OS X Mavericks :: Internet Connection Fails For Computer But Not For IPad
Jun 27, 2014
My computer (OS X 10.9.3) and my iPad (iOS 7) are both connected to the internet via WiFi from the same modem. Fairly often the connection fails for the computer (sometimes once an hour or more) while it remains stable for the iPad. My internet provider finds no fault with the modem.
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Mar 26, 2012
I purchased the facetime app for my Macbook Pro and everytime I try to sign in the internet connection fails. What should I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 3, 2009
I have a Dual 1.8 GHz Power PC G5 and am running 10.4.11. When I select software update it says, "software Update can't connect to the update server. Make sure you are connected to the internet..." "Software Update can't check for updates because of a network problem." However, my internet connection works fine for everything else. I do have two peripheral drives connected. One of them had the same system as my main drive. However, the problem persists even when they are disconnected and I reboot. I can get the updates if I reboot from the peripheral.
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May 7, 2012
I have a Mac Mini running OS 10.6.8.
Suddenly the networking functionality has stopped working and the diagnostics fails to fix it. It shows all green lights apart from Internet and Server which both show as FAILED.
My router is operational and does assign the Mac Mini the correct IP address (confirmed by the Mac Mini and the Router). All other devices on the network work and can access the internet as usual.
I have tried everything that I can think of but just can't get it working again.
The same symptoms occur for both the wired ethernet and the wireless connection with the build-in airport.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 12, 2012
As of this morning my Macbook is failing to connect to the internet even though both the ethernet and airport are showing they are connected and are green in the network panel. My husband's internet connection is fine (we both have Macbooks and go through the same router) hence I'm able to send this out. After looking at a similar discussion list, we have tried restarting the computer, deleting airport and adding it back in (although it's also an ethernet problem), deleting system configuration, restoring the whole Library..
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 29, 2012
I am on a Mac Mini connected to the Net via a FON wireless router and Ethernet directly to my broadband modem. I have had problems with both the modem and an Airport Extreme, which eventually died, but I am back up again with the modem via the FON router.The odd thing is that I can't get Ethernet to work over a direct connection to the modem. Diagnostics tells me that the ISP and Internet fails. I can connect to the modem over Ethernet, however, change its settings etc. in my browser. There are solutions mentioned here involving changing the etc/authorization file, but wouldn't that also affect the WiFi if that was the problem?
In short, Ethernet connection to modem works. WiFi connection to FON router and then to the ISP and Internet works. But the Ethernet configuration does't go that last bit, it only works locally. Using that route, I can't connect to the outside world. I have restarted the modem, the computer etc., but that should not be the problem as both works over WiFi, using the same settings for the modem. How do I best troubleshoot this? I am getting an AirPort Express, perhaps it will work better with the modem that the computer itself, but I doubt it.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
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Jul 4, 2010
I wont to share may internet connection from may mac to may iPad and I'm using a USP modem from the carrier,
I'v tried all the methods that appears down in the picture but no good result.
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Jul 18, 2009
I know that it's possible to share a wired internet connection from one mac to another computer through wireless, but I was was wondering if it's possible to do the reverse: share a mac's wireless internet connection through the ethernet port.Ideally, the setup I want is to have my iMac connected to wifi and have my xbox 360 connected to the iMac with an ethernet cable.
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Aug 25, 2014
Can synchronize Calendar on my iPad and on my main Apple computer ?
iPad (3rd gen) Wi-Fi, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 22, 2014
I am using a MacBook Air 11" (mid-2012) running OS X Mavericks (10.9.3). I'm connecting to my home LAN via WiFi connection to a TP-Link 300M Wireless router that is setup as a switch (per instructions here [URL] ...., which in turn is connected via wire (ethernet-over-power) to a Technicolor cable modem/router provided by my ISP (UPC in the Netherlands; I can look up the model number of the router if needed, but it's two floors down right now and doesn't strike me that this is the cause of the problem).
I have a problem that my MacBook Air intermittently loses connectivity to the internet for extended periods (minutes) even though (a) the MacBook Air maintains full connectivity to my LAN at the same time through WiFi and (b) other computers connected to the cable modem/router maintain their connection to the internet while my MacBook Air has lost its connection.
My test to see where the breakdown is occurring is to have four terminal windows up and running ping processes:
1) ping to (my router) - this always stays live, with essentially no lost packets
2) ping to an external address (I'm using, a google.nl address) - this is my main test for access to the internet and where I see ping failures (I'm also testing with pings to other sites when the problem is occurring to ensure it's not something on the remote end).
3) ping to, which is a Synology NAS attached via ethernet cable to my main cable modem/router - this always stays live, with essentially no lost packets.
4) a login to the Synology NAS, where I am also running a continual ping to, and this external ping does NOT fail when the one from my MacBook Air does, it stays live with essentially no lost packets.
