Is there a way to get Mac OS X to show as the icon for folders containing pictures thumbnails of some of the pics from inside? There is a similar feature in Windows and it is very easy to see which folders contain which pictures if you have alot of different folders:
Note that the icons below are folders containing pictures
Or if this is impossible, is there a plug-in that will make it do this?
Whats up. I have a picture which someone has edited to make funny. The edited picture shows up in Preview the application with a text box saying something. But in Finder's preview I see the raw picture. Whats going on there and how do i see the full picture the way Finder's Preview sees it.
I have a stack with all my movies in it unfortunately the icons are of the 1st od frame, which for most is black, in the folder i can turn off icon preview which reverts them back to their custom icons (the movie poster).
Does anyone know a way to turn off icon preview in stacks or just a stack preferably?
I've installed snow leopard on my mbp, I've had SEVERAL issues, one being that I can't preview images anymore when I'm uploading them in facebook or blogger, what have you. When you hit the browse button on a website to find the photo, you get the typical file browser, but instead of thumbnails, I get the mac .jpg icon with the .jpg names, no preview.
I have create an iMovie project with iMovie 08. On the project window I could see my pictures as I have imported, in the perfect order and with the correct orientation. I just installed iLife09 and I opened the project on iMovie09. The project window shows pictures in a random order, the orientation of some pictures are wrong (upside down, portrait etc). But to my surprise if I play the video or move the mouse over the pictures it shows the correct picture on the preview window.
Ok I have been trying to find the reason why this is happening. I am having an issue with the icons disappearing, the file is still there and you can click on it if you click on the words, but the icon is not there just the icon is gone. The icon that is not showing up is the folder icon primarily. I have searched several different sites and can not find an answer to my problem. I have included a link to view what my desktop looks like with the files pictured so you get an idea. URL
I have tried to do the equivalent of a (rebuild desktop) desktop reset which was a program I downloaded from apple: URL
It did not help either and after installing that and doing the reset. Now when I go to open a picture, it opens in color sync instead of preview. The only way I can open a picture in preview is to open preview and then open a picture through it. It is like color sync is the default for some reason. Does someone know how to fix this? But my main concern is tis icon issue I am having. I don't know what to do as it is making it very hard to work. This even carries over to my external drives when hooked up. I need help as I do not know why it is doing this. : (
As far as other information, I just installed Tiger a few months ago if that helps any and this is on a mac mini. Other than that everything has been the same. I have relaunched the finder through opt+cmd+esc but it is not available to relaunch through right clicking the icon on the dock. Also it no longer allows me to drag a picture file over a program like Photoshop in the dock to open it in Photoshop. What is going on here? This getting crazy!!
How do you change the hard drive icon picture in the top right corner to look like the macbook pro computer? I've seen this on a couple people's desktops and was just wondering how you do it. Also, how do you change the folder icon to something that looks cooler.
i just tried to put and 24 picture on my 24 series folder, but i only get the original JPEG image, do i have to convert the picture to something else? or should everything work?
only recently i lost the possibility to play my mp3s neatly by clicking little play icon inside the file icon. i know this depends on the size of icons, but no matter how big my icons are the play button doesn't show.
Is there any way to disable the universal icon preview in the Leopard Finder?
For example, I want my .doc, .rtf, and .docx files to appear in Finder as they do in Mail - as icons and not a tiny, unreadable preview of the file; that's what QuickLook is for if you ask me.
Is there any way we can change the global setting (if there is one, which apparently there is) for the preview icon for .EXE files? I have many .EXE files I have to copy to/from windows PC's, and each one has this ugly corrupted looking snow look in finder. It's not a problem, so much as an annoyance. I can change the icon on a per file basis with a new icon, but not in general for all .EXE files that it finds.
I just restarted my mac (Powermac G5 OSX 10.4.11) after I opened iTunes and found no songs in my music box and the song I tried to open wouldn't play. when the computer started up all my desktop picture were gone and all the folders on the desktop were also gone. All the system settings were reset. The content in my storage is all there except a folder which I had open when I restarted - my music folder is basically all gone (including all the music I was working on) except for the one folder I had open in the music file. I would hate to think all the folders are just gone.
To stop the lagging of broswing server folders using OSX column view, I'd like to disable the 'icon preview' in OSX as the caching if the icon previews is what is grinding out fileserver browsing on our AFP server down. In Leopard 10.5 this option/checkbox is visible under the Finders View Options but on our Tiger Macs, the icon preview checkbox is missing?
Under View Options there are only the other two checkboxes visible which are the preview column and show icons. In Tiger you can turn off Icon Preview for desktop items as the icon preview option is available when you ctrl+click on the desktop but I cant seem to do it for anywhere else, in particular for when I browse server folders.
