OS X :: MacBook Not Charging Or Powering On But Adapter Works?

Oct 22, 2009

I have the very first MacBook (1.83GHz, white). My brother tested it with his charger, which works fine for his MacBook, and he said it flashes a very dim green when plugged in, and the MacBook will not charge or turn on. Could it be a DC in-board issue? What could it be?

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Not Charging But Power Adapter Works?

May 29, 2012

My MBP13 (Late 2011) with Lion 10.7.4 suddenly stopped charging...battery level continued to come down when power adapetr is connected...I am able to check MagSafe is working fine in both of its ends..but the system is not charging and there is not LED on when I connect the adapter to  system...tried all the possible ways to fix it including SMC reset,,(but i am not sure if SMC reset worked in this case!!).

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac (Intel) :: Display Not Powering On But Works When In Bootcamp?

Dec 9, 2014

I have a late 2009 27-inch Imac, The display stopped working over a year ago, and i have been using an external display, 

I recently installed BootCamp with win7 and now the built in Display has started working, but only when i am running windows. 

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), OS X Yosemite (10.10)

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MacBook Pro :: Mid-2009 13" Says "not Charging" But Seems To Be Slowly Charging With Power Adapter

May 19, 2012

I have a mid-2009 13" Macbook Pro with 8GB RAM.  I have the odd situation of the power indicator on top right of screen showing that the power adapter is plugged in, but the percentage indicator stating that the laptop is "not charging."  I have been working on the computer for several hours and the laptop has only charged to about 27 percent according to the battery health application that is runningI have.  It says the battery has gone through 281 cycles and is 2.4 years old.  It suggests the battery should still charge to 92 percent of its potential.  The battery is warm as is the power adapter cube, so something is happening.  The little light on the end of the power cord is green but only two of the little green dots light up on the left edge of the computer.   

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Using Power Adapter But Not Charging?

Feb 25, 2012

My MacBook Pro is plugged in w/the power adapter, the green charging light is on, but my battery percentage is only showing 15% and is not increasing.  It was actually at 60% this afternoon...went to 22% and now is @ 15%. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Not Charging - Power Adapter Faulty

May 14, 2010

Just throwing out my situation and resolution for any who encounter it (When I MRoogle'd it originally, I saw others ran into the same issue)

Specs: 17" i5 Glossy (Mid 2010) - MBP
Issue: Battery Not Charging

Details: In short, with the power adapter plugged in, my MBP would still show as "Battery Not Charging". The light on the adapter would stay green and not change to orange. While it wouldn't recharge the battery, it did provide enough "juice" for the MBP to run off of.Some of the posts on this forum pointed to this being a faulty battery and to take it into the Apple store. In doing so, the helpful Genius diagnosed the problem as the Power Adapter being faulty, not the Battery.

They provided me with a brand new power adapter right out of the box. In and out of the store within 15 mins.

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MacBook Air :: Battery Not Charging - Defective Power Adapter?

Apr 13, 2012

Recently bought a mac air and while trying to charge it, the battery sign says not charging but the computer is running on ac. I tried another adapter and it works. Does that mean my adapter is defective?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Put A New Battery And It Sometimes Says Not Charging When It Is Connected To A Power Adapter

May 1, 2012

My battery just went down to 7 percent charge even though it had been connected to the power adapter for quite some time.  At least a few days.  I didn't notice that the battery wasn't charging.  Now it says it is charging again, but every once in a while I notice it has gone to not charging. 

macBook, Mac OS X (10.5.6)

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MacBook Air :: Works Fine When Plugged In But Stopped Charging

May 15, 2012

I bought a MacBook Air in November 2011 so I haven't even had it a full year. It does fine when it is plugged in but it has just stopped charging.

