OS X Mavericks :: Mail Program No Longer Handles Group Emails Correctly
Sep 3, 2014
Has Mavericks’ Mail program lost the ability to handle group email addresses? Since I switched to Mavericks, Mail does not handle Group Address emails correctly. Even though Mail Preferences are set so that individual email addresses in each group are not supposed to show, Mail does show the individual addresses rather than the Group address(s).
The only solution is to send out Group emails with my own address in the “To” line and all of the “Group” addresses placed in the “Bcc:” window of the email. Apparently the option to not have the addresses show when using group addresses in the "To:" line does not function in Mavericks.
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
If i send an email (Gmail account) to a group from my contacts on Mail it is rejected. If I copy the address' and do exactly the same thing but directly through Gmail web page, it goes through.
Emails sent to my address correctly entered are not reaching my computer.Emails I send to this source and immediately replied do not arrive back with me.What can I do to ensure they arrive?
Mail has been working just fine for ages and then for the last 4 weeks it cannot send any emails and gives me the following error message -
'Cannot send message using the server smtp-mbb.three.co.uk'
I phoned up the isp to see whether they had changed the outgoing mail server at all, and they haven't.
I have tried changing the port numbers to 110, 587 etc, but it still can't send.
I have defragmented the HD, verified it, verified permissions on it, cleared the cache, deleted the keychain password items for the mail accounts and the outgoing mail server details, deleted the mail accounts themselves and created new ones.
what is the term in mac mail or in address book for creating a list of four or five or ten people in order to address a mail to all at once so i don't have to find all their names every time i send something? i can't remember where this is or what it is called.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), Boot Camp of Windows 7 + Windows XP
Model Name:iMac Model Identifier:iMac4,1 Processor Name:Intel Core Duo Processor Speed:1.83 GHz Number Of Processors:1 Total Number Of Cores:2 L2 Cache (per processor):2 MB Memory:512 MB Bus Speed:667 MHz Boot ROM Version:IM41.0055.B08 SMC Version:1.1f5
I am using 10.4.11. I no longer use the "Mail program" that came with my iMac. It's not that I didn't want to, but I changed to "Quest" as my server and could not get it to recognize the Apple "program/application." So, now I'm using the "Quest mail"program. My problem is that when I try to subscribe to some (just some) mailing lists or websites, when I click on "subscribe," my old mail program opens. It has my old email address so is of no use. Any ideas on how I can get my email address changed in the old "Mail," or have my new mail program open when I click on a link?
is it possible to keep certain emails together in a separate folder in mac mail?I have a variety of e-mails pertaining to a particular subject that I would like to keep together.
Mail is not receiving new emails from either of my 2 email accounts (Media Temple and Gmail). The program sits idle while the messages come in on my phone and iPad. Restarting the program seems to wake it up, but I'm not content to do that each time I need to check my email. I have Mail on my MacBook Pro and have never had this particular problem, it's just on my brand new iMac.
I opened up mail today to find that my entire inbox has been totally wiped. This is quite inconvenient for many reasons, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I still have the emails in my outbox, sent and drafts folder, but there is nothing to be found in my inbox. It doesn't appear as if my emails are in the trash anywhere either.I'm with telus, for what it's worth,and I'm running 10.9.2.
How to make mail app list all sent emails? In particularly those not sent from mail app but from example iphone, ipad and browser. I have - as you may have guessed - gmail - I have always had this issue, which until three months ago, thought was just one of those things I would just have to accept and live with.
However, three months ago I started my new job, we also use gmail as email provider (though our emails don't end with @gmail.com but @corporatename.com) I have these two email accounts setup exactly the same way in both mail apps, but the mail app in my work laptop lists emails I have sent from browsers and smart phone (my work mobile is not an iphone) but the mail app on my private laptop doesn't. How can this be, and how do I make mail app at home do as my work app mail does
I have a number of email accounts, most of them IMAP.
It seems recently (say the past month) its been very slow. The Activity windows shows the accounts seems to just not move. They do eventually process but it takes a long time. They will sit for a minute on stuff like:
"Opening mailbox"
"Getting unread counts"
"Checking status of mailbox"
It seems sometimes they are fast, but when an account gets "stuck" it just takes forwever........
Shutting Mail down (or trying to reboot) takes a long time because it always has to wait for these processes to try and finish.
Perhaps the bigger problem (maybe related maybe not) is that sometimes when I send an email, there is not record of that email. Its not placed in any Sent folder, its not uploaded to the IMAP account. However, they do seem to be actually sent. I *think* this may account while Mail is "stuck" trying to process an account, but I'm not sure....
I have tried Rebuilding all the IMAP folders (not all my offline folders). I have deleted the Envelope files to have Mail reindex.
I have a few mails that have been moved to ordinary folders out of Apple Mail and that have been deleted on the server. Now I tried to put them back into Apple Mail, but that wouldn't work.
I briefly tried to set up Mail to contact the university mail server there, but gave up. So I deleted the account in Mail.
Now, I randomly get messages telling me that Mail is unable to validate the authenticity of NEU's smtp certificate. Every time, I say, 'why are you TRYING to contact NEU's smtp system? I'm not trying to send a message through that mail system! I don't even have an account there anymore!' but of course my computer doesn't know English, and even if it did, it wouldn't know why it does the things it does, so that's a double dose of not getting a response.
