OS X :: Mac With 10.6.2 - Folder Icon Gone (Blank Space)
Feb 18, 2010
I'm running OS X 10.6.2 Snow Leopard (I also BootCamp to Windows XP on occasion if it matters) on a 20" Intel-based iMac (the first aluminum series when there was still an aluminum border around the screen). I have had it since mid-late of last year, and it has been running fine aside from a few common issues. The issue I've run in to now is that the folder icons have vanished from everywhere; the desktop, the dock, the finder, etc. They are replaced by either just a blank space, or the question mark. Upon closer inspection, diving into the system files, I discovered a number of the system applications are also lacking icons. Here is a screenshot to illustrate my point: [URL]
I have done a fair bit of crawling around and discovered a few methods to correct this, but to no avail. I have...
1. Simply tried restarting the computer, multiple times.
2. I have tried Force Quitting the Finder.
3. I have tried going into the Terminal and typing 'killall Finder'.
4. Deleting the various .plist files that have been suggested for similar problems.
5. I tried repairing the permissions through the Disc Utility
6. There was another very long command that was recommended be put into the Terminal as well, but I can't recall the command at the moment.
Another concerning fact about this whole mess is that I jumped into Candybar, more out of curiosity than anything, and the place where the Folder icons should have appeared doesn't even get displayed anymore, as though they don't exist. I'm not using any different programs for Spotlight, or anything of the nature. The most I've done is I have CleanMyMac that I run pretty regularly, and the last thing I installed before the issues began was iStat for the Dashboard. I know that my end all solution would be to just back up the files that I need and reinstall SL, but if there is a way to fix this without it coming to that, I would prefer to go that route. In part because I don't have the restore disc with me, stupid move on my part and I recognize that.
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Sep 22, 2010
White MB about three years old. Was watching something on Hulu and HDD started making strange noises and screen froze. Forced reboot and only got white screen. Couldn't even get into single user mode. Got a new WD hard drive thinking it would fix the problem. Put in my backup of the Install Disk (lost the original like an idiot) but all it shows when I hold down the C key is a large blinking folder icon with a question mark on it. Still can't get into single user mode. I may have screwed up the backup of the Install Disk or am using the wrong DVD since I forgot to label it.
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Aug 7, 2009
How do you change the hard drive icon picture in the top right corner to look like the macbook pro computer? I've seen this on a couple people's desktops and was just wondering how you do it. Also, how do you change the folder icon to something that looks cooler.
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Mar 8, 2008
Here is a screenshot of the typical spotlight window on a 10.5.2 machine (Intel Mac Pro). Here is a screenshot of the same window after I click the '+' sign to add an additional search criteria value. In the second screenshot, that extra blank space at the bottom is where is supposed to say Name: or Kind: etc., but its just not there and I have no idea why? I have tried creating a new user account on my machine to see if the same issue occurred their as well, and sure enough, it does not.
I have tried all sorts of maintenance and repair tactics to resolve the issue (such as repairing permissions, running Disk Warrior, Cocktail, Onyx, Leopard Cache Cleaner, etc.) but nothing seems to resolve the issue? In case any does know of any third-party apps that might cause this issue, below are a few screenshots showing some of the apps, system preferences, and processes running on my machine:
Applications Folder:
System Preferences:
My Processes:
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Jun 3, 2010
I've been an Apple faithful for four years now, and I just got a brand new Mac Pro for a graduation present. I've been tinkering with icons, so I can get them just the way I want them, and some form of glitch occurred, and my dock, though having a light and open space to show that Finder is running, shows no icon. It's really confusing me, and I've tried opening up Candybar to see if I can restore it to normal there, and it doesn't even show up in the menu where it used to! I need some help...I've already tried the usual log out/in, unplug...I just need to get this resolved.
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Jan 9, 2006
I have a user who inserts a blank CD in internal drive and it won't show up on desktop, but does show up in disk utiility and can be ejected thru disk utiility. System is 10.3.9.
If we insert a CD with data on it, NAV scans and it shows up right away on desktop. Only happens with blank CDs. And yes, this is a DVD-RW and CD-RW drive.
I trashed Finder prefs and rebooted machine, same issue. Has anyone seen this and if so, got an answer?
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May 26, 2008
Every time I install a blank CD (R or RW) the icon fails to show up on the desktop. I can use Toast, but cannot burn in the conventional way, because the CD is not recognized by my Mac Mini. I have reset PRAM/NVRAM but this has made no difference.