MacBook Air

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MacBook :: Adapter Plugged In And Light Turns Green But No Charging

Mar 27, 2010

It all started this evening where I plugged my adapter into my macbook to charge. Instead of the usual bright orange light, it was a very dim orange and was barely visible and flickers occasionally. When plugged in, it stated "Not Charging". After awhile, I decided to try again but this time it was a dim green. Still not charging. I tried airing it for a bit, and tried again. This time it didn't light up at all. Just a while ago, I realized it was able to charge again (Bright Orange). However, I noticed it never seemed to turn green so I tested it out by removing my battery.

Even after removing, the lights below the battery were on and moving as if it was still charging. (Hope you understand what I mean). After a while it stopped though. So I tried draining my battery. It went till about 3hrs (at 100% its 4hrs) and I tried charging it again. Immediately after connecting it, the display went to show "Fully charged" with the bright green light. I disconnected it and it stayed at 100% for a while before changing to 90%. Sometimes it works perfectly while other times it just decides to go bonkers. I will try using a diff adapter tomorrow to see if the problem is in the adapter. (Probably is)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Not Charging And Power Adapter Light Stay Green

Jun 28, 2012

The battery don't charge and the power adapter light stays green, I didn't noticed it before the battery was empty. I have had problems with the adapter before and just reconnected the power a couple of times and it starts to charge again and the light turns orange but if I touch the adapter now the computer shuts down.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Which Expresscard ESata Adapter Actually WORKS

Jul 7, 2009

I just did a search and found nothing but an extremely lengthy thread that makes no sense and doesn't even answer the question. I just want a simple answer here: I have a new 17" '09 uMBP. I want to use my eSata external hard drives. What expresscard adapter should I buy? I was transferring stuff over via USB and was horrified: 25 minutes to transfer 20 gigs of pictures! 20 gigs should take no more than 5, maybe 10 minutes tops over eSata (as it did on my old laptop). So which eSata-Expresscard actually works for the uMBP's?

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MacBook Pro :: Which Display Adapter Works Best For Sleep

Jul 16, 2010

just picked up my new 15" 2.66 MBP w/AGD.

Which Display adapter will work best?

The MiniDisplayport to VGA or

The MiniDisplayport to DVI.

My External Monitor has both inputs.

It's a 22" Widescreen Acer that I got for free.

It's had problems waking from sleep from my old PC, using a DVI cable, but works fine waking from sleep from my work PC notebook, using a VGA cable.. Not sure if this is the issue or not.

I just want the adapter for my MBP that will most likely have fewer issues.

What do you think?

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MacBook Air :: Battery Cannot Be Charged But Works On Power Adapter

Jun 17, 2014

It was working OK. I have put it aside for about 1 month during the holiday. Now, it can not be charged. It works on power adaper, the plug has bright green LED on, but always 0% battery. Looks like the power adapter is still working OK, battery issue?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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MacBook Pro :: Is There Adapter That Works That Would Allow To Connect An External Hard Drive Over ESATA

Apr 16, 2012

I have a Mid 2010 15" Macbook Pro, and I want to connect an external hard drive over eSATA. My model of MBP does not have an ExpressCard/34 slot, but instead an SD card reader slot. Is there an adapter that works that would allow me to connect an external hard drive over eSATA?

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: Battery Not Charging Or Working Without Adapter

Dec 23, 2007

This morning my ibook was on sleep (was working 100% last night chagring while I was using it) and this afternoon took it off sleep and used it around the house. Now when I went to put it on charge nothing was happening just going from calculating and then back to battery(not cool) so I thought I would try with out the battery and as I suspected the comp turned off so its not even running off the adapter.

I don't think it would b the adapter thats the problem because it was working a few hours before and is almost new. So is it the DC in board? I've tried resenting the Pram and the other power one. Also when my ibook was plugged into my 5.1 system it always made a buzzing sound from the speakers when it was on AC power but when unplugged was fine however now it makes no sound at all but if turned up really loud makes a clicking sound.

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MacBook :: "Battery Not Charging, Power Source: Power Adapter"

May 22, 2012

I recently discovered my computer had died while it was sleeping. I tried charging it but am recieving the "Battery not charging, power source: power adapter" status.My power cord light is green, always. and the computer dies instantly when I remove the magsafe.

