OS X :: Self Assigned IP With Ethernet Cord?
Sep 27, 2009
I am running a Macbook Pro 2.2ghz, 2 gb of memory on Mac OS X 10.5.8.
When I plug in my ethernet cable it self assigns an IP address and the internet does not work.
I have searched around for solutions but mainly get problems with airport and this seems to be a direct connection issue.
Could it be a problem with the ISP?
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Feb 3, 2010
My Ethernet cord won't stay put and I can't keep connected unless I hold the cord in, otherwise it just slips out. I've got Apple Care, but no idea whether or not they'll fix this. (I've tried multiple cords, so I don't think that's the problem.) If not, how much am I looking at to get this replaced? (Normally, I'd just buy a router, but I have a wireless router at home, in the United States. I'm currently located in Tokyo, and would rather not have to buy a router here, since I can't really read the manual.)
Either way, how long am I looking at this taking? Depending on the cost, I may or may not go for getting it fixed, but if I do, I would like to know how long I can expect to be without my laptop, though. (I would ask at the Genius Bar, but my Japanese is shaky and my computer skills aren't much better.) Also, as a side note, my MacBook's got those little splinters again, and I'd like to get them fixed up.
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Apr 3, 2012
i want to get an imac and put it in my room but there is no place to plug in my modem and router up there so i was wondering if there was a way to wirelessly setup my imac with the internet.
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May 26, 2009
So my internet is a complete failure as some of you may have discovered from my previous board. I was frustrated today and tried tinkering around witht he network preferences. Beforehand I had taken the advice given to me on my last board, and that was to create a new network thing and just not use it, and somehow this would improve my connection.
Well, that random thing I created keeps dancing up to the top of the list and trying to connect itself, and the message says "Home does not have an IP address and cannot connect to the internet." But my airport one, the one that is supposed to work now says "Airport has a self-assigned IP address and may not be able to connect to the internet."
I hate this piece of **** computer and I have since the day I got it. Do you think I will still be able to return it after a month of use? Can I return it just based off of my dissatisfaction with the internet quality? I'm sick of even looking at this damn computer, I'm so frustrated. Can I just return to the store and ask them to give me a PC of equal price in its place?
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Jun 6, 2009
I was using my imac as a router for my mac pro i was working fine until i updated airport now its saying"AirPort 2 has a self-assigned IP address and may not be able to connect to the Internet." Ugh im getting tired of this ive tried creating new networks but same result every time is that message above.
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Aug 18, 2010
I've been trying for the last couple of days to get rid of a self-assigned IP address on my wife's white 13-inch MacBook (Model A1181, running Mac OS X 10.4.1). I've done everything from deleting files from the System Configuration folder to futzing around with keychains and changing all kinds of AirPort settings. But, as of now, still no luck - and no Internet connection.
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Jun 22, 2012
I keep getting a169 ip address self assigned and can not connect to the net !
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Nov 21, 2009
Well the problem started when we got a new Time Capsule (2 TB) and replaced and AEBS. At the moment we have 4 macs using the TC. Three wireless and one connected with ethernet cable. If I close the lid on my Macbook Air and open it after a few minutes, it wont connect to the internet. I get a message saying: "Airport has the self-assigned IP address (and the IP #) and will not be able to connect to the internet" I try to use the network diagnostics, and it looks like the network settings is wrong (amber light) and the internet and server is failed.
I then select the network I want to use, and then it suddenly works again. Also three of the macs are using the TC for back ups. Usually the back up gets delayed, and wont start even if I ask it to back up now. It starts to the volume ready, then it says that the disk isn't available. Is there something I cant do or is the TC faulty? My mum and dad arent too good with macs, so if they cant connect to the internet they usually just reboot and it works. I have reset the TC and created the network again, but its still the same issue.
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Mar 5, 2010
I've been having some wireless connectivity issues on my MBP (OSX 10.6.2) for the past half hour. I came back from a jog and all of a sudden I don't have any internet connection...wireless is giving me "Alert: No Internet Connection" and when I go into the network preferences it gives me "Airport has the self-assigned IP address xxx.xxx.xx.xxx and will not be able to connect to the internet. Prior to this, I've had virtually no problems with my internet and I've made no changes to my laptop or gateway (2wire 3800HGV-B, using AT&T U-Verse).
