OS X :: Mac 10.6.2 - Unable To Connect To To Networks And VPN

Mar 10, 2010

I am currently attempting to assist a lady who is experiencing many issues connecting to wireless networks and using VPN software to connect to our resources. I will provide as much detail as I can, however this has been an ongoing job involving myself and quite a few other support officers. I am, historically, a PC user. I can provide some basic Mac support, but only what I have been trained in. I am now seeking assistance, as I have reached the limit of my knowledge. An issue was raised with myself when this lady first called and reported that she was having trouble connecting her VPN client (from Cisco) while connected to a remote wireless connection.

I went through some basic troubleshooting (what errors are you getting, etc.) and eventually discovered that the client was using a static IP (Self assigned in Mac-speak). I was perplexed that the lady would be using this and asked some more probing questions. Turns out, the hotel that she is staying in does not have any wireless connections available and she is using next doors' (shady, I know). One of her friends informed her that the best way to connect would be to use this static IP ( This means that multiple computers would be connecting to the same network with the same IP address. I informed her that static IPs are meant to be unique to all computers on the network and that having overlapping ones may cause conflicts. When she changed this back to DHCP, she then lost all network activity. the Airport device was turned on, but not connected to anything......................

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OS X :: Unable To Connect Wireless Networks W/Bootcamp?

Aug 14, 2010

I installed XP, via BC, on my older 20" iMac, and I keep getting an error message when trying to connect to my wireless network. My network shows that it is available, with full signal strength, but as soon as I try to connect to it, I get an error message saying that it may be out of range, and I should refresh and try to connect again.

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Hardware :: Connect To 2 Different Networks At Same Time?

Nov 8, 2010

I have a 2008 imac which has built in wireless. Is there some way to use the wireless to connect to internet while using the ethernet jack to connect to a different LAN so it can connect to a fileserver? Or if that isn't possible, can I join my LAN network to the one which provides internet access without having to change all my LAN addresses? My goal is to maintain a private gigabit LAN while getting internet from somebody else in my office.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Does Not Allow Me To Connect To 802.11n Networks?

Sep 4, 2009

I have an Airport Extreme card with the Atheros AR5416 chipset in my Mac mini (late 2007 rev.) and it worked perfectly in Leopard.

I could connect to my roommate's Airport Extreme just fine on its 802.11n network. But with multiple tries installing Snow Leopard it just has not worked to connect to that same network.

Despite the antenna only being connected to the connector for 5GHz networks, I can connect only to 802.11g (2.4GHz) networks but not 802.11n (5GHz) networks.

If the network card was defective I would expect Leopard to have similar issues but it was rock solid. Right now I am using an Airport Express as a bridge through ethernet to get internet connectivity.

This is something I fully expect to deal with in Linux or even Windows with old drivers, but certainly not on Apple's own OS on their own hardware.

Has anyone else had similar issues with Snow Leopard? Whether you do or not, what chipset does your Airport Extreme card use? You can get this info from Apple menu -> About this Mac -> More Info -> Airport -> Firmware version.

From what I understand, Apple is still using both Broadcom and Atheros chipsets in their Airport cards, so I'm curious to see if it's an issue with Atheros chipset drivers in particular.

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OS X :: Airport And Networks - Connect To Wifi

Aug 7, 2010

I have an apple airport (age unknown), but it is one that looks like a mushroom cap. I have a network set up in WPA2 format. A nintendo DS user wishes to connect to wifi, but requires a WEP set up. Can I run both kinds of network or must a switch back and forth (since I like WPA2 more)?

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OS X :: Connect To 2 Wireless Networks For Faster Speed?

Jul 1, 2009

wondering if its possible to connect to two wireless networks to combine their connections and get a greater speed. in the 2 offices at work we have 2 separate wireless connections. one for the sales team, one for the support team. now my mac picks up both of them fine and i can connect. but im wondering can i connect to both networks and get a faster speed? i have a standard macbook (white one). would i need to buy a secondary wireless device like a usb wireless device and install that and connect to each network with each wireless device?

if yes how would i go about joining them together for combined speed. if not then can someone fill me in? or can i connect my standard mac wifi device to 2 networks at the same time? im a mac n00b - since last august so go easy on me

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Hardware :: Is Possible To Connect To Multiple Wireless Networks

Apr 29, 2010

Just picked up my first mac, a brand new 13" MBP - which is awesome. I also have an AirPort Express that I've set up to use to play iTunes wirelessly to my external speakers. The problem is, my internet connection is coming off of another router (I live in a dorm-style place, so there is one shared internet connection). So far I've been able to either play music on my external speakers, or connect to the internet, but not both.
Am I doing something wrong? Is it possible to do both at once?

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Software :: Can't Connect To Open Wireless Networks

Nov 1, 2008

I have a Macbook Pro running Leopard 10.5.5 purchased in early October 2008. for a few days I could get onto free wireless networks with Airport, however starting 2 weeks ago I cannot. there's no problem establishing an IP address. steps taken: talked to Applecare who told me I need new wireless card and told me to bring into apple store. apple store yesterday they told me it was a problem with the "preferred locations" function clogging things up so they cleared my cache and set everything to "automatic," unchecked box that says remember networks, and of course it worked fine. this morning it doesn't. once again I cannot get onto an open wireless network. also a new detail is that now when I connect my ethernet cable after trying Airport first I cannot connect, I need to restart computer 1st.