I have had problems recently getting new folders to list alphabetically and went: Library>Mail>V2> removed envelope folders > and re-opened Mail and the listing worked properly.
Then I updated: OS X Mavericks 10.9.3 (Update (Combo) [URL] ... This sorted out what was, after installing Mavericks, a slower computer. Very happy. However now, when I do a search in the Mail App. and then drag one email to a folder and then click on others and choose move to 'the same folder as one before' it does this but the search replenishes the same email and around and around we go. Before updating this was working fine. How to rectify the search to folder problem descibed above
I am using the Mail.app with my Gmail account. I have enabled the IDLE Command option in the settings, but I am only getting notifications when the Mail app is running. I wonder if can receive notifications of new emails without Mail running.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I recently embarked on a quest to reorganize my font libraries and I think I messed something up! Capital A's with boxes around them show up in many of my emails (using Mail) instead of text, and the emails from my iPhone Notes don't load at all. I don't understand this because the MarkerFelt.ttc font is in the HardDrive-->Library-->Fonts folder.
Basically, I had organized my fonts within the HD-->Library-->Fonts and the Username-->Library-->Fonts folders with Font Agent Pro and moved them to a separate location so that I could manage them more directly. Everything was fine at first and then things started looking wacky in Mail. I moved everything back to its original font folders and it's still displaying incorrectly. I've attached screen shots of what I'm talking about so it makes more sense. I would really appreciate any advice on how to get things back to normal.
Since I have had my system upgraded to Maverick I can no longer download emails from my server/provider. Mail asks for the password for the user (me) and when I type it in nothing happens.
There is no problem connecting to my server/provider online, so the server is working ok. My guess is that I am missing some crucial ticked or unticked box in the mail set up.
like I said, no email alerts of mails getting through at the moment (so have to read everything only when I'm online...).
My mac mail will not download mails newer than 30 days to my inbox.
Mails older than 30 days are downloading fine from my godaddy IMAP account.
I tried on another mac with the same result! Using another mail client than Apple mail or iOS mail on my phone works fine so the issue seems to be related to the Apple mail client (and/or iCloud?!).
Sent mails are synced OK so it is only an inbox related issue.
Rebuilding the mail database does not work. What to do next ?!
Info: MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Mac Mail
I have 128 GB HDD and many emails syncing by Gmail IMAP. Thousands of emails are stored on my HDD and most of them I will never use in the future. Despite this I'd like to keep them in gmail server, just for case...
I was trying to reduce size of my Mail.app for very long time and nothing works correctly.
Ideal situation would be something like this:
E-mails older than 2 months will automatically delete from Mail.app but not from server. Or it doesn't have to be automatic, but I have to keep them on gmail.com. I'm not sure if it is possible with IMAP.
I have an urgent issue with my work email. I have used Apple Mail to read and store my work email right off my work Exchange server - without any problem. All was fine, and for what seems a very long time, I happily used both my win 7 laptop at work and my 2 Apple computers at home and during travel as well as my iPhone - anywhere.
However, now, there is a new policy at work where all email older than 3 months (sigh!!) has been removed to an "online archive" of the "emc SourceOne" - which is a non-crossplattform service - and not accessible from other than a windows PC with supported browser (not including SafarI). (Windows revenge) I have lost all access to these on my iPhone, which is a shame - not Apples fault, though. This is not about blaming Apple. However, I still have all my "older than 3 months" email in theory safely kept on both of my Apple computers - presumably safely stored in Apple Mail.
Here is my question: I have not dared to connect either of these imacs / mbas to Internet - at all - in fear of losing my precoius work emails. I have feared that the exchange server will kill all these "older than 3 months" email kept there - as soon as it gets a chance to do so.
1. Can I safely connect Apple Mail to internet without losing my already downloaded exchange emails?
2. If not - how should I proeceed to get these files safely transferred to my iCloud email?
I would like to set up a single/separate contact group in Address book with 4 email addresses. I want to send a copy of attachments in 1 email to all 4 addresses at the same time, by typing in only the contact group. I know I can do this by creating 4 different contacts in that contact group, BUT can I set it up so I have only 1 contact in that group with the 4 email addresses listed in that 1 contact and have the attachments sent to all 4 emails without having to create 4 separate and distinct addresses. Does that make any sense??
I want to use these addresses to function as "flash drives" to save attachments.
I've recently switched from using Outlook 2007 on Fusion on my MacBook Pro to the native apps in OSX, to try to move away from having to run Windows on my machine. I decided against using Entourage as I have experienced a lot of problems with crashing and slow speeds with my Exchange server email. I'm really happy using Mail/Address Book/iCal now I have tweaked it all a bit. I've visited the Hawkwings site to download a bunch of useful Mail plug ins, and have converted to 3 pane viewing.
I would dearly love for the emails to be grouped by date, as they are in Outlook, to avoid the unbroken list of emails that I currently have. I have experimented with Smart mailboxes and rules to colour the emails so I can differentiate between received dates, but find these arrangements either impractical or fussy to look at. I receive so many emails all day, I'd really like to have an easy-view layout. The ONLY thing I miss from Outlook. Is there a plug in or similar that would create this for me?