Mac Mini :: Frequent App Crashes And Kernel Panics?
May 28, 2012
recently my Mac Mini started behaving abnormally. I've started getting kernel panics and app crashes. I tried repairing permissions, repairing my disk and even reset my PRAM. I just bought my Mini 2 months ago so its new.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 18, 2007
I'm using my G5 for both personal use and work so it's on all the time. It has worked flawless with this same hardware config for almost 2 years, but for the past week or so I've had about 4 to 5 kernel panics or complete system freeze a day. This happens when doing web browsing, Final Cut Pro editing, playing a game etc, so basically I can't pinpoint it to a specific application, or to a piece of hardware I've added. I have ran REMBER to test my ram and all seems fine.
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Nov 21, 2010
As the topic suggests I keep getting kernel panics when playing games on the 9600 m GT (it never happens on the 9400 m). I never have kernel panics when playing left 4 dead 2, but I get them playing left 4 dead 1 and games like WoW and Age of Empires 3. Here is my crash report, and I don't game in bootcamp. Running 10.6.5 on a late 2008 unibody macbook pro. Can anyone tell me from the crash report what's going on?
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 208581 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 1
Anonymous UUID: 55F60F32-2766-4A42-924D-A9BE54D6B298
Sat Nov 20 20:51:58 2010
panic(cpu 1 caller 0x9cdbfa): NVRM[0/2:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0xd4000000 0x59b80000 0x096380c1, D0, P3/4
Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)........................
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Apr 19, 2012
I have a 2010 MacBook Pro running the latest iteration of Lion. Recently, the computer has experienced frequent kernel panics (three today alone) requiring the laptop to be restarted. I have noticed that these tend to occur more frequently when I wake the computer after letting the battery drain down to near or below ten percent of its capacity and subsequently plugging it in after it goes to sleep.
The only other clue I have is that every time the computer experiences a kernel panic and restarts, Spotlight re-indexes my hard drive (i.e., the magnifying glass icon in the upper-right-hand corner of my screen has the little blinking red dot inside of it).
I have read a couple of things on the internet about how this may be due to Symantec Anti-Virus, which I have installed on my computer. However, that is pure speculation on my part based on a random post on a non-Apple-sponsored discussion board somewhere.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 1, 2014
My friend has been having trouble with his 15 inch, early 2011 macbook pro. He is running OS X 10.9.4
It seems to work great until he streams media or connects to his school email.
I've taken a picture of what the screen looks like when it last froze while he checked his email:
Shortly after this, he had trouble booting the macbook back up. He would see either a blue screen with light and dark blue vertical lines. He would also boot up the computer and it would be stuck on the white loading screen without the apple logo.
I also have the console logs for the past few bootups:
9/1/14 6:09:13.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1409609353 0 9/1/14 6:09:35.000 PM kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 808086 free pages and 232298 wired pages
9/1/14 6:09:35.000 PM kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: B4D1584E-DF66-3E8D-BED3-BF7EB17C5F80
9/1/14 6:09:35.000 PM kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 28, 2012
I seem to be having constant kernel panics when using my 2011 iMac (OS X 10.7.4), they seem to happen primarily when using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 and happen from about 5 minutes of using the program to about 30. Even if I am not using adobe though the kernel panic still happens after about 30 minutes. I uninstalled Adobe and all seemed fine, so I attempted to reinstall it, but part way through the process it kernel panic's again. I was wondering if it could be when I am doing stuff on system intensive programs, so I tried running a game of Civ V, and that didn't seem to have any problems.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 13, 2009
I got a new macbook pro a week ago. The first time I shut the machine down it experienced a kernel panic right after I selected to shut down the computer. Programs randomly crash while I am using the computer. The apple store said that crashes are most likely due to CS3 because it was not properly updated for the system, so they installed the CS3 updates. The next time I used the machine after installing CS3 updates, it experienced another kernel panic upon shut down. I would like to hear about known issues with the Summer 09 macbooks. I am trying to determine if this is a hardware, software, or an OS issue.
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Mar 25, 2012
In the last 2-3 weeks, for lack of a better phrase, my iMac has gone to ****. I get several kernel panics a day, apps crash all the time (Chrome, VLC, Quicktime, MS Word, etc.) and about a dozen times a day I am logged out of my user account with no warning. I have tried everything I can think of. I repaired permissions, I checked my disk, I disabled flash in Chrome, I uninstalled a lot of unnecessary apps and plugins. Nothing has helped. Could this be a Chrome issue? I've heard kernel panics aren't generally related to apps but it's the only program I've been consistently using during each panic/crash/log off (however, this could just be coincidence as I always have my browser open). I'm on Snow Leopard (10.6.8). Would upgrading to Lion potentially fix this? Should I reinstall the OS and start from scratch (which I would rather not have to do, as I have 500 GB of files & this would be time consuming)? This is my first Mac & while I'm generally a pretty tech savvy person, all my experience with fixing computer issues is on PCs.