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MacBook :: Connect 5 Networks To 1 External Drive?

Feb 7, 2012

I'm looking to have 5 mac pros networked somehow to all work off the same external drive. I haven't bought the drive or network device yet. The computers will simply need to playback, copy and delete videos from this external drive. 

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Connect To Some Wireless Networks - OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

Sep 3, 2014

My MacBook Pro (17" from mid 2010 running OS X 10.9.4) won't connect to some "open" wireless networks. The ones it has problems with are typically in hotels and are the kind where a login screen is supposed to be presented after selecting the network. Instead of getting the login page I get the message that I can't join the network and am prompted to cancel or run all the diagnostics (which aren't useful). 

My laptop seems to be the only one in my family that has this problem. We've been places where out of 8 wireless devices (4 Mac laptops and 4 iPhones) my MacBook Pro is the ONLY one that won't connect. My wife's MacBook Air always connects like a champ. And my MacBook seems to work fine on most secured networks, such as here at home.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6)

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Find Any WiFi Networks To Connect

Jul 2, 2014

SO i woke up this morning and found that my wifi can't find any wifi networks to connect to.

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Hardware :: Airport Won't Connect To Password Protected Networks

Sep 18, 2008

I recently signed up for AT&T u-verse. As part of that service they provide you with a 2wire router. Initially my MacBook Pro (running the most recent osx) was connecting to this router fine. But, because i like the interface of my Airport Extreme router better, i decided to run a router-behind-router setup, to set up a network with my airport extreme. In other words, i ran a hardwire out of the 2wire router into my Airport Extreme, thereby allowing the airport extreme to disperse wireless signal as well. Therefore, there are currently 2 wireless networks in my house, one being dispersed from the 2wire router, and the other from my airport extreme. Both wireless networks are password protected in WEP-2.

Now i can no longer connect to the 2wire router. Everytime i try to do so, the system prompts me to type in the WEP password for the 2 wire router and upon doing so, it indicates that the password failed, the connection timed out, or that the connection failed. I've monitored the network preference pane as i'm trying to connect, and it invariably indicates that there is "NO IP ADDRESS" for the 2wire network. In fact, i can no longer connect to ANY OTHER wireless network which is password protected. It always gives me this same dilemma. The only password protected network i CAN connect to is my airport extreme network. Does anyone know what the hell is going on here? I'm completely baffled. I've gone so far as to delete all preferred networks from my system. Delete all network related passwords in the keychain access. and also to delete my network related preferences in Library ---> Preferences, to remove any 'confusion' the system might be having, but to no avail.

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PowerPC :: AirPort Wireless Only See / Connect To Nearby Networks

Jun 14, 2009

I have a wireless network router/internet thing in one room of the house and my g5 is in another room. I also have a PC laptop and that can connect to my home's wirless internet no problem. My G5 simply cannot connect or even sense my 2wire901 home network, but it can see other networks in my home area. I only managed to connect to my own home network once! And the 2nd time my 2wire901 can never be found. Get this; it has to be the mac. Coz my laptop is sitting right next to my mac in 1 room and it has no problems connecting.

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Detect All Wireless Networks

May 7, 2012

My pro only sees my Airport and does not detect other wireless networks even there are some around- my other macs detect 7 n all-- note I have win7 with bootcamp and does the same thing?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), my laptop and sisters Imac see 7

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Intel Mac :: Unable To Create 2 Networks?

Jun 8, 2012

Here on my office we have 3 macs, 1 wireless router and 1 gigabit lan switch.My wireless router only have 100mbps ports and I need a little more speed on my network.So I want to use my wireless router only as internet via Airport and my gigabit lan as file sharing via gigabit connection. I can disable the network features on my wireless router so the macs can't see each other on the wireless connection.The problem is that i can't make them work on the gigabit switch. I need to put some static ips on the macs and I don't know what to put on the default gateway because the gigabit switch doesn't have an IP, its a SWITCH 08P 10/100/1000 D-LINK DGS-1008D. what ips and gateways should I put on my network connection? PS: I tried putting my wireless router via cable on my gigabit switch but it limited my gigabit switch to 100mbps and started to slow my network traffic.  

Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 iMacs and 1 macbook Pro

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Intel Mac :: Error : Unable To Connect To The Database:Could Not Connect To MySQL

Jul 3, 2012

Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL I just started to receive this message, when I try to go to this one website.  What caused this? and how can I fix this problem? I an geet to website using other browsers.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Connect To Wifi - Not Allowing To Connect

Oct 30, 2010

I don't know what's wrong with it.My ipod touch connects just fine and yet when i try to connect my new macbook it won't allow me to connect.I've never owned a macbook - so i have no idea how to fix this.

I currently have the network setup assistant running and configuring - but it's been about an hour and it hasn't done anything.Is there something else i need to do?