I've tried the "remove the battery, press the power button, plug in the magsafe" troubleshooting process, but it doesn't work.I've noticed that even with the battery out, the charger reads a green light.I've tried several outlets with the same results.Here are my battery stats 

Battery Information: 
Model Information:
Serial Number:    DP-ASMB016-384e-7636
Manufacturer:    DP


MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Not Charging And Randomly Shutting Down When Removing Mag From Charging Port?

May 13, 2012

My Macbook pro is not charging. If I move the cord (specially at the Macbook charging port) it charges. But again if the cord is slightly disturbed then it doesn't charge. The problem got worse as my Mac randomly shuts down (especially when I remove the mag at the Macbook charging port). I dono what to do. Apple care (Genius) is far from my place.There is no visible physical damage on my mag charger. Could anyone suggest what I should do? I checked the battery status in system profiler and it says NORMAL. The details are as follows: 

Battery Information: 

Model Information:Serial Number:     9G022045SD3NBManufacturer:     DPDevice name:     bq20z451Pack Lot Code:     0000PCB Lot Code:     0000Firmware Version:     0201Hardware Revision:     0002Cell Revision:     0164Charge Information:Charge remaining (mAh):     1909Fully charged:     NoCharging:     NoFull charge capacity (mAh):     4790Health Information:Cycle count:     636Condition:     NormalBattery Installed:     YesAmperage (mA):     -762Voltage (mV):     11308 


MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Seagate 500gb - 7200rpm Works With EFI Firmware Update 1.7 Works Well?

Jun 27, 2009

I just installed a Seagate 500gb, 7200rpm hard drive in my 13" MBP that was updated to EFI Firmware Update 1.7. Clean install of OS X and iLife '09 & iWork '09 went fast. It's quite and fast compared to my old Samsung 500gb, 5400rpm hard drive. It was worth the $120 I spent on it!

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MacBook Pro :: If It Plugged To Electricity It Works Normally But If Unplug It, It Works Really Slow?

Apr 5, 2012

Like two months ago, my MBP started to work really slow when not plugged to electricity, but as soon as I plug it in, my MBP works perfectly. I already sent it to apple for they to fix it, but they solved other issued except for that one. Please, any idea what could it be.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Pro Randomly Powering Off / What To Fix It?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm hoping for some kind of insight on a phantom random shut off issue I'm having. I have a 2007 2.2ghz MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard and upgraded to 4GB ram. Within the last month, it has started to randomly power off. At first it only happened when I closed the lid and it went into sleep, but when I would arrive at school it would have shutdown on the trip. In the middle of this, I also replaced the battery. The day I put the new battery in, the thing freaked out. It powered off randomly while I was working. I was in the middle of the first battery calibration so I thought it might be a battery issue. When I tried to power back on, it would start to load the desktop and then power off again. I couldn't get it through a full boot cycle. I tried various configs of old battery, new battery, with power, without power cord and nothing seemed to work. Reset the SMC and PRAM as well to no avail. The longer I let it sit the longer I could work prior to power failure. So I assumed it was FUBAR and walked away.

Next morning called apple care and of course, things seemed fine. However, 1.5hours in, shuts off. Crap, Apple Care said go to Genius bar get it checked. Three days at Genius bar, full hardware and stress test and everything passed flying colors. I thought maybe it was a naughty little gnome who had decided to move on and torment some other guy. 3 days go by no problem, then today during sleep it powered off again. Then tonight, twice while working with powercord attached (one time losing about an hours worth of Excel work, which was a nice bonus).

Since everything checked out fine, I'm struggling with what to tell Apple if I take it back for repair. I need the laptop, but trying to work expecting impending doom when it randomly decides to shutdown sucks. I have apple care, but if they can't find any issues then it doesn't do me any good.
Any suggestions? Is it worth trying to do a clean install or look at some kind of software issue? Has anyone else dealt with this kind of issue?

