. I'm running Leopard 10.5.8 on desktop IMac. I have plenty of memory, but don't know how to check the hard disk space (I'm an ubernoob). I've run a couple of the mac maintenance programs still to no avail. I get intermittent SBBOD where NOTHING responds and have to do a hard reboot. Doesn't matter what applications are up, as even startup is very slow when in SBBOD mode. Rebooting, then, doesn't resolve the issue. It runs fine when the SBBOD is not present.
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Mar 25, 2012
When using Chrome 17.0.963.83, on Mac OSX 10.7.3, on my Mac Book Pro, Chrome will sometimes load very RANDOM pages. It may occur when I click on a link, ANY link, or it may occur when I'm doing nothing on a page.
A few examples:
When I'm scrolling up and down on any website - Could be a news website, could be Facebook, suddenly Chrome will start loading a completely random page - It might be about a vacation deal, or a new software launch, anything.And yes, I'm not accidentally clicking on stuff... It just loads on it's own.Another example is when I'm not doing anything.
For example, I might be staring at a graph of Insights on Facebook, or looking at an image on the web, and my hands are off the keyboard.I would have been on the page for anything from 1minute to 5minutes, and there is no "loading circle, meaning the page has fully loaded.Then POOF the loading circle appears, and next thing I know I'm redirected somewhere.Often when this happens, I simply do a double finger swipe backwards, to go Back, and just ignore the problem. However it's getting quite annoying, and I can't help but think it may be some form of Malware?
Now the thing is - I went to do some reading, and even from the Clam anti-virus website, it says that there are currently NO viruses for Mac at all.So I don't understand - I only have two extensions on Chrome, one of which is the bit-ly extension, the other being Flash 10.I have since disabled the bit-ly extension, but the problem is still persisting.
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Jun 3, 2012
i'm writing because i don't know if that's me becoming paranoid or thats a normal mail feature. I rarely check my sent mail but today i did that and i noticed that almost any sent message i check, it loads it for about 10 seconds. I select a message and on the right there is written: Loading... and if i check the mail activity, it says Downloading message. That happens with almost every sent message i have in the sent folder. I have a fast internet connection and it loads just in 1 sec from gmail online mail. So why the **** mail.app downloads it for 10 seconds? And they are only text messages. And the strange thing that after i read the message and back to inbox, than go again into sent folder and select the same sent message, it loads again. Shouldn't they be on my HD?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Crucial 8GB DDR3, Samsung 830 128GB
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Apr 25, 2012
I have a mid-2010 13" Macbook Pro. I wanted to upgrade to 8G of ram so I bought this: url...When it arrived in the mail I installed it and booted the laptop. The apple logo comes up, the spinner starts spinning and then after awhile freezes. I figured that I recieved bad RAM so I sent it back to apple and they sent me new memory. I installed the new ram and the same thing happened again. Booting in verbose mode (Apple-V) doesn't give anything useful.This time I decided to run memory tests. I booted into single user mode (which sees 8G of memory and works fine) and ran memtest overnight. It ran 6 or 7 passes without finding any memory errors.My next plan is to try to my DVD reinstall/repair the OS to see if that will help but I don't want to do that because I would have to downgrade to Snow Lepoard and then reinstall Lion and that takes long enough to try to avoid.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 6, 2012
After I updated to OSX 10.7.4 Lion (Default 64bit).I try to use the touch panel device that I using before. But it keeping occur system freeze when I connect the usb cable.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 64bit
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Apr 12, 2012
Safari won't load home page loads last page viewed
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 21, 2012
Using a MBP 15 with latest Lion and Airport utility versions. When I start up my computer, the utility loads each time which is annoying. I went down the menu choices on the utility but can't find a way to stop this.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 28, 2012
Last week I upgraded my 2011 MacBook Pro (purchased July 2011) to 10.7.3. Now when I lift the lid to wake up the computer there is a several second lag time before the cursor can move. Under 10.6.8 the computer woke up instantly and the cursor was ready to use immediately. Is this a Lion bug and is there any work around, since I find this delay annoying? Not annoying enough to revert back to Snow Leopard, but I really liked how fast this computer is and don't appreciate Lion slowing down its wake up time. Nothing else seems slow since the upgrade, in fact applications seem to be opening even faster.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13 inch 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7
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Jun 23, 2014
I accidentally copied a whole folder of huge photos onto my desktop and now finder is not responding. I've tried force quitting it and relaunching it but it keeps crashing and not responding again.
im on a iMac running OS x 10.8.5
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Mar 18, 2012
Why does my mac sometimes freeze when waking up? It only happens sometimes, but also happens spontaneously.21' iMac 2011 model.It just started recenlty after a new firmware update from apple.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 16, 2012
Mail continues to freeze?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 1, 2012
I used MacbookPro(2011 8,2), after install update 10.7.2 include today 10.7.3, all system will go freeze every time I click full-Screen button. it freezed in go full-Screen animation, and always played half of the animation and freezed. I find out if I used my AMD 6750 GPU, all problems are missing.
