OS X Mavericks :: Download Stops After 1.02gb Every Time?

Jun 23, 2014

I have just replaced the hard drive in my iMac due to buying it second hand with a faulty hard drive. (little to my knowledge)

When i reset the computer to factory settings and cleared the original hard drive and tried to install Mavericks it would always stop downloading at 1.02gb and say calculating. After clearing caches and preferences rebooting and trying again the same thing would happen every time. Now I have had a new HD installed into the iMac and the same issue is happening. What could be causing this? I have been on the phone numerous times with Apple Support and no one seems to have any clue why this would be happening. I have also installed all the updates available for this computer.  

Here are the specs of the iMac 

Model Name:    iMac
Model Identifier:    iMac10,1
Processor Name:    Intel Core 2 Duo


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OS X Mavericks :: Download Stops At 1.03GB?

Jun 5, 2014

iMac 9.1



Running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 

Trying to download Mavericks, the download stops every time at 1.03GB, and clicking retry doesn't start it.

I get the message "The application you tried to download could not be downloaded. Check your internet connection and try again."But if I click Cancel, and then restart the download, it works perfectly again up until 1.03GB.

So I'm a little unconvinced that it's a problem with my internet connection, considering I have full access to the web and clicking retry shows it working and connecting. 

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OS X Mavericks :: MacBook Air WiFi Stops Every Time Display Turns Off?

Aug 20, 2014

my new macbook air 2013 wifi stops everytime the display turns off.. why??

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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ITunes Download Stops And Then Repeats Download

Apr 1, 2012

Bought song on iTunes, download is normal until the last second, then stops then repeats download, after a few attempts error box appears saying file is corrupted (error 10000000)

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: What To Do When Download Stops Because Of Power Failure

Apr 22, 2012

what to do when Mac OS X v10.7 Lion download stops, because of interruption of power supply?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Trying download Mac OS X 10.7Lion

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Mac Pro :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.4) Stops Disk I/O When Display Sleeps

Aug 28, 2014

I have a new Mac Pro (cylinder) running OSX Mavericks (10.9.4, up to date) which has an issue with power saving and disk I/O. 

I have my display set to sleep after about 15 minutes of inactivity.  I have turned off other power saver features.   When this happens, any jobs I have running stop -- in this case, I was running a "dd" off a USB-mounted SD disk, which I wanted to run over night.  Instead, it stopped and I had to restart it. 

In a non SD-disk based Mac, this isn't a problem.  The system just turns the display off and everything else runs. 

Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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OS X Mavericks :: Flash Player Stops Working After Advertisement

Jun 22, 2014

My flash player becomes black after the advertisement has played. I have this problem for all kind of internet sites like on official TV websites. No problem with youtube. The player always used to work but all of a sudden it stopped. This problem persists on safari and firefox. I have Mac OS X Mavernick version 10.9.3.

I have tried the following 

- install newest version of flash player

-Empty chache: library> cache> adobe> flashplayer

- Open Safari with 32bit

- Reset safari

- internet plug-ins are allowed (safari> preferences> allow plug ins

- Java skript in safari preferences is enabled

- cookies are removed

- the flash player does not work for the guest user neither

- Safari Extensions are off

- My installed plug-ins are: Quick time player /  Shockwave Flash / Silverlight Plug-In /

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OS X Mavericks :: Mail Inexplicably Stops Retrieving Email?

Sep 3, 2014

It doesn't matter if I set the preferences to check automatically, every 1 minute, every 5 minutes, etc. Mail just stops retrieving, and even more aggravating is the fact that the Activity monitor runs at the specified interval, implying that my mail is being checked. And yet, if not for checking my email on my iPhone, I'd think everything was fine, it's just a particularly slow day. When I see that in fact I've gotten a number of emails, I check my Mavericks Mail manually, and still nothing comes in. It's only upon deactivating all my accounts and then reactivating, or quitting the app and then restarting that I get all the mail I've already gotten on my iPhone. This is pretty infuriating, as I get caught up in my work and forget that my Mac Mail is "moody." 

I'm running Mavericks 10.9.4 and Mail 7.3.

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Mail 7.3

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OS X Mavericks :: Mail Sound Stops Working - Restart Fixes For A While

Jun 25, 2014

I am on Mavericks 10.9.3 (brand new MB Air 13.3).  I configured Mail with my IMAP accounts and it is able to send and receive mail.  The problem is that the sound stops working after a while.  When I sleep and wake the computer, at some point, it no longer makes the whoosh when sending a message.  None of the other sounds work either. I have updated everything very recently.

