I recently acquired a Macintosh 128k, and when I turn on the machine, I get a symbol of a floppy disc with a question point blinking inside. I believe I need a boot disc to get the unit running. If anybody could please offer me a boot disc, either to purchase or to get for free.
I have a old mac 128k I found in my attic (with every manual, floppy disk and box still in the shrink wrap) and I'm probably going to paint it green/black or something. What's the easiest way to do this?
After reinstall of OS X 10.7.4, I restored an older copy from Time Machine backup. I want to completely replace the current "Macintosh HD" folder with the folder that TM put inside it. I created a separate user account, that did not exist before to do it. Do I need to create a root account? Is there an easy way to copy /Macintosh HD/Macintosh HD/ to /Macintosh HD/?
I dont know the password to a MAC G5 I bought. I have a G4 install disc and two white install discs witha leapord skin X on them one says install disc 1. the G5 wont boot to the install disc when I push the C key. I have reset the PRAM 1, 2 and three cycles. It wont boot to the G4 disc either. Disc is version 10.2
My imac locked up on me the other day while watching a DVD. There were a few lines and splotches on the screen in various colors and the system just became unresponsive. I rebooted and the system came right back up, but when I started the DVD, it immediately crashed again. After that point, every time I tried to boot, it went straight into kernel panic (You must restart your computer message).
I tried resetting the PRAM, but that didn't help. I also did the hardware diagnostic test (hold D during boot) and that said everything was OK.
I was able to boot from the CD. After a few unsuccessful attempts at restoring the OS from backup, it finally worked. Previous tries only resulted in the system locking up. Once I finally got everything running again, the system worked great. I worked it pretty hard in the next 24 hours after fixing it. No problems during use. Then I left for a few hours and came back to LOCKED UP COMPUTER AGAIN! Same squiggly lines on the screen.
Now I can boot into the hardware diagnostic test if need be. However, I can't boot into the computer any other way. Booting from hard disk, installation dvd/cd, and even Safe mode all cause a kernel panic. Also, I might add, that I had all peripherals unplugged from the machine and still got the kernel panic messages.
Any ideas? Closest Applestore is 3 hours away. The closest private licensed repair place is 60 miles away. I called Apple Support and they pretty much blew me off because My AppleCare was up about 6 months ago and I'm sure this would be a hard case to do over the phone. They suggested I take it in to get looked at.
my Macbook crashed and upon reboot I got the glowing white screen of death over and over. Slipped in my OS X install disk to try to boot from that to get to the disc utility (holding C to boot from disc drive), but when it fires back up, I keep getting the message that I need to restart my computer! Shut it all down and rebooted several more times but I keep getting the same infernal screen to restart I'm trying to finish a major project by the weekend.
I recently partitioned my internal drive with an 80 gig partition to run Ubuntu , removed Ubuntu and now can not resize hd to recover the 80 gig that I used , there was a program with this Ubuntu install called rEFIt that was installed for the dual boot , My problem is that Itunes keeps crashing and I have spent somewhere around 8 hours trying to fix this issue and in the process I discovered that I now can not boot from the osx disc but I can boot from the Ubuntu disc , what can I do to correct this issue or is there anything that I can do to correct this and recover the 80 gig that I used ?
I want to format my macbook pro and reinstall osx Problem is, i can't boot up the machine via the install disc I've tried holding down the c key, i've tried holding down the options key and selecting install disc. Just loads forever until screen turns black.
I have the latest MacBook Pro. I lost the CD that came with it. I'm attempting to reinstall Snow Leopard using a retail disc purchased from Apple. I've tried booting it by holding "C" and by holding "OPTION" and selecting the disc. I've also tried reseting the PRAM. It goes the the Apple screen and I can hear the disk spinning. Then it just hangs there.
Could this have anything to do with the fact that the computer came with 10.6.3 and I'm attempting to install 10.6 from the retail disc?
My 13" MBP (Spring 2010) will NOT boot from an OS X Snow Leopard disc (disc or USB bootable). I get a Kernal panic every time with the window shade and 20 languages telling me to restart my computer.
i don't have a backup of my macbook - 10.5.8am also in process of reassembling my old iMac G5 ALS - 10.5.8 also.Appreciate that from a boot disk perspective then the intel is a guid format and ppc is on apm.Is there anyway to have a single external disc to backup both.
ideally i'd just plug it into the firewire port and use carbon copy cloner on a regular basis.