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Use LED Cinema Without Powering

Mar 7, 2010

I just got a MacBook Pro and an LED cinema display 24'' and I find myself using it 90% with the cinema display in clamshell mode. I am worried because the power adapter of the cinema display is charging the battery 24/7 when it is charged and i am afraid it might damage it. I can't use the LED cinema display without powering the macbook pro.

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Software :: New MacBook Pro Not Powering Up

May 1, 2009

I just bought this new 15" MacBook Pro (early 2009). Yesterday I plug in the power adapter and open the lid. Nothing. I hold down the power button for a few seconds. Nothing. After going on line I found a link to reset the SMC. So I followed the instructions and that worked - yesterday. This morning same scenario sans I can not get it to power up.

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MacBook Pro :: Which Is Better Powering Up & Down / Leaving On All The Time

Oct 22, 2010

which is better & less stressful on the computer? powering it up & leaving it on all day? I work on it for 1-3 hrs at a time, & then take a break & do other stuff & come back, it is more convenient to have it on all ready. Or is it better to be powered down?

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Was White After Powering On?

Sep 22, 2009

I bought a MacBook Pro Unibody a month ago. I had the stock 250GB HDD inside of it. I replaced it with a 320GB WD HDD. The screen was white after powering on, and wouldn't get past that stage. I put it inside an external enclosure and strangely it booted up and allowed me to install Snow Leopard. I took it to the shop and they said the hard drive was faulty ?!? so I'm looking at it now and it's working cause i'm writing this post now.

The question I have is in regards to returning to the store tomorrow. Should I leave the inside of the Mac hard drive less and carry the hard drive with me in the enclosure tomorrow? Or should I leave the hard drive inside the computer and then have them open it up and diagnose the drive? I am looking for the quickest way possible. I wasn't sure how apple would look if I brought the computer in without the drive... I just want to show them how crap of a job they did and show them the drive works fine.

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MacBook Pro :: (2011) Stopped Powering On?

May 2, 2012

Yesterday morning it took longer than usual to shutdown. I didn't think much of it at the time. After shutting down I put it in my laptop bag, drove to a friends house. When I arrived there it would not turn on. The power cord wasn't displaying any sign of life either. I followed some instructions to reset the SMC via the (left) shift + ctrl + option keys along with the power button. It still wouldn't power on. I took it to the Apple store. The Genius said he'd be back in 5 minutes, he took it to the back room. After 20 minutes he came back and said he had no idea what was wrong with it. He asked if my data was backed up, which it was and then went on to inform me that it would need to be shipped to another facility to troubleshoot it. He warned me that water damage would void my warranty, which shouldn't be an issue considering I've never spilled anything on it. He inspected it in front of me and commented how it still looked brand new.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Not Powering Up At All - Totally Dead

Jun 4, 2012

I plugged in a mobile battery power station to charge today, [URL] and my Macbook pro 13 suddenly died. It will not turn on via the power button, there's no lights on the battery indicator on the side of the Macbook and nothing at all on the power adapter. I've checked the fuse in the plug and that's ok. Are there any internal fuses that could have blown in both the macbook and the power supply. I charged it before with no problems. Been through lots of these solution pages, but I'm totally stuck

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Blank Screen When Powering Up?

Dec 9, 2014

My macbok air has a blank screen when powering it up, why ?

MacBook Air, iOS 8.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: Mini DisplayPort To DVI Adapter With DVI To VGA Adapter?

Oct 15, 2008

Buying both the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter AND Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter is pretty expensive...

I was wondering if I purchase the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter, will I be able to use a simple DVI to VGA adapter to use it as a VGA adapter also???

I'm not sure if the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter only sends digital signal or digital & analog signal.

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Powering Apple LED Display

Jul 22, 2009

I currently have an imac and its slow.Its the first intl 2.16 ghz white one. I would like to use my new 13" macbook pro for my photoshoping and video editing needs since its pretty fast. I was wondering, if the graphics card is powerful enough to connect to the new LED apple display 24" i believe.

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