The weird thing is that the two wireless items in my house are my laptop and iPhone, which both lost wireless connection at the same time. While a reboot of my iPhone worked (it can connect to the wireless network fine now), my laptop still can't connect.
I've tried creating a new location in network preferences, no luck. I've changed wireless channels to see if that would work, nope. I've turned my airport wireless on my laptop on and off, as well as restart my laptop, nothing. I'm not sure where else to start...but I'll try to give as much info here as possible, to paint a picture.
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May 12, 2012
I cant use my imac coz it has a self assigned IP address and wifi not be able to connect to internet. We actually change to fiber net. when fiber net was installed in our home that's the beginning of my wifi problem. The sad thing is only my Imac got the prob. the rest of the computers at home got signal. They said fiber network makes your surfing to internet even faster but its not what I expected. one imac and one mac book pro are functioning using wifi but slower than before .The only Imac which I am using is the only one that cant be used. any suggestions from u. I tried everything. unplugged, turn off routers, rebooth imac, rebooth routers. but it still the same the IP address is self assigned.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Jun 12, 2012
Self assigned ip address? Have deleted keychain, restarted computer, airport, Internet router, tried renewing DHCP lease...
MacBook Pro
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Aug 25, 2014
I've been having this issue for quite sometime. I have 2 networks at home, 1 I use for the hall, and the other is a homeplug i use for my room which has a direct connection to the wall socket.
Things I've tried:
1. Checked with my local telco whether it was my connection and they say it isn't. They say my router is working perfectly fine too. I can connect to the hall wifi without a problem, but once i switch over to the Aztech homeplug wifi it gives the me error "Wifi has a self assigned IP address and will not connect to the internet."
2. Tried plugging it directing into the Ethernet on my macbook pro, did not work.
3. Tried replacing the homeplug with a new one and it still does not work.
3. Deleted my networks and readded them from Keychain, does not work.
4. Deleted my firewall from the system prefs as mentioned in a forum earlier, didn't work.5. Renewed the DHCP address, still nothing.
6. Lastly, I've tried to create a new location for my network settings, but the aztech connection still does not work!
I'm using a Macbook Pro OSX Mavericks 10.9.4.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jan 25, 2010
I like to install a ethernet Bond with two additional netgear ethernet cards. but i dont have a signal on the bond.
who knows more. the machine is a powermac g5
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May 20, 2009
I was just wondering if any other macrumorsmembers have been in the situation where there's no wifi, no decent 3G, but ethernet ports available to use, but you don't have a computer handy? Would it be possible that you could create an ethernet cable one end, dock the other, and literally connect e.g. an iPhone into the ethernet? At my place of work, there's no signal (dodgy GPRS/flakey Edge), some wifi, but in halls of residence, you get 1 ethernet port, and you can't put a wireless router onto it. It would seem that it would be an interesting solution, if it was possible.
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Jan 7, 2008
So I got a new airport extreme today and so far, it's being a piece of junk. It took me two hours to actually get it to allow Windows to get onlinee from it. The only way that I could get it to allow Windows online was to run it in bridge mode. But now it keeps having my macbook and pro self assign IP addresses. So they can't get online while the Vista desktop can. Any other mode allows the network to be seen, but they don't allow the internet to go through.
Is there any easy (like it said on the box ) way to fix this self assigned IP crap while still allowing the internet to come to the computers? I've got it to stop having the individual systems self assigning, but then nothing can go online.
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Aug 10, 2009
I bought a MBP a year ago with AppleCare. I'm under the impression that I was automatically enrolled into AppleCare (since that is what the box says... auto-enroll). I changed my original e-mail address somewhere along the way, and with my current address, it says that I have no AppleCare assigned to my MBP? Could someone shed some light or help me out? I have called AppleCare before a long time ago when I first bought my Mac, and I remember the woman saying that my product was under plan for a long time, but I want to be able to get all my accounts together.
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Feb 8, 2012
I have a 13 inch macbook pro running lion, and I sublet a basement of a house as im currently in university. About 2 weeks ago, my internet said it has a self assigned IP. My brother, who lives with me, also has a macbook pro, bought a year later, and also running lion. His internet works fine, which i find odd as i thought wifi for one router has the same IP. I tried all the suggestions, such as deleting wifi from my network preferences, deleting the airport.plist file in the library, and restarting my computer.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.0.1
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May 12, 2012
My computer shows self-assigned IP and will not connect to the internet. I have no internet through wireless airport extreme base. Everything was working fine until I tried to add airport express.