#I recently acquired a 1.6 GHz G5 PPC, and I'd like to install Linux on it. I had to put in a new hard drive, so I put in a Seagate, 7200 RPM, 3.0 gb/s, 250 GB (just came yesterday). I'm not having any luck getting it to boot from a Linux disc though; my friend gave me a version of Feisty Fawn, no luck. I tried burning a copy of ubuntu, version 7.10 for PPC, from Apple's native utility but that didn't work either. I know that the super drive is reading, though, because if I put in my Macbook Pro copy of OS X it gives me angry messages. When I press the option button on restart, I get a blue screen with two buttons; a return button and a forward arrow button. Also, what's the right way to burn Ubuntu to a disc; I tried using FireStarter FX but it kept on telling me that burning could not be completed.
My MacBook 13" which was the current model when I bought it in September '08 decided after a normal shut down to not boot up the next time I tried. It gets as far as loading the grey apple symbol and then gets no further (no loading cog etc.
Naturally my first thought was to try to repair from my OSX install disc but when I booted from this the same problem occurred (the grey apple symbol, no further). The disc is definitely recognised by the disc drive and is displayed when I hold the option key on startup. I also tried using a friends OSX disc and the same problem occurred so I'm assuming it can't be the disc.
I have tried booting in safe mode, single user mode & verbose mode, none of which work although I am able to see where the script gets to in a safe mode boot by using the option that shows this .
The weirdest thing is that I have dual-boot set up with Ubuntu on my macbook and I can still boot to ubuntu fine, also all linux live discs I have tried in order to investigate the hard drive have had no trouble booting.
I had some problems regarding my Hard Disk in a previous topic, I managed to fix the errors and format the drive. The disc seems ok but there is no OS on it.
And when I boot (in verbose or single user mode) it keeps freezing on:
Now this makes sense to me since the drive is empty but when I enter my Installation disc press ALT or C while booting it just freezes and does nothing.
I see the CD next to my hard drive and nothing happens, anybody had this problem before? What should I do, it's just a 5 months old iMac from the latest generation :/.
I got a problem booting from my DVD installation disc. I got a PowerBook G4 (1GB/133mhz) on which I currently run OS X 10.4. However, my mac has started to lag so I want to erase the hard disc and reinstall from scratch, starting with OS X 10.3. Now the problem is this: When I insert the installation disc, it first seems like it reads from the discs (saying: "preparing installation") but then this little device on the screen starts spinning. And this is as far as I ever get. The device doesn't stop spinning.
Disk utilities says I need to boot from the install disc, but I can't get my computer to boot up from the install disc. I tried holding down the C key (the letter C), both lower and upper case, but it still boots off the hard drive. Is there a special way I am supposed to initiate the reboot? I just hit the power button to bring up the little window that has buttons for Restart, Sleep, Cancel, and Shut Down. So I held down the C key and clicked the restart button. I also held the C key till the sign-on menu came up. I am running Leopard.
I have an aluminum macbook, from made around January 09. The issue is I need to repair the hdd using the osx install disc. The problem is that when I try to do so, boot using the disc, it just restarts to the hdd, it will not boot from the disc. I try holding c and I have tried setting the disc as the startup disc and it just goes in this never ending circle of restarting and restarting. I've never seen this before.
My MacBook won't turn on. I hear the noise (not from the speakers but from the inside, like the hdd or something) but nothing shows up on the screen. I tried to boot from the Mac OS X install disc, but now the disc is in there and not coming out, and when I turn the computer on i hear the cd/dvd drive instead of hard drive.Still nothing on the screen. This is a follow up to the behavior I described in this topic:[URL]
I need your help please. It all started when I was trying to install Windows XP under Boot Camp on my Macbook Pro (Leopard). I followed the manual and made the partition for Windows (32GB), but when I inserted Windows XP Install CD and had to choose partition to install it on, there was just one that seemed to be my Leopard startup disc (it had some 120GB). I did not know what to do, so I just left the installation process and the notebook restarted. When it loaded, it was trying to boot from the Windows CD so I tried to install it, but same problem appeared -> restart. I tried to load Leopard by holding Option key while loading, but only options for windows and windows cd appeared, no Leopard -> Shut down. While booting, I force-ejected the CD by holding down trackpad button -> blinking underscore on black screen appeared. I shut the MBP down by holding power button and inserted Leopard Install CD. When it loaded, I booted from the CD by holding Option key. This time I was ready to even re-install Leopard just to make it work but when I had to chose the harddisk to install Leopard on, there was none. It seems to me that somehow nobody can see the harddisk and I have no idea what to do with it.
I'm trying to restore my Macbook (white) to factory defaults and I can't get the disk to boot and am having trouble. Whenever I load the disk in and restart holding c, the disk spins and then spits out and the computer boots to Mac OS X (Leopard). I've reset the nvram, the pram, repaired permissions with no success. I used to have Bootcamp installed, but I read that may cause problems so I uninstalled it and it still won't work. These are the grey disks that came with the computer when I bought it new a few months ago so I know they work. They say Mac OS X Disc 1/Disc 1. Any suggestions to getting the disk to boot instead of spit out?