Here is my last kernel panic report:
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 510880 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 5
Anonymous UUID: B0A89CB1-73F6-4844-8AA0-87B785E9D23D
Sun Mar 25 13:55:15 2012
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 24, 2014
Recently, tried leaving my iMac in sleep mode for hours but it keeps crashing with those Crash Reports popping up when I click to wake it. They mention Kernel Panics.(Also, been getting Kernel Panics randomly popping up when I start up at the desktop. This is a 2010 iMac which I purchased refurbished not quite a year ago Already emailed seller with issues, think I might just return it as seems like hard drive is going. , as to troubleshooting before I go this route?
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Apr 3, 2012
I have been experiencing Kernel Panics and Sudden logouts twice a week. I thought it was strange, because my boss just bought me the MacMini with 8gb RAM preinstalled.I want to solve the problem, but I don't want to send my machine to support in vain.(because the MacMini is actually owned by the institution I work in, and those things take time). So I ran some diagnoses I heard about on the internet, but I don't know what they mean, or what I should do with it. I made two kind of diagnoses:I tried to run Quick Apple Hardware Test.I tried to run Mac version of memtest in single-user mode. I made both diagnoses with each memory separatedly, in every slot combination possible, and both memories together. Everytime I tested both memories together, AHT froze while testing memory, and memtest resulted in failures.Everytime I tested a memory module separatedly, memtest and AHT gave no errors. Is there any explanation for my Mac Mini not like my both memory modules together? I updated OS X to 10.7.3 with combo update, and FileVault(don't know it makes any difference). I made all tests with no peripherals other than a DVI monitor on HDMI out, a Magic Mouse, and a Apple (wired) Keyboard. What should I do?Should I send it to support and spend my next month without a machine?
Mac Mini 5,1, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8gb RAM
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Jul 16, 2009
I've been noticing that my early 2008 quad mac pro has been having more frequent kernal panics and is pretty random.I've also noticed that my video card fan(ATI Radeon HD 2600) has been reving up and down and has been more noticeable.Could this be related? Do I need a better card?
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Nov 26, 2008
I recently upgraded to OS 10.5 on two desktops. The PowerMac Intel works fine. The G5 Quad seems to be having weekly kernel panics and frequent software crashes (an example yesterday: Word and Safari were open. After a few minutes of no keyboard input whilst reading a webpage, Word crashed, followed by Safari). Running Maya seems to cause the kernel panics. It did so, once in a while, on OX 10.4, but with 10.5 it's become a frequent occurrence. Calling Apple (still on Applecare) doesn't help. They run some diagnostics and can't pinpoint anything. Clearly if they don't recognize the problem, they can't fix it. (I also run Maya on the PowerMac Intel with no problems, so Maya isn't the problem.)
Realplayer, streaming, has been playing during some of these occurrences — is this a known culprit? Any suggestions? Was the G5 Quad just a bad model? Can I turn off whatever causes the kernel panic alerts that freeze my computer? Should I be demanding more out of Applecare — is there anything I should expect them to replace? Should I downgrade to OS 10.4? If so, how do I do this? Many questions I know...
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Apr 25, 2012
i'm experiencing frequent kernel panics on Lion with 10.7.3. This has only started occuring in the last week with no obvious changes before it started. I've repaired disk permissions, used OnyX to clean everything up, and it still occurs (approx 4-5 times per day). My computer is a 15" MacBook Pro with 8gb ram, 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, NVidia GeForce 9400m 256mb video card. It seems to occur more frequently when I have an external drive attached (either Firewire or USB). As my profession is video editing, it's not really viable for me to simply not have one connected!! This is starting to get quite frustrating as it interrupts my work significantly.
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 72657 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 10
Anonymous UUID: 9C99A067-C735-439D-8D40-EECB5BE55384
Wed Apr 25 15:25:32 2012
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 24, 2009
I'm new here to this forum and I'd like to get some advice. I've had my 2008 macbook 2.4ghz-160gb since august of last year. I upgraded it to 4gb of ram in the early stages and had no issues till lately.