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OS X Mavericks :: Microsoft Word Stops Responding When Open A Document?

Sep 10, 2014

This has been happening on and off for ages, from half a year to a year. I have been trying to open a document for 4 hours now, it opens it and then freezes, i then have to force quit it and start over again. Some times i have left it for a while others i quit it after it stops responding. It is getting ridiculous now, i have also searched for ages on the internet, some problems are unrelated some seem related but the fixes don't work, I need to get word to stop doing this. 

I thought maybe it was because it keeps opening all my previous documents that I had open, i unchecked the box so it doesn't reopen windows and it still freezes but on this document instead. I do not have a clue what to do and I urgently need access to these documents, the documents aren't damaged, i was working on them before, and had this problem with many other documents that also weren't damaged. What should I do?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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OS X Mavericks :: Magic Trackpad Stops Responding On Wakeup After Upgrade?

Sep 11, 2014

I have a 27" iMac purchased in July 2011.  I never had any issues with the trackpad before upgrading to Mavericks.  I upgraded a few months ago and started having sporadic issues with the trackpad.  When the iMac woke up, everything seemed fine at first.  About once or twice a week, after it had been working for about a minute (just enough time to start web browsing), the trackpad would suddenly stop responding.  It then progressed to being more consistent (every other day).  The cursor was still visible and the keyboard still worked.  The trackpad was still on but apparently not connected.  I thought it was the batteries, but new batteries didn't work. I could get the trackpad to work again by using Spotlight to open the Bluetooth System Preferences.  The trackpad worked immediately when Bluetooth preferences were opened (nothing needed to be changed; it would just start working). 

However, it would stop responding after about ten minutes.  It was interesting because even if I left the Bluetooth System Preferences open, it would still stop responding after about ten minutes.  I could use the keyboard to make the preferences window active and it would immediately work again.  It would then work again for a few minutes and then stop.  I found that removing the trackpad and re-connecting it would cause the trackpad to start working again more consistently.  It would only stop if the iMac went back to sleep for an extended period (overnight).   

The useful keyboard shortcuts are cmd + spacebar to open Spotlight, type bluetooth, use the arrow keys to go to Bluetooth system preferences (hit enter), use the arrow keys to go down to the trackpad, press spacebar to unconnect, again to confirm, and then after the trackpad is automatically rediscovered, press spacebar again to pair it. 

This went on for about a month, when I had what I suspect was an unrelated problem.  The trackpad started acting as if it was being held down (left click was always being pressed).  I took it into the Apple Store and they confirmed it was broken.  At that point I had a brand new trackpad.   

The issue had gone back to happening every other week or so.  I thought it might be interference, but I've since physically moved apartments and all the objects around it. It's been a couple months now and it's back to happening every couple of days or so.  Since the trackpad is brand new, I have to think this is a software issue.  I've noticed the following consistently: 

1) It only stops responding if I've put it to sleep (I usually do so with a hot corner, but I don't have any reason to believe that's related) and haven't used the computer for more than 12 hours.

2) It'll always work right when it wakes up.  It'll stop fairly consistently 1 - 2 minutes after waking up.

3) Time Machine seems to be busy doing something when the trackpad stops (the little icon is spinning in a circle if I have a Finder window open).  Uncertain if it's always doing something or if it's coincidence that I've noticed it more recently.

4) As mentioned above, opening the Bluetooth System Preferences will always get the trackpad to respond, but then it'll stop after a few minutes.  Unpairing and reestablishing the pairing will fix the issue for awhile (at the very least until the next time the iMac sleeps).

5) I may be imagining this, but before upgrading to Mavericks, I think it used to show the message that the trackpad was connected when the iMac woke up.  I no longer see that message unless I remove the connection and setup the pairing again. 

I've seen lots of people with various issues with Bluetooth connectivity and Mavericks.  I'm on 10.9.4. 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Magic trackpad, Bluetooth

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Applications :: Time Machine Stops Backing Up?

Jan 27, 2008

So I have Time Machine syncing with an external drive and its been backing up perfectly without a problem for the last month. I have not plugged in the external drive in a week, but when I plugged it in to backup today, time machine will not back up to it. The computer sees that the drive is there and identifies at as the Time Machine drive but will not backup to it. The external drive is not full and there is no damage on it. Also, in the time machine system preferences window, the oldest, last, and next backup dates are all blank, they were filled before.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Stops Working - Gets Very Hot / Resolve This?

