Mac Pro :: Time Machine Not Recognized?

May 3, 2012

A storm is brewing and I have no idea how to contain it. First, after April 26th, my Time Machine wasn't recognized... this was the date of my last backup, and I didn't notice it for a few days, and only confirmed it two days ago. I would plug it in, and the drive would get hot as though it were mid-backup, and stay that way. It doesn't appear in Disk Utility, it doesn't appear in the Finder, nowhere. I've taken EXCELLENT care of this Toshiba 640GB drive, and had it for two years. It was backing up just fine, and has been sitting on my desk for a few weeks.ÂMy first kernel panics began 4/30, and I've had three, with the last two both yesterday.


There's some stuff on my time machine drive I would really, REALLY like to get. I took it in to the Apple authorized service center here, and they had no idea.My drive does not work on other Mac computers, and does not even show up. Apparently just the fact it's plugged into one makes it boot down slower... the tech guy noticed this, anyway. When plugged into a Windows, the drive itself is recognized, but only some partitions... I'm not really clear on what the guy was implying, something along these lines though. He was pointing to various partitions which were different colors, using some Windows utility, but he couldn't make any significance or conclusions based on it.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: External Time Machine HDD Not Being Recognized?

Oct 13, 2009

So I'm currently running Mac OS 10.6.1 on my MacBook, however my External HDD which was originally working with Snow Leopard is no longer working. It is not recognized by the computer as even being there. I have never dropped it or anything, and I don't know why this is happening. since having a back up is important to me.

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Hardware :: Time Machine Backup (Stored On TC) Not Recognized?

May 2, 2009

I've been away from the Mac world for awhile (Got a Unibody Macbook 2.0 late last year but my girlfriend liked it so much I gave it to her. Been using a Windows Laptop ever since). I just got a Unibody Macbook 2.4 recently and wanted to restore it with my old Time Machine Backup (stored on my Time Capsule) that I made in December 08. Unfortunately, Migration Assistance on my new Unibody 2.4 can only see my GF's MB and Mac Mini backups.

I access the time capsule with Finder and see my time Capsule backup file, however. Is there some way to get it to "recognize" it? Or did it get "corrupted" somehow and I'm SOL? Not too big of a deal I suppose but definitely makes me a bit less trusting of Time Machine (I held it in high regards).

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OS X :: New Logic Board - Time Machine Drive Not Recognized

Feb 3, 2010

My '08 Mac Pro got it's logic board replaced last week because it wasn't seeing all the RAM I had installed, and now it's not recognizing my Time Machine drive as a Time Machine drive. The drive mounts fine (internal bay 4), all the stuff is still on it, I can still read/write to other folders on the drive. When I go into Time Machine it just shows that there're no back ups. When it tries to do a backup it just says "Backup failed". I ran disc utility and repaired permissions, still no dice.

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Intel Mac :: Password Not Recognized After Time Machine Restore?

Mar 20, 2012

Hard drive recently failed.  Replaced hard drive and used Time Machine  to recreate system.  Everything seems ok, but I cannot install software.  It prompts for a password, as it always has, but the system is rejecting my password as invalid.  This is the same password I have had for years (yes..i know). I cannot figure out how to reset it since it doesn't recognize the original password.

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OS X Mavericks :: Changed Time Machine Volume Name - Not Recognized As Same

Aug 20, 2014

I needed to change my backup volume's name. Now it's not recognized by TimeMachine any more. It seems I can only choose this volume again AND delete older backups, which I do NOT want. 

How can I just continue on this volume with its new name?

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Backup Isn't Being Recognized In Migration Assistant

Dec 7, 2014

I have an external hard drives with 3 partitions: 2 are TM backups of my two computers, and the other is just a file storage partition. 

I am trying to migrate files onto a brand new hard drive from a TM backup. I formatted the new HD and installed OS 10.9 on it, but when I open Migration Assistant, it only recognizes the other computer's TM backup and the file storage partition, not the Macbook TM backup partition. Additionally, this partition (when I view it on my other computer) shows up with the orange USB icon rather than the green TM icon. 