What I want to do is hide the annoying icon preview for files like .txt, .xml, .php, .html etc. Instead I want the file to show the icon associated with the default app, while having icon preview still on for other files(like images). Is this possible?
I tried to make my own icon using this tutorial, but when I export these settings (EDIT: Don't mind the nice Kindergarten Cop picture of California's Governor): [URL:...] I get this when I see the files info: [URL:...] but it just shows the "Preview" icon in the upper right corner, which means I can't really use it for any apps or anything. Can anyone help me out with this? I double checked every step of the tutorial, even tried it with just one single picture (even just a PSD file instead of TIFF).
I have a bunch of almost similar .mkv files. On some of them, I see the MPlayer OSX logo which I use for playback. But on most of them a preview from the video is shown as the icon... Why is that?
I'm relatively new to using a Mac seriously, having just acquired a lovely new MBP with Snow Leopard installed. I may be missing something obvious, but is there a way to limit the icon preview feature to just showing previews for files less than a certain size? My background is with Linux, and KDE provides a configurable file size cut off above which icon previews are not shown.
I ask because I've got a folder full of large (ie 16GB) ASCII files full of output from some scientific algorithms. Whenever I browse to that folder, the Quick Look Helper eats up all 8GB of my system memory before the OS kills it off and it moves on to the next file. This is *really* irritating.
So, is there a way to limit icon preview's behaviour to small (ie normal) files, or do I just have to turn it off completely?
After upgrading to 10.5.6, the vast majority of my recently created, saved, or altered image files (JPEGs and PNGs, mostly) no longer feature a thumbnail preview image while in icon preview view mode. Rather, they merely display generic icons indicating what kind of file they are.
This is unbelievably frustrating. Is anyone else experiencing this?
EDIT: It effects old (read: not recently created, saved, or altered) image files as well. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to which image files are affected; one folder will display thumbnails, the next will be full of generic icons.
PS, this is not an iPhoto issue. All my iPhoto images have thumbnails, as per usual. This issue concerns image files in folders and on the desktop.
Recently I noticed icons of mp3 files are no longer as used to be in finder. Previously I had a dark music note icon and when i hover my mouse there was a play button. Now I only see itunes icon in mp3 files. "Show Icon Preview" option is enabled, and i can preview image and pdf files in finder. But something happened to the mp3 files. get back the good old icon preview for mp3 files.
My .mov files no longer have icon images and will no longer play in the preview app.They all worked fine in snow leopard. Most of the files were shot on a canon 5d and then formatted to prores422 with mpeg streamclip. very basic stuff. This is seriously slowing down my work process as I use the preview app contantly when sorting new footage. All of the clips play fine in QT but not in preview.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2x3 GHz DC Intel Xeon | 8 GB ram
own a mac 19" desktop computer, it turns on but only flashes a picture of a folder with a question mark in it. is it done? any input would be appreciated.
I'm working away today on my iMac OS X 10.6.4 mainly just screwing off visiting social networking sites on the web. Later, I minimize my windows, and notice the icons on my desktop are a little strange. Upon further research, all the folder icons are gone (or they are transparent). You can see the folder name, but no icon associated with the folder. Also, all my pdf, jpg, png, etc are now associated with Adobe (either Acrobat or Photoshop CS). They used to be associated with the Application "Preview". I've rebooted and tried a lot of other things to restore icons, and nothing has worked. Here is what I have found. I dont think it's an icon problem, I think it's a "Preview" problem. If I click on the "Preview" icon nothing happens. If I right click on a jpg (for instance), and select "Open With" - Preview is not there. If I Choose "Open With Other..." within the Application folder, "Preview" is grayed out. If I select "Enable All Applications" then "Preview" is no longer grayed out. But when I select it, and select "Open", nothing happens.
Everything "appears" to be working normally. Just I no longer have any folder icons on the desktop or within finder. And I am no longer able to open anything within "Preview" All my files are now associated with another application (which works fine) but not with preview. I finally found a way to copy a folder icon to the "invisible folder". If, for example, I right click on my "DropBox" folder (which I can see) and select Get Info, I can copy that icon to a "Normal/Default" folder such as Documents. So I did that to about a dozen folder and it worked. But there is no way I'm going to do that to 1000 folders! Today, Aug 27, I get a security update and a few other things from Apple and I install them. Then I'm asked to reboot. After I install the updates, and reboot my iMac, even the folder I cut n pasted are now gone. And so are the jpg gif and pdf icons are now gone too. Prior to the update, the pdf, jpg and gif files had a Photoshop CS icon (instead of the previous "Preview" icon and preview that I'm trying to restore.). Now even the Photoshop and Adobe icons are gone.....