OS X Mavericks :: Changed Time Machine Volume Name - Not Recognized As Same
Aug 20, 2014
I needed to change my backup volume's name. Now it's not recognized by TimeMachine any more. It seems I can only choose this volume again AND delete older backups, which I do NOT want.Â
How can I just continue on this volume with its new name?
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Aug 27, 2014
I have a Mac Air running Mavericks on a HFS partition and Windows 7 on a BOOTCAMP NTFS partition. I have some files that I want to read/write from/to both systems. Since OS X can't write NTFS and Windows can't write HFS either, and I don't want to use any 3rd-party tools/drivers, in OS X, I copy those files from NTFS to its HFS partition, make changes, then switch to Windows and sync them back to NTFS.Â
The problem is, after I copied a file from NTFS to HFS in OS X, it seemed ok. But when I switched to Windows, the very copied file in HFS partition had its size changed (bigger) although I didn't make any changes to it in OS X yet. This happens to almost every file I copied, text and binary. For those text files, I tried to open it with EditPlus in Windows and EditPlus reports the correct size on the status bar.Â
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 3, 2012
A storm is brewing and I have no idea how to contain it. First, after April 26th, my Time Machine wasn't recognized... this was the date of my last backup, and I didn't notice it for a few days, and only confirmed it two days ago. I would plug it in, and the drive would get hot as though it were mid-backup, and stay that way. It doesn't appear in Disk Utility, it doesn't appear in the Finder, nowhere. I've taken EXCELLENT care of this Toshiba 640GB drive, and had it for two years. It was backing up just fine, and has been sitting on my desk for a few weeks.ÂMy first kernel panics began 4/30, and I've had three, with the last two both yesterday.
There's some stuff on my time machine drive I would really, REALLY like to get. I took it in to the Apple authorized service center here, and they had no idea.My drive does not work on other Mac computers, and does not even show up. Apparently just the fact it's plugged into one makes it boot down slower... the tech guy noticed this, anyway. When plugged into a Windows, the drive itself is recognized, but only some partitions... I'm not really clear on what the guy was implying, something along these lines though. He was pointing to various partitions which were different colors, using some Windows utility, but he couldn't make any significance or conclusions based on it.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 29, 2009
I have a new iMac that backs up regularly with Time Machine. I find that the Time Machine backups are for more data than my iMac hard drive changes. For example, yesterday it did three backups that I noticed. One was for about 300MB and the other for about 700MB and one for 2 MB. Right now it is doing a 1GB backup. The only changes I did to the iMac between yesterday and today were a few e-mail downloads (not more than 2MB) and a few pictures were imported (about 30MB).
Does anybody know why Time Machine is backing up so much data when nothing is changing on my Mac? My entire hard drive is about 62GB right now and it started at about 58GB. My Time Capsule hard drive that hosts the TM backups has used about 130GB of data. It had only used about 60GB of data after the initial backup about a month ago.
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Jun 23, 2009
I recently changed MBPs and restored from Time Machine. Now I want to continue using the backup disk with about 6 months worth of backups on, but it wants to start again saying that there's not enough space for the initial backup. I can't see any way around this in the TM help, but I don't want to start afresh and delete all those old backups. Surely there's a way of making Time Machine think the computer is the old one?
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Dec 15, 2009
I am looking for a backup solution other than Time Machine to back up files incrementally to an external drive. I like the concept of TimeMachine and would like to use it; however, I have significant work that must be accessible to PC sys/appl, so I cannot format it apple-journaled (FAT32 appears best r/w solution for multi-platform). AppleCare advised there is no other incremental solution than that, and thus they don't have a solution I "search the web". Discouraging news for a recent migrator.
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Oct 13, 2009
So I'm currently running Mac OS 10.6.1 on my MacBook, however my External HDD which was originally working with Snow Leopard is no longer working. It is not recognized by the computer as even being there. I have never dropped it or anything, and I don't know why this is happening. since having a back up is important to me.
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Jan 5, 2010
Tonight I followed the instructions someone had posted to this forum (and lots of other places online) to run the following in Terminal:
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.backupd-auto StartInterval -int 86400
Then I logged out and then logged back in again to reload.
