OS X :: Is This Possible That Automator To Unrar Many Files
Mar 13, 2010I have a long list of files to unrar (I use unarchive).
View 2 RepliesI have a long list of files to unrar (I use unarchive).
View 2 Repliesdoes anybody know a good free tool to unrar and unzip files for mac?
View 3 Replies View RelatedLooking for something that can expand all rars in one click. Like you highlight all the folders and expand them into one folder so that they can be unrared easily? Does something like this exist? Right now i'm using rar expander and i have to select each file manually and it takes forever!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just bought a new mbp and new to mac osx. I was wondering which application can I use to unrar or unzip in Mac Osx? There are some programs that i wish to install but it is a .tar or .zip file. So i need a way to unzip it and install the files.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am completely new to using Automator so I'm sure I've missed something very basic.
I created an action to automatically move music I download from a music site from the Downloads folder into the folder I want them in so I don't have to do it manually.
Problem is, the action moves everything that gets downloaded into the Downloads folder. What do I need to do to have only music files moved, leaving any other file type alone?
Unlike Windows, this damn-ded MacOS X won't ask what to do when moving several items with the same name to a single location. In Vista and 7, it asks if you want to replace all similarly named items with a single of the items or if you want to put all of the similarly named items in the new location and append an annotation at the end of the file name. (I think Windows appends "Copy #" to duplicates) So, I'm left with, "File, File 2, File 3, file 4" in a single folder. I need an Automator action to sort this out and simply move or delete the duplicates.
The simplest action I can think is: Ask for files>get files>select files with similar filenames, neglecting the last characters if they are numerals>reference the size (with accuracy of 1 byte) of selected files>label files of the same size red>select red files>move red files to a selected folder. How can I get these sort of tools? I need a measuring action and another action that will compare file names...
I'm trying to create an Automator service for the Finder in Lion. It gives me an "error in shell script". I just created a similar script that uses "imguru" to upload images to [URL] which works great, so i'm thinking that it's must be the line with "unzip" that creates a problem.Â
MBP late 2009
I'm required to use a remote management program, by my company, every time I want to remotely login into my business computer. What happens is that it downloads this file as a launcher in order to start my session. If I need to start a session 10 times a day....well you know what happens...I end up with 10 files on my desktop, which in turn creates clutter.Â
create a basic automator script that runs every night and deletes all of these files with the addendum at the end? For exampleÂ
I'm attempting to use Automator to rename picture files. I select "Make Sequential" and put the name in that I want. However, once everything is completed my pictures are not in the same order they were out of the camera. I like how my camera imports the photos in the order that I took them. Now when I look through my pictures my vacation is completely out of chronological order. How do can I set Automator so that this does not happen in the future?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to write a workflow that can select files that are contained inside a folder package?
I am trying to automate a file copy of VMWare fusion 3 files to a windows machine on the network but I cannot seem to get any of the finder actions to give me an option to get inside the package.
I'm new to the Mac world but have been successful in creating a few Automator workflows to simplify certain tasks. However, I'm stuck on the flowing; I'd like to create a workflow that searches a particular folder for items created 30 days before today's date and the delete them. I'm assuming I need to create a variable of today's date and then subtract 30 days from it and so on. Haven't been able to figure this out.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a collection of .htm files saved onto my Mac hard drive. I want to convert them to .jpg files--all at once. I found a Windows program that could do it, but when it converted them, it would not retain the original file names. It gave them a sequential file name, i.e. _1.jpg, _2.jpg, _3.jpg ~ _263.jpg. There is no option to retain the original file names...:/
EDIT: (i.e. marketingtable.htm > marketingtable.jpg)
So my question is, is there an Automator process that could batch convert .htm files to .jpg? Or is there an app for Mac that can batch convert .htm files to image (.jpg) files?
I usually am able to find the answer to all my questions with Google, and this time I thought I had as well with the Windows app, but it brought upon too much of a feat for me to handle.