For the last week, almost daily, Id get the beachball for a long period of time. This happens most frequently when I surf the internet. Occasionally this may occur when i play music in itunes but that is probably due to my library being store on an external hd. With that being said though, as I mentioned, it most likely occurs when I surf the internet. Many times, its not just a browser crash but a system wide crash where my mouse can move but when i click anything in the background, it would have no effect (but my mouse can move still). Only way to 'resolve' this was to do a hard shutdown and restart by holding the power button for few seconds. Of course, this issue keeps happening and it pissed me off so I looked around the net to find some possible solutions and many sites claimed flash being an issue. I uninstalled flash and retested and the problem still occurred. Reading maclife, it mentioned about some fsck -fy thing during boot up so i ran that test and found no errors. Restarted again, did some surfing and still the problem.
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Jun 29, 2012
I have a Mac Pro Early 2008. Here's my set-up: BootDrive (Mercury Excelsior PCI SSD 240 GB): contains OS X and applicationsDataDrive (2.25 TB RAID 0 with three 750 GB drives): contains files, pictures, music, videoTime Machine Backup (2 TB drive) Recently I've been experiencing frequent crashes. These mostly happen when the computer is sleeping. For example, I'll put it to sleep before going to bed, and I'll wake up in the morning to find it unresponsive when I attempt to wake it up. (Also: the computer tends to be waking itself up from sleep, i.e. I'll wake up and it will be powered up, even though I put it to sleep the night before.) When I notice that it has crashed, I hold down the power button on the tower until it shuts off, then press it again to start up. When I do, it boots into Safe Mode. Does this suggest a problem is due to a peripheral or drive?
The first time this happened, one of my internal drives got corrupted and I had to use Disk Utility to repair it. The second time it happened the permissions on my data drive got screwed up, and a few files on that drive got corrupted (including my Lightroom library). It just happened a third time, and once again the permissions on the Data drive are screwed up. If I recall, this all started happening after I installed the Mercury Excelsior PCI SSD. But it appears to be functioning well. I've run Verify Disk and it says it has no problems.
Mac Pro 2.8 (Early '08), Mac OS X (10.5.2), 10 GB RAM, 74GB 10k Raptor, 2x 750GB RAID, 23" ACD
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Jun 26, 2014
I use Mail on 10.9.3 with multiple IMAP accounts (but almost nothing the servers, all local in many folders). In the last days Mail started to crash several times a day, mostly when I interact with messages (replies, moving to folders, attachment stuff etc.) I am too fast for Mail - but that never was the case before and I have a fast machine and Internet connection.
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Nov 18, 2010
I tried to locate /Library/Logs/PanicReporter according to this link to no avail. I'm not happy with logging using verbose mode and having to retype it all up. I also don't have it in a network of macs to allow for this technique and I feel as if there's a pretty obvious way of capturing these reports that I'm missing.
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Jan 9, 2011
I have had the Macbook air 11.6 for five weeks now and it has been rock solid except for a couple of kernel panics. Once when I first got it I got a kernel panic in Safari. I only use google browser now. I got a kernel panic two days ago. I went to open the lid and it did not come on. I found out there was a kernel panic. I am afraid if I take it to the genius bar they will have me reinstall the OS and add one app back at a time to see what is causing it but since they are so infrequent this is obviously not convenient. Also I have had my IMac 24 for three years and have tons more junk on it and have never got one panic.
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Sep 8, 2009
Can kernel panics on one machine somehow cause panics on another machine. My situation, I recently started using a BC338 esata card in my mid 2007 MBP running Leopard. Never had panics before but since trying to use this card with an esata drive I've had 5 kernel panics. I also have a Mac Mini running Snow Leopard which has had two kernel panics during times when the MBP had panics. Can these be related? Before using this card, I never had panics on either machine?
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Nov 14, 2009
This morning my Macbook encountered 3 kernel panics within 5 hours. Here is the log:
Sat Nov 14 13:47:44 2009
panic(cpu 1 caller 0x2a7ac2): Kernel trap at 0x0103d710, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0xffffff91, CR3: 0x00100000, CR4: 0x00000660
EAX: 0x4fd4bcc8, EBX: 0x00000000, ECX: 0x615d0000, EDX: 0x07867000
CR2: 0xffffff91, EBP: 0x0793c300, ESI: 0x00000003, EDI: 0x00000000
EFL: 0x00010206, EIP: 0x0103d710, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x00000010
Error code: 0x00000002
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Mac OS version: 10C540
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 10.2.0: Tue Nov 3 10:37:10 PST 2009; root:xnu-1486.2.11~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacBook4,1 (Mac-F22788A9)
System uptime in nanoseconds: 3940362197226 ....
From the log, can anyone tell me what's causing the kernel panic?
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Nov 23, 2009
What does it mean when a kernel panics? People talk about it all the time, what does it mean?