Dec 21, 2008

So I've been having problems with my TC for awhile but it has gotten much worse. Now I find that I lose my wired and wireless network often. If I go to where TC is I notice that it is very hot. I unplug it and if I leave it unplugged for a while and replug it in I can get back TC. Usually if I replug it in right away it will come back but I lose it a minute later. The length of time it is unplugged for corresponds to how long it will stay active.

I'm assuming the problem is the heat b/c of the hard drive spinning. However this seems strange that this would be a problem as I'm sure Apple would realize that these drives will get hot and there aren't a ton of problems like this. Do you think I should have it replaced? Any ideas that I should try first? If I replace the TC with an old Linksys router I don't have any problems with it, it is just much slower since it is G not N.

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Applications :: Time Machine Stops Backing Up - How To Troubleshoot

Mar 23, 2010

It's weird, time machine use to work fine. I have 3 HDD connected to my computer, and one of the slaves is mac journal case sensitive. Backups have been fine for the last couple months. However recently, time machine will not back up exactly a chunk of 222gb of data. When time machine gets to that point, it just stops. No error message no nothing. And at the top, it says "waiting for backup." Nothing else. I reformatted the hard drive guid, mbr, case sensitive etc etc, nothing. I even swapped out the external hdd and same problem.

How do I troubleshoot this or find out what is causing the problem? Is there a particular format time machine doesn't want to backup? Is there a partition format type time machine doesnt like?

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Intel Mac :: OS X 10.7.3 Has Gotten Incredibly Slow - It Just Stops Doing Anything For Minutes At A Time?

Mar 15, 2012

My IMac (OS X 10.7.3) has gotten incredibly slow.  It just stops doing anything for minutes at a time.  Then it gets a little better for a little while, but lapses into the slowdown again. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X Technologies :: Time Machine Is Contuously Backing Up / It Never Stops

Apr 26, 2012

Time machine is contuously backing up - it never stops - this slows down my computer.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X Technologies :: Time Machine Just 'stops' Copying Data

Jun 12, 2012

I have Time Machine set up to backup my laptop, and it works just fine. I then decided, having enough space to spare, to point Time Machine of my girlfriend's laptop to the same backup location (she had been backing up to an external drive).

After setting everything up (network location, password, and everything), Time Machine happily starts backing up: Until it just stops copying/transferring data. 

I start with a fresh, new, clean backup and I get no error message of any kind; after Time Machine selected the files to back up (= first run, so everything gets selected; that's about 40gb) it starts copying everything. But then it just stops. No errors, no progress, no anything.

This usually happens after having copied between 1 and 3 gb (I tried multiple times). Being on a gigabit ethernet, the copying is pretty fast; the first gb takes minutes. I even proceeded to letting the laptop run its backup through the night; even after a dozen hours, the indicator still is stuck at "1.27 gb of 40.24 gb" (or whatever). 

I went so far as to check the laptop's hard drive (no errors). The backup system appears to work just fine; after all, Time Machine starts the backup just fine and doesn't report any errors or issues. (Also, if there was something wrong with it, it shouldn't work with my own laptop, either.) The only difference I could think of is that my laptop runs Lion, while my girlfriend's still runs Snow Leopard (both to their respective newest versions; could this discrepancy be the cause of any incompatibilities?). 

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OS X Yosemite :: Internet Stops Working When Using Time Machine

Dec 4, 2014

I have a mid-2012 MacBook Pro running Yosemite 10.10.1 that has started something. Here's what it is doing: 

When I connect my external HDD for Time Machine to my MacBook Pro the internet stops working. By not working I mean, it is stays connected to the WIFI router with a full signal, but the internet, for lack of better words, ceases to function. I can't browse online, any app - like Mail - that uses the internet loses connection, and even background apps running on the top bar loses connectivity. If I run a Time Machine backup, eject the Time Machine external HDD, and pull the USB cable out of the MacBook it instantly goes back online and continues as normal. 

I've checked settings, excluded Dropbox and OneDrive from being backed up in case they were conflicting in some way, and have searched for any answer anywhere I could think of.

The external HDD I use for Time Machine is 750GB and is the same HDD that the MacBook Pro came with originally (I swapped HDD to a hybrid drive internally and put the original HDD into an external HDD enclosure which has been solid for me for over 2 years now). 