Does this mean my backup is corrupted? Is there a way to fix this without going back into my laptop and switching back to the old hard drive and wiping out the old backup and backing the whole thing up again?

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OS X Yosemite :: Time Machine And Backup Drive Not Recognized And Do Not Work After Update

Dec 8, 2014

After I upgraded to Yosemite, my MAC Time Machine backup drive is no longer recognized and the process freezes when I try to re-install the drive from the drive's software. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: First Time Machine Full Backup Over Ethernet Not Recognized Latter Over AirPort

Feb 5, 2012

I have a 3rd Party NAS (Iomega Home Media Network Cloud Edition 2TB) and MacBook with OSX 10.6.8. I did run a first TM full backup over Ethernet (around 240GB) because of the extremely slow transfer speed over WiFi via the AirPort. It went Ok (after several tries and reading here in the forum). Then, I disconnected my MacBook from the wired network, so futures frequently backs-up happen wirelessly, however, it seems that it did not recognize the first full back-up, asked for re-doing it again from scratch and erased my first full-backup-over-Ethernet.

I've seen that the MAC address is used as part of the sparse bundle file name; obviously, there will be a conflict here because Ethernet and AiPort do not have the same MAC address (of course !).I will run a brand new full first backup over Ethernet, but I'd like to know what do I have to do for getting it recognizable for futures backups over AirPort?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: External Drive Mounts But Not Recognized As Time-machine Backup

May 30, 2012

I have a MBP 13" 2009, and had a HDD fail yesterday. I have an external HDD for backups with timemachine (WD 1Tb), with daily backups.I bought a new internal hdd, plugged it in today, and when presented with the install options, I selected recover from backup. There, my drive appears (in yellow), but when pressing continue, I get a message: No system backups found.

I looked around on forums and people suggested that a normal installation should be done followed by migration assistant. When I try using migration assistant and select Time Machine backup, the next page just shows up empty with a rotating thing in the middle.

When I browse the Backups.backupdb folder, everything is there, including my last backup from Saturday. I see that I can recover my files, which obviously is the most important bit, but I would like to restore Applications, settings etc, as to not waste too much time. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Using Time Machine On External Hard Drive/Time Machine Error Code - 43

Aug 23, 2010

I was trying to set up my Time Machine to an external hard drive. I didn't continue because it asked to "initialize" the hard drive which I had a lot of important things on.

I have another external hard drive I'd like to use but, my Time Machine has this error code of -43. What is this and how can I use my Time Machine on another external hard drive?

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OS X Technologies :: Can't Open The Program Time Machine Located In The Folder /applications/time Machine

Mar 13, 2012

can't open the program time machine located in the folder /applications/time machine anymore, message says program ain't working for unknown reaason, but I still can open time machine in the menu bar. any clues what the trouble might be? and/or is there any way to reinstall time machine only on os x 10.7.3? 

btw., on the system backup hd which is a mirror of the imac system, the programm still works

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Enter The Time Machine When Press The Time Machine Icon

Mar 9, 2012

I cannot enter the time machine when I press the time machine icon. I press and nothing happens, so I'm not sure even if it is backing up at this point. When i go to my Tme Capsule it has the folder there for back-ups and the most recent, but no access from the icon.

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OS X :: Using Time Machine Restoring On New HDD - Time Machine To Recognize The Backup

Nov 19, 2008

I just replaced my HD on my 15"MBP. The install went well until restoring my data from Time Machine. The apps came over fine but none of my data did. Yes, I checked all the boxes on the "restore from backup" menu.

Of course now when I start up time machine the backup isn't there. How do I get Time Machine to recognize the backup? I have it on two places - a time capsule and a separate external HD.