This is supposed to change the Time Machine backup interval from 1 hour to once every 24 hours.
Maybe it does, but I noticed something weird: every time I load up Time Machine Preferences from the menu bar, the time to "Next Backup" changes by subtracting 1 hour or so from its previous value just a few minutes ago when I checked.
If I check again immediately, it is the same (e.g. Today, 9:20pm) but if I wait awhile and load it again, it changes to something like "Today, 8:20pm"
Not sure what's going on here and can anyone offer any comments if I even executed this command correctly in the first place?
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Jun 6, 2010
Basically, all the folders such as Applications on my time machine backup, have all suddenly converted themselves to 'UNIX EXECUTABLE FILES'.
I tried restoring from backup using my Snow Leopard disc, but it said 'No full Mac OS X backups were found'.
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May 2, 2009
I've been away from the Mac world for awhile (Got a Unibody Macbook 2.0 late last year but my girlfriend liked it so much I gave it to her. Been using a Windows Laptop ever since). I just got a Unibody Macbook 2.4 recently and wanted to restore it with my old Time Machine Backup (stored on my Time Capsule) that I made in December 08. Unfortunately, Migration Assistance on my new Unibody 2.4 can only see my GF's MB and Mac Mini backups.
I access the time capsule with Finder and see my time Capsule backup file, however. Is there some way to get it to "recognize" it? Or did it get "corrupted" somehow and I'm SOL? Not too big of a deal I suppose but definitely makes me a bit less trusting of Time Machine (I held it in high regards).
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Feb 3, 2010
My '08 Mac Pro got it's logic board replaced last week because it wasn't seeing all the RAM I had installed, and now it's not recognizing my Time Machine drive as a Time Machine drive. The drive mounts fine (internal bay 4), all the stuff is still on it, I can still read/write to other folders on the drive. When I go into Time Machine it just shows that there're no back ups. When it tries to do a backup it just says "Backup failed". I ran disc utility and repaired permissions, still no dice.
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Mar 20, 2012
Hard drive recently failed. Replaced hard drive and used Time Machine to recreate system. Everything seems ok, but I cannot install software. It prompts for a password, as it always has, but the system is rejecting my password as invalid. This is the same password I have had for years (yes..i know). I cannot figure out how to reset it since it doesn't recognize the original password.
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Dec 7, 2014
I have an external hard drives with 3 partitions: 2 are TM backups of my two computers, and the other is just a file storage partition.Â
I am trying to migrate files onto a brand new hard drive from a TM backup. I formatted the new HD and installed OS 10.9 on it, but when I open Migration Assistant, it only recognizes the other computer's TM backup and the file storage partition, not the Macbook TM backup partition. Additionally, this partition (when I view it on my other computer) shows up with the orange USB icon rather than the green TM icon.Â
Does this mean my backup is corrupted? Is there a way to fix this without going back into my laptop and switching back to the old hard drive and wiping out the old backup and backing the whole thing up again?
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Dec 16, 2008
I have two 750 gb drives that I want to put together as a JBOD as a Time Machine volume. Is there an advantage to having the drives in an external enclosure, such as this one, vs. inside my tower? If inside the tower, I'm concerned that if there's a failure of my boot drive that I would lose the JBOD TM backup.
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Sep 12, 2009
I recently formatted one of my external hard drive to use with Time Machine and I get this error message. The drive is the Seagate on the right.
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Dec 8, 2014
After I upgraded to Yosemite, my MAC Time Machine backup drive is no longer recognized and the process freezes when I try to re-install the drive from the drive's software.Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Nov 15, 2007
Time Machine has been running fine for a week now. Suddenly, today, I get this error message:
The Machine Error
The backup volume is read only.
To select a different volume, open System Preferences and choose Time Machine.
I didn't change anything to make it read-only, and it's far from full.
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Feb 20, 2009
I just got my Mac back from a repair at the Apple Store. I was very excited to have everything back. However, Time Machine cannot back up! The error given is that the backup volume "cannot be found."
I've tried rebooting, remounting the drive and doing checks on it. Everything checks out. I can even write and read to and from the backup volume just fine via Finder. The only issue is that Time Machine can't. What's the problem? How do I fix it?