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May 22, 2012
I can connect using my laptop but not my desktop due to wi-fi saying it is self assigned.
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Nov 2, 2008
I just bought an airport extreme w/gigabit, and I'm wondering if it's possible to connect an ethernet switch to one of my pro's ethernet ports and have things like my xbox 360 and ps3 run off it, however, my mac pro would be connected to my airport extreme via 802.11n. is that possible?
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Jun 1, 2009
I got very OCD over the weekend and started on the task of organizing my 500+ contacts into groups. I noticed that there doesn't seem to be a view in Address Book for just showing contacts that aren't assigned a group, at least as far as I can tell. Is there a way to do that? Otherwise, I find myself re-assigning contacts because I can't remember if I had assigned them before.
If it can't be done in address book, is there a good application that will do the trick for me? I'm playing with the beta for Now X, and I'm underwhelmed at the moment.
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Oct 6, 2010
I have been a Might Mouse user now since it was released and it's been a very productive mouse... allowing me lots of options while I navigate my finder and files... and assigned Application Switcher to the track ball nipple was for me a must have feature... and now my whole workflow has now become based on this simple feature. I recently purchased a new MacPro 12 Core with Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad. The Magic TrackPad I just can't get my fingers adjusted to... so I have counted that out... but the new Magic Mouse I like... I like the way it feels in the hand... I like the wireless feel about it... but the lack of the track ball is proving a difficult adjustment. I have started using CMD TAB but that's proving less effective as I'm sometimes getting mixed up with key stroke shortcuts for Adobe Acrobat... for Quitting etc...
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Oct 16, 2007
Where I work there is a "free, pubic" wireless network. I can access it with my PB G4, and it will show two or three bars of connection. But, I'm informed that my computer is not connected to the internet and when I check the Network control panel I'm it shows that my PB has a self assigned IP address. Meanwhile, someone with a Windows laptop sitting right next to me can connect without issue.
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Dec 16, 2009
has an "!" over wireless display. When I go to network settings it says... "AirPort has the self-assigned IP address and will not be able to connect to the Internet."it is happening on both my new macbookpros one is a 17' one is a 13"
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Apr 23, 2012
I am having problems connecting my mac with the wifi ... this is the msg tht appears on my network - status On AirPort has the self-assigned IP address (***.***.*** )and will not be able to connect to the Internet.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 6, 2012
You can assign the application in the dock to a desktop. But can you hide the application in the dock in the desktop where it is not assigned? That is, the dock in each desktop should show only the app icons that are assigned to that desktop. Possible? Within OS X or via an app?
MBP 15", Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 4, 2014
I have to download a software for my college class but I need the password for my computer and I dont know it. How do I reset or find out my password?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 1, 2014
One fine day, my iMac running Mavericks 10.9.2 has stopped connecting to internet over WiFi. it is self assigning an IP to itself and refuses to do a DHCP handshake with my router. My other wifi devices can connect to this network without any issues. So us the same iMac when it runs Windows 8.1 on the boot camp partition. I have tried the following fixes, but to no avail:
1. Delete the location
2. Delete networks
3. Reset DHCP
4. Restore Mac to a previous restore point where it used to connect to internet without any issues.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Feb 21, 2012
I've assigned Excel 2011 to a specific desktop in Mission Control. Upon launch, it opens in the assigned desktop, but if I'm on another desktop at the time I launch it, the blank spreadsheet opens on that desktop and not the one assigned to Excel. I know it launches on the assigned desktop because it switches to that desktop momentarily, but then switches back to my current desktop to open the blank spreadsheet.
If I open an excel spreadsheet while on the Excel desktop, it opens there and stays there, but if I click on the Excel icon in the dock to open a new spreadsheet while on another desktop, the spreadsheet opens on that desktop and not on the desktop assigned to Excel.
Most of the apps I've assigned to desktops in Mission Control work fine, but Excel and Word don't follow the rules.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 12, 2009
I'm sick of the short power cord on my MBA, what are my alternatives. I need a longer cord to reach the power port at school. Sure i can carry a regular extension cord that I can get from walmart, but i want something more aesthetical, Mac looking.
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