I am a total noob. Somehow, my disk drive icon has gone missing. How do I go about getting it back on my desktop? I looked in the trash and its not there. I've been searching, but obviously using the wrong search terms. I'm sure this question must have been asked before, so if someone could link me to another thread,
What does it mean when an icon "goes missing from the desktop" for a file. The name of the file is still there, but the icon itself has gone "invisible."
I am including a screen shot. A short while ago you would have been able to see a folder icon above the name. Now you only see the desktop background.
I am helping a friend out with her mac. She by accidentally removed her desktop icon under devices and needs to get it back. The best way for me to elaborate is to explain, you know when you are in a program...and you want to open a document on your desktop, so you use that programs open function and you look on the left for your desktop icon which falls under Devices at the top left...well that desktop icon is missing.
I tried searching for devices folder on the mac but was unable to find it, I was just going to drag a desktop shortcut into this folder...
i woke up this morning and my western digital external HDD icon is not showing up on the desktop. I currently use this as a time machine and it has been working for about a year. This has happened before and just a simple re-plug of the usb does the trick, but i have been working on this for hours and for some reason it is not showing up. I have unplugged everything and re plugged them back in and nothing is working. i have checked the disk utility and the disk utility recognizes it. but i still dont know why it doesn't have an icon. i am running a repair disk on the external HDD now and it and it has been "repairing" for about 30 min now. i have tried to backup but it is not working either.
I currently have a macbook which I've had since December. A problem has now occurred, my screen keeps randomly disappearing after the first time it done it the mac took 3 or 4 minutes to show the screen again then when it loaded up again there was no icon for the HD folder. Any ideas what is causing this and how to get it fixed? Is it the hard drive? That's what I maybe thought.
I have only had my iamc about a month and i was busy emptying trash, but when i looked my desk top stack of documents had gone, i can still get to them other ways but id like the stack back on the desk top where is it ?
I just moved my iTunes library from my laptop to my desktop. When I started itunes I noticed my applications had the name of the application but was missing the icon, i.e. showed an application icon and labeled below it was Pandora but was missing the Pandora icon. My music and movies were just fine. I right clicked on the file and selected get info. it returned "could not find original". I tried to sync and it deleted the applications from my iTouch. I see the application's icon when I bring up iTunes on my laptop.
Over the last few days I've noticed a problem with missing icons. It seems to mainly effect icons in the Trash but I have one or two missing icons for videos and apps within the Finder and on the Desktop. The icon is completely gone - I have to click on the filename to select it. Quicklook works OK (for video).
I can't think of anything I've installed that would have done it except Onyx, but I haven't run that in weeks. I did repair permissions a few days ago but I doubt that could break this. It persists after a reboot. I can't get it to happen on command, it just randomly occurs. Creating a New Folder always works OK.
I've just downloaded Safari 5.1.5 and want to create this icon on my desktop, however, I don't want it as a 'short-cut' icon but as the same icon I see on the docking station.I was previously able to do this with Safari 5.0.3.
The download desktop icon went up in smoke and I can't get it back...before when I downloaded a file from email I could go on my tool bar and access the downloads...now I can only get them in finder. How can I get the download file icon back?
Some time ago I started using Pathfinder and after some time my HDD icon disappeared. I didn't make much out of it then, but now I'm tired of Pathfinder and I want everything back to normal.
My HDD icon, CD's and external volumes that I connect doesn't show. Not screenshots either, or other types of files.
As you can see there is nothing in the upper right corner.
What I've tried:
A Apple-guide where I install Xcode--->Run some sudo command in Terminal--->Reboot, but it didn't work. Tried to find my HDD in Finder and drag it onto the desktop, but no success.
Opened Pathfinder again and went to "/volumes" and found out that the volumes folder was hidden. I "unhid" it, reboot, but still the same.
only recently i lost the possibility to play my mp3s neatly by clicking little play icon inside the file icon. i know this depends on the size of icons, but no matter how big my icons are the play button doesn't show.
I'm new to the whole mac thing and got my first mac (an iMac) just 2 days ago. A whole new learning experience.
I've downloaded and am running uTorrent. uTorrent is showing in the dock, with the text and the small "light" underneath it to show the app is running. However there is no icon, just space. Also in the applications folder, there seems to be a standard icon ("There's no icon, so we'll use this standard icon for the application").
I've attached a screenshot of how it looks in the dock.
I know the uTorrent app has an icon, it was showed right when I downloaded the app and I haven't changed anything, but now it's gone. How do I get it back?
I just did a fresh install of OSX 10.6, and my HDD icon is missing from the Desktop. Only my External HDD and OSX Install DVD are showing up. How do I get my HDD icon back?
I run CheckPoint Full Disk Encryption on my MBP 13. It normally has a status icon in the menu bar that I can right click on to get a status of the the program.
Well it is missing now however there is still a process being shown in the Activity Monitor, FDEStatusMenu, that is for that.
Is there anyway I could go into Terminal and restart that show it shows the icon? (There are no menu options to show it)
The trash icon on the left side of the Mail window (under inbox, drafts, etc) disappeared a week ago. I have tried all the pref combos under mail pref>accounts>mailbox behaviour>trash
my hard drive icon disappeared from my desktop.My second internal hard drive icon is there, but not the main one.I've done every version of computer maintenance that I can think of and still no icon.Meanwhile, my computer is running fine, it just seems like impending doom is around the corner.
as the title says, I have Win 7 x64 (RTM through MSDN at school) and everything works great, except for when I reboot the machine, the Boot Camp tray app is not rebooting with the machine. I have made sure that all of the Boot Camp services are on within Windows, but this is driving me nuts. I have read on the Apple Support Forums that some people think it has to do with VM Ware Fusion, (which I have) but the problem is not related. I have done a new install of Win 7 and didn't configure VM Ware tools, so that rules it out for me. I do know for a fact that the problem is not apparent on a unit that I was working on earlier today (at work, iMac, Vista, SL, x64) and everything worked fine after rebooting (and tray icon came up on that unit).
I did have Leopard with Win 7 RC x64 working flawlessly...
Just upgraded to Lion on my desktop machine (iMac) and laptop (MacBook Pro). iCloud is working fine between my laptop and mobile devices (iPhone and iPad), but not with my desktop iMac. This is most obvious with iCal, which still tries to sync with MobileMe (even though the account info says its been upgraded to iCloud.Â
Recently upgraded to Lion and activated/registered photostream in preferences on my Mac after migrating from mobile me to iCloud but the Photostream app is not showing up online. When I choose to share photos in iPhoto the images load into the photostream upload in iPhoto but nothing shows up in iCloud. Email, Calender and Contacts are working.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
I turned on my computer the other day and the icon for Safari was missing from my dock. I looked in the applications folder and it is no longer there. how I can get safari if I have no internet search engine?
Since upgrading to Maverick 10.9.3 my Photoshop Layer Style icon (.asl files) has disappeared and there is only a generic white piece of paper instead.
The other icons for Actions and Brushes are there so I'm wondering why the .asl icon is not appearing.