Attached is a screenshot of my Finder window next to the Time Machine Sys Prefs window.
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Mar 4, 2009
I have been backing up my computers to an external HD with Time Machine for some time, but I just bought a 1Tb Time Capsule today. Is there a way to move/copy my existing TM backups to the new drive (in the Time Capsule), rather than starting a whole new backup, so that I can preserve my existing TM 'history'? I could just start a new backup, but it would only back up the 'current state', and I would lose all the prior data.
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Apr 15, 2012
I lost an external hard drive due to failure. Luckily, I found out that for some reason Time Machine had backed up the drive's volume along with my startup internal drive.Now I just want to restore that lost drive's volume folder from Time Machine to a NEW external drive. However, I imagine that if I merely click "Restore" from Time Machine app it will attempt to put this volume (which is 100GB) onto my internal drive.
Is there a way to direct the location of the restore of that volume folder to my new external drive? Or can I just go into my Time Machine Backup drive and drag and drop the volume contents from the Time Machine volume onto it?
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Quad Core, Intel Xeon
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May 23, 2012
I installed Snow Leopard, upgraded it to OS X 10.6.8, paid for and spent the hours necessary to download Lion, but Lion will not install. Even though it says the requirements are 10.6.6 or greater, when I try to install, I get a message saying I need 10.7. to install Lion.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 19, 2012
Had to get my HD replaced in my iMac. Have been trying to get individual files off my Time Machine backup. Â
I go the "Browse other time machine disks" route but when it opens all it ever shows me is a single file with the name of my old HD. It won't display any files inside that volume. Â
I can "Show package contents" on the file itself to get to the files inside but it seems like some files are restored in time machine only.
Specifically the itunes library file gets broken into ,last, add , delete files, which my current iTunes install errors on when trying to import.
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Feb 5, 2012
I have a 3rd Party NAS (Iomega Home Media Network Cloud Edition 2TB) and MacBook with OSX 10.6.8. I did run a first TM full backup over Ethernet (around 240GB) because of the extremely slow transfer speed over WiFi via the AirPort. It went Ok (after several tries and reading here in the forum). Then, I disconnected my MacBook from the wired network, so futures frequently backs-up happen wirelessly, however, it seems that it did not recognize the first full back-up, asked for re-doing it again from scratch and erased my first full-backup-over-Ethernet.
I've seen that the MAC address is used as part of the sparse bundle file name; obviously, there will be a conflict here because Ethernet and AiPort do not have the same MAC address (of course !).I will run a brand new full first backup over Ethernet, but I'd like to know what do I have to do for getting it recognizable for futures backups over AirPort?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 30, 2012
I have a MBP 13" 2009, and had a HDD fail yesterday. I have an external HDD for backups with timemachine (WD 1Tb), with daily backups.I bought a new internal hdd, plugged it in today, and when presented with the install options, I selected recover from backup. There, my drive appears (in yellow), but when pressing continue, I get a message: No system backups found.
I looked around on forums and people suggested that a normal installation should be done followed by migration assistant. When I try using migration assistant and select Time Machine backup, the next page just shows up empty with a rotating thing in the middle.
When I browse the Backups.backupdb folder, everything is there, including my last backup from Saturday. I see that I can recover my files, which obviously is the most important bit, but I would like to restore Applications, settings etc, as to not waste too much time.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 23, 2008
Any clues to this error... I've been getting it fairly frequently as of late. Probably every few days.
Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume.
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Jan 1, 2009
I've spent a good deal of time over three days trying to do something that I think is both doable and shouldn't be all that hard. I have a 750gb external HD attached to a Mini, and I'd like to use that drive to do TM backups for the Mini, as well as three MacBooks.
But I can't seem to get access to the backup drive from the laptops to either get going in the first place, or to remain available for TM. I get "volume can't be mounted" errors, "image can't be mounted errors", etc. I find that I can't ever eject the backup drive from the Mini (always told an application is using it...even if I've just booted up the Mini). And with one of the MacBooks, even a direct FW connection to the drive doesn't result in the drive showing up in Finder.