(Also, if there's an Automator process to batch rename files using a .txt file as a reference for the new names of the files, that'd be awesome as well.
I have been using Automator to import hundreds of text files into one excel workbook using the "Import Text files to Excel Workbook" action. Automator works great for all files that are tab delimited. However I have another set of data that are output with a varying amount of spaces between each column. I cannot change the way they are output.
Automator gives me the option of choosing "space" as a delimiter, but it wont give me the option to "Treat consecutive delimiters as one" that Import within excel does. I also tried to record my actions within excel many times but it didn't work even with just one file. So what I need is a way to get these text files into one excel workbook as separate worksheets with the data separated correctly into columns.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have created a simple Automator action which says 'when files are added to folder Dropbox>Camera Uploads, import them to iPhoto'.The problem is that as the files are added to Dropbox one at a time (by the Dropbox servers, after they are taken on my Android phone and the Dropbox app auto-uploads them), this means there is a gap of 30-60 secs between photos, and more for a video. The end result therefore is iPhoto has each photo imported as a separate 'Event', rather than all the photos imported as one event.Â
What I'd like to say is 'wait for 5 minutes after the most recent photo/video was added, before importing all the photos/videos just added in that batch'. That way instead of iPhoto receiving each file one at a time and importing them separately, Automater will wait until the folder falls silent, indicating the import from the phone has finished, and only then will it import all the photos taken as one event.Â
Macbook Pro, 2.8GHz, 4GB RAM, 450GB HD
Actually in the files i am trying to rename the first 2 digits are numbers then space and then there is the file name i want to use.
Automator, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've able to get an automator service to rename a bunch of files exactly the way I want by having it "Copy Finder Items" and then Make Finder Items Sequential". But it then dumps all the renamed files on the desktop.How do I add an option for it to either create a folder to put it in or dump the files into a pre-existing folder?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm kind of new to Automator and I'm trying to come up with a sequence that will severely save me a few hours a day moving files from two larger folders into smaller folders. Basically the setup is that I have two folders, one constantly being populated with images and the other with video files. They each have file names starting with a two digit number (i.e. 12, 11, 10...) or "BG" and then a two digit number (i.e. BG12, BG11, BG10...) with the digits corresponding to a year. Essentially, I'd need to move the files into folders corresponding to the year (i.e. files starting with BG12 and 12 would be moved to 2012, files starting with BG11 and 11 would be moved to 2011, etc). As it stands now, I've only been able to get the 2012 folder populated.
Automator, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am new to Automator, and even though I have been tinkering around with it for about an hour, I can't seem to create an action.
What I want to do is have Automator automatically take the contents of a specific folder on my hard drive, print the contents of the folder (usually PDFs), then delete the files. I use dropbox, so when I place a pdf into this folder from my laptop on the go, it would be nice to come home to it printed, and no longer in the folder taking up space.
I've been scouring Google for an Automator action that will allow me to drop .doc or .docx files into a directory and convert them to .odt, but so far I've had no luck. Can this easily be done or does it require a lot of programming knowledge to pull off? I really hope someone can help as this is a repetitive task that would save me a great deal of time.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to set up a folder action to do the following... When a file is added to the "images" folder a new dated subfolder would automatically be created, and the file would be moved to this new dated subfolder.Â
Here's what I have so far (which I'm sure is way off base)Â
1) Folder action receives files and folders added to "Images"
2) Filter finder items - Find files where ALL of the following is true: Kind is ANY
3) New Folder - Name is "_" Where: "Images"
4) Add Date or Time to Finder Item Names: Add Date to folder name
5) Move Finder Items: This is the step that I'm stuck on. I don't know how indicate the newly created folder in step 3Â
Another question I have is how to make automator check to see if there's already a subfolder with the current date and put the file in that subfolder instead of creating a new subfolder with a duplicate name.Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Im new to the Mac operating system. I am proficient on a PC, but Macs have always captivated my attention. I finally gave into the Macbook. Anyways ---
The Automator application seems phenomenal in theory I just haven't learned all the ins and outs yet, but i see the concept that it was designed for (Jobs = Genius). Long story short I was streaming all of my music over from my PC and it got interrupted twice. I kept streaming to the same folder but it never prompted me to replace existing files of the same name. So I figured it would do it automatically. To my dismay that wasn't the case at all. I now have 9,000 songs and at least 4,000 of which are duplicates/Triplets. I wanted to know if there was some way to streamline the process of deleting and purging all these files out of my Music Folder/Itunes Library, Via the Automator program or any other program you know of.