The problem will usually correct itself after 1-3 minutes (though the time is not consistent), and also gets corrected if I turn the MacBook Air's WiFi off and on again.
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 12, 2014
I am connected to the office network via a router (WiFi). My internet connection has been working fine for the past 8 months and now all of a sudden, I can't stay connected for more than 3 minutes. I have tried deleted the network name and re-connecting it but still no joy.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 4, 2012
With Itunes 10.5.3 recently installed Ipad backup fails. Backup starts, then freezes for a second or so, then other synchronisation steps continue. After all synchronisation steps are finished, a message pops up like: "Backup failed because connection to ipad was lost"
Had that issue with earlier version of iTunes before. No problem though with 10.5.2.
G5 1.8GHz, Mac OS X (10.4.5)
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Sep 10, 2014
I cannot be 100% sure but it seems like my problem started when I installed Apple TV and started home sharing. When my Mac goes to sleep and I start it up the internet is disconnected. I check in the settings and the network shows a signal and connected. I do not get emails and I cannot connect to the internet though. I have to restart my computer then everything is back on. I cannot stand quitting all my work to restart my computer so many times a day.
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 26, 2012
I use VPN to connect to my work. Sometimes I leave it on when I stop for the night. When I go into work, I usually can login to my laptop either via VNC or ssh even when the tunnel is enabled. But, now my laptop becomes totally unresponsive and unable to receive or initiate connections.After I came home, I tried the basics. DNS completely failed. Connections to my local network seemed to work OK (192.168.1.X). However, anything else was not possible. I tried running nslookup to see what was happening. [code] I tried using ifconfig to take the network interface down and then back up. I tried disabling and re-enabling wifi. About the only thing I've been able to do is reboot the machine.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 5, 2012
I have a MacPro Early 2009, 2 ethernet ports.Ethernet 1 is connected to the LAN and Ethernet 2 is connected directly to a SSL Matrix console (an audio mixer), whom driver needs the used ethernet port to be first of the list in the Network connections list in System Preferences.So when I browse internet I can't use the Matrix's software, and vice versa.I had to create 2 different network positions to browse internet and to work with SSL Matrix, one with Eth 1 first place, another one with Eth 2 first place, and I always have to swap positions.Is there a way to force OSX to use by default the 2nd connection of the list for internet access?
MacPro 4,1 8-Core 2.26 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12Gb Ram
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Aug 21, 2006
I'm on holiday using my mobile phone (Nokia N80) to connect to the Internet over GPRS / EDGE / UMTS. Everything works like a charm, but often the Internet Connect applet drops the connection and just hangs disconnecting.
I'm running OS X 10.4.7 on a 17" Macbook pro, but I have the same result on a iBook G4, same OS X version, and even trying with a different mobile phone (Nokia 6600) and different network service provider.
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Apr 28, 2012
I can see this seems to be a common problem, and it is amazing that there seems to be no consensus (that I can find) on what the underlying problem is.I have two Macbook Pro 13's.Pretty much identical setups (Lion 1.7.3 etc.).One, works flawlessly connecting to Wi-Fi whether that is my Airport Express, or any other open or closed networks.The second, will continually refuse to connect to the Airport Express or even a wide-open 802.11b network.It will continually pop up the "connection timeout" erorr, and refuse to connect.Iphones etc all connect perfectly.Even when connecting to the iPhone hotspot - the same error.
This will happed consistently, until I give up.I can leave it for a day (use ethernet), and come back tomorrow, and voila - it will connect.I may be able to use it for a day or several, but once it decides to 'fail', there is virtually nothing I can do to bring it back it will continue to fail over and over again.All updates are applied, I've cleaned out all other networks etc from the list.Tried all civilized things that I can.Anyone have any other insight? I was thinking to yank the wi-fi module from the working notebook to the non-working one as a test.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 1, 2012
Macbook Pro keeps quitting internet and says ISP Fails
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Aug 12, 2005
Mac OS 10.4.2
G4 (AGP)
I just moved to a new home and unfortunatly my fast internet connection through DSL (3.0 Mbits/sec) had to be changed to something a lot slower running over DirecWay satellite. Whenever I run the software update utility, I get a dialog box that pops up and says, "A networking error has occured: bad server response (-1011). Make sure you can connect to the Internet, then try again. Software Update can't check for updates because of a network problem."
Diagnostics pass, doing standard Internet tasks works just fine, as a matyer of fact, I can connect to the internet, surf, download email, etc. There is nothing different about the system other then I use a different internet provider. I'm wondering does Software Update look for a certain connection speed before timing out? I never got the (-1011) error before moving over to DirecWay.
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Jul 7, 2009
Moved thread to the help forum
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Jul 4, 2012
When I put computer to sleep, after approximately a 2 second pause, it wakes up again.