Isn't this a pretty straightforward thing to do? Is there a step by step somewhere that might help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, or what I need to fix? Should I reformat the drive again and start over (there are no important backups on it yet)? By the way, the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
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Mar 14, 2009
I'm having trouble backing up with Time Machine. Here's the setup:
1. Three, 1TB external hard drives in a concatenated software RAID. This means that they are treated as one large drive. There is no mirroring, no increased data rate, blah blah blah. It's just three hard drives in the place of one. I am aware that this means my backup is three times as likely to fail with the hardware, but that's OK.
2. These three are connected to a USB hub.
3. This hub is connected to a G5 tower. The G5 tower can back up to the concatenated drives (I'll call them just a RAID from here on), and also all additional external hard drives that I connect to the G5 tower have been backing up to the RAID no problem. This is great.
Here's the problem:
I'm trying to get two more computers to back up to the RAID wirelessly. I read a lot online about how this didn't used to be a supported feature (backing up to an external hard drive over a network with time machine), but that Apple has recently upgraded Time Machine to support this functionality.
The first computer I started with to try to backup over the network was a Macbook Pro, trying to get it to backup to this RAID. It can see the RAID over the network, mount it, copy files to it/read it, but CANNOT time machine backup to it. I select the network RAID as the backup device, hit "back up now," then get this message:
"The external volume cannot be mounted."
This is really bizzare, considering that it is mounted, and that I can copy to it. Just for your information, I have an airport extreme wireless network that has been working beautifully, no Keychain access issues, no 3rd party firewall, nothing. I've run through Applecare on this issue: the MacBook Pro has never done ANY time machine backup on the RAID, not even a partial one, so there's no dangling sparse bundle or backup folder or anything like that. All network permissions check out, etc. I've tried repairing the RAID with disk utility, as well as repairing permissions (although I have not done either of these things to the MacBookPro).
The latest thing I tried was plugging the RAID directly into the Macbook Pro. Here's where I got the first clue (at least I think so)...Plugged DIRECTLY into the MacBook Pro, the RAID will mount, but the MacBook Pro WILL NOT backup to the RAID. It gives me the same message: the selected volume cannot be mounted. Again, this is strange considering that, just like when I am viewing the RAID over the network, plugged directly into the MacBook Pro the RAID will mount, I can read it, copy files to it, etc.
I have considered plugging the RAID into the Airport extreme directly, but first of all this would mean much slower transfer speeds with the G5 tower, which is a big issue considering the files I am backing up every day, and two, since it seems that the RAID won't be recognized by the MacBook Pro even when plugged in directly, I'm thinking that this is a more fundamental issue.
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Sep 2, 2009
I use a lot of plug ins for music production in Logic. Like an idiot, i upgraded to snow leopard, after having this problem with the upgrade to leopard from tiger. Of course half of my plug ins dont work.So i Time Machine backed up everything on my HD. I put my old leopard install disc in and restored to my Time Machine volume. It took about 2 and a half hours.
At the end of that, it asks you to restart, and i do and as soon as the apple pops up on the off-white screen, kernel panic and i have to restart. this is never ending
Ive tried repairing and verifying disk permissions from the leopard disc of my HD and still nothing.My final guess would be to just do a clean install of Leopard and then restore from time machine again. This seems SUPER risky to me as there are TONS of important project session files that i CANT afford to lose.Everything is backed up on my Time Machine drive, im still just a little nervous about doing this.Anyone have any other ideas and does this sound like a secure plan?
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Mar 6, 2012
I'm moving from a MacBook Pro running 10.6.8 to a MBP running 10.7.5. I thought this would be pretty simple ... just attach my Snow Leopard Time Machine external drive to the Lion MBP and run Migration Assistant.Â
But when I go through the MA steps, MA does not see my TM drive. I've made sure I have the latest upgrades and have run Disk Utility's First Aid on the TM drive.Â
Ideas? I know I can try MA with other interfaces but using TM allows me to work on my old computer until my new one is ready.Â
The TM drive is a 500GB Iomega eGo drive.Â
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 4, 2012
OS X: Cannot install on a volume used by Time Machine for backups
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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