I download a file to my desktop, to be used as wallpaper. The icon on the desktop doesn't show the picture. Just a default JPEG icon. I noticed on my wife's desktop, the picture is displayed in the icon. Both of us use Preview to display jpegs. Anyone know where to change this setting, so the icon displays the actual picture?
I've just downloaded Safari 5.1.5 and want to create this icon on my desktop, however, I don't want it as a 'short-cut' icon but as the same icon I see on the docking station.I was previously able to do this with Safari 5.0.3.
The download desktop icon went up in smoke and I can't get it back...before when I downloaded a file from email I could go on my tool bar and access the downloads...now I can only get them in finder. How can I get the download file icon back?
When I first got my mac I clicked something (maybe in Disk Utility?) that makes the icon for my hard drive show up on my desktop. How do I get it to where it doesn't show up anymore?
Also, I have Picasa on here, but when I try to remove the icon from the desktop it says it will get rid of the application. Is there a way to get rid of the icon without uninstalling it?
I'm new to macs and haven't quit figured out what the icon on the desktop is after downloading something..the icon looks like a drive or what ever you call it.
Do you just keep those there or just eject them? Is there a way to DL items and not have that show up there each time?
What does it mean when an icon "goes missing from the desktop" for a file. The name of the file is still there, but the icon itself has gone "invisible."
I am including a screen shot. A short while ago you would have been able to see a folder icon above the name. Now you only see the desktop background.
I have downloaded & installed Firefox & Open Office and successfully installed them to the dock. What should I do to remove these icons on my desktop? I tried adding them to applications. (the ones on the right side) [URL:...]
I use to have the macintosh hd icon on the desktop but today when i booted up it wasnt there. I read on another blog that u have to check something on order to display it but im unable to find where to find this
I am a total noob. Somehow, my disk drive icon has gone missing. How do I go about getting it back on my desktop? I looked in the trash and its not there. I've been searching, but obviously using the wrong search terms. I'm sure this question must have been asked before, so if someone could link me to another thread,
Whenever I download a program and install it, the .dmg icon remains on the desktop. Sometimes they disappear but the latest has persisted for more than a week. Do I trash it or move it somewhere?
I am helping a friend out with her mac. She by accidentally removed her desktop icon under devices and needs to get it back. The best way for me to elaborate is to explain, you know when you are in a program...and you want to open a document on your desktop, so you use that programs open function and you look on the left for your desktop icon which falls under Devices at the top left...well that desktop icon is missing.
I tried searching for devices folder on the mac but was unable to find it, I was just going to drag a desktop shortcut into this folder...
I was playing around with a .mac trial account and got the iDisk icon on my desktop. When I try to drag it to the trash bin the trash bin changes and says eject, but nothing happens when I release the mouse. It seems that there is no way for me to delete this icon.
its really annoying whenever happen to use two fingers on my multi-touch mouse-y thing and all of my icons spiral into outrageously large or ridiculously small sizes. is there a way I can lock the icon size so this doesn't happen?
I dragged and dropped a link to a favorite website onto my 24" iMac desktop. The icon it chose is so generic: @ HTTP. I would love to change that icon to something else but I can't find the right search term to find out how to do it or it can't be done? Which is it? Can I do it? How do I do it?
How do I create an icon shortcut that is not saved as a Web Archive? Most of my shortcut icons are not current when I click on them. I have to reload to get the current webpage. BTW, all my shortcuts are in a folder on my Dock.
I have just two icons on my desktop, like this. That's all very nice, but I'd rather there was no text under them and that they looked like this. I'm sure you'll agree that it looks much prettier, but of course it's a mockup. Can I do this for real without using the trick of renaming the drives to be *space* ?
I have an extra internal hard drive (Maxtor) on my Apple Mac.
Recently, I have noticed that the icon on the desktop that represents Maxtor only remains on the desktop for a period of 2-3 days then disappears. I then have to manually restore it but any files saved on it are lost.
Fortunately I do not use this Maxtor drive for saving files to much but I would still like to know how to solve this problem.
My Macbook, v.10.4.11 runs great except for one thing. When I double click on my hard drive icon, the finder briefly appears then disappears (just a split second) I cannot open the hard drive folder without it immediately closing. I can access material through another program, but can't go straight to my hard drive.
Had to reinstall snow leopard & update to os 10.6.2; Now I insert a cd I had burnt before and it won't show on desktop to be able to open and get info. It all worked fine before reinstall. Tried several cd's that I know are good. Using a Macpro work station-10 gigs ram- Probably a simple solution but I can't seem to figure out.