MacBook Pro :: How To Change Hard Drive Icon And Folder Icon?
Aug 7, 2009
How do you change the hard drive icon picture in the top right corner to look like the macbook pro computer? I've seen this on a couple people's desktops and was just wondering how you do it. Also, how do you change the folder icon to something that looks cooler.
I changed the icon of my 2TB Toshiba hard drive when I still had Mavericks on my Macbook Pro 13-inch (Mid-2012). I tried changing the icon on the same hard drive on Yosemite and change it to my new icon (and it changed to the new one), however, as soon as I ejected my hard drive and accessed it again, it was still using the same previous icon, and not the new one.Â
I've tried different methods such as deleting the icon then ejecting the hard drive and when I re-accessed it, it would have the default folder icon for when it doesn't have a custom icon. I would then change the default folder icon to the new icon that I wanted to use (and it would change to the new icon), ejected the hard drive and then accessed it again, however when I did, it would still use the previous icon that I originally used! I've also I tried restarting the laptop while the hard drive was connected and it still wouldn't change. Restarting the laptop while the hard drive was ejected also did not work.Â
I'm not sure if it's something related to the OS change or some permissions on the hard drive itself.
I'm having some trouble changing my hard disk's icon... I can't select it in Get Info to paste in a new icon. It happened randomly after I pasted in one icon, subsequently I couldn't select the icon again...
I have tried repairing permissions and my disk (just via Apple's Disk Utility) and that did absolutely nothing.
I haven't tried changing it over Target Disk Mode and for all I know that might work... but I would kind of like to be able to change my icon without turning off my computer.
I remember in OS 9 you had to make sure File Sharing on the disk was off before you were allowed to modify the icon. I'm aware that that's not how it works in OS X but I tried it for good measure anyway to no avail.
I'm running 10.4.6 on a MacBook Pro 2 GHz. The drive whose icon I'm trying to change is my Startup Disk. I have ~10GB/100GB free on it.
I recently installed the whole Boot Camp deal and (obviously) had to repartition my disk. Afterwards my Mac HD was unaccessible until I ran Disk Utility off my install CD to repair it. Although this icon problem cropped up about a week after the install, I suppose it's possible that it could be related. Interestingly enough, I'm having no problems changing my Windows partition's icon.
I've seen a number of desktops posted in the picture section that have different icons for the hard drive. I have a MacBook Pro, and would like to replace the stock HDD icon with an icon of a MacBook Pro. Where do I find such an icon, and how do I replace it?
You know how in your users folder you have a lot of folders (named Downloads, Documents, Music, Movies, etc), they have icons on them. How can I attach one of them to a regular folder? And also changed a folder icon totally? I know for folder changing CandyBar can do it, was just hoping there is something more practical in the OS for that
to be specific I want to change the iWork '09 folder icon, I downloaded a new folder online, I have it in INCS and PNG form and its 512x512, I already searched on google for how to do this and tried copying the file and pasting it on the little icon in the "get info" boxit will copy the file over but it won't be in 512x512 size, in cover flow mode of the finder if i make it anything more than like 48x48 it disappears
I know there are tons tutorials out there to change a file/folder's icon, mainly the "get info" method or third party software. But the moment I moved the file with custom icon to a removable media, say an external hard disk, the icon does not follow. And I can't change an icon to the files on the ext HDD as well through the "get info" method. I used to be from windows background, so I'll just set a thumbnail cover to the folder and it stays when burned to disc. (of course, the disc when opened on mac doesn't have the thumbnail cover. I didn't know before, since I didn't have a mac to check on)
Problem here is I'm hoping the custom icon can stick permanently and be seen on any removable media (CD/DVD/HDD) and viewable on a PC. I'm hoping there's a way to do so, so that I can put a representing image cover to the folders I burned for my projects. this way my lecturers can easily get an overview of the content inside each folder. And I'm not sure if these lecturers uses a mac on it'll be great if that icon is readable on both. I found out that on a fat32 external hdd, I can change the icon to the files in there, but not to a NTFS formatted hdd. Any way to work around for NTFS?
I can easily change the icon of my HD, or any other application using CandyBar or LiteIcon but these prgrams do not allow me to change standard folders and that's mainly what I want to change.
CandyBar & LiteIcon even allow me to change the "applications" folder, "Documents" and "Downloads", etc... but I havent had any luck with the cliche standard blue folders.
How does one alter the size of the icons in the application folder on the dock? The icons are enormous, yet there are none of the usual size changing gadgets.
Tried a search but not be lucky so hoping someone out there has solved this one before.....
Been trying to change some of the default icons Apple provide with third party .icns files by opening the folder info window in finder by using the 'get info' command, then clicking the icon in the top left hand corner (so it is has the tiny blue halo) and then edit-paste in the new icon. Sometimes it works (have changed some successfully) but now when I try, instead of the pasted icon displaying the icon image, I get the generic or default icon image for an icns icon displayed, see the screen grab attachment for what I mean
Can anyone advise me as to whats not working correctly?