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Stops Backing Up To External Disk

May 8, 2012

I have a 2 TB Seagate external drive and it is partitioned in 3 sections; 500 GB for my backup clone, 500 GB for Time Machine and 1 TB for extraneous extras.For some reason the TM backup failed today, now what?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Time Machine Stops Backing Up To External Disk

Jun 11, 2012

I get the message now and then when Time Machine fails to backup to external disk:

"Time machine could not complete the backup. Unable to complete the backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folder."

This periodically occurs even though the previous hourly backup was OK.

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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OS X :: Command+tab Switching Stops Functioning / Shortcuts Stops Working

Nov 22, 2009

On a day-to-day basis I run: Adobe PS, INDD, and AI, Microsoft Entourage, Firefox and iTunes. Just recently, after an upgrade to Leopard, I added Things and Simplify Media to the list.The problem that happens before (on Tiger) and now (on Leopard) is command+tab switching stops functioning and Expose hot corners and shortcuts stop working.

I'm pretty sure this isn't a Finder crash because before, on Tiger, I could quit+restart Firefox and everything would be back to normal. Almost as if some shortcut had causes the system to act differently or there was some app dissonance?

But now, with Leopard, nothing I quit will cause these two features to act properly until I do a restart. Both features (command+tab switching and expose) are very necessary for my work flow. I have checked SysPref to make sure keyboard shortcuts are default and Univeral Access to make sure assisted devices is turned off.

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MacBook Pro :: Every Time Reconnect The Internet - Laptop Stops Putting Out The Signal

Oct 14, 2010

Everytime I broadcast the ethernet signal to my ipod touch, my computer disconnects from the internet, every time i reconnect the internet, the laptop stops putting out the signal. It doesn't let the airport and the ethernet work at the same time.

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Applications :: Unable To Create Backup / Time Machine Stops Working

Sep 10, 2009

I have a mid-2008 (June) MBP 15". Just upgraded to SL last night. I am having a serious issue with time machine. I've been using it with the same external HD since I bought my mac last year. No issues up until I installed SL last night. This morning (my first backup since upgrading), time machine started backing up (~ 9Gb) but just stops at around 300Mb. The clock keeps spinning, but there is no change in the amount backed up.

I'm reading that other folks are having this issue as well. Has anyone figured something out?I've run disk repair (nothing found), restarted my mac & external HD (several times each), and cancelled and restarted the time machine backup (several times). Each time it freezes at a different amount (i.e. 34Mb, 284.2Mb, etc...).

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MacBook Air :: Mouse Continually Stops Working / IPhoto Crashes All Time

Dec 4, 2014

I am having so many problems since I downloaded it. My iTunes won't connect to my Apple TV, the mouse continually stops working, iPhoto crashes all the time, and everything is so much slower!  I can't stand it!  Why hasn't Apple put out a fix?

iPad, iOS 7.0.3

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OS X Technologies :: Time Machine Stops Backing Up To External Disk - System Freezes

Feb 27, 2012

I have used Time Machine to backup my data on an external hard drive with ample space for the past year. However, for the past month or so when plug in my hard drive and try to back up my files using Time Machine, it completely freezes my computer, to the point where I need to hold down the power button for 10+ seconds and completely restart. At first I thought this might be due to not enough RAM, but discovered it does this even if all other programs are closed.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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OS X :: Computer Stops Charging / Switched Powerpack But Again Stops Charging

Nov 16, 2010

I got my computer yesterday, it's a iBook G4 OS X 10.5.8. The charger worked fine until around six o' clock. Then it wouldn't charge. We switched the power pack and it worked for an hour or so, and then the same thing. What can I do? I CANNOT take it to be fixed.

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Says Time Capsule Is Busy

Aug 22, 2014

After months of continual Time Machine backups to my Time Capsule, an error message comes up saying that Time Capsule is busy. I've tried to delete the file and start over from scratch, but it won't let me.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 24-inch, Early 2008

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App Store :: Unable To Download Apps On Iphone 4 - It Says "unable To Download Application" At This Time

Apr 19, 2012

not able to download apps on my iphone 4. error message says "unable to down load application" at this time

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Download 10.9.5 Not Yosemite

Dec 6, 2014

Currently running OS X 10.8.5.  How can I download OS X Mavericks 10.9.5, not Yosemite? 

Mac Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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OS X Mavericks :: Will Not Download - Status Bar Says Waiting

Jun 2, 2014

Whenever I go in and download the app, it pops up in my launch pad and the status bar says "waiting."  The problem is, is that never goes away.  And then eventually the whole thing disappears completely as if I never downloaded it.  Everything is updated and my macbook pro is running OS X Lion 10.7.5.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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