I have set up an automator service that TAR's a folder into an archive for me and it works quite nicely. Idealy however, I would like to be able to highlight several folders, right click and have automator tar each folder into it's own TAR archive, but do it one by one. Â
I'm not 100% sure so I guess it would be a good time to verify, is there a problem with having the system try to TAR multiple folders at one time? If it is not a problem then I guess this discussion itself is pointless and I can simple right click on each folder and select "TAR Folder" and just wait until they're all finished. I would think that it would be ideal for the system to do each one individually and not try to do them all at one time.Â
I've been playing around with Automator today and I'm just curious how other people use it.
The only thing I've done with it so far is to get it to connect to a NAS server at startup for Time Machine to backup to.
I'm having a bit of a problem with automator. I dont actually need to use it, but i've just installed a new application and when i try to run it, it takes me to the automator instead of just running the program. any ideas how to stop this from happening?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I want to create a pdf, I click print > .pdf > save as PDF. Everything works fine.
Here's the problem though... when I click print > .pdf > Mail PDF... I get the following popup error. "The action "new Mail Message" could not be loaded because it could not be located. Try reinstalling the action."
Im pretty sure these are issues related to Automator, but through my hours of trolling the web, I havn't found anyplace to download automator actions.
Is there a way to restore automator actions and/or filters?
i want to to make a workflow renames my anime automatically that searches a smart folder ive got containing all, the episodes eg.
search folder and finds "[DB]_Bleach_208_[191E1D38].avi" and makes it look like "Bleach 208.avi"
would it be possible? i cant find actions for the specific renaming i would need getting rid of selective parts of a name
if anyone has a idea how i could do this automator or not let me know
I am fairly new to the OS, just switched from a PC. I would like to know if I can set up a workflow so that with a speech command to my Macbook I can open a specific URL in firefox. How would I set that up?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to write an automator script that will take various files from my downloads folder and my desktop folder and organize each file into various parts of my computer.
I have it set to select those folders, then get their contents, then filter by extension and then move those files to a certain other folder. The problem is I have it filter by extension, png first and if there are no png files the script ends with an error. So I have to have each different kind of file sitting in one of those folders or else the script ends. Is there a way that I can get around this and have the whole script run every time? Or is there some way (maybe variables) that I could get this to work.
I have done a little apple script before, but nothing with variables and nothing too fancy, although it's one of my priorities this summer to learn the language.
After cleaning up my house and noticing I have a very lengthy movie collection I decided I should probably back them up incase anything happened. I have been thinking of investing in another mac to do this. (just gives me a reason to give the lady of the house an excuse to buy one haha) But I was wondering is there any way I can just Rip my dvd's straight to .iso? I figure if i ever need a copy iso would provide me the quick way to make it. I cant find any straight software that rips to iso. Im preferably looking for free software but I wouldn't mind investing 30 bucks or so in a decent app. I also assume if its an iso I should be able to just burn it to a new dvd with Disk Utility. Is this correct or will the software be capable of doing it.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have this workflow that runs another workflow to be starts on startup and i have it so that my computer starts up at 5:30am so it can run at that time so i don't have to get up so early. everything runs flawlessly the only part that doesn't work right now is that i have to hit the play button for it to work and i want to see if anyone knows how to make it play by itself without me having to hit it so i can stay asleep for another hour.
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