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Apr 1, 2012
How can I restore original listings? Not in backup memory..using Lion.
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5, Lion installed on IMac.
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Dec 14, 2009
I just burned 3-4 dvds and when trying to burn the last one my Macbook wouldn't recognize it- when inserted the blank DVD no icon appears on desktop- and after a few minutes, it ejects.
I tried a few different dvds to be sure it wasn't one faulty one. Also restarted the computer and also reset the System preferences for CD/DVD.
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Jun 19, 2014
MacBook Pro (snow leopard) 2006 has begun to turn off attached Cinema Display over the last two days. Comes back on on restart. This morning, the MacBook screen also went blank white on restart. Tried to use Snow Leopard CD to restart but it was ejected and folder with ? is only thing that displays. Will not restart. Have replaced hard drive 6 months ago. I need this computer for work.
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May 9, 2009
When I turn on my Powerbook G4 (1.5 GHz) 15" a little Earth icon flashes about 15x. Then a small question mark flashes followed by the Mac smiley face icon. They alternate flashing about a dozen times or so. My computer then goes to the grey-on-grey Apple logo screen, then to the password login screen. I enter password and successfully get to my desktop, HOWEVER:
(1)the font on my menu bar seems to have changed. No big deal?
(2)The menu bar is incomplete as I'm missing my internet signal indicator
(3)My dock is completely gone. Cannot find it anywhere.
(4)I have desktop icons but cannot left click on any of them. When I do I just get a long blank white colored rectangle. When I roll cursor over it it turns blue. Still blank though!
(5)This is the same with the menu bar. When I click on anything (Finder, File, Edit, View, etc) the drop down menu is just blank empty space
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Feb 28, 2008
One quirk about the Finder is driving me bananas. I just recently bought a new Penryn Macbook Pro and its the first time I've had a triple digit hard drive (200 Gb). In the Finder view options in Leopard, I enabled the "Show item info" and the icon of the hard drive in the desktop displays the size of the hard drive and how much is free. Right now it says "185.99 GB, ...,27 GB free". (see jpeg)
The "..." is driving me up a wall. I can't stand that it won't display "127" and instead puts "...," in there. Is there any way to get the Finder to quit doing that?
I tried searching but I can't find anything here or elsewhere. Hoping you seasoned Mac users may know of something I can do about this.
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Oct 31, 2010
So I'm trying to find a way to hide the SpaceSuit icon in the doc while it's still running. The main reason is that I use the command+W to close my applications and sometimes SpaceSuit gets closed accidentally in the process. I added:
right above
and tried dockless, but I've came up short.
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Jun 21, 2007
So my computer has about 4gb of free space on the hd. I leave for a few minutes, come back and see in the finder that there is 0KB! It also won't let me do anything, not even quit itunes because it says it can't save the library file. It's weird because the computer was idle, I'm pretty sure the only open app was iTunes.
So I restart the computer but nothing has changed. So I transfer a bunch of files to an external HD then delete them. So I now have free space. I want to know where the space went though? I opened OmniDiskSweeper to see what's taking up space and I see this folder called "private" that I've never seen before. Where is this located and could this be the space that disappeared? I included a screenshot so you can see where the folder is.
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Jan 16, 2009
I had a program in Windows that graphically showed different slices of files on my computer and let me drill down on folders that were using the most data. It was very helpful in trying to clean up junk. Is there an equivalent program that does the same in OS X? Freeware if possible.
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Feb 22, 2009
I know this has been asked before and I asked it once too, but I don't understand all these technical terms and nothing I did worked. I've now got over 20GB in this "private" folder as I saw in Disc Inventory X. I cannot find this folder anywhere when I search and I cannot delete it.
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Feb 20, 2010
I realised a big chunk of my hard drive space missing and couldn't find where it had gone. I downloaded Disk Inventory and ran the program. It shows that i have a folder called 'Private' within this are three sub folders:
I have searched for all of these and can't find them on my hard drive anywhere. Can anyone tell me what these are, if I can delete them and if so how do I find them.
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Jan 12, 2011
In Windows, you can use the photos within a folder as the folder icon. This makes it easy for visual artists to quickly find a work. Is there any way to do this on the Mac through a preference selection. I have hundreds of folders containing paintings and this was a helpful feature of windows.
