MacBook Pro :: Mid-2009 13" Says "not Charging" But Seems To Be Slowly Charging With Power Adapter
May 19, 2012
I have a mid-2009 13" Macbook Pro with 8GB RAM. I have the odd situation of the power indicator on top right of screen showing that the power adapter is plugged in, but the percentage indicator stating that the laptop is "not charging." I have been working on the computer for several hours and the laptop has only charged to about 27 percent according to the battery health application that is runningI have. It says the battery has gone through 281 cycles and is 2.4 years old. It suggests the battery should still charge to 92 percent of its potential. The battery is warm as is the power adapter cube, so something is happening. The little light on the end of the power cord is green but only two of the little green dots light up on the left edge of the computer.
My MacBook Pro is plugged in w/the power adapter, the green charging light is on, but my battery percentage is only showing 15% and is not increasing. It was actually at 60% this afternoon...went to 22% and now is @ 15%.
Details: In short, with the power adapter plugged in, my MBP would still show as "Battery Not Charging". The light on the adapter would stay green and not change to orange. While it wouldn't recharge the battery, it did provide enough "juice" for the MBP to run off of.Some of the posts on this forum pointed to this being a faulty battery and to take it into the Apple store. In doing so, the helpful Genius diagnosed the problem as the Power Adapter being faulty, not the Battery.
Resolution: They provided me with a brand new power adapter right out of the box. In and out of the store within 15 mins.
Recently bought a mac air and while trying to charge it, the battery sign says not charging but the computer is running on ac. I tried another adapter and it works. Does that mean my adapter is defective?
My battery just went down to 7 percent charge even though it had been connected to the power adapter for quite some time. At least a few days. I didn't notice that the battery wasn't charging. Now it says it is charging again, but every once in a while I notice it has gone to not charging.
My MBP13 (Late 2011) with Lion 10.7.4 suddenly stopped charging...battery level continued to come down when power adapetr is connected...I am able to check MagSafe is working fine in both of its ends..but the system is not charging and there is not LED on when I connect the adapter to system...tried all the possible ways to fix it including SMC reset,,(but i am not sure if SMC reset worked in this case!!).
The battery don't charge and the power adapter light stays green, I didn't noticed it before the battery was empty. I have had problems with the adapter before and just reconnected the power a couple of times and it starts to charge again and the light turns orange but if I touch the adapter now the computer shuts down.
I recently discovered my computer had died while it was sleeping. I tried charging it but am recieving the "Battery not charging, power source: power adapter" status.My power cord light is green, always. and the computer dies instantly when I remove the magsafe.
I've tried the "remove the battery, press the power button, plug in the magsafe" troubleshooting process, but it doesn't work.I've noticed that even with the battery out, the charger reads a green light.I've tried several outlets with the same results.Here are my battery stats
Battery Information: Model Information: Serial Number: DP-ASMB016-384e-7636 Manufacturer: DP
My Macbook pro is not charging. If I move the cord (specially at the Macbook charging port) it charges. But again if the cord is slightly disturbed then it doesn't charge. The problem got worse as my Mac randomly shuts down (especially when I remove the mag at the Macbook charging port). I dono what to do. Apple care (Genius) is far from my place.There is no visible physical damage on my mag charger. Could anyone suggest what I should do? I checked the battery status in system profiler and it says NORMAL. The details are as follows:
I have the very first MacBook (1.83GHz, white). My brother tested it with his charger, which works fine for his MacBook, and he said it flashes a very dim green when plugged in, and the MacBook will not charge or turn on. Could it be a DC in-board issue? What could it be?
I picked up a black MacBook on eBay recently and it seems it came with a new battery. The battery is not an Apple one and oddly the exposed surface of it is more rubbery than the rest of the MacBook. I didn't expect much and my initial impression was that it lasted a pretty good while, but seemed to discharge while sleeping a little faster than expected.
Anyway, the problem has become that while it's plugged in the menubar battery info flashes (Not Charging) every once and awhile as if it loses its connection. At first this was infrequent and didn't seem to matter. Now it happens every 7 or 8 seconds and leads to the battery charging fantastically slow. It's at 72% and iStat says it needs another 23 hours to be fully charged (it said 10 hours about 15 minutes ago).
Any idea what's going on or how to fix it?
Battery Information:
Model Information: Manufacturer:DP Device name:ASMB013 Pack Lot Code:0001 PCB Lot Code:0021 Firmware Version:0010 Hardware Revision:001f Cell Revision:7a3e Charge Information: Charge remaining (mAh):3741 Fully charged:No Charging:Yes Full charge capacity (mAh):5186 Health Information: Cycle count:21 Condition:Normal Battery Installed:Yes Amperage (mA):123 Voltage (mV):12261
It all started this evening where I plugged my adapter into my macbook to charge. Instead of the usual bright orange light, it was a very dim orange and was barely visible and flickers occasionally. When plugged in, it stated "Not Charging". After awhile, I decided to try again but this time it was a dim green. Still not charging. I tried airing it for a bit, and tried again. This time it didn't light up at all. Just a while ago, I realized it was able to charge again (Bright Orange). However, I noticed it never seemed to turn green so I tested it out by removing my battery.