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Hardware :: TM Not Recognized By Time Capsule

Aug 10, 2009

I just got a new 1tb Time Capsule which I set up in less than 10 Min (I had to let "Comcast" remotely reset our cable box) and the internet connection is perfect with 1 iMac, 2 MacBooks, 1 Tivo and 1 Xbox360 connected to our little network just as it was when we used the "Airport Extreme". Online is up and running and very, very speedy. But, I cannot get the 2 MacBooks to connect the the Time Capsule in order to perform a back up (the iMac is connected to an external HD through a firewire cable and does not need to connect to the Time Capsule). The Time Capsule doesn't even show up, when I open the Time Machine preferences. It doesn't even show up, when I connect the TC to the MacBooks with a ethernet cable. Is there something I did wrong during the initial set up? Like I said, all computers/devices can connect to the internet through the TC, but when it comes to back ups I'm not even getting any error message. The Time capsule is just not showing up as a back up device.

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Intel Mac :: Camera Not Recognized Every Time I Connect My Canon EOS 5D

Jun 26, 2012

Every time I connect my Canon EOS 5D, my iMac, does not recognize it. What can I do to fix this? I will upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Core i7, 8GB RAM, 1TB hard drive

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MacBook Pro :: SSD In 2010 - Enter Time Machine And / Or Finder The Machine Freezes

Jan 1, 2011

Have installed an 120GB SSD in my Macbook Pro 2010 but have had a couple of problems. Sometimes when you try to enter time machine and or Finder the machine freezes. Also the only way out of this is to hold the power button down and reboot. I have been informed by Apple that there are slight differences between the 2009 and 2010 models. Another odd thing is Skype will not load up automatically on startup, despite making sure this option is ticked. Most other things seem to work. Reinstall original hard drive and all OK.I have tried this with OCZ and Crucial SSDs and get same result. I have also installed the SSDs by cloning and by direct original OS X disk.

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IMac PPC :: Time Machine; Transferring An Intel Lion TM Onto A Leopard Machine?

Feb 27, 2012

I have my data saved on an external hard drive (OS 10.7) as I sold my previous Mac and am thinking about buying a power pc iMac using Leopard - does anyone know whether this will be able to open and transfer my data to the older Mac?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Deleting Time Machine Folder For One Machine?

May 27, 2012

Yesterday I used Migration Assistant to recover the contents of a failed MacBook Pro (Snow Leopard) from a Time Machine backup to a new MacBook Air (10.7.4). Using the same external disk for backups, I now have a folder for both the old and new machines in 


The instructions here 


explain how to reconnect time machine to the old machine's backups. Once I've done this and checked that I can access the old backups, can I simply delete the new machine folder to save space? 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Server Time Machine Vs Client Time Machine?

Jun 8, 2012

I have been running Time Machine on my iMac since I got it.  I installed server and now I notice that the server app has Time Machine as well but its turned off.  My oringinal Time Machine in system preferences seems to be running like it always has.  What is the difference between the two? 

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Hardware :: Can Time Machine Backup External Drive Attached To Time Capsule?

Mar 11, 2009

I have an external 500gb drive plugged into my brand new Time Capsule. The 500gb drive basically stores my entire library of music and my iTunes points to this external drive.

Is it possible to have time machine backup all information on the 500gb drive to the time capsule, so encase the external drive takes a dump, I don't loose my entire music library? Maybe time machine is already doing this, I am not sure.

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Hardware :: Time Machine/Time Capsule/Airport Extreme With Verizon FIOS?

Nov 10, 2009

I will be getting my new Macbook Pro in the near future and am very interested in using Time Machine to wireless back up my data to an external hard drive. I know I can use Time Capsule to do this, but also hear a mention of just getting an Airport Extreme and my own ext. hd. My question is that I have Verizon FIOS Internet and my modem also functions as a wireless router. How would the Time Capsule/Airport Extreme work with this? Is it possible? I do not believe that the Verizon router supports wireless N, and I would like to take advantage of the faster speeds. If I were to connect a Airport Extreme to the wireless router, would I then have 2 routers to choose from and just use the Airport Extreme to use the wireless N? I'm very confused as to how I could make this work.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Vs Base Station - External Drive For Time Machine

Jan 11, 2010

As my 160N series Linksys router neither has gigabit ports, usb connector or dual band networking, I am looking for a replacement.