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OS X :: Unable To Connect To The Internet With Mac?

Oct 15, 2010

My Dad is currently unable to connect to the Internet with his Mac.

He's using Mac OS X Version 10.4.11. It connected fine this morning but he's been unable to connect this afternoon or this evening. A message keeps popping up saying: "Could not find a PPPoE server". I've tried running through the wizard for setting up the connection but it doesn't seem to work.

I've been using my PC online all day with no problems.

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OS X :: Using Mac Mail / Unable To Connect

Feb 23, 2009

Have a new (used) imac running 10.5.6

Used migration assistant to transfer data from G4 which may have been my first mistake...however it's done. Before transfer I was able to access my mac mail, however after transfer I'm unable to.

My isp is comcast. They have not been able to help me. We have gone over preference settings, and that is not the problem.

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OS X :: Unable To Connect - Can't Wake It Up

Dec 6, 2009

Ok this issue has been plaguing me for months and I just can't resolve it. I have an iMac (early 2008, supports wake on wireless) with Snow Leopard basically providing all of our services like iTunes, files etc. After the blasted thing falls asleep, when I try to connect to it in Finder with my macbook it'll say "connection failed". If I go wake it up, everything will work fine. I have an Airport Extreme (dual band). It'll show the machine available in finder while it's sleeping, I just can't wake it up. The option "Wake for Network Access" is selected on the Imac. Not sure why it won't wake up. At first the iMac was connected via airport wireless. I tried connecting the ethernet port to a base station and disabling wireless instead but the same issue exists.

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OS X :: Unable To Connect MBP To New Monitor

Jun 3, 2010

I am trying to use a new 24 inch widescreen monitor with my intel MBP. I have a DVI to HDMI cable. What i want to do is use my laptop normally, go over to the monitor, plug it in, close the lid, and resume using my laptop as a desktop basically. how do I get it to not fall asleep when I close the lid?

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Software :: Unable To Connect To PC From MAC?

Dec 14, 2007

I got MAC system recently. I am trying to connect to my office computer which is Windows XP using VPN and RDC. From windows based system this is working fine where as from MAC i am able to connect to VPN but not able to connect to my machine using Microsoft Remote Desktop for MAC software. i disabled firewall options and i enabled Allow Remote users options on my office pc.

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Safari :: 5.1 Unable To Connect

May 18, 2012

We are reimaging our High School computers this year, and while creating the new High School image, found that we cannot access any sites with Safari. The browser simply states[url]..and never loads a page.


Info:Safari 5.1, Windows7, Win 7 Professional

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Connect To It

Jun 24, 2012

I see on my Imac Timemachine, connected to my airport extreme, I'm not able to connect to my macbookair!?

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Hardware :: Unable To Connect MBP To HDTV

Dec 18, 2008

I'm trying to connect my MBP to an HDTV with a dvi/hdmi cable. When I plug it in, all I can see on my my HDTV is my MBP wallpaper.

how do I do this, my display options (in the system settings) only has two tabs: display, and color.

No arrangements tab. Does my MBP have to be connected to the TV to have an arrangements option?

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OS X :: Unable To Work With Wifi / Can't Connect

Sep 4, 2010

I go to connect to my dorm room's wireless network with my macbook pro which I purchased in late march (worked great on my wi-fi last year), but this year, I choose the network, enter the password, and get this lovely notice.

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IMac :: Unable To Connect To WPA Network

Sep 27, 2010

I have a iMac G4 I'm trying to restore so I can browse the web and do simple word processing with. It currently has OS X 10.4.11 on it. It won't connect to a WPA network, but it will connect to a WEP network. Is this an issue with the Airport card or with Tiger. Should I upgrade to OS X 10.5?

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MacBook :: Unable To Connect To WEP Network

Oct 6, 2010

I have the MacBook 2.2 GHz with an Airport Extreme wireless card. When I try to connect to my WEP network, for some reason it just does not work. I have tried on multiple networks. I know that it is an issue with my computer because when I use a Windows computer or my Ipod Touch I have no issues.

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OS X :: Unable To Get New Linksys Router To Connect

Nov 12, 2010

I was getting tired of my belkin54g router that kept dropping connections, so I went and got a new linksys wireless G router. I popped in the CD, followed all the instructions and when I get to the end of the install it says that the configuration was successful, but it could not verify an internet connection.

I figure it's just a hiccup and try to connect with my laptop via airport- success! I get my homepage. But then, I can't get to any other page at all.

It says it can't find the page, but my network connection in system preferences says I'm connected. I go to my desktop which has the hardwire connection and I can't get on the internet at all, but again, my network connection in system preferences says I'm connected- green light, IP address and all.

So I figured I did something wrong and restored the factory settings on the router. Same thing happens again. WTF? This should have been easy. What the hell is wrong with this thing?

It should be noted that if I type in my IP address, the router info comes up immediately. I am also just connecting my modem to my desktop to post now. My internet connection works fine.

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Network

Sep 14, 2006

I took it out of the plugged it in. Turned it on. The airport refuses to connect to my wireless network. The exact same network my G5 connects to fine!

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