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Jul 29, 2010
Two computers in the house MacBook and iMac, running on an Airport Extreme network, which includes an Airport Express plugged into the stereo.
A brief power outage the other night (perhaps unrelated), and in the morning, the network was wonky: the iMac was only getting two or three bars, streaming radio to the Express kept flickering on and off. When that happens, rebooting the Airport base station, the router, and the Express usually takes care of it.
Since the reboot, the iMac hasn't been able to keep a connection to the network, and often can't find it. It may start off, but then loses the connection and then times out trying to reconnect. Or the network doesn't even appear in the list. Read that launching Network and running Diagnostic will fix problems and it sometimes does, but never for long.
All this time except for one brief bit where it suffered the same problem the MacBook has had no problem connecting to the network and the Internet.
Have rebooted everything multiple times in various orders, run Disk Utility, and even gone ahead and upgraded the iMac to Snow Leopard (laptop was recently upgraded).
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Aug 12, 2009
I know there are a lot of similar threads all around different forums, but nothing really helped and I was hoping some of you smart ladies/guys can help solve this issue once and for all.
Here's the deal:
My main desktop computer (Compaq windows XP computer) is set-up upstairs where the cable router and linksys wireless router are placed (which is right next to the desktop on the desk). My Macbook (running Tiger and is 3 years old) and iMac (running Leopard and is not even 1 year old yet) are set-up downstairs in my new office. This room is in the basement, however the room is almost directly above the main office where the wired desktop computer resides.
Prior to setting up my office downstairs, my sister lived with my family in the basement and had her windows Vista laptop set-up without any internet connection issues. Her internet never dropped on her laptop, and neither did the connection on her wireless all-in-one printer/scanner/copier. Cell phone reception/internet connection in the basement is also great.
When I set up my iMac and Macbook however a few weeks ago, the internet keeps dropping connection! I do not understand this when my sister had no problems at all with her laptop getting internet connection, when she was living with us. The internet connection will stay good for either 10-30 minutes and then drop, or it could be good for up to an hour and then drop.
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Jun 19, 2014
I had an issue recently where I completely filled up my internal hard drive on my MacMini. I have take the time to clean it out using HD Cleaner and I now have 69.24GB of free space. Just to make sure there isn't any other junk I can get rid of I am attempting to go to "Files over 100MB" and I get a popup window that states "The operation can't be completed" with only an OK button to dismiss this. I am running OSX 10.9.3
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Sep 10, 2014
FaceTime is fully connected but when a contact is selected it tries to connect but comes back failed this happens with all contacts.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Jun 1, 2014
I have a mid-2010 13" MacBook Pro running Mavericks, and a new 2 TB Time Capsule. I'm trying to install a new internal SSD to replace the four-year old one it came with. I swapped the new SSD in with no trouble, and booted my computer into Internet Recovery. I selected the option to rebuild my machine based on a Time Machine backup, and it churns away for a while until it hits about 85% installed, and then it reboots (and fails to startup properly, giing me a spinner on the gray apple screen).
The new SSD is twice the size of the old one. I've put it in an external enclosure and mounted it, ran disk utility on it to make sure that it's working properly. I can't think what else to do, and I can't imagine why it fails at the same point in the rebuild every time!
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jul 1, 2014
I've tried to download and install Mavericks 10.9.4 update but the installation fails with a checksum error. I've also tried the manual download/install which also failed. The message said that the update could not be installed to the default MacintoshHD drive.
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Dec 3, 2014
In iMessage:
When I go to delete old texts by pressing on the text and selecting the "more" menu, the trash icon in lower left sometimes does not appear. I have to close out of iMessage and reopen before it returns. I have to do this every time after deleting several texts.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 21, 2014
I can find the desired 4 files in a ™ backup a week old. I select the four files in the Finder for that backup and click Restore in the lower right. Time machine fades back out, the same 4 files are still in the Finder window, but when I do a search for the files they are not to be found.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Jun 25, 2014
Syncing calendars between my iMac and devices continues to fail horribly.
It really never has functioned well from the Mountain Lion days. With Mavericks, Calendar syncing is useless. Must be rocket science!
If the system doesn't double everything up, it gets appointment times incorrectly.
Seems like Apple has determined that the iPad is Grand Lord of all calendar data—not the iMac. You can delete the data file on the iPad with SyncMac but the data is not gone. It remains in the iPad permanently waiting to take over.
This morning I used SyncMac to delete the data on the iPad to rid it of incorrect appointment times. Syncing again did nothing to fix the issue. Appointment times are all different and totally incorrect in the iPad compared to the correct data in the iMac.
I give up on the application. Print a blank calendar, have a pencil ready, and maintain your data the old fashioned way.
It used to just work. Not anymore and especially since iCloud which I will not use. I have no interest in giving my data to a second party in a foreign country so that they can grant me permission to access it. My clients don't agree to this arrangement. Nor do I.
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