I am having troubles booting from the Mac OS X Install Disc by holding down the "c" key at startup. Can I change the startup disc in Leopard to the DVD and then change it back to Macintosh HD after I am done doing what I need to do with the disc (no, not a reinstall of the OS). Is this possible? Will it work?
I had only Windows 7 on my HDD for the past few months. I wanted to reinstall mac osx so I restarted it and tried to install it on a partition I made in 7 but to no avail. The disc reformatted the HDD as BOOTCAMP with the old data on it and I lost the extra partition. I placed the HDD in an exernal bay that I have. I backed up what I needed and reformatted. It's being read as G: (NTFS) on my PC and it works. I rebooted witht eh DVD in to reinstall MAC and redo the BOOTCAMP system but the blinking folder comes up.
I have a uMBP 2.26GHz with 4GB and 500GB HDD. I usually do the Disk Utility every once in a while and it recommended me to use the MAC OS X disk and repair the disk. I inserted the disk, restarted and held "C" and the disc was running and everything. Like 1 minute later my display went black but I can still hear the disc running. But that's all it happens. Everything runs but my display went black. This is a 3month old uMBP. This is the log from the Disk Utility
Verifying volume "Macbook Pro HD" Performing live verification. Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume. Checking extents overflow file. Checking catalog file. Missing thread record (id = 782820) Missing thread record (id = 962550) Incorrect number of thread records Checking multi-linked files. Checking catalog hierarchy. Invalid volume directory count (It should be 54635 instead of 54637) Checking extended attributes file. Checking volume bitmap. Checking volume information. The volume Macbook Pro HD was found corrupt and needs to be repaired. Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Start up your computer with another disk (such as your Mac OS X installation disc), and then use Disk Utility to repair this disk.
with my Leopard installation i have a problem where it fails to boot up likely due to a previous unexpected power cut.
From googling the issue it seems like the only solution anyone has had to the same problem is to re-install.
However I've lost my Leopard system discs.
I booted into my Bootcamp Windows installation and installed the latest drivers from the Snow Leopard disc which i recently purchased (and came today) This gave me the option to read files (and presumably copy) from the mac partition but no delete function.
I have two problems here:
1. I only have 2.61GB free on the mac partition, Snow Leopard requires at least 5GB. Since I can't boot into OS X and Windows can't write to the partition i can't delete any files.
2. My mac won't boot the Snow Leopard DVD for installation. I hold C while booting and it has no effect. It does however run the Hardware test if i hold D while booting.
I have an external drive i could probaly make enough room on to back up my entire osx partition for a totally clean re-install.
However this requires some sort of access to the drive/write capabilities. Maybe something like bootable linux?
And any idea why my disc won't boot? (even if i had enough space for a install...that would be a bit pointless if i can't get the disc to boot)
I have the 10.4 install discs copied to my computer and i am currently running 10.3, I need to make a boot disk from the 10.4 files so I can install 10.4 on my computer
I'm trying to make an OS X Lion boot disc. A failed Windows 8 Bootcamp install killed my Mac, but luckily I had a Time Machine backup which was accessible via the Recovery Disk. However, I would still like to have a boot disc handy in case something like this happens again and the Recovery Disk is somehow corrupted.Â
I Googled(among other things) how to make one, and the instructions seem fairly simple. Only, I can't find a Mac OS X Lion Installer anywhere. When I bought my refurbished iMac from Apple, OS X Lion was already on it. Since I didn't download it from the App Store it seems I don't have the Lion Installer to make a boot disc... Anything I can do (besides wasting $30 to redownload Lion from the App Store for the file) ?
So I accidentally saved the wrong files to my start up disc. It appears that mac is seeking direction and isn't getting it. All I get is the white screen with the spinning ball. Things I've tried already, 1. (Shift Key) Booting in Safe-Mode. result is: Mac starts to enter safe mode, the little power meter starts to build on the screen, after about 20 seconds the meter stops and the fan speed increases until it gets pretty loud. Eventually the fan speed mellows out, but it never actually boots up. 2. (Option key) This gives me a choice of two drives to choose from, MAC HD & Mac Recovery. I've tried clicking on both drives multiple times by themselves with no luck. I've tried clicking on them seperately and then went right into safe mode with no luck. 3. I've even tried downloading a recovery file from apple and put it on a disc. result: It reads the disc and the goes back to that wonderful white screen and spinning ball.