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Apr 28, 2009
You know how in your users folder you have a lot of folders (named Downloads, Documents, Music, Movies, etc), they have icons on them. How can I attach one of them to a regular folder? And also changed a folder icon totally? I know for folder changing CandyBar can do it, was just hoping there is something more practical in the OS for that
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Jan 25, 2010
I currently have a .PNG icon, and I would like to assign it to a folder, so the folder icon would be this one (It's a snow flake, which at first glance, makes me think of Winter Quarter for school, aka, the folder name.)
I know how to assign the icon to the folder, without any problems. (Right Click-->Get Info-->And drag the icon to the Top Left). However, when the icon (which is transparent, I'm 120% sure) is displayed, the background is white. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, except the icon also appears on my Finder sidebar, since it's a folder I use a lot.
Using Icon Composer (/Developer/Applications/Utilities), I tried making it an icns, just to see what would happen. But, like most icons I've tried, this appears when I drag it. And I assure you, this is not the icon I'm trying to make the folder appear as:
So, my question is, how do I transform this transparent PNG icon to be transparent when it's assigned as an icon for a folder. Incase it matters, the icon is 256x256, with a 72 pixels/inch Resolution. I've tried playing with the sizes a lot, and I believe I read somewhere that the resolution actually matters for OSX to take the icon.
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Dec 10, 2014
Working with OSX Mavericks 10.9.1. Can't update b/c I'm not an admin.
We know how to make a new folder, and then change its icon by going into the Get Info panel, and dragging an object on the desktop into that upper section.
When we do this with a jpeg, what happens is that the icon of the new folder becomes the default icon for a jpeg. Is there any way to change the folder icon into the thumbnail of that specific jpeg?
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Sep 13, 2010
I deleted a folder that nearly summed up to be 50 GB worth of files. I simply dragged the folder over the trash can. Now, the trash can shows empty (I never emptied it and it never even showed full) and the folder isn't where it used to be. I searched for the folder in Spotlight and it apparently doesn't exist. But my hard drive's memory sure thinks so. I didn't get the 50 GB back. What happened?
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Aug 25, 2014
IMAC 13.3..Can not use mail, because I do not have space on my home folder.
MacBook Pro
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Apr 2, 2010
I am using a Mac PowerBook running Leopard 10.5.8. Somewhere along the way my Home Folder (Little House) changed to just a folder on the dock. It has all the correct stuff in it but how can I change the icon back to the house? I am not permitted to drag the Home Folder (House) icon on to the dock. No big deal but wonder how it happened and how to correct this. I do notice sometimes for a split second the House Icon will appear but immediately switch back to a folder.
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Mar 14, 2008
Is there a way to get Mac OS X to show as the icon for folders containing pictures thumbnails of some of the pics from inside? There is a similar feature in Windows and it is very easy to see which folders contain which pictures if you have alot of different folders:
Note that the icons below are folders containing pictures
Or if this is impossible, is there a plug-in that will make it do this?
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Jan 13, 2009
to be specific I want to change the iWork '09 folder icon, I downloaded a new folder online, I have it in INCS and PNG form and its 512x512, I already searched on google for how to do this and tried copying the file and pasting it on the little icon in the "get info" boxit will copy the file over but it won't be in 512x512 size, in cover flow mode of the finder if i make it anything more than like 48x48 it disappears
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Jun 18, 2009
I downloaded a folder icon so I can use it on my dock. I used one that looks different from the usual blue folder. When I shut down the computer or restart it goes back to the bland blue folder. My questions is how can I keep the folder that I downloaded?
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Aug 29, 2009
I've changed my stack folder from its default icon so I can recognize what's in it i.e. Microsoft Office 2008. But in order to do this, I've needed to create a folder and have it appear first i.e. 0_Icon_Microsoft_Office_2008 How do I hide this folder? Quite annoying to see this folder as it's sole purpose is for changing the icon pic. And if I hide it, will the system recognize this folder for custom icon purposes?
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Oct 25, 2009
Some how I changed this in my Home Folder. How can I change it back. I looked in the Library Folder for icons but couldn't find anything.
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Mar 4, 2010
I am running the most recent build of Leopard (not snow). Today, Safari has lost it's icon in the App folder, with just a icon of a white page in it's place, correctly labeled. Clicking on it launches Safari OK, and strangely the usual Safari icon appears in the dock while the App is open.
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