I am the only user on this account so I am using my admin account. How do I change the name of the folder with the house icon in my harddrive? I tried something that involves enabling a root user but that is only to change other account names. I need to change the name of the folder with the house icon.
i noticed there was no hard drive icon on the desktop. so i opened up the finder, and made the mistake by dragging the hard drive icon that is on the left side of the finder out of the finder and tried to put it on the desktop.
I'm afraid I'm having a Windows user moment. Sometimes I still fail to do things the easy, intuitive way, even after roughly 4 years in OS X. I have 5 hard drives in my Mac Pro, one of them is my boot Intel SSD. I want that icon to be distinct from the others (another is a Time Machine drive). I've downloaded two files that would work for me, one was a png and the other a .ico file, but when I copy the icon from the top left corner of the 'get info' pane on the desired file, and then paste it int he correlating top left corner of the SSD 'get info' pane, it pastes the generic PNG or ICO icon, not the actual icon image I desire.
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, its my first post here..
I used to use my HP external drive for time machine, but since i got a new bigger WD one to use with time machine i have wiped the HP using disk utility but it is still showing up on the desktop with a time machine icon. i think i can still use it like a normal hard drive but it is causing a bit of confusion and its really irritating!! is there any way that i can change it back? i've tried wiping it a few more times but it still won't work..
Last night I left my charger at a friend's house, so it ended up dying completely. When I turned it on again, it alerted me that my date was set to something prior to 2008, (Actually December 2000) and that this could cause problems. Also, it no longer remembered my wifi password (which I have had saved for a little over a year now, with no problems.)I also noticed that my hard drive icon was missing!
I restarted the computer, hoping that would fix my problem. When it didn't, I checked for an update and got everything updated. The date is now correct, but my hard drive icon is still missing. I did at some point back up my computer onto a portable hard drive via time machine, but it has been a few months, and I don't know if I would lose any data that I have used or obtained until this point?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
MacBook Pro; 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3; OS X 10.6.8.
The Issue is a duplicate icon of the hard drive appeared on the desktop this AM upon startup.
I don't know what caused it. It just appeared.
It seems to contain everything the start up icon contains when I open it.
I moved it to the trash, but did not erase the trash. I chickened out, so to speak. I removed back to the desktop.
I have the desktop view set to arrange by date modified. It appears approximately half way down the list of icons showing on the desktop. It seems to me that, if it is a duplicate, and by all appearances it is, then it should appear immediately after the real hard drive icon.
In some of my folders, the inside folders appear to be blank and have no text. When I click on the folder icon, the name of the folder is there, but there appears to be a hard return at the end of the text. When I delete the hard return, the text becomes visible.Â
Rather than go to each folder and do this - why this is happening, and how to correct all the folders wherever they may be on any disk.Â
I've been trying to do a simple task - but the mac won't have it.I want to change the icons on my flash drives, using Cmd-I, then copy and paste the icon (purchased from mac), but all that comes up on the drive is a 'png' file pic.
I have a bunch of flash drives I need to format for work, and we want to put our company logo as the icon for each drive. We wanted to format them as MS-Dos Fat so that they'll be readable and writeable on both Mac and Windows computers. But when I format them that way and change the icon, it displays as a generic preview JPEG image instead of the real image or even the default hard drive icon.  I managed to fix it so the icon will display properly in Snow Leopard, but in Lion the drive still mounts with the generic Preview thumbnail.Â
Is there any way I can easily format a flash drive so that a) it will be readable and writeable on Windows and OSX machines and b) have the icon for the drive appear correctly on Lion, Snow Leopard, and windows machines?Â
hen I plug-in my eSATA drive, the following drive icon(s) shows up on my desktop (due to partitions). What is the technical symbol/name for the two drives on the right-hand side?
ask just to educate myself, and I also am curious to know why CandyBar (by Panic) does not have an option to change this...
we just purchased a WD Elements 250Gb external hard drive for our eMac PowerPC G4 running 10.4.11. We bought the hard drive as our computer keeps popping up with a message saying "Start up disc out of memory" or something to that effect.When we plug the external hard drive in, the blue light appears on it but the icon does not pop up on the desktop to be able to drag stuff onto it. We have tried unplugging and replugging and we have tried rebooting the computer with the hard drive still attached.
Like the title says, anyone know how to increase the size of the icon of the hard drive. I have a huge 24 inch monitor and would like my hard drive icon to be nice and big.
Had a kernel panic - did the restart - freezes on load in and or kernel panics again. - boot from dvd - said in disc utility " 1 HFS volume could not be repaired " error num: 52 - ran hardware test and found bad RAM stick. (does this test the hard drive as well?)- put 2 brand new RAM sticks in, passes every test.. says no hardware issues. - still hangs on load in screen (little white wind mill).- ran the utility test again, says the same error num:52 - gave in to do the archive and install and when its says SELECT DRIVE to install to, there isnt any to pick. is my hard drive fried. running : first gen.(white) iMac dual core intel 1.8ghz hard drive model : intel ICH7-M AHC1 wdc wd 1600js 40tgb0