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Apr 3, 2010
I am currently planning to upgrade my 2gb RAM and I heard that my model supports up to 6GB of RAM, hence I am planning to upgrade to that size cause Aperture uses lots of memory and I use Aperture a lot. I am planning to get it from here: OWC 6GB PC5300 DDR2 667MHz DIMM Upgrade Kit. Everything is cool and all until I find out that some users are having kernel panics on OSX 10.6 with 6GB RAM (which is what I am using). It is now 10.6.3, so anyone care to report if it is safe to use 6GB or the problem still exist?
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Apr 7, 2010
Haven't had panics before but that's 2 today so far. Running 10.6.3 on 13" MBP.
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Apr 20, 2010
I've been having a lot of Kernel Panics (you need to restart black screens). I've only just worked out that they almost always occur after the mac has been dormant. For instance, I'll leave the machine on (and the black screen/sleep mode activates instantly), after twenty minutes I come back to the machine, it comes back to life, but within a minute or so it crashes. This seems to be the pattern, it very rarely crashes mid-use. Safari is also nearly always loaded?
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May 16, 2010
I have some problems with my macbook 4,1 (early 08). Since a few weeks I get sometimes kernel panics. Last night I had 7 kernel panics within 1 hour. Can anyone help me analysing these logs? memtest86+ doesn't show any problems after 8 hours.
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May 10, 2012
I kid you not, ever since I updated 10.7.4 last night, I've had at least 3 kernel panics, plus it wouldn't wake up from sleep.
Sometimes it seems to crash for no reason at all -- the computer will just be sitting there and I won't be doing anything; granted, I'm sure a skillion processes are running, but no more than I would usually run.
Where are the pertinent logs hiding so I can share them with some wise soul?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 14, 2012
My MacBook pro started to throw frequent program crashes. I cannot nail this down to a specific program. I've repaired permissions, checked RAM with remember, even re-installed using internet recovery.
[Crash Report]
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Oct 10, 2007
Last week, after completely normal use, the computer booted up to a screen with the finder icon / flashing question mark. After a few more atempts to power up i started getting just the grey apple screen with spinning wheel and loud fans. I was advised by a friend to boot from the install DVD by holding alt when powering up. When i try this, after selecting the DVD from the boot up options, I get kernel panic and the message " panic: We are hanging here...". Then nothing.
G5 Dual 2.0
Mac OS X (10.4.5)
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Dec 17, 2010
Kernel panics have been quite often lately but only when play World of Warcraft. It would just happen randomly while not doing anything extensive, anyone else having this issue?
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 445236 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 5
Anonymous UUID: 409BBAE9-3DFB-4381-B130-276656A286DA
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Apr 8, 2008
I've been using my new Mac Pro with no issues for several weeks with the same hardware setup & OS all along. Suddenly I'm getting kernel panics. It happens when I startup from the system drive or from install disc. And sometimes when I startup it just hangs on the blue screen with no desktop coming onto the screen. It started happening after I did a Carbon Copy Clone of my system drive onto a firewire drive, & when I came back to my computer several hours later the screen was black & white stripes. I've been on the phone with apple care several times and even took my machine to the genius bar today where they recommended a stress test and said I would get it back in 5 - 10 business days (gasp!). Of course there were no kernel panics while I was there (for an hour, and at home I'm getting them every few minutes), so I decided to take it home & check it over myself in a process of elimination.
I've removed all third party ram, and have 2 hard drives installed - the system drive & the drive I use for time machine. The RAM is listed as OK in system profiler and the HD's are verified with Disk Utility - also disk permissions verified & repaired on the system drive. I have 2 Acer monitors - model AL2016W. I tried plugging in one at a time in each DVI port for a total of 4 tests - each with a fresh startup. There were no kernel panics. Then I plugged them both in at the same time, started up, & got the kernel panics. Tried this twice with the same results. With or without any applications open, it's the same. Within 2 - 4 minutes I get a kernel panic when both monitors are plugged in. Later, I got kernel panics with just one monitor connected. So my question is; What could be the reason it's getting kernel panics sometimes & sometimes not? As I said, nothing has changed in my setup since I got the machine - and everything was running fine since mid February.
During my testing I have these connections:
One or two monitors. Power cord. Apple wired keyboard & mouse (these were not connected at the time this started happening so I have eliminated them from the possible source of trouble.) All bluetooth devices are powered off & no other external devices are connected. I just completed the Apple Hardware Test & it detected this error: "4HDD/11/40000004.SATA(0,0)" Does this mean there's something wrong with a hard drive? If so, which one?
Mac Pro Early 2008 2.8 Mhz 8 core
OS X 10.5.1
2 gigs original "apple" RAM
HD 1 - Samsung F1 (system - 750 gigs of which 420 are being used)
HD 2 - Hitachi (time machine - 1 TB)
2 Acer monitors DVI
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