When it comes to Apple routers I am looking at 2 options - either the base station with an external USB drive or get a 1TB capsule with the buildt in drive and worries regarding reliability.

What I like about the Time Capsule is that it is neat to have all in one, takes up less space and only has 1 plug to attach, while Iike the idea that I can just connect a bigger drive later on the base station solution.

1. Will the connected USB drive function just like the internal drive in the Time Capsule for Time Machine use?

2. Will everything be transparent to Snow Leopard?

3. In case of both units with an attached USB drive - can I control who actually can see the drive and access it?

4. Do they support this DNLA thing so that e.g . PS3 can access an attached drive??

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Safely Remove All Backups From Time Machine/Time Capsule?

Jun 17, 2012

I plan to 'clean up' my Time Machine/Time capsule completely, whereby I want to make it impossible for third parties to recover all or part of these old backups.After I have accompished this I want to start from scratch backing up my Mac.

iMac 27" i7, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Resume Time Machine Backups - Incorrect Date And Time Set In Mac

Sep 4, 2014

I just switched from hdd to ssd and i want to resume my Timechine backups, but it says that I have incorrect date and time set in my mac.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Applications :: Time Machine Taking Long Time To Backup - Changing Backup Time?

Dec 11, 2009

I have looked into this a lot already. It is to much that Time Machine backs up every single hour! It would be nice to set it to something like 3 or 5 hours. I have tried a 3rd party app to do this, but... If my computer was off or asleep when it was supposed to back up, it would get an error. It would not just do the backup when i turned it on or when it came out of sleep like stock Time Machine does. I have also seen a way to change the time incraments in the Terminal.(I am very good with it, not a noob) I have tried this and it screws up time machine completely. Maybe it does not work with the newest OS X. By the way... I have a 2010 MacBook Pro, got it 2 months ago.

Does anyone know a solid 3rd party app, that will work seamlessly. Or has anyone changed the time in Terminal and are currently using something different than 1 hour. There is a lot of examples online, but I would like the codeing that you literally used.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Capsule, Time Machine Is Asking To Make A Full Backup?

Mar 11, 2012

I have a MacBook Air and a Time Capsule - both from november 2011.Using Time Machine is givning me som problems.It works fine for some days, an is backing up as planned.But at least 5 times since I got the Time Capsule, Time Machine is asking to make a full Backup, and when I look in Time Machine, it says that there is no "old backup". It has been runing since november 2011.When I start a new backup, as it ask for, it takes at least 24 hours to finish - some times even longer.Is this normal? If not, what do I do?

Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Time Machine Taking A Longer Time Initially When First Installed?

Apr 29, 2012

I understand Time Machine taking a longer time initially when first installed, however my Time Machine seems to always be running, backing up ALL my files each time not just the newer ones. i.e. "it" (Time Machine) is always running.

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Time Machine Can't Complete Backup To Time Capsule

Jun 19, 2014

MacBook Pro mid-2012, 8GB RAM, 750GB hard drive, Mac OS X 10.8.5

One Time Capsule at home

One Time Capsule in vacation home 

MBP backs up everything on internal hard drive to Time Capsule at home, where we live during summer and spring. When moving to vacation home in fall and winter, MBP backs up everything to Time Capsule in vacation home. 

During the 6 months at each residence, the backups work great to the Time Capsule at that particular house. However, after some time (maybe a week?), Time Machine displays an error in Notification Center: "Time Machine can't complete backup to Home Time Capsule" (when in vacation home) or "Time Machine can't complete backup to Vacation Time Capsule" (when at home). 

It's obvious that this occurs because Time Machine was set to back up to 2 Time Capsules and expects both of them to be reachable. Is there a way to suppress these Time Machine errors for the time that we're away from one of the Time Capsules?

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Software :: Time Machine/Restore To A Different Machine?

Sep 17, 2008

I have a desktop G5 that I'm in the process of selling. I have been using Time Machine for my backups and am picking up a MacBook Pro to replace it as my requirements are now much more mobile.

My question is simply this; can I restore my system, backed up from my G5, to my new MacBook?

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