The logs I found below are repeated once and once again while system freeze: 12-1-26 下午9:38:16.000 kernel: **** Debug info for apparent hang in Main graphics engine ****12-1-26 下午9:38:16.000 kernel: ring head = 0x000023b4, wrap count = 0x 012-1-26 下午9:38:16.000 kernel: ring tail = 0x00003470 ring control = 0x00003001 enabled, auto report disabled, not waiting,
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 10.7.3
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Feb 11, 2012
I updated a few days ago, and have been getting this issue ever since. After I put my computer to sleep, it will not wake. The second monitor (as main monitor) shows the state i left it in, but my laptop screen is blank, and everything is frozen... My keyboard still functions, kind-of (because caps lock will turn on and off) but i have no control. The only way to fix this has been to hold the power button, and force a shutdown. I have never had this issue before now... And there is no resolution to this issue that I can find..My second monitor is an HP w2207, and is connected via DVI. I do have an external HDD connected and on at all times: it starts up after sleep like normal. It is an iomega 2TB eGO, firewire hdd.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB ram, 200 Gig HD
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May 14, 2012
I purchased Pages off the Apple site back in March. I am working on a project that involves several images. I tired to back up to a usb and when I did the usb said no image files. Pages froze and would not let me continue to work on it. I have deleted all big images off my computer. I can't back up to google docs as it freezes. everything is causing my computer to freeze. Now I am left with a computer that is running very slow and none of the images I need. Help, my project is due tomorrow and is worth a huge part of my mark
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 26, 2012
I've recently installed Lion on my macbook pro 13" mid 2010. Then it freezed end i never got it back up again. If I start up my mac, the screens just black. Sometimes it freezes when the spinning wheel is visible. If I try to boot with the recovery partition it freezes to. Plus my lion DVD is now stuck in my machine.
MacBook Pro
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May 9, 2012
how can I disable deepfreeze with no username or password?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), wont save any settings or files
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Jul 2, 2012
I take loads of videos of my friends and I snowboarding, wakeboarding, and other stupid stuff. As well as making short films with the footage I like taking snapshots/freeze frames out of the videos to post on facebook and make slideshows. On my old Windows computer with the Kodak MediaImpressions software, although that program *****, I could take good snapshots out of the videos and it saves them as normal photos. But I can't figure out how to do that with iPhoto or iMovie. I know how to do a freeze frame in a project movie on iMovie but that is just in the project and doesnt save the photo.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 19, 2012
Lately, Safari seems to load pages and videos more slowly. I have reset my modem for my wireless internet, updated mac software, emptied the cache, as well as reset safari.
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Feb 23, 2012
When I access a certain website (eyetube.net), the website loads and displays for about 5 seconds and then the screen goes blank. All software has been updated and Java latest version has been updated.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 13, 2012
my i photo will not show my photos. it just loads....?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 30, 2009
Just installed a new netgear wnr2000 router with my Virgin Media 20mb broadband.
Broadband speed checker says i'm now getting 19000kbps down load and 750kbps upload, not bad.
19 meg tops my last result by some 6 meg.
However, the actual page loads are taking considerably longer than my old belkin router.
I'm using safari and wpa security settings (in case it matters).
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Apr 8, 2012
My older MacBook loads to the apple logo and spinning wheel then shuts down. I havnet really used this laptop properly for a few years and is the 2007 Mac Book model. not been modified.
MacBook, MacBook 13" 2007 model.
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May 27, 2012
After installing Adobe CS6 Master Collection, i noticed during start up that the battery and wifi icon loads too long, it took about a minute before they will show up, and when i point to that area, the pointer turns to beach ball..
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), i7 2.2 17"
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Aug 30, 2014
I have a Macbook Pro (Lion originally installed) running on Mavericks (all latest updates). SSD installed and the DVD tray is replaced by the original HDD.
The laptop wasn't running very smooth anymore so decided to give it a fresh Mavericks install (even though I know it's not really necessary for mac, everything is much faster except a weird internet problem came up).
After freshly installing Mavericks I couldn't get into my google account anymore, just wouldn't load. Tried Safari (use this normally) and Firefox and Chrome, this last was gave a SSL connection error, both Safari and FF said the website couldn't be loaded because the server didn't respond. For Gmail I use Mailplane which is just stuck on a white page. I tried repairing the keychain, repaired disk and disk permissions, cleaned browsers, turned off firewall and antivirus (Shopos) started in safe mode, checked time settings which were all good. Nothing... I even ended up creating a usb bootdisk for Mavericks, formatted the disk and reinstalled from the start just Mavericks and nothing else, started Safari, still the same problem. I figured it's not worth reinstalling all software so put back my backup.
Now I ended up somehow only being able to use Gmail normally in Firefox, Chrome still gives SSL error and Safari can load the inbox, but I can't open any messages. I get the error there is a problem with the connection. If I try in Basic HTML mode it surprisingly does work.
You would say, just use Firefox, finished...but the thing is that sometimes random websites won't load in Firefox, when I load the same site in Safari it works perfectly.
O yes, I also tried the connect to my iPhone and use the Cellular data network, then it's no problem using Gmail in Safari normally. You would say it's a router problem, but I have another Macbook Pro (just one model later running Mountain Lion) this one works perfectly with every browser. Also my iPhone does everyting logged into the WiFi network.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 5, 2014
I keep getting loads of words doubled underlined in green in safari. These when hovered over create a pop-up box with an advert.How do I get rid of these?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 7, 2010
I bought a new internal hard drive for my late 2009 MBP and have completely cloned my existing hard drive to the new one. When I use the new hard drive through an enclosure I am able to boot from this hard drive perfectly, but when I install it into my MBP it won't read properly or something. It loads to my home screen with my dock, but when I try to click something, it just freezes up and I have to restart to the same thing every time. Anyone have any ideas on how this can be fixed?
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