Even after removing, the lights below the battery were on and moving as if it was still charging. (Hope you understand what I mean). After a while it stopped though. So I tried draining my battery. It went till about 3hrs (at 100% its 4hrs) and I tried charging it again. Immediately after connecting it, the display went to show "Fully charged" with the bright green light. I disconnected it and it stayed at 100% for a while before changing to 90%. Sometimes it works perfectly while other times it just decides to go bonkers. I will try using a diff adapter tomorrow to see if the problem is in the adapter. (Probably is)
This morning my ibook was on sleep (was working 100% last night chagring while I was using it) and this afternoon took it off sleep and used it around the house. Now when I went to put it on charge nothing was happening just going from calculating and then back to battery(not cool) so I thought I would try with out the battery and as I suspected the comp turned off so its not even running off the adapter.
I don't think it would b the adapter thats the problem because it was working a few hours before and is almost new. So is it the DC in board? I've tried resenting the Pram and the other power one. Also when my ibook was plugged into my 5.1 system it always made a buzzing sound from the speakers when it was on AC power but when unplugged was fine however now it makes no sound at all but if turned up really loud makes a clicking sound.
I've recently experienced a problem with my mac. It shutdown when the battery had lost all of it's juice and wouldnt charge or run off the AC power. The charger is not the problem, nor is it the battery, but I believe it has something to do with the internal power supply circuitry of the laptop. The tiny light on the tip of the charger that's usually green when fully charged or not charging and red when charging is not glowing anymore. I believe a power surge was the cause of the problem or some elctro-static discharge of some sort. Whatever the problem is, it needs to be fixed ASAP! Does anyone know what the problem might be?
I have a brand new MBP 17inch, the battery would not charge with the charger. It basically went close to empty and then I decided to shut down and restart to see if it will reset and start charging.. Now the MBP doesn't even turn on
My macbook is charging and it's at 33% and it says it has 7 hours remaining until it's complete. iStat tells me that my battery is still 100% with 70 cycles. My macbook is only 6 months old, and this battery issue started happening just a few days ago. Could it be the charger? sometimes I plug in the charger and the light doesn't come on sometimes. Also something odd that I noticed, when my charger isn't plugged in it still says its power source is from the power adapter. Could it be from using my parents macbook pro charger on my macbook?
I've got a MBP and will be charging two iPhones off of it most of the trip. How big of power inverter will I need? [URL:..] will this provide enough juice?
I got my computer yesterday, it's a iBook G4 OS X 10.5.8. The charger worked fine until around six o' clock. Then it wouldn't charge. We switched the power pack and it worked for an hour or so, and then the same thing. What can I do? I CANNOT take it to be fixed.
I have had an intermittent problem. Every so often (once a month), my iPhone will not connect to my computer, it does not charge, nor does it show up in iTunes. I checked out 3 different cables, and none work (cable problem eliminated), I tried 3 different iPods, none charged or showed up (iPhone and iPod problem eliminated). I tried both the front and the rear USB ports and nothing ever happens. As far as I recall, this problem just cures itself after a few days. Any idea what I need to have repaired to stop this maddening problem?
Information: Power Mac G5 Mac OS X (10.5) 2.3 GHz, 8GB RAM, 8GB iPhone, Dual Sony SDM-HS95 monitors, PowerBook G4
recently got hold of a Macbook Pro, Core Duo 2Ghz , all is working fine no issues except the battery does not Charge what so ever it was Supplied with a 60W Power Brick , but i have since found out thats not sufficiant for a Macbook Pro .. but also came Across A Problem in System Profiler ,
Specificly the Part that deals with Power,now the battery charges fine in another Macbook Pro, so i know its not that battery as the person told me ,Here's what it says in AC Charger Information
Connected:Yes ID:0x0000 Wattage (W):0 Revision:0x0000 Family:0x0000 Serial Number:0x00000000 Charging:No
I have a macbook according to the "about this mac" section it is a 5.1, its the one when they started making macbooks in metal (I remember this as it was a replacement to the plastic one I had which cracked horribly) My power cable broke and I purchased a 60w magsafe as I was recommended but it will only power the thing but says "not charging" where the battery icon is and if you remove the cable the laptop goes straight off. Do I need the higher w cable? The lady I spoke to on the phone at the local apple store said since it is a metal body it has to be a pro but I know when I bought it is wasn't a pro... thought I've heard rumour they rebranded the model not long after I got mine. so under all that waffle what I would really like to know is which power cable I need? and If it's the one I have do you think it means mine battery has died too?
recently got hold of a Macbook Pro, Core Duo 2Ghz , all is working fine no issues except the battery does not Charge what so ever .... now it was Supplied with a 60W Power Brick , but i have since found out thats not sufficiant for a Macbook Pro .
Got this new mbp a couple months ago, and these it's getting very hot when plugged in charging.Is this normal, or should i worry about it? BTW, i have it connected to an LED display 24' and the charger is actually the wire of the display. I dunno if this is the reason.
i've recently noticed my mac getting hot when being used and hotter when charging, the contact for the charger has not been as reliable as it once was and the gray molding aroung the copper contacts on the mac charger port is darkening on one end.
I connected my laptop to it's magsafe charger but it just says "Not Charging". The little light also isnt turning on to show any kind of signs that it is charging or not. My laptop does get brighter when on the chager, but thats about it. I tried plugging my laptop into my sister's Macbook Pro charger, and it works perfectly fine. Why isn't my Macbook air charging on its original charger?